如果想做全球气候变暖原因化和全球变暖方面的演讲 应该着重讲哪几个方面?

2007年3月,英国电视台Channel 4播出一个纪录片《全球变暖大骗局(The Great Global Warming Swindle)》,言之凿凿的声称全球变暖和二氧化碳排放没有关系。该颠覆性观点顿时引起轩然大波,引起世界范围内关于二氧化碳的大讨论。
本节导读在戈尔的电影2006年上映一年之后,英国一个电视节目制作人马丁• 德金(Martin Durkin)拍了一部和他唱反调的片子《the Great Global Warming Swindle》(《全球变暖的大谎言》),用列举数据,采访科学家的方式,试图说明全球变暖是由于太阳辐射的变动引起的,与人类排放温室气体无关,而且环保主义者在以此名义干扰发展中国家的发展。
大部分的气温是在1940 之前升高的,在1940 之前,工业生产显得不那么重要,第二次世界大战之后,是经济繁荣的时期,理论上气温应该迅速升高。但是,气温反而下降了,下降时间并不是一两年,而是四十年…[]
制作团队 监制:李玉霄 赵国臣 策划:mondayzhang、奚流、张博涵、丁阳、周越峰、丁森兴、姚遥 美术:邓戎 制作:张伟仁
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1549 位低碳达人,为缓解气候变暖和绿化美化环境做出贡献。
科研报告表明 全球变暖对人体健康有相当的伤害
中国网9月26日讯 据西班牙《世界报》9月24日报道,最新发布在《美国医学会》杂志上的科研报告表明,全球变暖对人体有相当的伤害。近二十年。有56篇文章研究分析了人体健康与气候变化的关系,几乎所有的相关研究都支持这一结论。呼吸系统是受影响最严重的地方,这其中影响最明显的就是哮喘,过敏性疾病,传染病。
威斯康辛大学全球卫生研究所的研究人员通过分析相关数据得出结论:在2050年,美国很多城市出现极端的炎热天气。比如说纽约和密尔沃基这两座城市,气温达32 以上的天数会比现在多三倍。这样的话,高温会引发很多健康问题,比如因身体不适而产生的紧张心慌。这种身体上的不适必然会导致生产能力下降,从而影响经济发展。
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And try to avoid imported goods, This is the same principle, On the same point, SUV’s make about six times their own weight in CO2 each year, you could protest against the demolition of the rainforests,If possible use solar energy, You can get much of your hot water and heating from the sun and even generate electricity, making the pollution higher,Keeping to the speed limit can also help the environment,Finally turning off unused sources of power such as televisions and heaters will help the environment, something important for our bodies, all you need to buy is the equipment, Reuse whatever you can, and try to do your part, you will have started to help us all,The answer is simpler than you may think, the planets temperature has risen by around 1 degree fahrenheit (0, It really is as simple as that, 2001, The warmest since the mid 1800’s was the 1990s, 1998, think - do I have to make this journey by vehicle or can I walk, don’t stock the cupboards with things you may or may not use, Trees, The more foreign food that we import the more pollution from aeroplanes and boats it will create, Monuments and great buildings, we need the trees to cool our planet and yet they are chopping them down to create roads or homes,Global WarmingThere is little doubt that the planet is warming, The United Nations panel on climate change projects that the global temperatures will rise 3-10 degrees fahrenheit by the century’s end - enough to have the polar caps all but melted,So now we know what some of the causes are for global warming, reuse and recycle,When you are at home,Firstly, You don’t have to go miles away from home to protest, Reduce,If possible, we would be doing a great thing by protecting the earth, 2002, a vast majority of our countries borders will be under water, or your motorbike, how can we as individuals do our part to help save the planet, So please take into consideration what I have said,6 of a degree celsius), as well as save you money, buy your fruit and vegetables from local suppliers, Also, The more you speed the more petrol you are going to use, after all it is free, and recycle what you cannot reuse, After all, This could be easier than it sounds, when fully grown, A small efficient diesel car covering the same distance not only uses much less fuel, including New York City, So the next time you get into your car, and your getting a little cold, As well as stopping pollution, Only buy what you need, or spend masses of money, Join or help out a local wildlife group and ask to plant a tree, The hottest years recorded were 1997, If you try to follow the few simple steps that I shall now give you, will help keep the planet cooler, it makes two thirds less, So try wearing an extra layer in winter, you are giving yourself exercise, 2003, Over the last century,
The extra heat produced by our homes also affects the planet, as well as homes and lives will be under water,If everybody stuck to these rules,Something as simple as walking instead of taking the car will help reduce pollution, plant a tree,
If the ice caps melt, it will be our next generation that will feel the effects, Put a jumper on and do not adjust the heating, like containers and paper,,
carbon emissions into the atmosphere constitute a nuisance to everybody on the planet, it is a good opportunity for China to show the world that it has a moral commitment and the will to fight global warming, so those who make this nuisance should pay for their actions,How we should fight global warming, There is a simple reason why this is the ideal remedy, The theory and evidence strongly suggest that human-related emissions of carbon into the atmosphere is causing, A simple natural way to fight global warming is to have escalating Taxes on carbon emissions, We should be taking active steps now to curb emissions and we should be engaging in international co-operation to do so, This global warming is on such a scale that it will wreak havoc on both poor and rich countries, significant global warming, and will in the future cause,最后一段40字可以去掉。The topic of global warming is attracting the attentions of countries all over the world, What have caused global warming,
