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3秒自动关闭窗口Translation Studies Resources / Research Centre for Translation @ CUHK
徵文Call for Papers
August 4–6,
Berlin, Germany
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
31 July 2013
Short Description
FIT (Fédération
Internationale des Traducteurs/International Federation of Translators) is an
international grouping of associations of translators, interpreters and
terminologists. Over 120 professional associations and training institutions are
affiliated to FIT, representing more than 80,000 practitioners in 60 countries.
The goal of the Federation is to promote professionalism in the discipl it constantly seeks to improve conditions for the profession
everywhere, and to uphold translators’, interpreters’ and terminologists’ rights
and freedom of expression. Every three years, FIT invites
the industry to an international congress. Following successful events in
Shanghai in 2008 and San Francisco in 2011, Germany’s Federal Association of
Interpreters and Translators (BD? – Bundesverband der Dolmetscher und ?bersetzer
e. V.) is delighted to be hosting the professional world in Berlin as the
organiser of the XXth FIT World Congress, scheduled for 4–6 August
Talks, panel discussions and workshops – as
well as a trade fair, networking platform and jobs exchange – will bring
together agents, agencies, university teachers, software tool providers,
students and professional translators, interpreters and terminologists from
across the world. In a world that is increasingly
‘connected’, and where multilingualism is becoming the norm, as it has long been
in Europe, translators and interpreters serve as vital links. In order to
deliver translation and interpreting services at the necessary speed, they are
under pressure to acquire an extensive range of expert knowledge in addition to
the in-depth linguistic expertise and the specific skill-sets related to
translation and interpreting.
Translators and interpreters do not play a
central role only in business and the economy. Global mobility and migration
streams mean that language professionals are needed to build bridges between
cultures too, facilitating communication and understanding, helping to meld
different groups and bring about a shared sense of community, so fostering
fundamental human rights. What form will the work of
translators, interpreters and terminologists take in the future? What challenges
will they face? How will international market demands affect their services? How
will individual national markets change?
All those interested in engaging
with these questions are invited to submit proposals for presentations,
workshops and panel discussions dealing with the following topics by 31 July
Translators, interpreters and terminologists –
careers demanding a diverse range of expertise, e.g. translation technology, terminology work, research
expertise, business competencies, translation and interpreting in a wide range
of specialist disciplines, literary (book) translation, intercultural
competency, post-editing, audiovisual translation
translation and interpreting contribute to safeguarding human rights, e.g. community interpreting, intercultural
understanding, court interpreting, medical interpreting, interpreting in crisis
and war zones
Professional practice and the rights of
translators, interpreters and terminologists,
e.g. professional ethics, standards and norms, fees, copyright and
intellectual property, security and freedom of expression for translators and
interpreters, crowd translation, transcreation
Teaching and research in the field of translation, interpreting and terminology
work, e.g. didactic methods, general
education vs. specialist education, CPD, IT tools in training, TRAFUT, language
industry studies
If you would like to share and
present your knowledge and experience, please submit an abstract of up to 1,000
characters on the website
by 31 July 2013.
The conference languages are German, English and French. The following
formats are available:
Presentations (max. 30 minutes); there will be a
period for questions and discussion at the end of each block of presentations,
if time allows
Panel discussions (90 minutes)
Workshops (90 or 180
Proposals will be selected in two stages: First, all interested
industry professionals will have the opportunity to vote for their favourite
proposals on the congress website. Thereafter a committee of experts comprising
practising professionals and university teachers will make the final
selection. All accepted presentations will be included in a
volume of proceedings, which will be available at the congress.
We will inform you by 15 November 2013 whether your proposal has been
accepted. On 1 December 2013 a detailed conference programme will be made
available. To be included in the conference proceedings, final versions of the
presentations must be submitted by 31 March 2014.
November 2013
Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und
Friedrichstr. 176-79, Berlin,
Lenka Houskova,
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Short Description
This new international conference on
dialogue interpreting targets government representatives, policy makers, service
providers, users and commissioners of signed and spoken interpreting services,
researchers, trainers, interpreters, language and cultural mediators, and
students.Due to the massive increase in migration worldwide, multilingualism and
multiculturalism have become the norm rather than the exception in our
societies. This impacts on the way individuals communicate with each other, the
way officials and institutions communicate with their clients and the way in
which citizens (can) make their wishes heard and have their human rights
respected. Such effects of globalization call for greater awareness of the need
for dialogue interpreting as well as more and better professional interpreting
The conference will be a forum for networking and the exchange
of research findings and best practices and will bring together national and
international professionals from a wide range of backgrounds and approaches to
the subject. The conference will be held in Berlin on 15–16 November 2013 at the Russisches Haus der Wissenschaft und Kultur in the
centre of the city. It will take place in conjuction with EXPOLINGUA Berlin, the
26th International Fair for Languages and Cultures.
