hells nawm2是什么意思思

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第三方登录:谁来告诉我seven hells是什么意思_权利的游戏吧_百度贴吧
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在那个时代算是 天啊或卧槽的意思
为兴趣而生,贴吧更懂你。或The big bang theory Season 5 episode 21
H: I got the craziest email this morning.
R: I don’t mean to burst your bubble dude, but those penile enlargement pills do not work. (1)
H: believe me. I know. The email I got was from the office of Stephen Hawking. He’s coming to the university for a couple weeks of lecture, and he is looking for an engineer to help maintain the equipment on his wheel chair.
L: that’s amazing. You’ll be like his pit crew. (2) A word of caution: I would not do your Stephen Hawking impression in front of him. (3)
H: you are right. I suppose that could be considered offensive.
R: boy, Sheldon is going to freak out.
L: he worships Hawking.
H: actually I was actually thinking about bringing him along when I go over there, so he can meet the great man.
R: that’s really nice of you, Howard.
H: It’s not a big deal.
L: boy, a restraining order from Stephen Hawking. It’ll look so nice next to the ones he has already got from Leonard Nimoy, Carl Sagn and Stan Lee.
S: Leonard, do you recall when I said that I was going to revolutionize humanity’s understanding of Higgs Boson particle, and you said ‘ Sheldon, it’s 2 am, get out of my bedroom’ ? (6)
L: like it was 10 hours ago. What about it?
S: Well, I believe I’ve done it, and I’m only saying ‘believe’ to sound modest, because ‘Sweet Sam Houston’ I did it.
R: that’s incredible. Break out the math.
S: all right, so this particle here is the boson, moving forward in time.
Now I was thinking.
Howard, you go ahead and eat. This isn’t going to make any sense to you. (8)
H: Sheldon, I have a working understanding of physics. (9)
S: good for you. Don’t stop working on it.
R: are you still going to tell him about you know who?
L: are you still going to introduce him.
H: not in your life.
(1) I don’t mean to 我不是故意要。。。
burst your bubble 打破你的泡泡,也就是
penile enlargement pills 这是伟哥吗?
wheel chair 我只是觉得‘轮椅’的翻译好直白。
(2) pit crew 后勤维修人员。
(3) A word of caution 给你一句忠告
do your Stephen Hawking impression 像霍金一样说话
(4) I suppose …我认为。。。
(5) freak out 我以为这个词只表示吓坏了,这里看,还能表示高兴坏了。
a restraining order 应该是禁止某人靠近,让警察给开的一个东西吧,我觉得这个挺好的,是不是人人都能开这种东西,如果怕别人老来骚扰的话。
(6) do you recall… 你还得。。。
Higgs Boson particle 我无力解释这个词,本来我是想给大家科普一下的,但是这个词的定义实在超出我能理解的范围。。。。
(7) Sam Houston 一个政治 人物,休斯顿就是以他的名字命名的。
Break out the math 把算式列出来。
(8) it isn’t going to make any sense to you. 你理解 不了这个。
(9) I have a working understanding of physics.
这里,working在作为形容词时,有一种意思,指, 足够多的(知识)
S: please, let me met Hawking.
H: I told you no.
S: but I said I’m sorry.
H: no, you said ‘ would it help if I said I’m sorry’
S: and you never answered me.
Now who owes whom an apology?
H: Sheldon, you are a condescending jerk. Why on earth would I want to something nice for you? (1)
S: to go to Jewish heaven.
H: Jews don’t have heaven.
S: then to avoid Jewish hell.
H: have you met my mother? I live in Jewish hell.
S: Howard, please. This is Stephen Hawking, perhaps my only intellectual equal. (2)
H: you can’t be serious.
S: try to put yourself in my place. Image you are the sole human being living on a planet populated with nothing but dogs, and then it turns out there is another human being. (3)
H: hang on. Are you saying the rest of us are dogs?
S: I can see you are going to take this the wrong way. (4) let me try again. Image you are the sole human being living on a planet populated with nothing but chimps.
H: get out of my lab.
S: they are so much smarter than dogs. Have you seen them on those little bicycles?
H: get out.
S: how about dolphins.
