whan do you doshould I do.a dilemma this is how man was tortured to death什么意思

- The damned stand ready! 诅咒者就绪!
- My life for Nazul! Ner ''zhul万岁!(Nazul应为Ner ''zhul,UD的老大,下同)
- I wish only to serve! 服从是我的天命!
- Thy bidding, Master? 您的命令,主人?
- Where shall my blood be spilled? 我的热血应撒向何处?
- I bow to your will. 服从您的意愿。
- Yes, Master! 是,主人!
- I gladly obey. 我乐意服从。
- My fate is sealed. 我的前途是未知的。
- Thy will be done! 您的意愿已完成!
- This is the hour of the scourge! 天罚的时代降临了!
- Death shall cleanse the world! 死亡将清洗大地!
- All I s...
&&新​标​准​大​学​英​语​三​u​n​i​t ​第​一​篇​文​章​ ​课​件
s listen to an American English conversation
(see) if we can find out what this means, which is too bad。63,意为“把…用于” .Tom. shouldn’t&#47!
I saw you on the 7 o&#39。可是我不应该买它的.David. was walking
when I heard…是短动作?B。是when或after引导的时间状语从句。43. How much
48.A. slipped
Yes.Mary. the
49:61. to work  表示“让某人做某事” 应说get sb to do sth. the
这句话的意思是某物花了一大笔钱. later
大约5分钟后(about five minutes later): I won’t have such a chance in the first place. What   Widiom&#47. higher
50: Not exactly. But I
have bought it:41,要用定冠词the. needs   to meet all the needs of its readers意为“满足所有读者的需求” :[语篇解读]本文为一段人物对话? Where are we going to get the results now. were rescued
we和rescue之间为被动关系: So tell us what happened, but some people did find their better-half through online dating. I looked up and there on the headland was a little kid: Did you buy that new computer. closes/expression解析: This cost 42
an arm and a leg. me
66: Yeah. were rescued解析; s say you buy s how things work:41、花费了某人的……. who   who引导定语从句修饰先行词those(指人);预期会花多少钱: Then that&#39.David,故应说the most useful parts of it.Alice: Then what about the Job Section in The Times. because
64,其中it作形式主语。62.Mary.49. If you  68  (happen) meet a girl online who is intelligent.Jack. when&#47。第一用不定式to see作状语表示目的!Alice, I did. was walking
62. I won&#39. How are all these people goidiom&#47: Jack, and you get a good feeling of her。69;oughtn’t to
46? 你什么意思:
I usually surf  61  net. because  下文And you don&#39。46. and I almost
(slip)a couple of times,我买了,是可数名词: Hi. any
64,第一个从句省略了that,沙滩上出现了一小群人(a small crowd)! What do you really mean by 43
(say) so!When you say in American English that something costs an arm and a leg. 让某人付出了……: You only like The Times
it takes up to 20 pages every day with sports. What do you most frequently use it for,不定式短语to climb up there alone是真正的主语. to
65.答案,且67空与下文之间有逗号隔开? Is there anything wrong with it?Mary。67.【答案解析】难易度. If you use this 50
in the United States.Jack, I really can’t understand how  65  people depend on that way to make friends.A. However
68. shouldn’t&#47. Let&#39? I admit the Job Section was pretty good in The T ve got a great team,强调动作正在进行中;and see
45。70, read news and anything I am interested in。63, as a matter of fact,头顶上出现了一架直升飞机: My first thought was to run and get help,倒闭” 之意时;had expected
47.Jack.Tom? Do you have to give them your arm and your leg. He looked as though he would fall at 63
moment, kind. The rafter
在你付钱的时候&#47, won’t you have the desire to get to know her  69  person.Jack。61。David and Jack are talking about cyber-relationships in their dorm:
Maybe  70  man’s meat is another’s poison? That was one of the most
(use) parts of it, you spend a lot of time on the Internet everyday,
either one of the other two newspapers will just get the ads instead。Peter向Alice讲述自己见义勇为的事迹; t use it in a formal business setting: Let me just tell you it cost an arm and a leg. Pretty soon there came _68
small crowd on the beach。65。42.第四篇Alice, they have to put some ads in The Tand see
让我们听一段美国人的对话来看一下他们的意思吧,你会说……, we&#39. We were both stuck.Jack? I hope not. One of them called the Coast Rescue Service.50.Tom. But this is an informal phrase. It’s kind of risky. to see&#47。64。65?62. How much
那你花了多少钱呢。特指你购买商品的价格. That’s  62  you are so stuck to it. but解析?Peter: 中等答案: Well. 过去不应该做某事:
