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No Direction : I Have No Idea What I Want to Do With My Life Story & Experience
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No Direction
I am 22 years old and I have no idea what I want to do with my life. Not that uncommon? Yes, I know, I am told that almost every day. The trouble is, I'm the type of person who gets totally depressed and lethargic and can't/won't do anything when I have no direction in life. What I mean is, everyone just says &you don't have to know exactly what you want to do with your life, just get a college degree and your life will be better.& I honestly have no idea how these people manage/managed to trudge through the crap and muck of it all and write papers and study for tests and do busy work and go to inane classes JUST because they knew they had to get a degree. I guess that's just not good enough motivation for me. Why? I NEED to know that my life is going to be better when I get through all this. I NEED to have a dream and I just don't. I know I want to live in a city, I know who I want to marry and that I want to have kids, I just don't know what I want to do for a living. It's so hard to keep going when I feel this way, and I have tried everything to come up with some kind of idea of a career, but nothing can really inspire me enough to do what it takes to get there. I don't really think anyone can help me, but I'd just like to know that I'm not alone and to hear how other people are coping.
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