
  W:I found an expensive diamond ring in the restroom this morning.
  M:If I were you, I would turn in to the security office. It is behind the administration building.
  M:I found an expensive-looking ring in the locker room this morning.
  W:If I were you, I would turn it in to the security office. It is behind the administration building.
  W:I just read in the newspaper that Lord of the Rings is this year’s greatest hit. Why don’t we go and see it at the grand cinema.
  M:Don’t you think that cinema is a little out of the way?
  W:Why don’t we go watch the Italian film at the pine Street Cinema?
  M:It’s a little out of the way, don’t you think?
  M:Do you want to go to the lecture this weekend? I hear that the guy who is going to deliver the lecture spent a year living in the rainforest.
  W:Great. I am doing a report on the rain forest. Maybe I can get some new information to add to it.
  M:Do you want to go to the lecture tonight over in the science auditorium? It’s some guy who spent a year living in Antarctica.
  W:No kidding. I am doing a report on Antarctica for my geography class. Maybe I could get some new information to add to it.
  近三年的四级听力考题中更加明显的体现出这样的趋势,改革后的四级试卷结构更加接近于托福听力,增加的长对话题型就来源于托福听力的part B部分,甚至改革后的四级考试记分体系都在向托福*拢。
  本次四级考试的三篇文章主题分别是未来的交通、英格兰小镇的文化习俗和国外的订婚仪式,基本上都是介绍英美文化习俗的社科类文章,也就是说四级考试中越来越多的涉及到英美文化背景,而这方面的知识也可以在托福听力中找到,比如:这次四级听力的第一个passage中提到的电动汽车的应用、未来交通设想等话题,托福听力98年1月PART C的第二个段落中就有提到。英美生活习俗的文章在托福听力PART C的文史类段落中都有出现,四级考生可以把托福听力的段落文章作为泛读材料。
[ Last edited by 蝶梦柳风轻 on
at 16:21 ]
多好的人啊,没帖偶 .
请问楼主有没有 阅读笔记啊?太傻里只有一些阅读词汇总结
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thank you very much
HAHA ,权限不够~~`
[ Last edited by newbear on
at 16:38 ]
剩下的笔记,我打算全部扫描,打字好累啊。2000年8月听力原文有完整版的么?(听力,搜索,完整版,原文,托福,集中营,文字) - IBT(新托福)考试 - 生物秀
标题: 2000年8月听力原文有完整版的么?(听力,搜索,完整版,原文,托福,集中营,文字)
摘要: 在托福资料集中营 下的2000年8月听力原文不完整缺了26-35题,请问谁有完整的?谢谢!好象有完整的,搜索一下吧.好的!我试一下。00 年8 月托福听力文字1.man:do you have this style shirt in my size?woman:i'll check.but...to tell u the truth,i think this……
网友回复好象有完整的,搜索一下吧.网友回复好的!我试一下。网友回复00 年8 月托福听力文字1.man:do you have this style shirt in my size?woman:i"ll check.but...to tell u the truth,i think this one"s right for u.Q:what does the woman mean?2 man:oh,i"m sorry,i just realized that i forgot to bring the tape recorder you lent me.i left it back in my dorm.woman:that"s all right.i won"t need it until tonight.as long as i"ve got it by then.Q:what does the woman imply?3 man:so how much was your plane ticket?woman:more than i could really afford.i had to dip into my saving.Q:what does the woman imply?4 woman:Wed. are going to be busy days for me next semester.three class in the morning and then two more in the afternoon. i won"t even have time for lunch.man:you relaly should try to fit it in,you know.those afternoon classes would be tough to sit through if u stomach"s rumbling.Q:what does the man suggest the woman do ?5 woman:you are dropping out of the Marching Band?but i thought you loved it.all the travelling,playing before big crowds..man:i do.but...with all that time away from my studies my grades are really starting to slip.Q:what does the man mean ?6 woman:i"m thinking of getting a new pantsuit to wear to James" wedding.man:i just hope that my old suit still fits.you know how i feel about shopping.Q:what does the man imply?7 man:what"s my share of the bill?18.50?that can"t be right!i only had a salad for dinner.woman:don"t get excited.let me check them out.Q:what will woman probably do next?8 man:i"m surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired his secretary.woman:i know.but that Sarah...if she has an opinion,everyone"s got to know it.Q:what does the woman mean?9 man: how about a movie tonight?that new comedy is opening in town.woman:sounds great,but i"ve got be finishing sketches on my psychology research paper.Q:what does the woman imply?10 woman:you won"t have to look very hard to find a job on campus.but I don"t think you"ll find anything that isn"t just part-time.man:that suits me.anything more than that,and i have to change my class schedule.Q:what does the man mean?11 man:do u think u feel energetic enough to walk to our study group session tnight?woman:if there is one! i guess u haven"t heard the weather reports.oever a foot of snow is expected.Q:what does the woman imply?12 man:oh!i turned all of my white sock pink! i threw a red T-shirt in by accident.woman:have u tried running them through again with bleah?Q:what does the woman suggest the man do?13 woman:i hear that your brother is planning to transfer to another univerisityman:not if i can talk him out of it.and believe me,i"m trying.Q:what does the man imply?14 woman:i"d like to enrollin the free seminar u advertised in newspaper.the one on managing your personal finances.man:okay.now the ad did say that u have to have a saving account at our bank to be eligible.do u have one here?Q:what does the man want to know?15 woman:did see the weather forecast for this weekend?i can"t believe how the temperature"s gonna dip(a s a drop.)man:i know.that isn"t my idea what Oct. should be like.Q:what does the man mean?16 man:this exhibit is a total bore!i can"t believe they call this art.woman:i think i"ve seen enough.Q:what will the woman probably do next?17 woman:we should probably think about selecting someone to lead our study group.u know,somebody really organized.man:then u can count me out.Q:what does the man mean?18 woman:what do you think would be a reasonalbe price to pay for a new computer?man:you are asking the wrong person.my brother gave me mine.Q:what does the man imply?19 woman:tha"ts a nice-looking jactket.it fits u perfectly.i sit something u bought recently?man:thanks.no,i"ve had it a while.i"ve just been waiting for the weather to cool down.Q:what does the man imply?20 man:what"s wrong with Herald today?he snapped even no reason.woman:don"t worry,it"s just the end of the semester pressure.he"ll be his old self next week.Q:what does the woman say about Herald?21 woman:i"m sorry.i need to work late tonight.so u should probably cancel our reservation at the restaurant.man:oh,actually i"ve never got round to making one in the first place(adv.