(1) condescending 高傲的,居高临下的,爱摆架子的,像Sheldon那样的人。。。。
Why on earth 到底为什么
(2) my only intellectual equal 唯一的与我在智力上相似的人。Equal有一个意思是相似的人。
(3) put yourself in my place. 如果你是我,你处在我的境地。
a planet populated with nothing but dogs 只有狗居住的星球。 Populate被占据,被居住
(4) to take this the wrong way 理解错了,误解了我的意思
L: come on. How was the first day with Hawking?
H: it was great. We talked about movie. I showed him some card tricks. He even let me read a couple of pages from his new book. Something got you down, bunky? (1)
S: Howard, please, I’m begging you.
L: Rag, you are our group historian. Has Sheldon ever begged before? (2)
R: Three times. He begged the Fox network not to cancel Firefly. He begged the TNT network to cancel Babylon5, and when he got food poisoning at the Rose Bowl Parade, he begged a deity he does not believe to end his life quickly.
S: do you understand how important Hawking is to me? When I was 6 years old, I dressed up as him for Halloween.
H: are you kidding?
S: no sir. I took my dad’s desk chair, attached a speak &spell to it and made my sister push me up and down the block to trick or treat. Granted most people thought I was R2-D2, but I still got a lot of candy.
H: you don’t seem to be understanding the English word ‘no’. maybe a differen language will help. Russian nyet, Chinese, bu, Japanese, iie, Klingon,
qo, Binary coded Ascii, ….
S: it’s actually… I’m not asking for me. I’m asking for Hawking.
H: let me try gangsta: Hells naw.
S: ok, look, how about this? You just give him my paper on the Higgs boson. If he sees incredible breakthrough I’ve made, he will reach out to me. (5)
L: what if he doesn’t.
S: he will. He is really smart.
H: it’s an interesting idea. Why don’t you give me a minute to talk it over with my friends?
S: how did I do that?
you walk away.
S: walking away.
L: you do realize you own his ass right now. (6)
R: you can make him do anything you want.
H: I know. I’m just trying to figure out how much I want to punish him.
R: don’t be too mean.
S: I ‘m thinking about making some freshly brewed ice tea, if anyone would like some?
R: I would not mind a glass.
S: I wasn’t taking to you.
R: bring him to his bony knees. (7)
H: Sheldon, come on back.
S: what did you decide?
H: I will give your paper to Prof. Hawking.
S: great, thank you, that’s terrific.
H: but in exchange, I would like you to do a few things for me.
S: what kind of things?
H: are you familiar with the 12 labors of Hercules? (8)
S: of course.
H: you should be so lucky.
(1) Something got you down 什么事让你不开心了 get sb down
bunky 我也不知道是什么。。。
(2) historian 史学家,这里是指记性最好的人。
(3) deity 神,我每次向别人讲佛祖,菩萨的时候,都不知道怎么描述,原来是deity
(4) trick or treat 这是万圣节Halloween小孩子的一项活动,穿上一些奇怪的服装,到处要糖吃。。。
Granted most people thought I was R2-D2, granted引导了一个从句,表示虽然。。是事实。
(5) reach out to me
(6) you own his ass 你拥有了他的屁股,居然是指,你是他的老大。。。
(7) bring him to his bony knees. Bony knee应该是膝盖骨,这时是不是说让他跪下啊?
(8) the 12 labors of Hercules
大力神的12项任务,这里涉及到 一个故事,我这里的字幕组给讲了。来个链接,大家可以看看/p/
S: all right, what would you like me to do first?
H: I thought I &d start you off by polishing my belt buckles.
S: by all means, when I was a boy, I would polish my Mee-Maw&s silver, and she would entertain me with stories about growing up in Okalahoma. (1) Interesting woman. She once killed a prairie dog with a gravy boat.
H: that&s nice.
S: that&s a lot of belt buckles.
H: funny thing is I only have one belt. Anyway, I&ll let you get started. By the way, the little marks that look like water spots, I tend to stand too close to the urinal. So what you&re seeing there is splash back. (2)
S: you make sissy on your belt buckles? Mee-Maw&s forks never had that.
H: here is a black light to check them. For your own peace of mind, you might not want to shine that around the rest of the room. (3)
Sheldon, these look great. They are like magnificent crowns to hang over my magnificent little jewels. How did you get them so shiny?
S: I buffed them with Turtle Wax. The man down at the Pep Boys says from now on, the urine should just bead up and roll right off. (4)
H: way to go the extra mile. (5) Your Mee-Maw would be pround.
S: my Mee-Maw must never know of this. Now will you give Prof. Hawking my paper?
