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【Billboard】一直看不太懂Itunes Popularity Bars,求教收藏
第一名的热度是1.0000 假设第二名热度为 0.5000 第一名即时下载量为10000次那么第二名下载量就是5000次 以此类推
部分修正欢迎大家补充本术语库收集BB吧出现的各类非生活用词(注意是任何)请保持本词典的准确性和无感情丨色彩,谢谢有问题请尽快指正注:请不要在楼中楼回复本帖大部分基于 "BB吧术语(1.0086)" 一帖详见:贴吧.百度.XXX/f?z=&ct=&lm=0&sc=0&rn=30&tn=baiduPostBrowser&word=billboard&pn=0歌曲名字之类的就不发了,请勿插楼
BC/小沈阳/逼吸:指贴吧吧友@BritneyCaery注解:①.BC为BritneyCaery缩写②.BritneyCarey酷似小沈阳③.逼吸同BC音 X胸宝宝:胸宝宝团队,现已FLOP注解:本是BC的一大堆马甲后缀,后来变成了大众马甲名黑/黑黑/*黑:指讨厌某明星而发关于某明星的负面消息以到达损坏此明星形象的人注解:*可以换成对应明星如:Lady GaGa黑也可缩写如:布黑婊*2B吧大众用语,如:果婊/日婊/打雷婊/婊示等*可以换成对应明星珍:本是COW吧调侃Janet用语,后来成为了BB吧大众用语,珍=真娜/娜么BB吧大众用语 Flop:注解:原指拍动;摇晃,也指专辑销量遭遇滑铁卢,2B吧大众用语,音译为胡萝卜打单:指发行单曲注解:打单可以促进专辑销量、知名度等等等等... iTunes:Apple旗下音乐商店,也称为水果店注解:是下载量的BB榜重要统计数据(电台,流媒体同样也是BB榜重要统计数据),最大的数码商店空降: 指单曲首周排在BB榜第一一白金:唱片卖到100万张 (US) *英国一白金为30万张一钻石:唱片卖到1000万张 (US) BB吧第一水楼:"好喜欢KC阿姨!" - ericbana23 (ericbana24马甲)著名活动:B波仔都爱评分系列,BBAwardBB会员年度音乐奖,各种新专辑,单曲成绩追踪贴/电台追踪贴热度注解:指某一时段iTunes单曲下载量①.条形热度:iTunes-Complete My Album上自带的热度条/LivePopBars网站上的热度条②.红绿热度:Live US iTunes Popularity Bars网站的热度,绿涨红跌(数字型热度) MV:指音乐录影带注解:MV是Music Video的缩写,MTV不是音乐录影带,而是某音乐电视圈吧/O吧:指百度Oricon吧
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------CA吧/擦吧:指百度CA吧注解:此吧关注(黑)Christina Aguilera、Madonna、李娜、王菲、萧亚轩、Ayumi、Celine Dion、Beyonce、张靓颖 和众多百度贴吧吧友力捧Mariah Carey、Janet Jackson、Britney Spears(好似)、Rihanna(好似)分吧为ILM吧(CA吧称五星级厕所) COW吧:指百度Cow吧注解:此吧是CA吧对立吧,黑Mariah Carey、Janet Jackson、蔡依林分吧原始的声音吧现大本营已转移至Janet Jackson吧婊姐/DLL/DDL/迪迪爱儿/香肠妹:指CA吧DesieLdeLycean注解:①.本是CA吧用来称呼Madonna,后来因为DesieLdeLycean撰写、翻译了很多乐评性质的文章,逐渐走红但也遭到很多人的反感,所以称其婊姐.②.DLL为DesieLdeLycean的缩写.DDL,迪迪爱儿同理.③.香肠妹的起源是因为某一个因为香肠自慰断在里面的百度提问被PS以后名字被改成了DesieLdeLycean,所以很多人戏称香肠妹山米/山B/婊哥:指CA吧的天然小山米注解:①.山米、山B均是天然小山米的简称②.出处与”婊姐“基本相同,婊妹原是CA吧对Celine的称呼. 原屎/屎屎:指CA吧原始的声音注解:出处与”婊姐“基本相同-----------------------------------------------------------------此段为原帖原文
午夜档:(22:00-7:00)内容神马就不说了 Bonus: 百度Billboard午夜档吧丧婊:指尚雯婕鸭姐:指萧亚轩淋淋注解:指宇宙天后蔡依林,源自百度Oricon吧,后成为BB榜大众用语 (现在正实施限"淋"令) 降淋注解:O吧吧友自制著名单机游戏姐妹团:详见同时也有反姐妹团
Glee:热播电视剧Glee(欢乐合唱团)每集都会翻唱一些热门,经典的单曲,并在iTunes开放下载,扰乱榜单 (麻将)万级天后:注解:和专辑销量有所挂钩的而把明星称作各种万(W),现已经不常用0W: 指Janet Jackson (因为超级碗事件,Janet决定不再发专辑,因为专辑都没有,所以销量无从谈起,即为0W)1W: 指Jewel (Jewel的儿童专辑Lullaby首周1W多)2W: 指Britney Spears (精选辑The Single Collection首周卖出2万张)3W: 指Taylor Swift (TS的大热专辑Fearless曾有一段时间每周3W地卖)4W: 指Katy Perry (首张专辑One Of The Boys首周卖出4W)5W: 指Lady GaGa (5W是因为The Fame在很长一段时间内每周5万销量)6W: 指Avril Lavigne (Avril Lavigne2002年的首砖Let Go在美国的首周销量仅为6W,故称之曰6W)7W: 指Christina Aguilera (CA精选Keeps Gettin Better首周卖出7W)8W: 指Ciara (Ciara第三张专辑Fantasy Ride首周8W)9W: 指Shakira (Shakira专辑She Wolf美国首周9W) BS/2W/假唱十年依然红/布烂泥/布/懒妮/布布:指Britney Spears注解:①.BS为Britney Spears缩写②.2W出处是因为布兰妮的第二张精选The Single Collection首周卖出2万张,万级天后名称之一③.