首先).Q:what does the man mean?22 man:professor Johnson,for my sociology project this term i"m thinking of interviewing all the residents in town on their TV viewing habit.woman:well that"s quite an undertaking for such a short-term project. Maybe you should to take a little while to think about what that would entail before making your final decision.Q:what does the woman suggest the man do?23 man:how do i look in this new sweater i bought yesterday?i was in a hurry,so iddn"t have a chance to try it on.woman:well,i really like the style.but it looks a little tight.you might want to take it back and get the next size up.Q:what does the woman suggest the man do ?24 man:do you have any idea what it"ll cost to send this little package toAustralia?woman:you"ve got me!the farthest i"ve ever sent a package is Canada.Q:wat does the woman mean?25 man:this isn"t the dish i ordered,but i"m glad i got it.it"s delicious.woman:as far as i"m concerned, the waiter should still hear about it.26. man: I’ve still got to fulfill my foreign language requirement, three semesters worth. What about you?Woman: Not me . I tested out Spanish. Don’t you remember? My daddy got a job in Mexico when I was five. I’ve been lived there for eight years.So I’m pretty fluent.Q: what does the woman mean?27. woman: Excuse me, do you know when the next train for Philadelphia leaves? Q: What can be inferred about the man?28. Woman: I want to take some pictures of my family when I go home this weekend, but I hate bugging my camera around. It’s so bulky and heavy.Man: You can take mine instead. I won’t need it this weekend, and it takes great pictures despite the size.Q: What does the man imply?29.Woman: You know what the wild life club need? We need an adviser, someone who knows a lot about the environment and wild life conservation.Man: There is someone new in the biology department, a professor Bell. I’ll see if she will be interested.Q: What will the man probably do?30.Man: You were also wearing a blue scarf when you came in, weren’t you? I think I grab yours by accident.Woman: No, you didn’t. Mine is hanging on the door. I can see it from here.Q; What does the woman mean?Question 31 through 35:M: What happened to you?W: I went to the ……music festival in downtown New York. I listened to a really nice concert.M: Really? Whose music were they playing?W: ……. It was so beautiful that……. What time is it anyway> we must be getting late.M: Seven o’clock. Did you forget that we are supposed to meet other members in the computer science club this afternoon?W: Oh, I’m sorry. It completely slipped my mind.M: Sally was going to show me a software program she bought. I want to see it.W: Why didn’t you go?M: Well, I was waiting for you like we planned. And I knew it , it was too late. But foget it , the concert was probably more interesting.W: My favorite piece…… It is unusual when that has two sets of strings. One set you play with the the other set you can pluck with your fingers.M; I’ve listened to several symphonies before. I have a couple of their CDs.W: You do? I like to borrow them sometime if you don’t mind.M: If I can find them, sure. My CD collections stuffed away somewhere.W: I wish I could get CDs of baritone…... I heard.M: Well, we still get some time before the mall closes. Why don’t we check and see if the music shop get it.W: All right.31. What is the conversation mainly about?32. Why did the woman apologize to the man?33. What is unusual about the baritone?34. What does the woman want to borrow from the man?35. Where will the speakers probably go next?Question 36 through 39;man:let"s say you are geologist,and u want to investigatethe geological histroy of a place.that is,how did geologists determine things like...say ..how were the rocks formed? or was an area once under water?if so,when?how should u about it?woman:i"d start with stratigraphy.man:could u explain what this is to the class?woman:well,stratigraphy is the description of strata in sedimentary rock.i guess that"s not so clear,huh?ok,let"s say one of the investigators thought near a river,for example.well, over the history of the area,every time the river flooded,it would deposit a layer of sediment all through with flooded,it would deposit a layer of sediment all through with floodplain.sometimes a bigger layer,sometimes a smaller,depending on the size of the flood. well, one layer or stratum gets deposited over another.obviously these strata built up over millions of years. Stratigraphy is the study of these layers of deposited settlement.man:so does that mean if i exmaine each of these strata,i can tell how long ago each one is deposited?woman:not necessarily.u see,there might"ve been some years when the river didn"t flood and no settlement was deposited.you need other kinds of evidence to tell how much time might"ve gone by between when one layer got deposited and one on top of it got deposited.man:and what are those other kinds of evidence u are talking about?woman:well,fossils for one.u can determine exactly how old a fossil is and that"s how u can tell how the rock surrounding it