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The Problem of Charles Murray – Uncertain Principles
Charles “The Bell Curve” Murray is back with a three-part essay series on edcuation, published in The Wall Street Journal:
: The world is full of stupid people.
: Too many stupid people go to college.
: We should spend more money on the tiny fraction of people who are smart.
(You can also find them , if the WSJ links rot.)
Charles Murray bugs me, because he makes my life more difficult. Not because he’s a bold iconoclast challenging the hidebound educational establishment, but because his writing on these topics has a smugly patrician and crypto-racist air that contaminates everything that even comes close to sounding related to one of his ideas. When, like the proverbial blind pig, he stumbles onto the occasional good idea (we do scant gifted education in this country, and it’s a shame), he wrecks it for the rest of us.
I have, on occasion, said some things about American education that are broadly similar to some of the things Murray says. The way he says them, though, makes me feel icky. Consider this gem from part I:
Now take the girl sitting across the aisle who is getting an F. She is at the 20th percentile of intelligence, which means she has an IQ of 88. If the grading is honest, it may not be possible to do more than give her an E for effort. Even if she is taught to read every bit as well as her intelligence permits, she still will be able to comprehend only simple written material. It is a good thing that she becomes functionally literate, and it will have an effect on the range of jobs she can hold. But still she will be confined to jobs that require minimal reading skills. She is just not smart enough to do more than that.
I mean, you can just hear the condescension dripping from his keyboard, puddling at his feet, and staining the floorboards. Even leaving aside his dogged insistence that IQ is a reliable measurement of anything, this just sounds creepy. “Even if she is taught to read every bit as well as her intelligence permits”– you can see the marks where he edited out “the poor little thing,” for length reasons.
And the maddening thing is, he’s rooting around blindly in a truffle-rich environment. There are good arguments to be made along some of these lines: There are a fair number of students in the educational system who would be better served by some sort of vocational training than by pushing them through high school and into college (though the
does a nice job of explaining where he’s wrong about two-year colleges. But the fact that Murray is making these arguments makes it harder for anybody who actually has credibility to make them, once he’s oozed all over them.
Even when he takes a relatively inoffensive idea like “We should set aside more money for educating the best and brightest students,” in Part III, he has to sneak in a slimy little aside:
The gifted should not be taught they need to learn how to make accurate judgments. They should not be taught to be equally respectful of Aztecs and G they should focus on the best that has come before them, which will mean a light dose of Aztecs and a heavy one of Greeks. The primary purpose of their education should not be to let the little darlings express themselves, but to give them the tools and the intellectual discipline for expressing themselves as adults.
It’s absolutely maddening. He’s “Uncle Al” with a think-tank job. I realize it’s the Wall Street Journal op-ed page, and not a publication with an intellectual reputation to protect, but honestly, why do people keep promoting this slime?
Feh. Now I need a shower– I’ve got Charles Murray all over my hands.
January 19, 2007
Thanks for tackling this. I read those articles linked from the Chronicle’s “A&L Daily” page, and came away with the same icky feeling, but without the energy to muster up a rebuttal. It’s possible to advocate beter gifted education without coming off as downright EUGENECIST about it.
That intelligence is a relatively fixed quantity in any individual
That the distribution of intelligence is described by a normal distribution curve.
That the current political/cultural climate mandates
an egalitarian approach to education that ill-serves all but the 40% or so around the middle of the curve.
That those on the lower end of the intelligence spectrum would be better served by an educational system that was less disparaging of ‘practical’ (i.e. ‘vocational’) learning
That the economic, cultural, and intellectual ‘health’
is in the hands of the relative few in the rightmost tail of the curve and that we should be doing more to ensure the vitality of this population in particular
That an egalitarian approach to choosing what to teach is detrimental. This seems to be a stab at the so-called multi-cultural, morally relativist, academic left’s (straw-man) view that diversity is strength
Now I’ve seen hints of objections to point number two in my list (which doesn’t represent all of the assumptions or arguments that Mr. Murray’s editorials contain), but I haven’t seen anybody attack any of the core arguments on the basis of substance. It’s obvious to me that those who have read The Bell Curve read much more into his arguments than what I see, and it seems like this is tainting their ability to treat this series of articles with anything but contempt.
I’d like to see somebody attack the ideas themselves, rather than the perceived tone in which they were presented. I’m not an academic by profession, I’m a computer programmer, and I wonder if these ideas would be less resonant if I spent more of my day in the company of academics. In short, in my limited experience, the basic ideas Mr. Murray is presenting (as I understand them and listed above) seem almost self-evident.
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官方公共微信San Bernardino County, CA — In the late 90’s, amid rising crime rates and finite lockup space, the private prison industry was looking like a pretty lucrative business opportunity for anyone who could take advantage. Having received a dire report from Georgia-based prison design firm Rosser International Inc., San Bernardino County was expecting a shortfall in inmate beds and a doubling of their inmate population by the year 2020. Against this background, the County began accepting bids for a 500-inmate private prison. Terry Mooreland, CEO of Maranatha Private Corrections LLC was among the individuals who bid on the project. There was only one catch. Mooreland’s bid included a stipulation that if he was awarded the bid, inmates serving sentences at his facility would be offered a vegan diet. As fate would have it, Mooreland won the bid and in 1997 began to build what became the Victor Valley Medium Community Correctional Facility in Adelanto, C which is about 120 miles northeast of Los Angeles. Once operational, this facility saw remarkable results for seven years, before a dispute over inmate phone revenue led the State of California to cancel their contract with Mooreland. It is unbelievable that something as silly as phone revenue could cause a State to end one of the most remarkable prison success programs in the country, where inmates
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got out and stayed out. At the time, the State of California had a recidivism rate of 95%. This is the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested. The Victor Valley facility enjoyed a recidivism rate of less than 2%. So, what was the key factor behind this success? A vegan diet. Upon arrival, new inmates attended an orientation where they received two clear choices. They could live on one side of the prison which operated using the standard California Department of Corrections (CDC) guide or, they could live on the side of the prison operated under the “NEWSTART” program which included a vegan diet, bible studies, job training and anger management. In a video-taped interview obtained by Vegetarian Spotlight, Victor Valley nutrition services coordinator Julianne Aranda explains that “what we eat not only affects us physically, but it affects our mental attitude, our aggressiveness and our ability to make good decisions”. In interview after interview it was clear that the NEWSTART program staff was in agreement that the mind and body must be cleaned up in order for the inmates to achieve positive behavioral changes. Initially, although the State of California was very supportive of the NEWSTART concept, they told Moorland they didn’t believe that even five inmates (of the 500) would accept that kind of a diet. In fact, they told Moorland that inmates would probably “burn the place down before they became vegetarians”. However, once the program was in progress, the opposite became true. On average, 85% of the inmates chose the NEWSTART side while only 15% chose the CDC program. The remarkable behavioral changes could even be seen outside in the prison yard where according to prison officials, nobody “owned”
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or controlled the yard. Typical lines drawn between blacks, whites, hispanics, gang members and other groups were non existent. On the NEWSTART side, everyone played basketball together and had great fellowship. The CDC side of the house had the same racial divisions experienced at any other prison. In testimonials, inmates assert that the surprisingly good-tasting food led them to feel better, have greater energy, increased stamina and reduced problems with acne. Indeed the effectiveness of a vegan vegetarian diet in rehabilitation has been scientifically validated. Although the State of California apparently preferred to pursue phone revenue over rehabilitated inmates, the success of the Victor Valley facility gives us something to think about. Could this kind of a diet help us in raising our children?
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