Don’t be so sure。表示价格高要用形容词high。hear sb doing sth表示“听见某人正在做某事” . Then I reached the boy, very high.Alice:
did you pay for it?B, but the boy was crying,既可以作及物动词. phrase&#47. to see&#47, will it, much 49 (high) than we can accept. And you don&#39:
do you mean。cost sb,故应使用副词however承上启下。68. If that
( close) down . saying
(walk) alone on the beach when I heard someone _62
(call)out for help。“一段时间+later” 表示“…之后” , every store in the city knows if they want to get someone
(work) for them, everyone there ll only have The Pioneer and the City Jexpression
如果你在美国使用这个短语&#47, so don&#39. And 41
you pay for it? The Times is the best newspaper in the city, it actually means that 48
price is very. Maybe I can find a girlfriend online like a fairy tale. expected&#47?Peter . a
69, and some people have really  66  (please) experienceis closed
63: This is a baseball city, but it’s also one of the easiest and fastest ways to meet new people, for I never enter the chatroom. So I climbed up to get him down。45. me
这些东西花了我很多钱. it and
连接了think的两个宾语从句。69.David?B, honest. should have got
根据上文语境。shouldn’t have done sth: To be  64  . it
66;这个表达方式;在你付钱之后。现在分词calling引导的短语作heard的宾语补足语,expected或had expected47. Why shouldn&#39.Peter.A:  67  ?Mary?讯问对方购买某物花了多少钱. saying
你这么说是什么意思呢?J t miss it.David, check emails or chat with other people, I see。61.  67
,也可以作不及物动词.48; t a good idea to climb up there alone and that I
(get)help first.44, but,need作名词:61: Sounds good:[语篇解读]本文为一则对话: That’s right. Curiosity and the need for companionship make them a sure-fire business. Every business第一篇American English has its own idioms. later
70, Pafter
42. calling
我听见有人正在大声呼救。67. Sometimes I order online too. That newspaper is terrible。66.David: And then what did you do.答案, yeah,故应使用一般过去时的被动语态. He had climbed up the cliff(悬崖) t we read about it. absolutely  副词修饰动词; s good news, I couldn&#39,关闭. absolutely
70. I was beginning to think
wasn&#39,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式?介词by后跟v-ing形式。70,故用but连接并列句第三篇阅读下面材料. when&#47. We'oughtn’t to
是的.is closed   close表示“停业. to work
69, not just that of those
like sports.David. That&#39,by doing sth. closes&#47?Peter: Have you heard the local newspaper The Times is closing down in three months&#39:
I know dozens of websites provide dating service。66; time,这个长动作要用过去进行时态: I shouted for help. higher
价格要比我们能接受的价格高出很多很多. However
上下文之间存在转折关系. slipped
有几次我险些滑倒,且发生在walk这个长动作过程中. useful
68; t get him down。在购买它之前我期望&#47. should have got
67.com. to   devote sth to sth是固定短语,且常用复数;第二用并列连词and连接listen to和see两个并列动作. I recommend that you  63  (try) Baihe. any
他看起来仿佛随时(at any moment)都会掉下去。此处指的是it cost me an arm and a leg这个短语第二篇Tom. expected&#47. phrase&#47: I think a newspaper needs to meet all the
(need) of its readers。64. But it is full of traps on the Internet?D clock news last night。双方就《泰晤士》报该不该停刊展开讨论. a
很快, I won’t try that way to make my girlfriend. What
62, and we _70
(rescue)8: What did you do then? This will
( absolute) destroy the local economy,要用how much. Let'had expected
事实上我花的钱比我原先预期的要多,表示“需要的事物” 时; t like it because it devotes less than 5 pages every day
baseball results. About five minutes
there appeared a helicopter overhead. who
67,说话人语气中包含自责; t like it because…给出了提示:
It’s true: Oh, you say, it cost the way more than I 46
(expect) it to be,故应使用to work作get的宾语补足语,故应使用should have done结构表示“本该做某事(而没做)” . but  上下文之间存在转折关系. useful  形容词修饰名词: Why do you say so. calling
63: Destroy the local economy. The City
Journal is a great paper
出门在外也不愁Whan should I do.a dilemma this is how man was tortured to death什么意思_百度知道
Whan should I do.a dilemma this is how man was tortured to death什么意思
死亡并不可怕,可怕的是从未活过。 一个人怕的不应该是死亡,而是从来死亡并不是人应该害珐讥粹客诔九达循惮末怕的,而应该是他从未好好地活过,It is .that 强调
出门在外也不愁What should I do?_百度知道
What should I do?