It could even make large sections of the earth uninhabitable,如果觉得太长, and if it also wants to assert world leadership status,150字太少了,这么重量级的题材, China is the rising economic star, A further recommendation is that there should be large-scale government support for research into new technology that will reduce carbon emissions,下面是205字,,
Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-twentieth century, and its projected continuation.Increasing global temperature will cause sea level to rise, and is expected to increase the intensity of extreme weather events and to change the amount and pattern of precipitation. Other effects of global warming include changes in agricultural yields, trade routes, glacier retreat, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors.Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but there is ongoing political and public debate worldwide regarding what, if any, action should be taken to reduce or reverse future warming or to adapt to its expected consequences.
Under the Kyoto protocol the burden of reducing carbon emissions falls on the industrialised world. Developing countries were exempt, as it was felt cutbacks would hinder development and add to the existing burden of debt. However as developing countries improve their technology, get more vehicles and power stations for example, their emissions are also going to increase, fuelling climate change.
The Royal Society says there must be a global initiative to tackle this now to help developing countries find cleaner greener power generating technologies in particular . The society's chair Lord May says this could be achieved through increasing the knowledge base, by training local scientists who will then be able to develop solutions appropriate to local needs。The uncertainty surrounding climate change argues for action, not inaction. America should lead the wayClimate change refers to the phenomenon that is causing the earth to become warmer because our climate and our weather systems are changing. This may sound like something vague and futuristic but in fact climate change is a reality. Today, the earth is hotter than it has been in two thousand years。Nothing has been decided against climate change. No surprise there, I doubted very much America would realize that something is needed from them.[][US]Climate change: The greening of America[b]How America is likely to take over leadership of the fight ag and how it can get it right美国领导各国共同应对气候变化的可能性有多大?该如何正确应对呢?[/b]COUNTRY with a presidential system tends to get identified with its leader. So, for the rest of the world, America is George Bush's America right now. It is the country that has mismanaged the I holds prisoners without trial at Guantánamo B restricts funding for stem-cell research because of fundamentali and destroyed the chance of a global climate-change deal based on the Kyoto protocol.人们往往认为,总统制国家就是其总统的国家。因此,在世界其他国家看来,现在的美国就是乔治•布什的美国。正是这样一个国家,对伊拉克战事处置失当,把战俘关押在关塔那摩海湾又不审讯,顾及原教旨主义分子的宗教信仰而限制对干细胞研究的资助;也正是这样一个国家,拒绝签署《京都议定书》有关的全球气候变化协议。But to simplify thus is to misunderstand—especially in the case of huge, federal America. One of its great strengths is the diversity of its political, economic and cultural life. While the White House dug its heels in on global warming, much of the rest of the country was moving. That's what forced the president's concession to greens in the state-of-the-union address on January 23rd. His poll ratings sinking under the weight of Iraq, Mr Bush is grasping for popular issue and global warming has evidently become such an issue. Albeit in the context of energy security, a now familiar concern of his, Mr Bush spoke for the first time to Congress of “the serious challenge of global climate change” and proposed measures designed, in part, to combat it.不过,只见树木,不见森林,对于泱泱联邦大国美国而言尤为如此。美国的重要特点之一就在于其政治、经济和文化生活的多样性。当白宫在全球气候变暖问题上始终坚持拒绝有所作为时,该国其他许多人都行动了起来。这也迫使总统在1月23日的国情咨文中对环保人士作出让步。受伊战所累,布什的民意支持率一路下滑,他也希望抓住民众关心的问题来提升自己的支持率,而全球气候变暖显然就成了这样一个问题。当下布什最关心的是能源安全问题,但尽管如此,布什还是以能源安全为依托,(在国情咨文讲话中)首次对国会提及“全球气候变化带来的严峻挑战”,并建议制定相应的应对措施。It's the weather, appropriately, that has turned public opinion—starting with Hurricane Katrina. Scientists had been warning Americans for years that the risk of “extreme weather events” would probably increase as a result of climate change. But scientific papers do not drive messages home as convincingly as the destruction of a city. And the heatwave that torched America's west coast last year, accompanied by a constant drip of new research on melting glaciers and dying polar bears, has only strengthened the belief that something must be done.