We welcome
contributions examining dialogue interpreting in sectors such as healthcare, the
legal system, public services, education and mediation. Issues to be considered
Human rights and empowerment
Policy and governance
Dialogic interaction and interpreting settings
Quality assurance and best
New technologies and hybrid forms of interpreting
Research methodologies and training
Professional status and
Proposed formats include the
Papers (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion)
Discussion Panels (90 minutes);
Post-conference Workshops
(to be held at the same venue on 17 November
Proposals for papers and other formats should be
submitted in English or German on the abstract proposal form, which can be found
at . Proposals should be submitted by 31 May 2013. Notification of
acceptance will be sent by 30 June 2013. Publication of a selection of the
papers presented at the conference is planned. Selected sessions can be
interpreted into sign language.
主編 Chief Editor
Anne Malena
Anne Malena,
Length of Proposal
Submission Deadline
Short Description
Translators may be positioned to bring peripheries into the centre or the
reverse as well as work within the peripheries. While the term “periphery” is
admittedly problematic in many ways it has been chosen as the focus for this
issue to provoke response from translators and scholars who consider how
peripheries are translated or how peripheries translate as well as question the
validity of the term “peripheries” and explore various ways to use it, avoid it
or replace it. Kristina Silva Gruesz, whose book, Ambassadors of Culture: the
Transamerican Origins of Latino Writing (2002) juxtaposes major and
peripheral Anglo and Latino writers within the US, argues in a later article
that “translation is interesting precisely because it is a marginal activity,
one that has been made to occupy a lesser and peripheral position in the
hierarchy of expression” (“Translation” 89). To quote Venuti: “In the case of
translation, the peripheries are multiple, domestic and foreign at once.
(Scandals of Translation 4; cited in Gruesz, “Translation” 89). In
addition to scholars we would like to invite submissions by translators
themselves as to how they see their own practice within this complex framework.
Every “major” language/culture has its peripheries, often caused by colonial
ventures or their long-lasting effects, and the already difficult task of
translation may be further complicated, for example, by textual content and form
deliberately expressing peripheral experience as a form of resistance to the
dominant culture or, on the contrary, by celebrating the blend of domestic and
foreign. Whatever the case may be, translators are well-known to welcome
challenges and attempt to achieve the impossible.
Please send papers
according to the guidelines posted on the journal’s site, abstracts and brief
bio statements (150 words max.) to Anne Malena, Editor-in-Chief at . You may also register
with the journal and submit your paper directly on the site. Creative pieces,
essays unrelated to the theme and book reviews are also welcome. Students may
also submit their dissertation abstracts.
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Short Description
在 “弘揚中華文化,努力建設社會主義文化強國” 、國家文化“走出去”戰略和突顯嶺南文化翻譯研究的背景下,在翻譯學科如火如荼發展的當下,翻譯理論研究以及翻譯教學實踐成為學者們關注的焦點。為此,廣東外語外貿大學翻譯學研究中心聯合華南農業大學外國語學院共同舉辦第二屆嶺南翻譯教學與研究學術研討會。會議定於-6日在華南農業大學舉行。我們誠邀從事當代翻譯理論與教學研究的專家學者撰文、參會。會議包括以下議題:
大會將邀請國外翻譯學界著名專家Anthony Pym教授和國內著名學者做大會主題發言,參會者將安排在小組發言。
聯繫電話:&020- 聯&系&人:何高大
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Short Description
胡志德(Theodore Huters,加州大學洛杉磯分校)
語  言:普通話
費  用:暑期班不收任何費用,住宿由主辦單位提供,交通及膳食由學員自行負責。
名  額:30
14-27 August 2013
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven,
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Short Description
In 1989 José Lambert created a
special research program in Translation Studies at the University of Leuven in
order to promote research training in the study of translational phenomena and
to stimulate high-level research into the cultural functions of translation.
