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:<font color="#9-166&&&&DOI:
How CO2 Emissions Structure Evolves With the Process of Industrialization
ZHANG Yi1,2,
1. Center for Energy and Environmental Policy research, Institute of Policy and Management, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100190, C2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100190, China
(1125KB) &
Abstract&In order to dynamically investigate the historical evolution of CO2 emissions induced by consumption and fixed capital investment, this paper defines the concepts of consumption-based CO2 emissions (CPE) and construction-based CO2 emissions (CTE), and proposes the ratio of consumption-based CO2 emissions to construction-based CO2 emissions (RCC) as a partial indicator of the CO2 emissions structure which synchronously considers the consumption-based CO2 emissions and construction-based CO2 emissions. The study employs an environmentally extended input-output analysis model (EE-IOA) to estimate the carbon emissions of consumption-based CO2 and construction-based CO2. By analyzing data totaling 86 samples from 32 countries, the study evaluates the evolution of RCC during the process of industrialization (including post-industrialization period). The empirical results indicate that RCC increases with the advance
we should set the carbon emission reduction goals that considering the reduction potentials of consumption-based CO2 emissions and construction-based CO2 emissions, and enhance the enterprise carbon emission reduction activity by the market power through transforming consumer’s consumption habit into low-carbon. The significant outcome of this paper is the development of a method for correctly evaluating the emissions levels of countries at different stages of development, in order to establish reasonable emissions reduction targets.
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In order to dynamically investigate the historical evolution of CO2 emissions induced by consumption and fixed capital investment, this paper defines the concepts of consumption-based CO2 emissions (CPE) and construction-based CO2 emissions (CTE), and proposes the ratio of consumption-based CO2 emissions to construction-based CO2 emissions (RCC) as a partial indicator of the CO2 emissions structure which synchronously considers the consumption-based CO2 emissions and construction-based CO2 emissions. The study employs an environmentally extended input-output analysis model (EE-IOA) to estimate the carbon emissions of consumption-based CO2 and construction-based CO2. By analyzing data totaling 86 samples from 32 countries, the study evaluates the evolution of RCC during the process of industrialization (including post-industrialization period). The empirical results indicate that RCC increases with the advance
we should set the carbon emission reduction goals that considering the reduction potentials of consumption-based CO2 emissions and construction-based CO2 emissions, and enhance the enterprise carbon emission reduction activity by the market power through transforming consumer’s consumption habit into low-carbon. The significant outcome of this paper is the development of a method for correctly evaluating the emissions levels of countries at different stages of development, in order to establish reasonable emissions reduction targets.
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.How CO2 Emissions Structure Evolves With the Process of Industrialization[J]& , 2012,V(2): 159-166
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Copyright 2010 byShare this page:英语翻译这是一位国外的朋友送的冰酒上面的,内容如下:PELLE ESTATES.limited edition .Vidal ICEWINE.this rare wine evolves from frozen grapes hand picked at tempertures below -8C.Pressing the grapes yields a rich nectar with luscious aromas of apricot and a velvety smooth finish .