让民意转向的恰好就是天气问题,而这又始于卡特里娜飓风。多年来科学家一直提醒美国人,随着气候的变化,发生“极端天气事件”的可能性增高,但是相比科学论文,天气事件毁坏一座城市的事实要更具有说服力。去年,酷热席卷了美国西海岸,同时关于冰川融化和北极熊面临死亡威胁的研究报告也是层出不穷,一切都使得有关方面进一步认识到必须有所举措了。Business is changing its mind too. Five years ago corporate America was solidly against carbon controls. But the threat of a patchwork of state regulations, combined with the opportunity to profit from new technologies, began to shift business attitudes. And that movement has gained momentum, because companies that saw their competitors espouse carbon controls began to fear that, once the government got down to designing regulations, they would be left out of the discussion if they did not jump on the bandwagon. So now the loudest voices are not resisting change but arguing for it.企业也在改变思路。5年前,美国企业坚决反对控制碳排放,但在州政府各项规定的约束之下,再加上新技术有利可图,企业纷纷开始转变态度。而且,这种势头越来越猛,因为企业眼见其竞争对手赞成控制碳排放,开始担心如若自己不“顺势而动”,那么一旦(联邦)政府考虑制定有关规定时,就不会采纳他们的意见。因此,如今企业叫得最凶的不是抵制而是支持改革。Support for carbon controls has also grown among some unlikely groups: security hawks (who want to reduce America's dependence on Middle Eastern oil); farmers (who like subsidies for growing the raw material for ethanol); and evangelicals (who worry that man should be looking after the Earth God gave him a little better). This alliance has helped persuade politicians to move. Arnold Schwarzenegger, California's Republican governor, has led the advance, with muscular measures legislating Kyoto-style curbs in his state. His popularity has rebounded as a result. And now there is movement too at the federal level, which is where it really matters. Since the Democrats took control of Congress after the November mid-term elections, bills to tackle climate change have proliferated. And three of the serious candidates for the presidency in 2008—John McCain, Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama—are all pushing for federal measures.有些令人意想不到的团体也渐渐开始支持控制碳排放,比如能源安全鹰派成员(也就是希望减少美国对中东石油依赖的那些人)、农民(希望获得补贴用于种植提炼乙醇的原材料)和福音派人士(他们认为人类应当悉心呵护上帝所赐才会有好报)。这些人对说动政界人士也起到了推动作用。加州州长、共和党人阿诺德•施瓦辛格率先在本州采取了有力措施,按照《京都议定书》的有关要求,通过了强制性限排的立法,他也因此重拾威信。现在联邦政府一级也开始有所行动,而这才是真正重要的。自从11月中期选举后民主党主政国会以来,关于对付气候变化问题的提案越来越多。三名2008年总统候选人也都在力促联邦政府拿出举措,他们是约翰•麦凯恩、希拉里•克林顿和巴拉克•奥巴马。[b]Europe's good, and bad, example欧洲榜样,择其善者而从之[/b]Unfortunately, Mr Bush's new-found interest in climate change is coupled with, and distorted by, his focus on energy security. Reducing America's petrol consumption by 20% by 2017, a target he announced in the state-of-the-union address, would certainly diminish the country's dependence on Middle Eastern oil, but the way he plans to go about it may not be either efficient or clean. Increasing fuel-economy standards for cars and trucks will go part of the way, but for most of the switch America will have to rely on a greater use of alternative fuels. That means ethanol (inefficient because of heavy subsidies and high tariffs on imports of foreign ethanol) or liquefied coal (filthy because of high carbon emissions).不幸的是,布什最近对气候变化的关注,是同他对能源安全的关注扯在一起的,人们因此也怀疑他醉翁之意不在酒。他在国情咨文中宣布要在2017年以前将美国的油耗减少20%。这一目标无疑会让美国对中东石油的依赖性减低,但是他计划实现这一目标的方式却与提高能效或者环保无关。虽然这中间涵盖了提高汽车节油标准在内,但大部分还是依赖更多的采用其他形式的燃料,也就是乙醇或者液态煤。前者由于补贴大、进口关税高因而能效并不高,后者则由于碳排放量高所以容易造成环境污染。The measure of Mr. Bush's failure to tackle this issue seriously is his continued rejection of the only two clean and efficient solutions to climate change. One is a carbon tax, which this paper has long advocated. The second is a cap-and-trade system of the sort Europe introduced to meet the Kyoto targets. It would limit companies' emissions while allowing them to buy and sell permits to pollute. Either system should, by setting a price on carbon, dis and, in doing so, encourage the development and use of cleaner-energy technologies. Just as America's adoption of catalytic converters led eventually to the world's conversion to lead-free petrol, so its drive to clean-energy technologies will ensure that these too spread.布什并没有认真对待这一问题。之所以这么说,是因为他仍拒绝采用解决气候变化问题仅有的两种既高效又清洁的方法。一个是征收碳排放税,这也是《经济学人》杂志长期以来所提倡的。另一个则是欧洲为达到《京都议定书》要求所实行的“配额-贸易”制度。该制度一方面限制企业排污,同时也允许其买卖排污许可证。该制度通过对碳排放进行定价(实际上就是要收费),因而应当会减少排放,并且可以促进企业开发利用清洁能源技术。正如美国当年采用催化式排气净化器最终引导了世界应用无铅汽油的潮流一样,美国努力开发的清洁能源技术也肯定能得到推广。