Since then, this unique program has attracted talented PhD students and young
scholars who spend two weeks of research under the supervision of a team of
prominent scholars, and under the supervision of the Chair Professor, an
annually appointed expert in the field of Translation Studies. From 1989 on, the
program has hosted participants from Austria to Australia, from Brazil to
Burundi, and from China to the Czech Republic.
Basic activities and
components of the Summer Session:
Public Lectures by the CETRA Professor
on key topics. A preliminary reading list will be furnished and all topics are
to be further developed in discussions.
seminars given by the CETRA staff. Basic reading materials will be made
available in advance.
Tutorials: individual discussions of participants’
research with the CETRA Professor and the CETRA staff.
Students’ papers:
presentation of participants’ individual research projects followed by open
Publication: each participant is invited to submit an article
based on the presentation, to be refereed and published on the CETRA
October 11-15, 2013
International Linguistics Center (GIAL campus),
Dallas, Texas, USA.
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
May 3, 2013
Short Description
The Bible Translation 2013 Conference is co-sponsored by the Graduate Institute
of Applied Linguistics (GIAL) and SIL I the Eugene A. Nida Lecture
Series is sponsored by the Nida Institute. The BT Conference will be held at the
International Linguistics Center (GIAL campus) in Dallas, Texas, USA.
are seeking abstracts for papers and posters on the following
Workforce and Training (including project management,
cluster projects and other models, developing independent thinking and critical
analysis skills, training paradigms, developing consultants, etc.)
Bible Translation Theory and Practice (including textual and exegetical issues,
factors of genre, key terms, extended metaphors, drafting approaches,
Print and Non-Print Media (including storying, arts and
performance, signed languages, scripts, study notes, multi-media, internet and
new media, etc.)
Engagement and Impact (including host community
participation, scripture engagement, acceptability, ethics, contextualization,
Scripture selection in the translation process, etc.)
Information: The abstract deadline will be May 3, 2013. The
Abstract Guidelines are available at .
and Banquet Speakers:
Dr. Lourens de Vries, Professor of
General Linguistics at the VU University Amsterdam
Dr. Phil H. Towner, Dean
and Executive Director of Nida Institute for Biblical Scholarship at American
Bible Society
Doug Birdsall, President and CEO of American Bible
Other Plenary Speakers:
Dr. Bryan Harmelink, International
Translation Coordinator, SIL International
Jill Goring, International
Translation Coordinator, New Tribes Mission
(Regular and Student registration includes the Banquet.)
registration, on or before 8/16/2013:
$135.00 (after 8/16/2013:
Student registration, on or before 8/16/2013:
$50.00 (after
Daily Rate:
$60.00 (banquet not included)
Registration Form and Information:
BT2013 registration form and information are available on the BT Conference
website at .
The Conference schedule is expected to be as follows:
opening event will be a plenary session on Friday evening.
o Papers will be
presented Saturday.
o The only scheduled event on Sunday will be a plenary
session in the evening.
o Papers will be presented on Monday and Tuesday, with
a concluding Public Banquet on Tuesday evening.
o There will be social events
on Saturday and Monday evenings.
University of Foreign Studies, Seoul,
October 18-19, 2013
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Deadline for submission of
abstracts: May 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 201
Short Description
The expansion of the discipline of translation studies in recent years has been
accompanied by an increase in calls for an awareness of ideas and practices of
translation occurring in different cultural settings. Having developed mainly on
the basis of European languages and cultures, as well as Western philosophical
and literary theories, translation studies has evolved as and, to a large
extent, still remains a strongly Eurocentric discipline in its orientation.
Although there are welcome signs of a steadily growing interest in
translation/interpreting practices and concepts from diverse cultural and social
contexts, the current state of representation and discussion of translation
merits further investigation and exploration.
Under the theme of
“Rethinking Perspectives in Translation Research and Practice”, this conference
aims at critically examining the particular ways in which
translation/interpreting theory and practice have been approached within
translation studies. Themes to be explored by contributors may include, but are
not restricted to, the following:
views on the
internationalization of translation studies and the re-centering
concepts and research topics having
particular relevance for specific cultural
historical factors and epistemologies that underlie translation
theories and practices i
current status of translation studies in Asian countries and a re-examination of
research methods and models used by
new perspectives in translation/interpreting education and
evaluation and the growing influence of English as lingua franca on
the link between
translation and the movement of information and texts across ins
the relationship among translation,
language, and multi-media in the field of popular culture and the impact of
technological development on the mode and process of
Participants are invited to focus on any of these themes, as
well as other topics related to translation/interpreting, using diverse
disciplinary approaches, including various domains of linguistics, literary
theory, history, sociology, anthropology, cultural studies, and media studies,
among others.
