such as 与 fortake as an examplee 用法有什么不同

such as和for example如何使用_百度知道
such as和for example如何使用
这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同。 l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如: Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。
l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:
Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。
There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind o...
Such as例如Nondurables such as food.如食物消费品Concrete objects such as trees.实存的物体,如树木等。Decorative needlework, such as embroidery.钩编织品,如刺绣Genera supposed.推断的;假定的一般认为是如此的;假设的nonhuman primates such as chimpanzees.例如黑猩猩等非人类灵长动物。Outdoorsy hobbies such as fishing.户外爱好,例如钓鱼。Plastic material such as clay.例如泥土等可塑材料Visual aids such as slides.视觉辅助器,如幻灯片To such extent or degree as.到如此程度 A penalty such as a fine.罚金一种惩罚如罚款 A treasonable act such as espionage.叛国行为,如间谍罪Edibles such as vegetables and meat.如蔬菜和肉类等食物For example:例如:For example or for instance例如,举例Smoking, for example.比如说吸烟。Take Jiangxi for example.比如说江西吧。Arms and ammunitions, for example.比如武器和军火。For example, A比如,澳大利亚就无人知晓;restart and engine, for example.例如,重新启动和发动。Switzerland, a fine example for Singapore 瑞士——新加坡的好榜样。Take Taiwanese language policy for example. 就以台湾的语言政策来说。
for example,such as和like都可用来举例,但用法有所不同。 for example作“例如”讲时,一般只以同类事物或人中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。 For example,air is invisible. 例如,空气是看不见的。 He,for example,is a good student. 例如,他就是个好学生。 such as也作为“例如”讲,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。 Some of the European languages come from Latin,such as French,Italian and Spanish. 有些欧洲语言来源于拉丁语,例如,法语、意大利语和西班牙语。 Boys such as John and James are very friendly.像约翰和詹姆斯这样的男孩都很友好。 like也常用来表示举例,可与such as互换。但such as用于举例可以分开使用,此时不可与like互换。 Some warm-blooded animals,like/such as the cat,the dog or the wolf,do not need to hibernate. 一些温血动物,像猫、狗和狼都不需要冬眠。 He has several such reference books as dictionaries and handbooks. 他有几本像字典、手册之类的参考书。 注 意 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 使用such as来举例子,只能举出其中的一部分,一般不能全部举出。若全部举出,要改用namely(意为“即”)。 He knows four languages,namely Chinese,English,Russian and French. 他精通四门语言,即汉语、英语、俄语和法语。 自我测试 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 根据句意,用for example,such as或like填空。 1.Noise, ,is a kind of pollution. 2.I like drinks tea and soda. 3. ,my full name is James Allen Green. Green is my family name. 4.You can buy fruit here—oranges and bananas, . 5.There are several people interested, Mr Jones and Mr Simpson. 答 案:1.for example as 3.For example 4.for example
such as 应当是多个例子。for example 后面局一个例子。
这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同。 l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如: Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。
such as可以举多个例子Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。 for example只能举一个例子Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。
这两个短语都可以表米“例如”,但含义及用法不同。 l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如:Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如: Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。
出门在外也不愁such as 和 for example 和i.e. 的区别_百度知道
such as 和 for example 和i.e. 的区别
、、 谢、、
such as 和 for example 两个短语都可以表示“例如”,但含义及用法不同。 l)for example强调“举例”说明,而且一般只举同类人或物中的一个作为插入语,且用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中或句末。如: Many people here, for example, John, would rather have coffee.这里有许多人,例如约翰很喜欢喝咖啡。 There are many kinds of pollution, for example, noise is a kind of pollution.有许多种污染方式,例如噪音就是一种污染。 2)such as用来“罗列”同类人或物中的几个例子,可置于被列举的事物与前面的名词之间,但其后边不能用逗号。如: Many of the English programmes are well received, such as Follow Me, Follow Me to Science . 其中有许多英语节目,如《跟我学》《跟我学科学》,就很受欢迎。 English is spoken in many countries, such as Australia, Canada and so on.许多国家说英语,如澳大利亚加拿大等。_________________________________________________________________________________英文论文中“such as, for example, e.g., i.e., etc., et al. ”的用法分析黄龙旺  龚汉忠(上海交通大学学报编辑部, 200030,上海)在英文论文的编辑加工中,常会遇到such as, for example, e. g. , i. e. , etc. 和et al. 的错误及混淆使用。这里,举例分析这几个词的意义,并阐述其正确用法。1)