is.man:very good.the discovery of that particular technique is an interesting story.it was a man named William Smith who first used fossils for the purpose of dating strata back in the 1800s.let"s take a look at how he went about making this geological breakthrough.36 what is the discussionmainly about?37 what does the woman explain when she talks about rivers?38 according to the discussion,why are geologists unable to determine thegeological age of an area by studying sediment deposit alone?39 what will the class paobably discuss next?Question 40 through 43;Recently some anthropologist conducated an interesting case study in ethnology. now ethnology as u reacall is a branch of anthropology that deal with how various cultrues develop and change. the study was about the development of basket weaving by African-american women who live in the town of Mount Pleasant,South Carolina.the town is known for its high quality sweet grass baskets which are woven bye these women.they"ve been weaving the baskets for generations,handing down the skill from mother to daughter. some of the baskets have been place on permanent display at the Philadelphia Museum of Art.the origin of their basket weaing dates back to the 17th century and even earlier when these women"s ancestors came to the United States from the west coast of Africa. Now,it"s mainly a hobby.butback in the 17th and 18th century African and American women wove the baskets for use on the rice plantations.there were two types of backets then:workbaskets and baskets for use in the home. the wrokbaskets were made out of the more delicate sweet grass.they were used for everything fromfruit baskets to baby cradles.40 what is the talk mainly about?41 how did the women mentioned in the talk learn to wave basket?42 according to the speaker,what type of baskets was make out of bulrush?43 what is the main reason taht the women in South Carolina now weave baskets?Questions 44 through 46:this morning i want to tell u about a recent scientific discovery dealing with the relation between plants and animals.this is about a desert shrub whose leaves can shoot up a stream of poisonous resin a distance of six feet.do you think it would be safe from all attacks by insects.but a recentstudy has found one insect,a beetle,that can chew its way past the plant"s defense system by cutting the mainly vein that delivers the poison to the leaves.this vein cutting is jut one method the beetles used to prepare a safe meal.another is by cutting a path all the way across the leave to holdthe flow of chemicals.then they simply eat between the veins of poison.in the past,scienists who studied inset adaptation to plant defenses have focused on chemical responses.that is,how the insects can neutralize or alter the poisonous substances plants produce.what"s unique about this chewing strategy is that the beetle is actually exhibiting a behavioral response to the plant"s defenses rather than the more commom chemical response. it is only after a beetle"s survived several encounters with the plant" resin that it learns how to avoid the poison:by chewing through the resin transporting veins on the next leaf it eats.and thus gives itself a meal.however,it can take a beetle an hours and a half of careful vein cutting to prepare a small leaf that takes it only a few minutes to eat.so,though the method is effective,it"s not very efficient.41 what is the talk mainly about?42 what is unusual about the desert plant?43 how can the beetles avoid being poisoned by the plant?Questions 47 through 50:we"re going to start our discussion of poetry in Western Europe with the Iliad and the Odyssey.these two great poems stand out as great examples of the earliest Euopean poems.they are believeed to have been written some time between 800BC and 700BC,partly because the poems refer to the social conditions of that time,conditions that have been validated by the findings of archeologists.but just who was the poet who laid down these cornerstones of
literature?well,tradition ascribes them to a man named Homer,but we know virtually nothing about this Homer.In fact,some say that such a poet never existed at all,that neither the Iliad nor the Odyssey was written by a single poet,but rather each poem is composed of the writings of several people.this,anyway,is the view of a school of literary critics in the 18th century known as the Analysts. the Analysts pointed to internal evidence such as variations in the literary devices used in the poem to argue that each work waaas in fact a collection of sereral poems by several Greek authors.Opposing the ananlysts were a second group of scholars calledthe Unitarian. they insisted that the Iliad and the Odyssey could have been the wrok of single poetic genius.To support their argument,they stress among other things the consistency of the character portrayed in the poetry.this wouldn"t"ve been possilbe,they said,if they were written by many different poets.now how we look at the Homeric question today has been greatly influenced by someone named Milman Parry,an American scholar who first presented his ideas about Homer in the 1930s. so let"s take a look at Parry"s research and how it affects what modern day scholars think about Homer.47 what aspect of the Iliad and the Odyssey does the professor mainly discuss?48 according to the professor,what is one of the claims made by the analysts?49 According to the Unitarians,what is one type of evidence that a single poet could have written both the Iliad and the Odyssey?50 What will the professor probably talk about next?


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