网王 跪求好人卡这篇文章!!!

题目:RBA's optimism on inflation expected to buoy the Aussie
文章:The dollar traded 0.3 per cent from a five-week high after central bank deputy governor Philip Lowe defended a higher exchange rate and savings level, saying they helped stabilise the economy.
The Aussie rose against the yen after minutes of the Reserve Bank's March 5 meeting said there were signs the economy was responding to low interest rates. New Zealand's currency slid against most major peers after Finance Minister Bill English said the currency was overvalued and he expects interest rates to stay lower for longer.
''The deputy governor is sounding the victory bell on inflation in the mining boom,'' said Andrew Salter, a currency strategist at ANZ.
''We managed to come through the boom without an excessively high level of inflation. It's hard to see a long-term short position in the Australian dollar bearing any fruit.''
Advertisement The Australian currency slid 0.2 per cent to US103.85&, after touching US104.15& on March 15. That was its highest since February 5.
The Aussie added 0.2 per cent to &99.24. New Zealand's kiwi weakened 0.1 per cent to US82.56&.
Dr Lowe said a stronger currency and higher savings rate had helped contain inflation and allowed lower interest rates even as the mining industry boomed.
''These factors have helped Australia to digest a huge investment boom without generating substantial imbalances in the economy,'' he said.
''The market will certainly interpret the comments in a positive light,'' said ANZ's Mr Salter.
''They will encourage the market to continue pricing in a normalisation of policy in Australia.''
ANZ expects the RBA to hold benchmark borrowing costs unchanged in April.
Interest-rate swaps data indicate a mere 13 per cent chance the RBA will cut the benchmark rate at the next meeting on April 2.
Australian bonds retreated as US stock futures and Asian shares rallied.
The three-year bond yield rose 8 basis points, or 0.08 percentage points, to 3.02 per cent from Monday, when it dropped 17 basis points.
The 10-year rate climbed 8 basis points to 3.56 per cent.
Standard & Poor's 500 Index futures rose 0.1 per cent, while the MSCI Asia Pacific Index advanced 0.6 per cent.
Australia's bond market was benefiting from strong international demand for assets in the nation's currency, RBA assistant governor Guy Debelle said.
The Aussie has gained 2.3 per cent in the past six months, according to Bloomberg Correlation-Weighted Indexes. Its New Zealand counterpart has risen 3.1 per cent in the same period.
Demand for the kiwi was hampered after the Finance Minister said the currency was overvalued and could reverse course.
''There may be a correction in valuation with the exchange rate when the US economy is clearly picking up, and there are signs of that now,'' Mr English said in an interview in Hong Kong. The strength in the currency is ''driven to a large extent by quantitative easing''.
Mr English's words ''add to some of the bearish tone we've seen around the New Zealand dollar'', said Jonathan Cavenagh, a Westpac currency strategist in Singapore.
''I still think the currency is going to be pretty well supported on dips.''
South Korea's won snapped its longest run of losses in almost five years while the Malaysian ringgit strengthened against the dollar.
Meanwhile, emerging-market stocks rose on overseas markets for the first time in seven days as concern about Europe's debt crisis eased and the lowest valuations in three months lured investors.
Japan's Samsung Electronics, which relies on Europe for at least 17 per cent of sales, advanced the most in a month in Seoul after falling 2.4 per cent on Monday.
Haier Electronics Group jumped 4.6 per cent in Hong Kong after profit gains.
The MSCI Emerging Markets Index climbed 0.3 per cent to 1033.59 in afternoon trading in Hong Kong, halting a six-day, 3.4 per cent slump.
Indian stocks also rose before the central bank meets to review monetary policy.
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急!!! 求一篇古代耽美文 我忘了名字。内容大概是攻是主子 ,受是仆人,攻拿受当玩物,攻其实喜欢的是另一个女子 ,但攻经常找受暖床 ,后来手跟王府里的一个侍卫好了 ,然后 最后小受与侍卫都死了。 这篇文的名字 ,求解? 20
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号谁能帮我做一个summary,就是概述。(我不求这篇文章的翻译!我要求对这篇文章做一个250到300的英文概述!要求看起来通顺合理!)