H: my dear boy, no.next, this is a sexy French maid costume I bought for Bernadette. I thought it might&spice things up&(6) and get her to dust my room at the same time, but I was wrong and really wrong.
&S: you want me to return it for you?
H: no, mon petit Cherie. (法语我不懂)
S: what are you all staring at? You&ve never seen a man try to meet with Stephen Hawking before?
(6) spice things up 这里是说给生活添点情趣
P: this is not Saturday night. Why are you doing your laundry?
S: this is not my laundry.
P: wow, are theses Amy&s? kind of* trashy*(1)- good for he.
S: Those are Howard&s.
P: why are you washing Howard&s man panties? (2)
S: because if I don&t, he won&t give my paper to Stephen Hawking. He is a famous physicist.
P: I know he is the wheelchair dude who invented time.
&S: that&s close enough. (3)
P: I don&t understand why doesn&t Howard just introduce you to the guy?
S: because he is punishing me for being a condescending jerk. You don&t think I&m a condescending jerk, do you? I&m sorry. Condescending means&.
P: I know what it means. And yes, you love correcting people and putting them down.
S: oh, contrarie. When I correct people I am raising them up. (4) you should know. I do it for you more than anyone.
&P: come on. You do it to* feel superior*. (5) I see that twinkle in your eye. When someone says &who& instead of &whom&, or thinks the moon is a planet.
&S: or Don Quixote is about a donkey named Hotary.
P: see there is that twinkle.
S: I can&t help it. That&s an involuntary twinkle. (6)
&P: what do you what me to tell you Sheldon?
S: I want you to tell me that Howard is being mean to me for no reason.
(1) trashy 本来表示很无聊的,质量很差的,很烂的,但这里表示很有野性的。
(2)panty是女式内裤,但Howard多少有点变态,所以这里说他的man panties.
(3)that’s close enough.就是我们平时所说的,差不多。。。
(4)put sb down.让人很沮丧,很没面子, rise sb up指帮着提升别人
(5)feel superior 感觉良好,觉得自己很了不起。
Twinkle in your eye 做一些自己特别喜欢的事情,遇到 自己特别喜欢的人的时候,眼睛里面放着光。
(6)Don Quixote 堂吉可德。。。
moon 不是planet吗,我一直以为planet 是指星球呀,宇宙中任何一个球都该是planet啊。。。planet是行星,地球是planet, 但月亮是卫星, 叫做satellite.
an involuntary twinkle. Sheldon说他眼睛里面的光,是不自觉地闪着的,不是特意那样做的。
H: what’s the matter?
B: every time I spend the night ,
your mom slaps me on the behind, says ‘go get him.’ (1)
It’s not her fault. She is getting hormone replacement therapy, makes her crazy horny. (2) Check this out, I got Sheldon to wear the Frenchmaid’s costume.
B: oh, my god, that’s terrible.
H: hey, I gave you first crack at it. (3)
B: why are you doing that? You’re being mean to him.
H: he’s mean to me all the time. You’ve heard him tease me about not having a doctorate.
B: if you don’t want to get teased about that, get a doctorate. I have one. They are great. (4)
H: come on. The man torments me. I’m just letting him have a little taste of his own medicine. (5)
B: it’s not the same thing. Sheldon doesn’t know when he’s being mean, because the part of his brain that should know is getting a wedgie from the rest of his brain.
H: fine, I’ll just make him do a couple more things, then I’ll stop.
B: no, you have to stop now.
Mom: Bernadette,
I want to remind you. You promised to take me dress shopping tomorrow.
B: damn. I’m sorry I can’t make it, but Sheldon is going to go with you! And that’s the last thing you do to him.
(1) slap me on the behind拍我的屁股
(2) hormone replacement therapy 激素替代疗法,是用来缓解更年期(menopause)不适的,具体办法就是给女性打雌激素,所以会搞得howard的妈妈 crazy horny, 即性欲非常 强。
Check this out. 来看看这个呀。
(3) I gave you first crack at it. 我先给你穿的,你不穿。 Crack at it试它
(4) doctorate博士学位原来可以这样表示 。
tease 动词,表示取笑。
(5) let him have a little taste of his own medicine. 让他也尝尝自己种下的苦果。
(6) getting a wedgie from sth 这里是说,被某物挤扁了。
Mom: Sheldon, I need your help.
S: what is it now, Mrs. Wolowitz?
Mom: It’s this dress. When I put my front in, my back pops out.
