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摘要:以下是TPO1 TPO1听力原文文本(Conversation&Lecture),供各位考生参考。
  TPO 1 Lecture2 Geology  Listen to part of a lecture in a geology class.  Professor : Ok, let's get started. Great. Today I want to talk about a way in which we are able to determine how old a piece of land, or some other geologic feature is - dating techniques. I'm going to talk about a particular dating technique. Why? Good dating is a key to good analysis. In other words, if you want to know how a land formation was formed, the first thing you probably want to know is how old it is. It's fundamental. Um& Take the Grand Canyon for instance. Now, we geologists thought we had a pretty good idea of how the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States was formed. We knew that it was formed from sandstone that solidified somewhere between 150 and 300 million years ago. Before it solidified, it was just regular sand. Essentially it was part of a vast desert. And until just recently, most of us thought the sand had come from an ancient mountain range fairly close by that flattened out over time. That's been the conventional wisdom among geologists for quite some time. But now we've learned something different, and quite surprising, using a technique called Uranium-Lead Dating. I should say that Uranium-Lead Dating has been around for quite a while. But there have been some recent refinements. I will get into this in a minute. Anyway, Uranium-Lead Dating has produced some surprises. Two geologists discovered that about half of the sand from the Grand Canyon was actually once part of the Appalachian Mountains. That's really eye-opening news, since the Appalachian Mountain Range is, of course, thousands of kilometers to the east of the Grand Canyon. Sounds pretty unbelievable, right? Of course, the obvious question is how did that sand end up so far west? The theory is that huge rivers and wind carried the sand west where it mixed in with the sand that was already there. Well, this was a pretty revolutionary finding. Um& and it was basically because of Uranium-Lead Dating. Why? Well, as everyone in this class should know, we usually look at the grain type within sandstone, meaning the actual particles in the sandstone, to determine where it came from. You can do other things too, like look at the wind or water that brought the grains to their location and figure out which way it was flowing. But that's only useful up to a point, and that's not what these two geologists did. Uranium-Lead Dating allowed them to go about it in an entirely different way. What they did was: they looked at the grains of Zircon in the sandstone. Zircon is a material that contains radioactive Uranium, which makes it very useful for dating purposes. Zircon starts off as molten magma, the hot larva from volcanoes. This magma then crystallizes. And when Zircon crystallizes, the Uranium inside it begins to change into Lead. So if you measure the amount of Lead in the Zircon grain, you can figure out when the grain was formed. After that, you can determine the age of Zircon from different mountain ranges. Once you do that, you can compare the age of the Zircon in the sandstone in your sample to the age of the Zircon in the mountains. If the age of the Zircon matches the age of one of the mountain ranges, then it means the sandstone actually used to be part of that particular mountain range. Is everybody with me on that? Good. So, in this case, Uranium-Lead Dating was used to establish that half of the sandstone in the samples was formed at the same time the granite in the Appalachian Mountains was formed. So because of this, this new way of doing Uranium-Lead Dating, we've been able to determine that one of our major assumptions about the Grand Canyon was wrong. Like I said before, Uranium-Lead Dating has been with us for a while. But, um& until recently, in order to do it, you really had to study many individual grains. And it took a long time before you got results. It just wasn't very efficient. And it wasn't very accurate. But technical advances have cut down on the number of grains you have to study, so you get your results faster. So I'll predict that Uranium-Lead Dating is going to become an increasingly popular dating method. There are a few pretty exciting possibilities for Uranium-Lead Dating. Here is one that comes to mind. You know the theory that earth's continents were once joined together and only split apart relatively recently? Well, with Uranium-Lead Dating, we could prove that more conclusively. If they show evidence of once having been joined, that could really tell us a lot about the early history of the planet's geology.
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TPO23听力Section2 ,最后一个lecture(关于choreography) 的第一题,为什么选A啊?反复看文本都看不出来啊。。。
What is the main purpose of the lecture?
To discuss some films the class will be viewing
To help prepare students for a class assignment
To compare two types of filmmaking techniques
To talk about the history of screen dance
Now, when you think about choreography, well, uh, for your last assignment, you choreographed
the dance that was performed on stage in front of live audience.& &
Now, screen dance is very different. It is a dance routine you will be choreographing specifically
to be viewed on a screen, on a computer screen, a TV screen, in a movie theater, any screen.& &
So the question we have to ask is, what’s the difference between choreography for a live
performance and choreography for on-screen viewing? OK. Think for a minute.