假唱十年依然红出自BritneyCarey的马甲,暗讽黑黑们对布兰妮的假唱的负面评价,但也被许多人理解为招摇④.布黑对布兰妮的称号之一⑤.布兰妮简称,来源于中文名字⑥.懒妮是因为BS目前对于工作太过于松散而起⑦.略非主流称呼 CA/CA姑娘/蹄娜/侏儒/7W/11W/山路十八弯:指Christina Aguilera注解:①.CA为Christina Aguilera缩写②.同本条注释①,姑娘带有不同的意思,可以表正面也可以表负面③.蹄娜出自CA吧,是对CA的负面称呼,源于tina发音④.因为CA的个头矮小,所以被称侏儒⑤.7W指第一张精选Keeps Gettin Better首周卖出7W 万级天后名称之一⑥11W 指CA胡萝卜专辑 Bionic首周狂销11W⑦.山路十八弯 指CA的歌曲Candyman 珍猩/0W:指Janet Jackson注解:①.因为Cow吧对天然小山米不满 于是这样称呼天然小山米的偶像②.因为超级碗事件*,Janet决定不再发专辑,因为专辑都没有,所以销量无从谈起,即称0W 万级天后名称之一 *超级碗事件:注解:在某年超级碗现场表演时,Justin Timberlake和Janet Jackson共同表演,最后Justin Timberlake脱下Janet Jackson外胸罩牌后直接露乳,导致声讨.由于为什么会导致的原因很多,这里不再评论。因为这件事,美国决定对直播放缓5秒播出大队长/FLOP大队长/CICI/8W:
指Ciara注解:①.因为Ciara在09年发行著名FLOP专辑“神骑”(Fantasy Ride),开启09下半年众Diva的FLOP风潮,所以被称为大队长①.同注解①,Ciara发行的专辑一张比一张FLOP,发一张FLOP一张③.Ciara的小名④.著名FLOP专辑Fantasy Ride首周8W
指Lady GaGa注解:①.源于Lady GaGa惊人的造型,正好同Lady音,所以被称雷帝②.因为国内过多非主流喜欢Lady GaGa,所以称非主流教母,不过跟本人倒是没什么的关系③.5W是因为The Fame在很长一段时间内每周5万销量,所以叫5W 万级天后名称之一④.17W是因为The Fame Monster首周17W 万级天后名称之一⑤.出自本吧吧友 ,后成为2B吧大众用语,同样可以表正面也可以表负面 雷婆/蕾婆/雨伞妹/山歌妹/RiRi/日日/14W:指Rihanna注解:①.雷婆/蕾婆均为BC所起,只为配对②.雨伞妹是因为Rihanna的经典之作Umbrella而得名③.RiRi是Rihanna的缩写④.日日是RiRi的汉字读法⑤.Good Girl Gone Bad首周14W ⑥.山歌妹是因为她的一首Bad Girl的确太山歌了钱婆/钱钱/15W:指Ke$ha注解:①.BC所起,只为配对②.Ke$ha国内略非主流称呼③.Animal首周15W 万级天后名称之一 KP/水果姐/爆奶姐/糖果姐/4W:指Katy Perry注解:①.KP为Katy Perry缩写②.因为在之前专辑里几乎每首单曲都带水果 所以叫水果姐③.California Gurls MV中喷奶 所以叫爆奶姐④.在California Gurls中大玩糖果 所以叫糖果姐⑤.首张专辑One Of The Boys首周卖出4W,万级天后名称之一卖裆娜/卖姐/麦姐/肌肉姐/麦奶奶:指Madonna注解:①.因为早年Madonna靡乱,所以有人称卖裆娜②.卖姐同注解①③.因为Madonna注射了过多的医学用品保持青春,所以出现了很多不良反应,比如手臂感觉只有肌肉一样,所以被戏称肌肉姐④.因为Madonna同中生代歌手比起来年纪大很多 MC/牛姐/奶牛/假唱接唱天后/牛姐/MIMI:指Mariah Carey注解:①.MC为Mariah Carey缩写②.牛姐本是CA吧用于李娜(牛志红),后因为MC的长相有几分奶牛味,成了BB吧大众用语,奶牛同理③.假唱接唱天后为BC马甲名,后来广泛传播④.MIMI是MC的小名 TS/飞机场/小美女/小霉女/3W:指Taylor Swift注解:①.Taylor Swift缩写TS②.因为TS胸平,所以称飞机场③.因为TS长相算美丽,所以称小美女...④.黑对TS的称呼⑤Taylor的大热专辑Fearless曾有一段时间每周3W地卖,遂得此称,万级天后之一