Global climate unexpected turn of events is warm Earth’s atmosphere is ideally composed for life, with just the right mix of elements to sustain and support plants and animals. This mix includes small traces of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide. Because they are composed of molecules of three atoms or more – C02, CH4, NO2-- they thicken up the atmosphere and help trap incoming sunlight after it has bounced off the Earth in the form of heat. Without them, the Earth would be a frozen iceball with temperatures hovering around 0 deg. Fahrenheit. Greenhouse gases are a good thing, but we’ve all heard about the problems of too much of a good thing and that is clearly the case with greenhouse gases. Human activities are making massive changes in global atmospheric chemistry. Since the dawn of the industrial revolution 250 years ago, carbon dioxide has increased in the atmosphere by 31%, methane by 151% and nitrous oxide by 17%. And we have made new chemicals such as chlorofluorocarbons that are powerful greenhouse gases, not to mention ozone depleters. Around three quarters of greenhouse gases came from burning fossil fuels - coal, oil and natural gas. Most of the rest come from land use changes - primarily deforestation of tropical rainforests. These changes rank on a geological time scale. Antarctic ice cores hold bubbles of air that perfectly reflect the atmosphere at the time the bubbles were captured. An ice core record going back 420,000 years proves conclusively there is far more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than at any other time in that record, around 370 parts per million compared to a previous high of 300. CO2 levels are rising the fastest in at least 20,000 years. Drillings from ancient corals and other ocean sediments show it is highly likely that we are at a 20 million year high for carbon dioxide. The ice core also reveals that this past 10,000 years, the entire period of human civilization, has seen the most stable climate in 420,000. By dramatically increasing greenhouse gases, humanity is threatening to radically destabilize the climate in ways we cannot predict. The more we study the past climate, the more it is evident that climate change can come in huge jolts. Instead of envisioning climate change as a line on a graph gradually going up, it might be better to see it as sharp steps, with each step holding jarring potential to disrupt civilization. We already know the planet has warmed by around 1 deg. F in the past century. Most of the 10 hottest years on record took place in the past decade, while scientific studies indicate that decade was the hottest in 1,000 years. Meanwhile, severe storms have increased in the U.S., while over the past 20 years more areas of the planet have suffered from drought or flooding. Spring is coming around a week earlier to the Northern hemisphere, while populations of species from butterflies to marine creatures can be observed shifting north as the planet warms. Glaciers are retreating in mountains around the world, including our own in the Northwest, while the Greenland ice pack has started to melt. In the tropical oceans, corals are suffering and dying from warming waters, threatening the rich biodiversity of these “rainforests of the ocean.” The mounting evidence for global warming caused the world's leading scientific authority on the topic to make its most conclusive statements to date. In 2001, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stated, “The warming of the last 50 years due to anthropogenic (human-caused) greenhouse gases can be identified.” The panel said temperature could rise by up to 5 degrees Celsius, or 11 degrees Fahrenheit, this century. That would be twice the entire warming after the last ice age 12,000 years ago, and it would take place in 100 years, rather than over thousands, giving the natural world and human civilization little time to adapt. The American Geophysical Union, the nation's largest earth sciences association, recently stated, “there is no known geologic precedent for the transfer of carbon from the Earth's crust to atmospheric carbon dioxide, in quantities comparable to the burning of fossil fuels, without simultaneous changes in other parts of the carbon cycle and climate system.” Any remaining scientific uncertainty “does not justify inaction in the mitigation of human-induced climate change and/or the adaptation to it.”/////////////////////////////////////////Global warming is the term used for the observed increase in the average temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans in recent decades and its projected continuation. Models referenced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict that global temperatures may increase by 1.4 to 5.8 °C (2.5 to 10.5 °F) between 1990 and 2100. The uncertainty in this range results from both the difficulty of predicting the volume of future greenhouse gas emissions and uncertainty about climate sensitivity. Global average near-surface atmospheric temperature rose 0.6 ± 0.2 °Celsius (1.1 ± 0.4 °Fahrenheit) in the 20th century. The prevailing scientific opinion on climate change is that &most of the warming observed over the last 50 years is attributable to human activities.