When you see a movie, is it just a film of people acting on a stage? Of course not. Movies use a
variety of camera angles and creative editing. Movies can distort time, slow movement down, or
speed it up, show actors fading in and out of scenes, etc. All of these ... all of these film-making
techniques, things that can’t be used in a live performance, are possible in a screen dance. Now,
we’ll cover these concepts in greater detail later, but you should be getting the idea that I don’t
want you to just film dancers on stage and turn it in&&as your screen dance project. Uh, Yes?
Debbie.& &
But isn’t something lost here, Professor Watson? I am a dancer, and when I perform on stage, I
am so energised by the audience’s reactions, the applause. I actually, and for a lot of dancers, it ...
it really inspires us.& &
You’re right. Screen dance, which is a relatively new, isn’t for everyone. Uh, some dancers may
seem reluctant to participate in your project, because they do thrive on the immediacy of
performing live. If this happens, you could point out that screen dance offers other ways for
dancers to connect to their audience. For example, dancers can express themselves, even change
the whole mood of the scene through a facial expression. And you could film close-up shots of
their faces.&&Facial expressions aren’t as important in live performances generally, because the
choreographer knows that someone in the back row of a theater may not be able to see a
dancer’s face clearly.
But ... um, I have never used a movie camera or edited film before. How will we learn everything
we need to know to ...?
Oh, don’t worry. The cameras you will be using are pretty simple to operate. And you’ll get to
play with the film-editing software several times before beginning your project. You’ll also have
the option of working with a student&&in the&&film department, someone who’s familiar with the
technology. But the choreography and the end result will be your responsibility of course.
Could you talk some more about the film-making techniques, you know, the ones that work best
for screen dances?
I’ll show some of my favorite screen dances next week to give you a better idea.& &
But, uh, OK. Here’s one technique that can create the illusion of flow in a screen dance. You film
the same dancer, entering and exiting the frame several times. Moving slowly at first, then faster
and faster. Then in the editing room, you can digitally manipulate these images, like you might
put five or ten or twenty copies of that same dancer meeting himself in the middle of the screen,
to make it look like he is dancing with himself. Obviously, this can’t be done in a live performance.
Another example, in one screen dance I saw, the dancers&&leap through sheets of fire&&in a big
abandoned building. Of course, the building wasn’t really on fire. A technique called
super-imposing was used. The dancers were filmed and layered in the editing room. The fire was
added to the background.& &
That sounds awesome. But if anyone can watch a dance on a computer screen. Why would they
pay to go see a live performance? What if screen dance got so popular that it replaced live
Screen dance is an entirely different type of presentation. It could never replicate the immediacy,
the kind of drama that live performance offers. There will be an audience for that. I think what
screen dance will do, though, is heighten awareness of dance in general. Because it is a way ... uh,
it can reach people in their homes, in their workplaces, at anytime really.&&And if someone
discovers that they love dance by watching a screen dance, there’s a good chance they will get
interested enough to buy a ticket to see a live performance.& &
求TPo23啊 只要是与23有关的够给我吧&&题目啊 文本啊&&答案啊&&我会了就告诉楼主 谢谢
Cecilia900324 发表于
我也觉得有问题,我觉得选B应该,楼主认为呢?那个教授反复再说作业的事儿 ...
北京小马过河互联网科技有限公司 版权所有你好,你有老托福听力的PART C 全部的音频和原文吗,能发给我吗?我的邮箱是_百度知道
你好,你有老托福听力的PART C 全部的音频和原文吗,能发给我吗?我的邮箱是
我对托福具体不怎么了解,是老师建议我把老托福听力的PART C 当做练习听写材料的,谢谢了。
我有是有,也是当时老师推荐练听写的,但是不管用啊!老托的part C 看似挺好,但是其中的单词啊,还有文章结构与新托有很大差别!!!我给你个建议啊!(我就是这样做的)TPO是个挺宝贵的资源,你先把前四套左右做一下,然后用这里边的听力做听写。为什么呢?第一,它是真题,所以形式绝对没问题! 第二,前四套题很老了,相对简单,属于鸡肋题,不做呢太浪费,但也没必要花太多时间在这前四套上,所以就这样弄。听我的,没错!


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