谁能帮我做一个summary,就是概述。(我不求这篇文章的翻译!我要求对这篇文章做一个250到300的英文概述!要求看起来通顺合理!) 50
This article is part of a series with important health information for teenagers.A sea of cosmetics crowds the drugstore shelves, luring you with claims of romance, popularity and beauty. To be happy, you must use these products1 Or so the advertisers would have you believe. Do they work? Will you be the most beautiful, the most successful, and the most radiant person if you use these products? Where does the hype end and the help begin?Cosmetics are defined in the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as "articles (other than . . soap) intended to be applied to the human body for cleansing, beautifying, promoting attractiveness, or altering the appearance without affecting the body's structure or functions."The following are all considered cosmetics:* skin care creams, lotions, powders* perfume, cologne, toilet water* makeup (lipstick, foundation, blush)* nail polish, polish remover, cuticle softener* hair coloring preparations* deodorants* shaving cream, aftershave, skin conditioner* shampoos (except dandruff shampoos)* bath oils and bubble bath* mouthwash and toothpaste (with whiteners it is considered a drug)Skin CareCosmetics can't work miracles, but they can help keep your skin clean and looking moist and soft. They also can temporarily close pores, plump up skin to make it appear smoother, and give you a rosy glow or blush.Many cosmetic products are designed to protect the skin of people over 30 against dryness and the accompanying wrinkles. But these aren't the concerns of most teens. The biggest skin problem for most teenagers is acne. Some studies show that all adolescents have acne to some degree because when puberty hits, your skin starts secreting more oil. This contributes to blackheads and pimples, which cause your pores to stretch a little bit. Although acne cannot be avoided simply by washing your face, the oils on the surface of your skin can be diminished by frequent washing with cleansers made for that purpose. And there are many treatments available for acne both in over-the-counter and prescription strengths (see "Acne Agony" in the July-August 1992 FDA Consumer).If, while trying to decrease the oily shine on your face, you make your skin overly dry, or if you're spending a lot of time outdoors in very cold weather, you may want to use a moisturizer. "Teens really should only use a water-based moisture lotion labeled 'non-comedogenic,' which means it doesn't clog pores," says Dr. Barry Leshin, M.D., associate professor of dermatology at the Wake Forest School of Medicine. "Heavier oil-based moisturizers can cause acne cosmetica-- an [acne-like] skin condition directly attributed to the use of cosmetics."IngredientsWhat cosmetics can or cannot do for your complexion is determined by the ingredients of the cosmetics and your own complexion. Cosmetics contain ingredients from nature and from the laboratory. Some work well for cleaning, others are good for lubricating--and some don't do very much at all.It's a good idea to read the labeling on cosmetics to find out what the product contains. Some ingredients, such as alcohol and mineral oil, are fairly common. Others seem more unusual and may require some explanation. Here are some examples.* Liposomes: Microscopic sacs manufactured from natural or synthetic fatty substances which include phospholipids (components of cell membranes). When properly mixed with water, phospholipids can "trap" any substance that will dissolve in water or oil. Manufacturers say that liposomes act like a delivery system, depositing product ingredients into the skin. When the liposomes "melt," the ingredients, such as moisturizers, are released.* Aloe vera: A plant from the lily family, aloe vera in large amounts has anti-irritant properties. Although it's an ingredient in many skin lotions, it would take much more aloe vera than most products contain for the anti-irritant properties to work.* Vitamins: Foods containing vitamins A, D, E, K, and some of the B complex group are necessary in diets to maintain healthy skin and hair but, according to Dr. Leshin, "There is no evidence that vitamins or other additives are advantageous when applied to the skin."AllergiesOveruse of some cosmetics can cause allergies and other skin problems (see "Cosmetic Safety More Complex Than at First Blush," in the November 1991 FDA Consumer). Ingredients such as fragrance and preservatives can cause allergic reactions in some people. Skin reactions, which doctors call contact dermatitis, should be taken seriously. (See "Contact Dermatitis: Solutions to Rash Mysteries" in the May 1990 FDA Consumer.) Even if you've used a cosmetic for years with no problems, you can develop an allergic reaction as you become sensitized to one or more of the ingredients.Some cosmetics are labeled "allergy-tested" or "hypoallergenic," but products with these claims don't always offer a solution to cosmetic allergies. "Hypoallergenic" means only that the manufacturer feels that the product is less likely to cause an allergic reaction. Before placing this claim on the label, some companies conduct tests, and others simply don't include perfumes or other common problem-causing ingredients in their products. The claim "dermatologist-tested" on some cosmetic products only means that a skin doctor has tested the product to see if it will generally cause allergenic problems. Other label claims that carry no guarantee that they won't cause reactions include "sensitivity-tested" and "non-irritating.""Natural" ingredients are extracted directly from plants or animal products as opposed to being produced