The conference is organized by the Korean
Association of Translation Studies (KATS) and will be held at Hankuk University
of Foreign Studies in Seoul. The KATS conference organizing committee invites
abstracts for 20-minute presentations. Please send a proposal of 300-400 words
in Word format and a mini-biography to the organizing committee by May 31, 2013
Edwin Gentzler, University of Massachusetts at Amherst,
Roberto A. Valdeón, University of Oviedo, Spain
Jeremy Munday,
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
Deadline for submission of
abstracts: May 31, 2013
Notification of acceptance: June 30, 2013
主編 Chief Editor
Australian International Academic Centre
Length of Proposal
Submission Deadline
Short Description
International Journal of Comparative Literature & Translation Studies is a peer-reviewed journal established in Australia.
The journal invites authors to submit complete unpublished and original works which are not
under review in any other journal. The papers will be published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and downloadable.
The journal publishes papers in the following fields:
Literary Studies
Comparative Literature
World Literature
Critical Theory
Cultural Studies
Translation Studies
Original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, analytical and simulation models, case studies, empirical research, technical notes, and book reviews are scheduled to be published in this journal every January, April, July, and October.
Please send your manuscript to the editor at
For more information, visit the official website of the journal:
Centre for Translation, Hong Kong
Baptist University,
Hong Kong, China
TRSS (UK): 17–28 June 2013
TRSS (Hong Kong): 22 July–2 August 2013
TRSS (UK) University College London (UCL)
TRSS (Hong Kong)
Hong Kong Baptist University
Length of Proposals
TRSS (UK): 15 April 2013
TRSS (Hong Kong): 5 May 2013
Submission Deadline
Short Description
The TRANSLATION RESEARCH SUMMER SCHOOL (TRSS), a joint initiative of three British universities together with Hong Kong Baptist University, offers intensive research training in translation and intercultural studies for prospective researchers in the field.
Every year we organize two summer schools, each of two weeks' duration:
1. TRSS (UK) is held in the UK (in Manchester, Edinburgh or London) in the second half of J
2. TRSS (HK) is held in Hong Kong at the end of July.
Heriot-Watt University
24–28 June 2013
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, Scotland
Raquel de Pedro Ricoy &
Katerina Strani
Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies
of Management and Languages
Length of Proposals
Submission Deadline
Short Description
The Edinburgh Interpreting Research Summer School (EIRSS) will take place from
24–28 June 2013 at Heriot-Watt University in Edinburgh.
EIRSS offers intensive research training for existing and future scholars
in any field of Interpreting and will include lectures from guest speakers Prof.
Daniel Gile and Prof. Cecilia Wadensj?. It will be relevant to researchers
interested in Conference Interpreting as well as Public Service Interpreting,
for both spoken and signed languages.
EIRSS is open to those who are
about to embark on a PhD, those in the first stages of doctoral study and those
considering a change of direction in their professional career or academic
trajectory. Attendees will have the opportunity to network
with world-renowned researchers in the field of Interpreting and will also have
the chance to showcase their individual projects and receive
Please visit
information about the course and the presenters, as well as details of how to
主編 Chief Editor
Lawrence Venuti
Modern Language
Association, New York
Length of Proposal
3,000–3,500 words
Submission Deadline
Short Description
Essay proposals are invited for a volume
in the MLA’s Options for Teaching series entitled Teaching Translation, to be
edited by Lawrence Venuti. The volume is designed to offer faculty members
models for developing programs as well as strategies for teaching translation
practice and research. The essays will fall into three categories: accounts of
representative programs, whether undergraduate or graduate, that offer degre descriptions of courses and pedagogies for teaching the
translation into English of humanistic, pragmatic, and
descriptions of courses and pedagogies for teaching translation—into any
language—as an object of analysis and research, whether the course is devoted
solely to translation theory and history or whether translation is included
among other forms and practices in a course devoted to topics in literary, film,
and cultural studies or other artistic and humanistic fields. The volume will
include an essay on translation and new media, with attention to
computer-assisted translation, although any such contribution needs to consider
the cultural and political implications of the use of technology. If you are
interested in contributing an essay (3,000–3,500 words) that falls into one of
these categories, please send a detailed proposal to Lawrence Venuti () by 1 May
主編 Chief Editor
Length of Proposal
Submission Deadline
Short Description


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