such as。常列举同类人或事物中的几个例子。其典型的表示式为a plural + such as + single instance( s) of the group to which the plural refers。正确使用的是: The Arts Faculty deals only with humanities subjects such as history and literature. 混淆使用的是: The Science Faculty deals only with the measurable such as physics and seismology.论文中常出现such as与and so on或etc. 连用, 这是不正确的。① 如 It is noted that the features such as clean cut ratio denoted by Rc , die roll height denoted by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , and so on (有的出现etc.) , are better than the ones with the other models.应为 It is noted that the features, such as clean cut ratio denoted by Rc , die roll height denoted by Hdr and die roll width denoted by Wdr , are better than the ones with the other models. 当使用such as时,读者已理解后面接着的会是一些不完整的列举,因此不需加上and so on或 etc. 等。② 因为such as是对前面的复数名词部分起列举作用,若全部列举出,要改用namely,意思为“即”。文章中出现的He knows four languages, such as Chinese, English, Japanese and German,应将such as改成namely(或i. e. )及后面加逗号, 即He knows four languages, namely, Chinese, English, Japanese and German. ③ 用such as来形容复数名词( the plural)可以放在such与as中间,一般插在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。2)
for example。用来举例说明,由它引出介绍普遍概念的例子,使用范围要比such as自由。可以出现在句首、句末或有时可作为独立语,插在句中,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。例如, Cryptography operations, for example, decryption or signing, in a given period only involve the corresponding temporary secret key without further access to the helper. 同样for example ( e. g. )表示泛泛地举几个例子,并没有囊括所有的实例,其中就已经包含“等等”,如果再加etc. 或and so on,就画蛇添足了。如论文中出现的这句话是不当的:Writing instructors focus on a number of complex skills that require extensive practice (e. g. , organization, clear expression, logical thinking, etc. 正确的为e. g. , organization, clear expression, and logical thinking.3) e. g.。是拉丁文exempli gratia的缩写,意思是“举个例子,比如”,等同于“for example”,目的是用例子来说明前面的观点,用法与for example相同。4) i. e.。源于拉丁语,是id est的简略形式。其意思就是“那就是说,换句话说”,等同于“that is, in other words”和“namely”,目的是用来进一步解释前面所说的观点。正确的用法是Use a comma to enclose ( i. e. , both before and after) the year in a month day year sequence. 而文章中出现的这句The evaluation noted that the employee had frequently exhibited irresponsible behavior ( i. e. , coming to work late, failing to complete projects) ,应该用“e. g. ”而不是用“i. e. ”,因为插入句是对“irresponsible behavior”的列举补充。5) etc.。是et cetera的缩写,意思是“等等”,相当于“and so on”。可用来列举事物,若要列举人,则需用et al. 或用and others。6) et al.。是拉丁文简写。其一为et alibi (以及其他地方) ,相当于其二为et alii (以及其他人) ,相当于and others。
出门在外也不愁辨析for example,such as,as follows,and so on 的用法(北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉高三-〉英语) 
辨析for example,such as,as follows,and so on 的用法
  for example一般只举同类人或物中的“一个”为例,作插入语,用逗号隔开,可置于句首、句中、句末;such as常列举同类人或物中的几个例子,不能穷尽,可和and so on连用,可分开使用;like表示列举,可和such as互换。例如: 1.Noise,for example,is a kind of pollution.举例说明,噪音就是一种污染。 2.China has many big cities,such as Beijing,Shanghai,Shenzhen and so on.=China has many such big cities as Beijing,Shanghai, Shenzhen and so on.中国有许多大城市,比如北京、上海、深圳等等。 3.Some warm-blooded animals,like the cat,the dog or the wolf do not need to hiber- nate.有些热血动物,像猫、狗、狼不需要冬眠。
as follows 如下The result was as follows.结果如下。The news items run as follows.新闻如下。
and so on 之前的举例,都是用逗号隔开的,不能用and连接, 比如我喜欢运动很多, 像足球,篮球,羽毛球,乒乓球,等等 那就是 such as football, basketball, badminton , tabletennis and so on.
such&as&&&and&so&on&可连用The Three Main Rules of Discipline are as follows.三大纪律如下。【注】as follows是固定的搭配,不论句中的主语是单数或是复数,只能用as follows。如:The result was as follows. 与The results were as follows.
f6_zhangljfor example 和such as 区别和用法_百度知道
for example 和such as 区别和用法
for example一般都是用在句子前面,举例来说。。。。such as一般放在句子中间,后面紧跟名次例句:I like animals,such an dogs and cats.
for example一般放句首,逗号,然后可以接句子,单词。such as不放句首,后面不加句子。
简单点说就是for example 后面接一个具体的例子而such as 后面会加多个具体事物或者例子。还有些更细微的差别看:


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