license plateeclock是什么意思?

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中文翻译n.1.厚金属板 〔cf. sheet〕 板(片);(记有姓名等的金属)牌子,(尤指医生的)招牌,藏书牌;【印刷】印版;图版;另纸印插图。2.金属版,电极版,铅版;金属版画。3.板玻璃;【摄影】底片,感光版。4.【史、古】锁金甲。5.盘子;盆子;〔英国〕金、银餐具;镀金器皿。6.(菜的)一盘;一顿饭菜。7.(做奖品用的)金杯,银杯;金银奖杯;(教会等的)捐款盘;献金,捐款。8.假牙床。9.【建筑】(壁上的)横木;【棒球】投手板;本垒。10.【微生物学】平皿,培养皿。11.【无线电】屏极极板,阳极。12.(牛的)肋肉。13.【动物;动物学】(幼虫的)盾片;(鱼的)棱鳞。短语和例子a negative plate 底片;感光板。 a polarizing plate 【物理学】起偏振片。 a die plate 模板。 a die back plate 钢板衬片。 a door plate 门牌。 a family plate 刻有家徽、代代相传的金银餐具。 a plate battery 板极电池组。 a plate of fish 一盘鱼。 a theoretical plate 【物理学】理论屏。 foul a plate with 和…共餐。 put up one's plate 挂牌(行医)。 read one's plate 〔美俚〕 1. 做饭前祷告。 2. 埋头不吭声吃饭。vt.1.镀;在…上覆盖金属板;给(马等)装蹄。2.把…打成薄版;【印刷】给…制铅板〔电版〕。3.【造纸】给…上光。短语和例子copper plated 镀铜的。n.-ful 一盘,满盘。&&&&一盘&&&&石棉橡胶板&&&&在盘子里&&&&给……镀&&&&t形板; 丁字板&&&&名牌底板&&&&腕钩支板&&&&起模板&&&&车号牌&&&&制版和晒版&&&&片式填料&&&&极板对&&&&板极板极阻抗&&&&阳极与阳极间的负载&&&&逐板计算&&&&逐板计算&&&&板极间阻抗; 屏间阻抗&&&&板-板负载&&&&压板&&&&压板&&&&加劲板&&&&加劲板&&&&尿生殖板&&&&假牙床&&&&板块积聚&&&&普拉特布姆湾
例句与用法The brass plate must be adherent to the steel .黄铜片必须和钢粘结。The distillation column is provided with plates .蒸馏塔内装有塔盘。The plates are insensitive to red light .这些干片均对红光感觉迟钝。The plate is kept in a locked cupboard .碟子放在有锁锁着的柜子里。There was a queasy mess upon the plate .盘子上有一堆令人作呕的食物。The plate hit the floor with a smash .盘子摔在地板上啪的一声碎了。The weight of this steel plate is one ton .这块钢板的重量是一吨。The towers are surfaced with steel plates .在塔面上加了一层钢板。She heaped chicken and ham upon her plate .她把鸡子火腿堆了她一盘子。She always melted down the plate she bought .她总是把她买来的银器熔化。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释a dental appliance that artificially replaces missing teeth同义词:, , (baseball) base consisting of a rubber slab whe it must be touched by a base runn "he ruled that the runner failed to touch home"同义词:, , , dish on which food is served or from which food is eatena metal sheathing of uniform thickness (such as the shield attached to an artillery piece to protect the gunners)同义词:, , a sheet of metal or wood or glass or plastica shallow receptacle for collection in church同义词:, structural member consisting of a horizontal beam that provides bearing and anchoragea full-page illustration (usually on slick paper)a flat sheet of metal or glass on which a photographic image can be recorded同义词:, the positively charged electrode in a vacuum tubeany flat platelike body structure or parta main cour "a vegetable plate"; "the blue plate special"the thin under portion of the forequartera rigid layer of the Earth''s crust that is believed to drift slowly同义词:, the quantity contained in a plate同义词:, coat w "plate spoons with silver"
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  第二阶:能够成功拼读元音+辅音(辅音+元音)。如:c-a caa-t at
  第三阶:能够成功拼读辅音+元音+辅音。如d-o-g dog
  第四阶:能够成功拼读双音节或多音节单词。如sw-ea-t-er sweater
  1. 自然拼读法的第一步是掌握二十六个字母的读音 (Letter Sounds). 其中五个元音字母(a, e, i, o, u)发两种音。
  2. 第二步是进行单元音字母的拼读练习,如: Sam, cat, mat, 等等
  3. 第三步, 是固定读音的单词 : the, a, is, to, have 等.
  4. 第四步,是一个单词里有两个元音时,前边一个元音发字母音,后边一个元音不发音,如: make, made, sea, five, nine, road等等.
  5. 第五步, 是双/三辅音在一起时怎么联读, 如:bl(ack), str(eet)等;有一些辅音不发音,如:ghost,comb, lamb等;要掌握一下和&h&联在一起的发音: ch, sh, th, wh。
  6. 第六步,是特殊读法:
  单音节词,以元音结尾,这个元音发字母音.如:me, hi, go 等等
  Irregular: ar (car), ay(hay, may, say), igh (high,night, might), ew (new), er (sister, brother), ur(burn, hurt), ir (girl, fir,firm), or (horn), eigh (eight), oi (oil, boil), oy(boy), ow等有其特别的发音.&c& 和&k& 在一起时, 发一个音: quick, black等.