I never pay any attition to him before that,I felt surprised.Then asked him the reason.I thought I started to like him,II answered.We cant know weather he took that serious or not,and he&#39,and I like dogs.Cause he can speak quite good English.But after that.He answered.Js just much older than me.One day:&quot.We met in a Online English Coner?&quot!&quot.And I became quite popular in that English CNo.But I did,there&#39.Cause I am still so young.Cause my voice sounds nice.But I don&#39.But he asked me to s also one of the admin in that chatting room.But he&#39.I don&#39,cause you like dogs.BBut after that,and I can speak quite good English,we&#39.I knew that boy just by chance,he just tolds many people would like to talk with me,and what can I do for that,I started to pay much attiton on him,just a middle school student,then Iwould you like to marry me when you grow up:&quot,what should I do.I thought he was kidding me.SOt know what should Ire all tempoary admin thereI met a boy on Internet
s all.There will have nothing happen.I shouldn&#39.As so boring,it&#39The reason I surf the internet is learn English.Andt mean what should I treat this problem!What I wanna know about it is as a student.And I just wanna know can I deal with these two at the same time.Though we are in the same city,I never thought he will take that real seriously.And he even told others that I am his girlfriend(Even I did not agree);s obvious.Everyone tell our students like that.That&#39,but t fall in love.,he keet telling me that,I can take care of my studies.I am not that silly!Then this question is just like something I can do at my age.I didn&#39..I thought he was kidding me the first time he told me like that,or something,that&#39.Or otherwise I didn't explan it so clear.And I could never like him.But after that day on.I heard of that for thousands times,it&#39
ince you are still a middle school student.There are huge opportunities after youfinish your study and enter into the society, you have to concentrate your mind on your study.I don&#39, you will handle this matter squarely.Wish you good luck, so your purpose is to raise your English level rather than thisimmature love.Thinking of what you want thist think you surf on the internet justto make boy friends
我现在高二也曾有相同经历希望能帮助你。 好消息是对于你所说的这两科,突击是非常容易的(物理数学就惨了) 坏消息是你现在看起来有点急躁,这样是不适合突击的
两科的重点都在于看书,不能只靠刷题。 第一步,把每章都特别细致地读,不要放过一点细节。心一定要静! 第二步,靠自己的理解去画出每章的知识网络图,如果有可能的话给你身边的人讲一遍,这...
1. 正面: 那男管理员也蛮可爱的, 至少他可能查看了你的个人资料,知道你喜欢小狗. 蛮细心的嘛..
负面: 但也不排除他有偷窥癖好, 以偷看人家的细节隐私为乐...
2. 正面: 喜欢去逛英语角的男生坏不到哪里去, 就算坏,起码也是个有文化的流氓,对不~
负面: 这种男生仅仅因为与你有同样的小动物情节而喜欢你... 这感情基础基本是很不牢靠的~~
万一哪天他遇见喜欢兔子, 喜欢猫的呢? 这两种都比小狗更招人喜欢呢... 那时候他改口说喜欢兔子什么的, 你就亏大了
3. 你的意志也太不坚定了!!!
之前他没对你示好时, 你对他什么感觉都没, 一旦他开了口, 你居然立马松口了!!
就算他很优秀吧, 你也得检讨检讨是不? 要知道, 男生对轻易到手的猎物往往都不会太珍惜~
4. 老生长谈一句,
I know what you are thinking.:)Treat him as an ordinary friend.That is what you can do.when you are a college student,you can consider to meet him...Just as you said,you only talk on internet,and you know little about him.In that case,keep the friendship between you and him until you enter the university.Of course,right now,you should tell him you are not his GF clearly.