synthetically. Natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions. If you have an allergy to certain plants or animals, you could have an allergic reaction to cosmetics containing those ingredients. For instance, "lanolin," extracted from sheep wool, is an ingredient in many moisturizers and is a common cause of allergies.Marcia Sheets, a substitute teacher in Sykesville, Md., has tried to use cosmetics for years, but even those claiming to be allergy-free have created problems for her."I've had hives and swollen eyes, I've sneezed because of perfumes, and I've had blotchy skin--even from some products that are supposed to be gentle. If you have allergies, you just don't use the stuff. Over the years, I've figured out what I can use and what I can't."If you have an allergic reaction to a cosmetic, you should stop using all cosmetics until you call your doctor, who will then try to determine which ingredient, or combination of ingredients, caused the reaction.Cosmetic SafetySerious problems from cosmetic use are rare, but sometimes problems arise with specific products. FDA warned consumers last February about the danger of using aerosol hairspray near heat, fire, or while smoking. Until hairspray is fully dry, it can ignite and cause serious burns. Injuries and deaths have occurred from fires related to aerosol hairsprays.Another problem can occur with aerosol sprays or powders: If they are inhaled, they can cause lung damage.The most common injury from cosmetics is from scratching the eye with a mascara wand. Eye infections can result if eye scratches go untreated. Such infections can lead to ulcers on the cornea, loss of lashes, or even blindness. To play it safe, never try to apply mascara while tiding in a car, bus, train, or plane. Sharing makeup can also lead to serious problems. Cosmetics become contaminated with bacteria the brush or applicator sponge picks up from the skin--and if you moisten brushes with saliva, the problem is much more severe. Washing your hands before using makeup will help prevent exposing the makeup to bacteria.Artificial nails can be a source of problems, especially when not applied correctly. Artificial nails must be completely sealed because any space between the natural nail and the artificial nail gives fungal infection an opportunity to begin. Such infections can lead to permanent nail loss.Sleeping while wearing eye makeup can cause problems, too. If mascara flakes into your eyes while you sleep, you might awaken with itching, bloodshot eyes, and possibly infections or eye scratches. To avoid eye infections or injury, remove all makeup before going to bed.Other safety tips are:* Keep makeup containers closed tight when not in use.* Keep makeup out of the sunlight to avoid destroying the preservatives.* Don't use eye cosmetics if you have an eye infection such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), and throw away any makeup you were using when you first discovered the infection.* Never add any liquid to a product unless the instructions tell you to.* Throw away any makeup if the color changes or an odor develops. Preservatives can degrade over time and may not be able to fight bacteria.Laura Bradbard is a member of FDA's public affairs staff.
其他回答 (1)
靠,你看没看我写的comment啊。要求是英文300字左右的概述= =看清题目再答!!
维生素:食物中含的维他命A,D,E ,K,和一些B族在饮食中,对于保持健康皮肤和毛发必不可少,但根据说,没有证据表明,维他命或其他添加剂对于皮肤是有益的。过度使用化妆品可能导致过敏和其他皮肤问题。芳香剂和防腐剂之类的材料可能导致一些人有过敏反应。医生所说的接触性皮炎,应得到重视。即使你用了好几年都没问题,当你对一种或几种材料开始敏感时,你可能会发生过敏反应。
睫毛膏眼部刮伤, 导致眼角膜溃疡,睫毛脱落,甚至失明。
This article is part of a series with important health information for teenagers.、A sea of cosmetics crowds the drugstore shelves, luring you with claims of romance, popularity and beauty. Will you be the most beautiful, the most successful, and the most radiant person if you use these products? Where does the hype end and the help begin?
Skin Care Cosmetics can't work miracles.Many cosmetic products are designed to protect the skin of people over 30 against dryness and the accompanying wrinkles. But these aren't the concerns of most teens. The biggest skin problem for most teenagers is acne .Teens really should only use a water-based moisture lotion labeled 'non-comedogenic,' which means it doesn't clog pores,"
It's a good idea to read the labeling on cosmetics to find out what the product contains.
but, There is no evidence that vitamins or other additives are advantageous when applied to the skin.Overuse of some cosmetics can cause allergies and other skin problems If you have an allergic reaction to a cosmetic, you should stop using all cosmetics until you call your doctor, &Washing your hands before using makeup will help prevent exposing the makeup to bacteria.To avoid eye infections or injury, remove all makeup before going to bed.
* Keep makeup containers closed tight when not in use.* Keep makeup out of the sunlight to avoid destroying the preservatives.* Don't use eye cosmetics if you have an eye infection such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), and throw away any makeup you were using when you first discovered the infection.* Never add any liquid to a product unless the instructions tell you to.* Throw away any makeup if the color changes or an odor develops. Preservatives can degrade over time and may not be able to fight bacteria.
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董贝贝 发表于
& & 。。。。虽然他就是个老头,但是。。也曾经有年轻过的时候的哇,亲。。。。
况且 这人 这么的。。。。。。!!!吸引人 老了也就老了吧
若幽 发表于
那个。。亲0.0 为啥说疯了呢????
一个人的烟花雨 发表于
谢谢推荐。。。还没全看,但是可能会不喜欢第二篇,因为这位作者给我的感觉就是一小白 o(︶︿︶)o 唉
(射雕)陶华& && & 东方不败在射雕世界
月之薾 发表于
签到天数: 1177 天[LV.10]以坛为家IIIUID1639959&帖子10940&积分17242&糯米211 个&签到1204 天&发书经验0 点&金币0 金&推广值1 点&性别糯米MM&阅读权限100&在线时间816 小时&注册时间&最后登录&
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