CD/席帝/阳刚:指Celine Dion注解:①.CelineDion的缩写②.由CD衍生而来,而后又衍生出席天王,席阳刚等称呼,后者通常为黑黑用的称呼. AK/枪姐/钥匙姐:指 Alicia Keys注解:①.Alicia Keys名字的缩写②.出自AK47③.Key的中文翻译为钥匙 KC/肥K/肥凯利/十八线:指Kelly Clarkson注解:①.Kelly Clarkson缩写KC②.因为KC身材稍胖,所以被称为肥K③.“凯利”为天朝名字,同注解②④.原为KC粉自嘲,后成为2B吧大众用于,同时十八线也可以指某歌手人气或专辑销量处于二三线母狼/狼姐/9W:指 Shakira 注解:①.出自Shakira专辑“She Wolf”②.同注解①③.夏姐09年的转型作品"She Wolf"虽然质量上乘,但米国佬却不买账,专辑首周只有可怜的9W多张,故称其为9W. 拉拉打雷/打雷姐/:指Lana Del Rey注解:①.Lana Del Rey的音译②.同注解① 粉红/粉红姐姐:指P!nk注解:①.Pink中文翻译为粉红②.同注解① 阿呆/肥呆/妖呆:指ADELE注解:①.ADELE音译,同时也可以自行意会②.自行意会③.因为ADELE专辑21的畅销,所以被称为妖呆 NB/NB姐/潘婷姐:指Natasha Bedingfield注解:①.Natasha Bedingfield的缩写②.同注解①③.NB名曲Unwritten曾为潘婷洗发水广告主题曲木头/木头姐姐:指Carrie Underwood①.出自Carrie Underwood的名字②.同注解① JB/小JB/凉凉/娘娘/碧波:指Justin Bieber注解:①.Justin Bieber的缩写②.JB年纪小③.凉凉有戏谑成分,是2B吧的大众用语④.同注解③⑤.出自Bieber发音,含戏谑成分 AV/AL/非主流酵母/6W:指Avril Lavigne注解:①.AV含有戏谑的成分,有Avril的读音,也有同名某物缩写....②.AL是Avril Lavigne的缩写③.因为国内过多非主流喜欢Avril Lavigne,所以称非主流酵母,常简称为酵母④.酵母2002年的处女大碟《Let Go》在美国的首周销量仅为6W,故称之曰6W,万级天后之一 AL/妖当/当当/阿当/当肥:指Adam Lambert注解:①.AL为Adam Lambert缩写②.妖当、当当、阿当基本是对Adam Lambert的爱称③.当肥是因为Adam Lambert体型稍微偏胖麦粒/脸盘妹:指Miley Cyrus注解:①.Miley音译②.请自行音译 Bee/Bee姐*/蜜蜂姐姐/象腿姐姐/Queen B:指Beyoncé注解:①.Bee是Beyoncé第一个音节的发音②.同注解①③.同注解①④.请自行意会⑤.因为Beyoncé颇有女王风范,所以成为Beyoncé *Bee姐/菜场Bee:也指本吧神ID @BEY0NCEE
注解:在52nd Grammy结束后,BB吧出现了一个专贴Bee囧图的ID,这个ID就是B姐我最大,因为“黑”的很可爱,所以大家都亲切的称之为B姐.后因钻石神贴“不满!!!我们B姐为何没得到格莱美…”被删毅然退吧. 麻辣鸡/美国凤姐:指Nicki Minaj注解:①.Minaj音译②.因为NM长相颇似凤姐,被天朝媒体称为美国凤姐珠儿/1W: 指Jewel①.Jewel的中文翻译②.Jewel的儿童专辑"Lullaby"首周销量1W多一点,故称1W 刘娜/驴娜:指Leona Lewis注解:①.Leona中Leo的发音似中文拼音"Liu",所以被称为刘娜②.请自行意会
惠姨/毒后: 指Whitney Houston (RIP) 趴趴趴: 指Barbra Streisand 仙姑/傻奶团:指 Shania Twain 侃爷:指Kanye West 李伟: 指Lil Wayne Gay-Z:指JAY-Z 1D/小破团:指One Direction 挫男团/五挫男:指The Wanted 骚当:指Maroon5主唱Adam Levine 王心凌:指加拿大新晋歌手Carly Rae Jepsen 机器姐/机器团: 指Florence + the Machine,有时单指主唱Florence Welch JLO: 指Jennifer Lopez 肥花: 指Jennifer Hudson(现已成功减肥) 皮鞋:指Pixie Lott注解:源自拼音"Pi Xie" 酒屋姐姐/毒后:指Amy Winehouse (RIP) JT/贾思婷/贾婷婷/贾老板:指Justin Timberlake 假婷婷:指Mike Posner注解:因MP长相颇似Justin Timberlake 蛋球:指Jordin Sparks 囧死/囧死姐姐:指Norah Jones 囧妹:指John Mayer 囧lly:指Olly Murs
萌叔:指Matt Cardle 打飞机/达菲鸡:指Duffy 大姑妈:指Elton John 沙袋阿姨:指Sade 美联达/电视机:指Miranda Lambert 阿拉丁:指Jason Aldean注解:Aldean的音译鸡瘟/鸡瘟姐:指Gwen Stefani注解:Gwen的音译马叔/男巫:指Jason Mraz 火星/火星哥:指Bruno Mars 雪梨/雪梨姐:指Cheryl Cole注解:Cheryl的音译 CB/吸逼:指Chris Brown注解:①.Chris Brown的缩写②.源自CB的发音安叔:指Enrique Iglesias 瑞典香蕉:指Eric Saade注解:因本吧吧友 (一代水王)被称为烂香蕉,Eric与ericbana24的ID相似,故被成为瑞典香蕉苹果姐:指Fiona Apple 小杰:指Jesse McCartney 结石/结石姐姐:指Jessie J注解:"结石"为Jessie的音译石头姐:指Joss Stone 马钻/钻石婊:指Marina and the Diamonds 肥布雷:指Michael Bublé 公主/星期五公主:指Rebecca Blcak注解:源自RB宇宙神曲Friday 亚瑟/瑟姨/阿射:指Usher 姆姐:指Eminem 飞机:指Fergie(也指B.o.B单曲airplanes) 猴子/大胸:指Kris Allen注解:请自行意会抠逼姐姐/COCO:指Colbie Caillat,COCO有时指李玟妖豆: 指The Black Eyed Peas 公鸭:指Drake 傻脸娜/圆又圆:指Selena Gomez注解:请自行意会英国赵薇:指Lily Allen注解:请自行意会 MJB/玛丽布莱鸡: 指Mary.J.Blige SaraB:指Sara Bareilles