1. 会上英语角不代表他绝对不是流氓,陈冠希的英语应该有过之而无不及。
2. 即使他不是流氓也不代表他对你的感觉很可信,网络上因为看不见,说话可以不负责任。
3. 即使他是一个负责任的人,但因为他也没见过你,只听过声音,对你的感觉只建立在这个基础上未免不是很可靠,也许他是真的喜欢上了你,这种喜欢在你们互相见过后有没有继续发展的可能,难说。
4. 你对他的喜欢也是因为他先表白,女孩子容易被男方的情绪带动,这是很危险的,特别在看不见对方的样子时,少了可以牵制感情的外型的因素做参考,给了你任意发展感情的空间,等你深险进去才发现对方的外貌让你难以接受双方都会很受伤。
5. 他说的喜欢你的理由很勉强,世上喜欢狗的人多了去了,他身边肯定也不少,单凭这一点难以让人信服。试问你自己,...
After reading your message, I concluded that you are an intelligent girl. Actually, to a certain extent, you already kno you put your question here merely to seek some assurances.
My advice is, if you want to, you can carry
but keep a distance, keep him at bay, that is, only maintain the relationship on the net, nothing more! Arrange your time properly between studies and the net.
However, if you really choose to carry on, psychologically you must be well prepared. Sooner or later, he will be coming on stronger and stronger, keep a clear head, do not be mesmerized by his sweet words. Whether he is serious ...
当有人跟你告白了,就算你之前根本都没有注意他,被告白后也会不由自主的注意到他,从而对他产生某些情愫,这种状态是有专业名词的,……具体叫什么我忘记了= =
所以你不必感到慌张,你觉得自己有点喜欢上他是正常的事,just take it easy, and time will tell if it's your true love or just a short-time thing.
further more, he's much elder than you. As an adult myself, I think he just treat you like a cute little girl.就是他萌上你了,觉得你很可爱,说要娶你也是那种对小女孩的语气吧, so don't take it seriously, alright?
as your ...
too good to be true!don't take my word personally,i just mean this situation. since he's much older than you,and you are just about 16(i guess),a normal,sane person shouldn't take a middle school student seriously(no offense),either he's kidding or he's abnormal or he's insane or he's a little 恋童癖.Anyway,something in him is wrong.and i know studying in middle school is a hard work, you could not focus on two things at the same time,and you should not.
Dear girl,
Forget that!I can realise that his said just is a kid.You realy don't very know him,do you?You must take all your time in learning.It's not the time for your love.When you get in the univercity,you will have enough time which you can get a realy well boy.Belive me,I'm a student in a univercity now.Work hard!Then you will get anything what you want.
He asked you to marry with him?I thought it's too fast~How do you think about that?To be friends is ok,but to marry it's too early to think about it.Because you don't know each other now.Do you really love him?In my opinion,love is that meet.Not to to say how much he love you,but to do for you.Sometimes,love is take care the other.You'd better to hardworking.Told him if he really love,to be friend first.Later you can decide the man who loves you really and will sacrifice for you,that you can be married with him.
我知道这男孩刚刚由chance.cause他能说不错的英语,而且他也是其中之一,政府当局在这聊天room.just和我一样,我们都是tempoary管理员there.one一天,他刚刚告诉我说,他很喜欢我,我就觉得surprised.then问他reason.he回答,使你像狗,我喜欢狗,然后我喜欢you.i以为他是在开玩笑me.but他问我嫁给他后that.but他说的是: &你想嫁给我,当你长大了吗? &我回答说: &不! &
Hello, hear your one state, I am quite deep when sighing with deep feeling, sisters, I am the middle school student too 。
Bent on piece I network the peoples of the loves,say each boy to like me have at I accident hes frank from another population behind being the getting getting fickle in more love more always always many times 。Disconsolate that my heart is full of, should become excited to him too for me, I can think luckily too that has not fallen into the other side's trap by oneself 。
i think you are a quite talented person, we can like a person, but sometimes we look forward to the Plato type eternity even more, that is actually the leas...
What he has been doing these days proves one thing: he likes you but not loves. Why? (you may ask). If he isn't fond of you, why did he make so many silly jokes to you and even the public?! I bet he is not that funny. Even if he is a funny guy, his action is neither rational nor normal. Simply because if he really loves you(not just likes you), in no way would he do anything harmful for you. But the fact is that he puts you in an embarassed situation. So from this point, we could see that he has never ever placed himself into your position. That means himself is the only one he cares about during this case.
In a word, as I said, keep away from him...
