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《我们到底知道多少?》(What The Bleep Do We Know)[HDTV-RE][dvdrip]
更新时间: 23:43:00
文件大小:4.89 GB
这是一部非常另类的影片,充满了量子论、物质、真理这一类的概念,没让人放松,反而引入更多找不出答案的思考。一些着名学者在电影里接受采访,讨论关于真相,记忆,眼睛,大脑等等深奥的话题。有一个长得像爱因斯坦的老教授在旧金山美术馆的背景前说,“问一个人上帝是什么,就像问一条鱼它存在其中的水是什么。”这样的表述也许只有对一个基督徒来说才有意义,我觉得很有趣。通过一个小孩子的眼睛结合科学理论、或者尚末证实的科学猜想,大胆假设,揭露分配量的不确定世界常态,叫醒真实。网友“newnewdog”的评论:你看的懂《我们到底知道多少》吗?我怀疑自己弱智啦!看不懂呀看不懂!物质决定意识,还是意识决定物质?这是个问题。在这部片中,把这个问题更加复杂化,没看完,已经有精神分裂的迹象了,这些片要少看啊,看周星驰《大话西游》和陈凯歌的《无极》一样可以科普啊!编码:XVID码率:5144kbps片源:i分辨率:画面: 16:9音频:英语AC3 5.1 384K字幕:中文大小:4.20G截图:图片: 图片: 图片: 图片: 图片: 图片: 图片: 图片:
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The strength of fear
Life is too precious to let fear hold you back. The purpose of fear is to prepare you, not to stop you. Fear will heighten your senses, focus your mind, sharpen your judgment and boost your energy level. It gets you in condition to meet challenges.
Feel your fear, take strength from it, and move forward with the power it gives you. In your fear of failure, are the tools for success. In your fear of humiliation, is the energy to eloquently express yourself. In your fear of rejection, you’ll find the energy to persevere. But only if you refuse to be stopped by fear.
Fear will often help you to make positive changes in your approach. Yet your fear is wasted if you let it stop you completely. Use your fear to run faster and smarter, not to run away.
Creating confidence
When you’ve already been successful at something, it is easy to be confident about it. So one reliable path to confidence is to start with small accomplishments and incrementally build on them. Most people who learn to fly, start with a small, single-engine plane and work their way up to larger, more powerful and more complex aircraft.
Experience is a great confidence builder. Yet in order to grow, you must also be able to act with confidence in new and unfamiliar situations. Many times it is necessary to create your own confidence. How do you do that? Remember that confidence is nothing more than a state of mind. You can completely control your own mind through the thoughts you think and the actions you take.&
To be confident, act confidently. Walk confidently. Put a confident look on your face. Talk confidently. Breathe confidently. Confidently look people in the eyes when you talk with them. Stand confidently. It may sound superficial, but try it and you’ll see that it works.
Mentally, go beyond mere belief and KNOW that you can do what needs to be done, that you can handle any situation. Remember that all the things you can now do, you once could not do. Be confident knowing that you learned then, and you can learn again now.
Act confidently, think confidently and you will be confident.
What you have
Sit beneath a magnificent oak tree, and realize that everything the tree has ever needed, has come to it. The nourishing food, minerals, water and sunlight, all have been flowing past the tree, or within its reach, for the entire life of the tree. Though by its growth it has reached out, not once has the tree had to go anywhere to get what it needed.
The tree grows and prospers by its ability to make use of what’s available, right where it is. The strong, towering, enduring tree has accomplished its impressive growth by simply using what it has.
The next time you feel you have to go somewhere, or get something or struggle in some way, in order to be happy, or in order to accomplish something, think of the mighty oak tree.
It is wonderful that you can move about, and that you can cause so much to happen. Yet in all your doing and going and getting, don’t neglect what you already have. Richness and fulfillment come not from simply getting more, but from making full use of what you have.
Remember the basics
Let’s face it. Achievement is no picnic. It is hard work. It is often tedious. The most spectacular success is not easily or quickly won. To accomplish anything worthwhile frequently requires doing the same thing, over and over again and again, for as long as it takes. Winners focus on mastering the fundamentals, rather than chasing every new gimmick that comes along.
You’ve probably seen this happen many times in your own town. A trendy restaurant will promote an exciting new “concept", draw crowds for a few months, and then lose most of its business to the next new fad. Meanwhile, other restaurants focus on perfecting their food, their service, their dependability, their cleanliness, their convenience and their reputation -- and build a loyal clientele which stays with them for the long haul.
Sometimes we become so familiar with the fundamentals, that we forget how important they are. Yet no one is so accomplished, or so highly experienced, that they can afford to ignore the basics.
Often the most exciting and significant results come from the most tedious efforts. Remember the basics. Persist and you will prevail.
Make it big
To have what you want, to be the person you want to be, to do what you want with your life, make it important to you.
If all the daily details of life are preventing you from reaching your goal, then your goal is not big enough. To reach your goal, make it important. Make it big.
Visualize it in your mind, not in some little corner that gets attention once or twice a week, but front and center. Mentally put your goal in the way, blocking everything else.
Whatever you must look around, in order to see something else, will happen. Whatever you cannot avoid thinking of, will get accomplished. Instead of letting life get in the way of your goal, put your goal right smack in the way of your life. Do you really want it? That’s the way to have it. Make it big in your mind, and you’ll get there.
What is really important to you?
When you start to get angry, or frustrated, or impatient, consider for a moment the truly important things in your life. Ask yourself if the frustration or inconvenience of the moment is even worth your time and energy.
Often we react out of habit, and get all worked up about things which really don’t even matter. Such behavior wastes an enormous amount of energy which could instead be directed toward the really important things.
As you start each day, before you get caught up in the deadlines, the need-to, the have-to and the want-to things, take a moment to think of what’s really important to you. Put it all in perspective. Keep your eye on the big picture, and then all the little things will help you move toward it.
Get past the past
Your shortcomings and disappointments are all in the past now. They have nothing to do with what you can accomplish from this point forward. Every day, you start with a clean slate. Every moment is an opportunity to begin the process of turning your dreams into reality.
It doesn’t matter what has happened before. Yes, the past has brought you to where you are. Yet right now the path splits off in an infinite number of directions. And you have the choice of which one to take.
Learn from the past and then let it go. To wish that it had been different, is a waste of time and energy. To continue living with your past limitations, is a waste of your life’s enormous potential.
Your past does not define who you are or what you can accomplish. You do.
— Ralph Marston
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