很多还不如改版之前的= =看起来没那么舒服。。。
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Header = number of hours ago | ??? = possibly incorrect update | $ = currently discounted
PosArtist and Title&
1The Chainsmokers - Closer (feat. Halsey)&
2twenty one pilots - Heathens&
3Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better$
4Major Lazer - Cold Water (feat. Justin Bieber & M?)&
5Justin Timberlake - CAN'T STOP THE FEELING! (Original Song From DreamWorks Animation's "Trolls")&
6Kiiara - Gold$
7Daya - Sit Still, Look Pretty$
8Metallica - Hardwired&
9Lil Wayne, Wiz Khalifa & Imagine Dragons - Sucker For Pain (with Logic, Ty Dolla $ign & X Ambassadors)&
10Sia - Cheap Thrills (feat. Sean Paul)&
11Ariana Grande - Into You&
12Adele - Send My Love (To Your New Lover)&
13Meghan Trainor - Me Too&
14Florida Georgia Line - H.O.L.Y.&
15Kenny Chesney - Setting the World on Fire (with P!nk)&
16DJ Snake - Let Me Love You (feat. Justin Bieber)&
17twenty one pilots - Ride&
18Lukas Graham - Mama Said$
19Katy Perry - Rise&
20The Chainsmokers - Don't Let Me Down (feat. Daya)&
21Charlie Puth - We Don’t Talk Anymore (feat. Selena Gomez)$
22Flume - Never Be Like You (feat. Kai)$
23gnash - i hate u, i love u (feat. olivia o'brien)$
24Florida Georgia Line - God, Your Mama, And Me (feat. Backstreet Boys)&
25Calvin Harris - This Is What You Came For (feat. Rihanna)&
26D.R.A.M. - Broccoli (feat. Lil Yachty)&
27Drake - One Dance (feat. Wizkid & Kyla)&
28Miranda Lambert - Vice&
29Drake - Too Good (feat. Rihanna)&
30Coldplay - Hymn for the Weekend$
31Dierks Bentley - Different for Girls (feat. Elle King)&
32Kelsea Ballerini - Peter Pan&
33Britney Spears - Make Me... (feat. G-Eazy)&
34Rihanna - Needed Me&
35X Ambassadors - Unsteady&
36Kungs & Cookin' On 3 Burners - This Girl&
37OneRepublic - Kids&
38P!nk - Just Like Fire (From "Alice Through the Looking Glass")&
39Jon Pardi - Head over Boots&
40Fifth Harmony - All In My Head (Flex) [feat. Fetty Wap]&
41Kehlani - Gangsta&
42Dan + Shay - From the Ground Up$
43DJ Khaled - For Free (feat. Drake)&
44Shawn Mendes - Mercy&
45Hailee Steinfeld & Grey - Starving (feat. Zedd)&
46Billy Currington - It Don't Hurt Like It Used To&
47Sam Hunt - Make You Miss Me&
48Tory Lanez - Luv&
49Ellie Goulding - Still Falling for You (From "Bridget Jones's Baby" Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)&
