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正在加载中,请稍后...Have scientists created lenses that will cure a person?s colour blindness? New glasses help sufferers distinguish red and green | Daily Mail Online
Have we cured colour blindness?
Scientist 'accidentally' creates glasses that allow people to see
full spectrum
Lenses originally developed to help medics locate veins and bruisingTests showed they could also help colour blind distinguish red and greenHowever they hamper perception of blues and yellows
14:52 BST, 7 February 2013
07:42 BST, 8 February 2013
They are the spectacles that could transform the vision of the colour blind.Scientists have developed glasses with purple-tinged lenses that enhance reds and greens, allowing those with the most common form of the condition to see them properly.One tester of the Oxy-Iso lenses, a British academic, has told how he ‘shivered with excitement’ after putting on the ?190 glasses for the first time.Scroll down for video
Oxy-Iso: The revolutionary new glasses help the colour blind see colours they previously could not
Dr Daniel Bor, of the University of
Sussex, said: ‘The main thing I have problems with is when people use
red and green on graphs in seminars and I can’t tell the difference
between them.
‘And there’s my occasionally weird
dress sense, which my wife puts me right on. But putting on the glasses
for the first time was really quite an exciting moment. I was with my
daughter in the gym and suddenly her lips stood out.
‘She was wearing a red-orange jumper and suddenly it stood out from the surroundings.’
The glasses, which were originally developed for medical use, are the brainchild of US scientist Mark Changizi.
The lenses filter out bands of light that interfere with the ability to distinguish various shades of red and green.
Dr Changizi, of Idaho firm 2AI Labs,
said: ‘It makes it so they can suddenly see red-green differences in the
world which were originally too small for them to notice.’
Can you see this number? The Ishihara Colour Test is the standard way to diagnose colour blindness
Wearing the glasses, Dr Bor managed to
pass the colour blindness test used in used in schools around the
world. However, they were not without their drawbacks.
He said: ‘My daughter’s baby monitor
has a yellow light on it and normally I can see that. But with the
glasses on, it was completely invisible.
‘Without the glasses, nothing is invisible. It was a bit disturbing that some things disappeared out of my vision.
WHAT IS COLOUR BLINDNESS?Colour blindness affects around 1 in 12 men and 1 in 200 women in the world. In
Britain this means that there are approximately 2.7million colour blind
people (about 4.5 per cent of the entire population), most of whom are
male.There are different causes of colour blindness. For the vast majority of people with deficient colour vision the condition is genetic and has been inherited from their mother. However
some people become colour blind as a result of other diseases such as
diabetes and multiple sclerosis or they acquire the condition over time
due to the ageing process or medication side effects.Most
colour blind people are able to see things as clearly as other people
but they unable to fully ‘see’ red, green or blue light. There
are different types of colour blindness and there are extremely rare
cases where people are unable to see any colour at all. ‘I wouldn’t wear them all the time but
if I was going to an art gallery or a flower show, I’d take them with
me. I’d really welcome them then.’
The glasses only work for red-green
colour blindness. This is the most common form and although rare in
women, it affects up to 8 per cent of men.
, Professor Changizi said:
'Although we didn’t design our technology with colour-deficients
specifically in mind, we weren’t too surprised that the Oxy-Iso may help
with with red-green colour-deficiency.
'As I have argued in my research and my earlier book, Vision Revolution, our human variety of color vision evolved — above and beyond that found in other mammals — in order to sense these oxygenation variations, allowing us to sense colour-signals on the skin (including blushes, blanches, as well as sensing health). 'So the Oxy-Iso filter concentrates its enhancement exactly where red-green colour-blind folk are deficient.'Daniel Bor, a researcher from the University of Sussex, said wearing the glasses enabled him to pass the commonly used test for colour blindness, the Ishihara Colour Test, in which patients are shown plates which feature a circle of dots.Colour blindness sufferers are not able to make out numbers shown made up of dots of a different colour. 'When I first put one of them on, I got a shiver of excitement at how vibrant and red lips, clothes and other objects around me seemed,' Mr Bor said.The glasses are already available. However, while they enhance perception of reds and greens, they hamper the ability to distinguish yellows and blues.VIDEO: Dr Mark Changizi explains the idea that lead to the invention of O2Amp Eyewear
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