I see you know every,but you don't know how to soled.I think you can give up that chang give up that boy and chang another chatting room.forget it is a best way!
i use to fell in love with one girl on the internet but wat i can tell is dont belive this shit so fack ~ and also u can think it abot it .ur guys just talk on the internet to praticle ur guys english nothing at all also u never c him i mean met him watever. how do u kown his personality
and u just study in the middle school.~ so just concertrating on u study forget this shit. ~belive me
~dont belive him . i just give me suggestion ... wish u can as soon as possbile sort out this is problem la
you should mind your step. there might be a trap for you. if you know him well
you won't ask such a question. so drop it
Stop caring about him.Internet is a virtual space!You'd better transfer ur attention to ur study.If u work hard u will forget these things.U R so young,u shouldn't fall in love with a boy u don't know.I think the most suitable time 4 u to love & 2 be loved is when u finished ur education.You'd better transfer 2 another website 2 practise ur Eng.
这个...很难办啊你了解他吗?Internet上认识的人会可靠吗?我是说他现在对你谈 marry,会不会太早啊!你应该好好想想啊!
中学生英语就这么好,厉害。。 生活中还是有爱的,你有什么让他可以在乎?
Do what you think is right.
do what you intend
ai zi ji kan zhe ban ba
Since you are still a middle school student, you have to concentrate your mind on your study.There are huge opportunities after youfinish your study and enter into the society.I don't think you surf on the internet justto make boy friends, so your purpose is to raise your English level rather than thisimmature love.Thinking of what you want thisperiod, you will handle tI know what you are thinking.:)Treat him as an ordinary friend.That is what you can do.when you are a college student,you can consider to meet him...Just as you said,you only talk on internet,and you know little about him.In that case,keep the friendship between you and him until you enter the university.Of course,right now,you should tell him you are not his GF clearly.his matter squarelyWish you good luck.1. 正面: 那男管理员也蛮可爱的, 至少他可能查看了你的个人资料,知道你喜欢小狗. 蛮细心的嘛..负面: 但也不排除他有偷窥癖好, 以偷看人家的细节隐私为乐...2. 正面: 喜欢去逛英语角的男生坏不到哪里去, 就算坏,起码也是个有文化的流氓,对不~ 负面: 这种男生仅仅因为与你有同样的小动物情节而喜欢你... 这感情基础基本是很不牢靠的~~
万一哪天他遇见喜欢兔子, 喜欢猫的呢? 这两种都比小狗更招人喜欢呢... 那时候他改口说喜欢兔子什么的, 你就亏大了3. 你的意志也太不坚定了!!!
之前他没对你示好时, 你对他什么感觉都没, 一旦他开了口, 你居然立马松口了!!
就算他很优秀吧, 你也得检讨检讨是不? 要知道, 男生对轻易到手的猎物往往都不会太珍惜~4. 老生长谈一句,
珍爱生命~远离网恋~回头看看你身边的男生们, 也许他们都不那么出众, 不那么耀眼~1. 会上英语角不代表他绝对不是流氓,陈冠希的英语应该有过之而无不及。2. 即使他不是流氓也不代表他对你的感觉很可信,网络上因为看不见,说话可以不负责任。3. 即使他是一个负责任的人,但因为他也没见过你,只听过声音,对你的感觉只建立在这个基础上未免不是很可靠,也许他是真的喜欢上了你,这种喜欢在你们互相见过后有没有继续发展的可能,难说。4. 你对他的喜欢也是因为他先表白,女孩子容易被男方的情绪带动,这是很危险的,特别在看不见对方的样子时,少了可以牵制感情的外型的因素做参考,给了你任意发展感情的空间,等你深险进去才发现对方的外貌让你难以接受双方都会很受伤。5. 他说的喜欢你的理由很勉强,世上喜欢狗的人多了去了,他身边肯定也不少,单凭这一点难以让人信服。试问你自己,会因为随便一个男生喜欢狗就爱上对方了吗?6. 从你目前的生活来看,单单对付学习也许游刃有余,但又要学习又要谈情也许不一定胜任。大量事实证明,女生的情绪比较容易波动,一但动情整个生活都受波及。感情发展顺利则已,一旦有变动则难以自控,那时为时已晚。7. 他说等你长大,如果他不可靠,则你用错情;如果他一往情深,但你毕竟还小,你身上的变数大,万一以后是你变心,岂不伤人?所以,结论就是:wrong timing, just forget about it and move on. 但这正好说明他们在你面前不刻意做作, 对你的真诚是拿尺子都可以量出来的...


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