When I put my back in, my front pops out. It’s like trying to keep two dogs in a bathtub. (1)
S: what do you want me to do?
Mom: we are going to have to work as a team. Get in here, grab a handful, and start stuffing. (2)
S: I’m not sure how to do this?
Mom: it’s easy. Just pretend you’re putting away a sleeping bag. (3)
S: sleeping bags don’t usually sweat this much, but okay.
Mom: now zip me up.
S: if I squeeze you any tighter, you may turn into a diamond.
you’re right. Who am I kidding? You should have seen me when I was young, Sheldon. The fellas used to line up and bring me boxes of candy. Why did I eat it all? Would you hold me? (4)
S: no. you know I’m not really the holding kind of ….
(1)pops out 这大约的情景是,那个女人很胖,穿衣服的时候,前面塞进去了,后面就露出来了,屁股塞进去了胸和肚子又会出来。。。这里的动词用的是pop out.
It’s like trying to keep two dogs in a bathtub.
(2)grab a handful 抓一把
start stuffing开始塞
(3) pretend you’re putting away a sleeping bag. 假装你在收拾一个睡袋。
(4)Would you hold me?
H: oh, guys. I just remembered I got you some Hawking souvenirs.
L: what are these?
H: gears and springs from his wheelchair. Pretty cool, huh?
R: wow. That’s amazing. I made an adjustment on the motor drive and when I was putting it back together, I could not for the life of me figure out where they went.
S: I did it. Had to go to 3 clothing stores, but we finally found a dress that could envelop your mother.
H: I should have sent you to the custom car cover place in Altadena. They have her pattern on file.
S: humorous. Now will you please present my paper to Prof. Hawking?
H: I don’t know.
S: oh, for heaven’s sake. I did your laundry. I pee-pee-proofed your belt buckles. I even sprained my wrist helping your mother lift her bosom.
H: All right. Sheldon, there’s only one thing left I want you to do. Don’t worry. It’s an easy one. Give me a compliment.
S: fine. You have very tiny hands.
H: no. about my job. I want you to tell me I’m good at what I do.
S: you are obviously good at what you do.
H: then why are you always ripping on me? (2)
S: oh, I understand the confusion. I’ve never said you are not good at what you do. It’s just that what you do is not worth doing.
L: it’s nicer than anything he’s ever said to me. I’d take it and run. (3)
H: thank you, Sheldon.
S: Now will you give my paper to Hawking?
H: sorry, I can’t.
S: what, why not?
H: I give it to him 3 days ago. He was really impressed. He wants to meet you.
S: all right. Then thank you, Howard. Please let Prof. Hawking know that I’m available at his earliest convenience. (4)
I though he might be a little more excited.
S: give it a second.
(1) gears and springs from his wheelchair轮椅上的齿轮和弹簧。 Gear 和spring都是熟词啊,就是不知道意思
I pee-pee-proofed your belt buckles. 我把你的皮带扣搞得防尿了。美国人很爱用一些我们以为是名字 的东西,搞成动词。比如Shelve 指放在书架上, pet指抚摸宠物。
I even sprained my wrist 我甚至扭伤了手腕(帮你妈妈抬胸部)
(2) rip on me 挖苦我。
(3) it’s nicer than anything he’s ever said to me. I’d take it and run.
这比说我的任何话都好听。我会接受,并让这个事情过去。 Take it and run.
(4) I’m available at his earliest convenience. 这句话我很喜欢啊。跟别人约事情 的时候可以用,基本上就是指随时恭候与他见面。
17’15- end
S: Prof. Hawking, it’s an honor and a privilege to meet you, sir.
Hawking: I know.
S: I want to thank you for taking time to see me.
Hawking: my pleasure. I enjoyed reading your paper very much. You clearly have a brilliant mind.
S: I know.
Hawking: your thesis that the Higgs boson is a black hole accelerating backwards through time is fascinating.
S: it came to me one morning in the shower.
Hawking: That’s nice.
Too bad it’s wrong.
S: what do you mean wrong?
Hawking: you made an arithmetic mistake on page two. It was quite a boner. (1)
S: that can’t be right. I don’t make arithmetic mistakes.
Hawking: are you saying I do?
S: oh, no. oh gosh golly. I made a boo-boo and I gave it to Stephen Hawking.
Hawking: great, another fainter.
boner 是俚语里面的话,指愚蠢的错误。
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