50Skrillex & Rick Ross - Purple Lamborghini&
51Drake - Controlla&
52Florida Georgia Line - May We All (feat. Tim McGraw)&
53Blake Shelton - She's Got a Way With Words$
54Cole Swindell - Middle of a Memory$
55Thomas Rhett - Vacation&
56Jason Aldean - A Little More Summertime&
57Wale - MY PYT$
58Grace - You Don't Own Me (feat. G-Eazy)&
59Michael Bublé - Nobody but Me&
60Beyoncé - Sorry&
61Fifth Harmony - Work from Home (feat. Ty Dolla $ign)&
62Eric Church - Record Year&
63Britney Spears - Do You Wanna Come Over?&
64Kent Jones - Don't Mind&
65Keith Urban - Blue Ain't Your Color&
66Flo Rida - My House&
67Sia - Cheap Thrills&
68Ruth B. - Lost Boy&
69twenty one pilots - Stressed Out&
70Lukas Graham - 7 Years&
71Daya - Hide Away$
72Disturbed - The Sound of Silence&
73DNCE - Cake by the Ocean&
74Jason Aldean - Lights Come On&
75Desiigner - Tiimmy Turner&
76William Michael Morgan - I Met a Girl$
77Austin Mahone - Send It (feat. Rich Homie Quan)&
78Hillary Scott & The Scott Family - Thy Will&
79Luke Bryan - Move&
80Mike Posner - I Took a Pill in Ibiza (Seeb Remix)&
81Zac Brown Band - Castaway&
82Bishop Briggs - River$
83Fitz & The Tantrums - HandClap&
84Florida Georgia Line - Island&
85Usher - No Limit (feat. Young Thug)&
86Brett Young - In Case You Didn't Know&
87Desiigner - Panda&
88Carrie Underwood - Church Bells&
89Brett Eldredge - Wanna Be That Song$
91Beyoncé - Formation&
92Rob $tone - Chill Bill (feat. J. Davi$ & Spooks)&
93Big Gigantic - All of Me (feat. Logic & ROZES)&
94EXO - Lotto&
95Old Dominion - Song for Another Time&
96Jake Owen - American Country Love Song&
97Banks - Mind Games&
98The Strumbellas - Spirits$
99Maren Morris - 80s Mercedes&
100Chris Janson - Buy Me a Boat$
---Marc E. Bassy - You & Me (feat. G-Eazy)&
---YG - Why You Always Hatin? (feat. Drake & Kamaiyah)&
---Ryan Stevenson - Eye of the Storm (feat. GabeReal)&
---James Bay - Let It Go&
---Jason Aldean - In Case You Don't Remember&
---Rae Sremmurd - Look Alive&
---Green Day - Bang Bang&
---Ariana Grande - Dangerous Woman&
---Meghan Trainor - NO&
---Tim McGraw - Humble and Kind&
---Rachel Platten - Fight Song&
---Whitesnake - Here I Go Again&
---Justin Moore - You Look Like I Need a Drink&
---Aminé - Caroline&
---DNCE - Toothbrush&How to Get Popularity Bars on iTunes |
How to Get Popularity Bars on iTunes
by Jared Huizenga, studioD