limited edition 限量版this rare wine evolves from frozen grapes hand picked at tempertures below -8C.这种稀有的酒是采用零下8摄氏度时手工采摘的葡萄酿制太难了下面的不会了看看这些:好的冰酒,必须用自然冷冻的葡萄,还必须满足一定气候条件才能采摘.所以不是每年都有冰酒出产,例如,今年美国东部由于11、12月气候过热,就导致做冰酒的葡萄全部腐败,没有出产.有关Inniskillin 尼亚加拉冰(葡萄酒)酒的介绍安大略葡萄酒皇冠上的宝石非冰酒莫属.该地区的寒冬和来自大湖不停息的气流保护了葡萄不至霉变,从而使得冰酒每年的酿造成为可能.葡萄的收获是在尼亚加拉干冷冬季的山顶上完成的.在晚间,自然冰冻在蔓藤上与众不同的葡萄被人们精心采摘并连夜榨汁.这些冰冻在蔓藤上的固体葡萄被取下,不经去梗和粉碎,在周围环境温度零下10摄氏度以下直接进行人工填充压榨.加工同量的葡萄,用这种低温工艺仅能产出常温压榨产出的几分之一(大约仅相当于10-20%),因为葡萄汁里的大部分天然水份在压榨过程中以冰晶的形式被保留了下来.这些压榨过程中保留下来的水份以冰晶形式存在,非常易于萃取从而得到冰酒葡萄汁.按照这种方法制作出的葡萄酒只能是那种为人们所惊叹欢呼的上天赐予的甘露.Introduction of Inniskillin Niagara Ice winThe jewel in Ontario's wine crown is icewine.Dependably cold winters combined with the constant airflow from the lake that prevents mould and mildew means ice wine can be made every year.The harvest occurs at the pinnacle of Niagara’s crisp winter.Exceptional grapes,naturally frozen on the vine,are delicately harvested and carefully pressed throughout the night.Grapes,picked frozen solid from the vines,were manually loaded into the presses without de-stemming or crushing,and were pressed at an ambient temperature of -10°C or colder.This technique yields only a fraction of the normal yield (approximately 10 - 20%) as most of the natural water portion of the juice remains in the press in the form of ice crystals.During the pressing the water in the grapes remains frozen as ice crystals,and is easily extracted from the juice.Tthe resulting wine can only be hailed as the Nectar of the Gods.加拿大产的冰酒的确很甜,称它为糖浆一点也不为过.德国产的冰酒相对比较容易让人接受,而且冰酒的原产国就是德国,冰酒的起源也挺有戏剧性的
PELLE ESTATES: PELLE(公司名) 版权所有limited edition:禁止复制Vidal(酒名) ICEWINE(冰酒)这种稀少的酒是人工采用零下-8度的葡萄酿制而成的,加工过程中加入了浓郁香气、甘美的杏仁花蜜,保持了如天鹅绒般柔软,润滑的口感。
扫描下载二维码Samsung Gear Fit evolves with newest software - CNET
Scott Stein / CNET
It's a common truth in new tech: a company releases a firmware update, and suddenly there are all-new features to discover. When I reviewed the
, I was using the latest software Samsung had at the time. I couldn't use the Fit's long display in anything other than a sideways-landscape mode, which meant turning my arm around awkwardly, and syncing with S Health was semi-broken.The newest firmware update to Gear Fit, which will be what anyone buying one will have available to them, introduces a bunch of new features. Some of them really do change the Fit quite a bit. Here's what I found so far.
Portrait mode: Yes, finally, you can flip the Gear Fit's display to stretch out vertically, so you don't have to twist your wrist. It seems to work with every feature, even notifications. Some work better than others.Sleep tracking: A new mode will track sleep data, much like other fitness bands such as the
and Misfit Shine do.
Scott Stein / CNET
More watch faces: Additional watch faces have been added, including some cool ones that take better advantage of vertical-display mode.Customize your Fit via Manager app: Now you can swap the layout of icons, and even change the home screen and add your own photo to the Gear Fit's background.Extra coaching options: I found some new ways to control the coaching mode while running, setting the heart-rate coaching awareness to "auto," or setting the device to coach around your own maximum heart rate.Better syncing with S Health: Samsung promises that a lot of the weirdness I found before has been fixed.Credit goes to Samsung for making these changes so quickly. Sometimes it takes a while for wearables to get much-needed updates, or they never get them at all.A review update to the Gear Fit will be posted once I've lived with these changes for a while, and once CNET has reviewed the Gear 2 and Gear 2 Neo. Stay tuned.More InformationThe Bottom Line: The Samsung Gear Fit is a great-looking wearable, but doesn't successfully reconcile its dual roles as activity tracker and smartwatch.Reviewed: Apr 7, 2014Featured Video114网址导航}


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