&[1] The main cause of the human-induced component of warming is the increased atmospheric concentration of greenhouse gases (GHGs) such as carbon dioxide (CO2), which leads to warming of the surface and lower atmosphere by increasing the greenhouse effect. Greenhouse gases are released by activities such as the burning of fossil fuels, land clearing, and agriculture. An increase in global temperatures can in turn cause other changes, including a rising sea level and changes in the amount and pattern of precipitation. These changes may increase the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, heat waves, hurricanes, and tornados. Other consequences include higher or lower agricultural yields, glacier retreat, reduced summer streamflows, species extinctions and increases in the ranges of disease vectors. Warming is expected to affect the number and magni however, it is difficult to connect particular events to global warming. Although most studies focus on the period up to 2100, even if no further greenhouse gases were released after this date, warming (and sea level) would be expected to continue to rise since CO2 has a long average atmospheric lifetime. Remaining scientific uncertainty comes from the exact degree of climate change expected in the future and particularly how changes will vary from region to region across the globe. A hotly contested political and public debate has yet to be resolved, regarding whether anything should be done, and what could be cost-effectively done to reduce or reverse future warming, or to deal with the expected consequences. Most national governments have signed and ratified the Kyoto Protocol aimed at combatting global warming. (See List of Kyoto Protocol signatories.)////////////////////////////////////////////
晕死,人家楼主说是高中水平的,你们弄得这么难,楼主背起来不累死啊,呵呵!!楼主,我尽量用常用词汇来表达你主题的!The Global Warming
People around the world may feel that the climate has been getting steadily warmer and warmer in recent years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfall have frequently experienced snowfree winters. Drought lasts longer in some dry areas. People find that without air conditioners they could hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days。
The side effects of global warming are alarmins. A warmer global climate melts the ice caps, raising sea levels. What is more, it disturbs weather patterns, causing droughts, severe storms, hurricanes . People suffer a lot from disasters relevant to global warming.
To stop global warming we should make immediate and continual efforts. We hope the situation will soon change. Global warming catches and holds our concern, for it affects us and will affect our later generations. We cannot wait any longer. Do it. Do it right. Do it right now
global warmingGlobal Warming, increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere, oceans, and landmasses of Earth. The planet has warmed (and cooled) many times during the 4.65 billion years of its history. At present Earth appears to be facing a rapid warming, which most scientists believe results, at least in part, from human activities. The chief cause of this warming is thought to be the burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, which releases into the atmosphere carbon dioxide and other substances known as greenhouse gases. As the atmosphere becomes richer in these gases, it becomes a better insulator, retaining more of the heat provided to the planet by the Sun.The average surface temperature of Earth is about 15°C (59°F). Over the last century, this average has risen by about 0.6 Celsius degree (1 Fahrenheit degree). Scientists predict further warming of 1.4 to 5.8 Celsius degrees (2.5 to 10.4 Fahrenheit degrees) by the year 2100. This temperature rise is expected to melt polar ice caps and glaciers as well as warm the oceans, all of which will expand ocean volume and raise sea level by an estimated 9 to 100 cm (4 to 40 in), flooding some coastal regions and even entire islands. Some regions in warmer climates will receive more rainfall than before, but soils will dry out faster between storms. This soil desiccation may damage food crops, disrupting food supplies in some parts of the world. Plant and animal species will shift their ranges toward the poles or to higher elevations seeking cooler temperatures, and species that cannot do so may become extinct. The potential consequences of global warming are so great that many of the world's leading scientists have called for international cooperation and immediate action to counteract the problem这是介绍global warming的演讲稿


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