Popularity bars in the iTunes Store show you which songs are popular with other iTunes users. Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images
The ways to search for music in the iTunes store are numerous. You can search by song title, album title and artist name, just to name a few. Sometimes, however, you might be looking for something you don't know or is simply popular with other iTunes users. This is where popularity bars come into play. Popularity bars rank songs on precisely what the name says: the song's popularity, based on sales in iTunes. While the bars aren't shown in iTunes' default settings, activating them is a quick and easy process.
Step 1Open iTunes on your computer.
Step 2Click on "iTunes Store," which is located beneath "Store" in the left-hand control panel of iTunes.
Step 3Click on "View" in the menu at the top of iTunes to open a drop-down menu.
Step 4Scroll down to "Column Browser" and select "Show Column Browser" from the menu that appears to the side of the main drop-down menu.
Step 5Click on "View" in the menu at the top of iTunes to open a drop-down menu.
Step 6Scroll down to "View Options" and click and click on it.
Step 7Click the box to the left of "Popularity" in the View Options popup window.
Step 8Click "OK" in the window to add the popularity bar to your iTunes display options.
Step 9Use the search bar in the upper right-hand corner of iTunes to search for songs, artists and albums. ITunes will show you content that matches your search, including the popularity bars to show you what the best sellers are.
Things Needed
Latest version of iTunes
You can also search by genre, subgenre, artist and album by using the column browser. This search method is good when you don't know exactly what you're looking for. It does, however, take longer to search than the search bar.
Popularity bars only work in the iTunes Store and is not an option for sorting and organizing the music in your iTunes library.
About the Author Jared Huizenga is a journalist living in Minneapolis where he works for one of the nation's largest weekly newspaper groups, covering city government and school news. While in college he managed two weekly entertainment newspapers in central and southern Minnesota and has contributed to many entertainment websites. He holds a Bachelor of Science in mass communication.
Photo Credits
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images
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