  第一天:a e i o u a_e e_e i_e o_e u_e
  Aa : mat map bag cat hatfan bat apple
  Ee:egg well red pen nethen bed bell
  Ii: lick six bib pig pinkiss ink hill
  Oo:ox on octopus boxsock operate ostrich
  Uu:sun umbrella cup busnut gun uncle under
  cape name tape lake gamemake take hate
  these Japanese Chinese
  bite five nine kite minenice ride side
  rose nose rope note posehome rode those
  tube cube June cute huge
  第二天:ai ay ee ea ey ie ighoa ow ui ue
  ai: tail rain paint painjail rail nailmaid
  ay:bay ray way say haypay May lay
  ee:reeds eel bee peeljeep feet see teeth
  ea:sea meat peanut eaglepeach tea leaf pea
  ey:donkey monkey jockeyturkey monkeyhockey key trolley
  ie:tie pie lie die
  igh:right sight nighttight hight fighthigh sigh
  oa:road toast toad coalgoat boat coat soap
  ow:rainbow pillow yellowwindow bowl rowhollow low
  ui:suit juice fruit
  ue:Sue blue glue true
  第三天:ar er ir ur or
  ar: arm car armchaircard cart farm parkgarden
  er:sister brother underrooster wintermermaid marker mother
  ir:birthday circus dirtybird circle dirtgirl
  ur:turtle surfing turkeyfur hurt pursenurse
  or:porch pork horse hornfort morning cornfork
  第四天:ou ow oi oy au aw oo ooea
  ou:house out mouth countfountain mountainshout mouse
  ow:cow towel clown owlcrown brown flowertower
  oi:coin oil point noiseboil soil poisoncoil
  oy:oyster boy cowboy soytoy
  au:august sause sausagenaughty autumnapplause
  aw:paw draw saw strawstrawberry lawn
  oo:moon zoo roof roosterboots food spoonroom cool fool boom foolish
  oo:book cook good footlook hook
  ea:head sweater sweatpear lead bearleather feather
  第五天:ch sh wh ph th th kn wrmb
  ch:beach lunch cheesebench church chickenchair cherry
  sh:sheep shirt ship fishdish push shoesshovel
  wh:whale white wheelwheat whip whistlewheelchair whisper
  ph:photo elephanttelephone trophy pharmacyalphabet
  th:brother featherleather father mother
  th:thumb three bathmatthirsty thief bathmouth teeth
  kn:knob knee knife knockknit
  wr:wrist wrinkle wrap wreathwrite
  mb:thumb lamb bomb combcrumb numb
  第六天:bl fl pl cl gl br cr gr pr fr tr dr
  bl:blue black blousebloom bleach blanket blondehair
  fl: flat flu fly flameflute floor flagflower
  pl:plane play plusplanet platform plumplate plant
  cl:clock cloud cleanclay climb close clapclown
  gl:glove globe glassglue glasses glider
  br:bright brook brimbride brown breadbrick brother
  cr:crown crab cream crowcrayon crocodilecry croissant
  gr:gray green grassgrapes ground growgrandma
  pr:prixe price prawn pressprince princesspray
  fr:frog frost FridayFrench fries fruitfront friend frame
  tr:tractor truck traintray tree triangletrunk trolley
  dr:dream drum dry dropdraw drive dressdrink
  第七天:sm sn sl sw sp st sc sk all ew y
  sm:smile small smellsmoke smooth
  sn:snowman snow snoresnake snail sneakerssneakers snack
  sl:slow slap sleep slideslope sled
  sw:switch swallow swanswim sweet swingsweater sweat
  sp:spider spaceshipspinach spoon spell
  st:stockings store starstamp storm stickstudent stand
  sc:scarf scooter scannerscarecrow scalescorpion scoop
  sk:skunk skis skirtskates
  all:call tall fall ballwall
  ew:dew few view hew newnephew newspaper
  Yy: sky fly dry spy typeshy cry my Yy :Miny sunny puppy dizzy dirty pony happybaby
  自然拼音强化练习:Tongue twister
  1.A big black bear saton a big black bug.
  2.A big black bug bit abig black dog onhis big black nose!
  3.Cat, Cat, catch thatfat rat.
  4.A fat cat catches amad rat.
  5.Blue glue gun, greenglue gun.
  6.Black background,brown background.
  7.A noisy noise annoysan oyster.
  8.A good cook can cookgood cookies.
  9.At noon I took a goodbook,andsat by the pool in the wood.I soon took off my boot.And put myfoot in thepool.Oh! How cool, how cool.
  10.The hunter and hishuge horse hidebehind in house.
  11. Betty better butterBrad's bread.
  12.Two tiny tigers taketwo taxis to town.
  13.The first is thefirst.The third is thethird.The third can be the first, The first can be thethird.
  14.Sir, this girlwearing a dirty skirt isnot the first, but the third.
  15.A flea and a fly flewup in a flue. Saidthe flea, &Let us fly!& Said the fly, &Let usflee!& Sothey flew through a flaw in the flue.
  16. I wish you were afish in my dish.
  17.Jean's three sheepare near the greenjeep.
  18.There are thirty-three thousand threehundred and thirty-three feathers on that bird's throat.
  19.Neither father nor mother likes this weather.
  20.It’s agoat,sitting in a boat,wearing acoat and writing a note.It’s a bear,sitting on a chair,holding a pear andcombing its hair.It’s a cock,sitting on a rock,wearing a sock and looking at aclock.It’s a fly,wearing a tie,holding a pie and waving good bye.


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