
I am not know your question找出下列句子的错误.2:1.Some baseball are under the table.3.Mike is needs his math book.4 Please take your computer game at school,并改正
4 Please take your computer game to school.Mike needs his math book1.3.Some baseballs are under the table.2.I do not
know your question
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本帖最后由 lsncig11649 于
20:39 编辑
这是china文本,大多都是中文字了,质量很渣,有觉悟的就下吧。不过//Planet Window下的内容好像有问题,星球建造界面的舰船和已经造好的舰船的名字显示为英文,可文本里是中文字了。本人也不懂编程,找不出问题在哪。
以下是需要翻译的相关内容& && && &
SubSystem Modifiers这里的Modifiers改怎么翻译?修正,强化,改良这些也不知道行不行。。。
Active treaty和Active treaty with怎么翻译成中文该怎么区分。。。
#SEND_CLAUSE: Send Resources Once
#SEND_CLAUSE_DESC: Sends a specified amount of resources once.
#SEND_CLAUSE_SDESC: Sends an amount of resources once.
#SY_Uncolonized: Uncolonized planet with
#RM_Ping: Ping Object to Allies
#RM_Ram: Ram
#RM_alert_allies: Ping System To Allies
#RM_IonCannon: Fire Relativistic Annihilator
//Object Info Overlay
#SS_FCUTTER_DESC:&&A derivate from the Ion Beam and Laser technologies, the Fusion Cutter combines both techniques with gravitational acceleration. A narrow stream of Helium isotopes is fired at a target, and upon impact, ignited by extremely high-powered laser pulses. The resulting reaction is so strong that it may initiate a short-lived fusion reaction, causing severe damage through consecutive explosions.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ 极高的伤害 \n#c:green##tab:8#+ 持续射击 \n#c:d00##tab:8#- 射程短\n#c:d00##tab:8#- 发热高 \n#c:ee0##tab:8#可能会出现2.5倍伤害的暴击
#SS_FLANCE_DESC: Instead of firing a continuous stream of Helium isotopes and igniting them in bursts like the Fusion Cutter does, the Fusion Lance emits a short, condensed pulse, potentially piercing through multiple layers of armor. Similar to the Fusion Cutter, the Fusion Lance also has a small chance of inflicting much more damage by igniting a fusion reaction.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ 极高的Alpha输出 \n#c:d00##tab:8#- 射程短\n#c:d00##tab:8#- 发热高\n#c:ee0##tab:8#可能会出现2.5倍伤害的暴击
#SS_AMMOPRO_NAME: Ammunition Fabricator
#SS_AMMOPRO_DESC: The ammunition fabricator utilizes advanced nanotechnology to construct ammunition from metal. It draws from local storage on the ship.\n#c:green##tab:8#++ Can manufacture ammunition\n#c:d00##tab:8#- High power and control requirements\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Converts metal from local sources to ammunition
#SS_ASTROCOL_NAME: Asteroid Collector
#SS_ASTROCOL_DESC: While Mass Drivers are equipped with small-scale asteroid collectors, these can only capture small asteroids, limiting the rate at which the asteroid storage can be filled. These specialized asteroid collectors can store larger amounts of asteroids and collect them at an increased rate.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ Generates and stores Mass Driver ammunition (asteroids)\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Does not store/generate regular ammunition
#SS_INTEGRATEDCONSTRUCTION_DESC: By applying the concepts of integrated hull construction, the internal space in a ship can be used more efficiently. It consists of a redesign of the hull including extra sections for increased space. This leaves several weak points on the hull making it prone to collapse if seriously damaged.\n#c:d00##tab:8#- If destroyed the ship will explode.\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Extremely expensive\n#c:green##tab:8#++ Provides more internal space when linked to a hull
#SS_BUNKER_DESC: Bunkers are heavily armored structures, typically buried underground, designed to protect against attacks.
#SS_SPATIALMANIP_NAME: Directed Spatial Manipulator
#SS_SPATIALMANIP_DESC: This extremely specialized field emitter slowly collects a large region of space, collapsing it into a near-singularity. Upon hitting critical mass, this weapon may tear the fabric of space and time to shreds around a target.\n#tab:16##c:green#+Devastating Damage Potential#c#\n#tab:16##c:d00#- Requires an enormous charge before firing\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Needs to be fired manually via the right-click menu\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Minimum subsystem size 3600
#SS_MININGLASER_DESC: A mining laser consists of two beams, firing in separate phases in rapid succession. The first superheats rocks to free them to be collected, the second is a focused beam of magnetism that attracts the freed ore. Note: These lasers are very power-intensive. Each laser typically requires its own generator.
#SS_BULKHEAD_DESC: Bulkheads are localized protection for a specific SubSystem. While nearly useless on their own, they increase the health of the equipped SubSystem up to 100%.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ More health than Standard Armor for its size#c#\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Heavy, Takes up space#c#
#SS_REMNGATE_NAME: Remnant Gate Array
#SS_REMNGATE_DESC: Warps any object and its surrounding space and objects into the system the gate is located in.
#SS_AMMOPRO_NAME: Ammunition Fabricator
#SS_AMMOPRO_DESC: The ammunition fabricator utilizes advanced nanotechnology to construct ammunition from metal. It draws from local storage on the ship.\n#c:green##tab:8#++ Can manufacture ammunition\n#c:d00##tab:8#- High power and control requirements\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Converts metal from local sources to ammunition
#SS_MASSMOUNT_DESC: The Mass Mount works exactly like the Rack Mount - except it's much more effective. The downside of this is the need for an enormous hull to support that many gun turrets.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ Greatly improves rate of fire\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Vastly increased running cost of linked weapon\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Requires a Megastructure or Gargantuan Hull
#SS_ARMORMOUNT_NAME: Internal Armor Mount
#SS_ARMORMOUNT_DESC: Though the maximum amount of armor that can be mounted externally on each hull type is limited, it is possible to bypass this limit by sacrifing internal space to install additional layers of armor.
#SS_ICC_NAME: Integrated Command Center
#SS_ICC_DESC: Combining life support, crew quarters and bridge in one neat package, the Integrated Command Center leaves little to be desired. The only external su otherwise it is independent, even producing a considerable amount of surplus air.\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Occupies double amount of space\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Consumes metal from the galactic bank while repairing
#SS_ZEROPOINTGEN_NAME: Zero-Point Generator
#SS_ZEROPOINTGEN_DESC: While not as powerful as an antimatter generator, the Zero-Point Generator, harnessing zero-point (or more precisely, vacuum) energy, has one distinct advantage: It's lack of a fuel requirement. On the downside, the ZPG is massive and requires large amounts of space.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ No fuel requirement\n#c:green##tab:8#+ High power output\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Very massive and large\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Occupies double amount of space
#SS_LONGRANGELASER_DESC: Just point this thing and shoot. Makes things go &boom&.
#SS_POINTDEFENSE_DESC: Salvos of advanced missiles and powerful torpedos pose a great threat to any spaceship. Because they are slow-moving and can usually be detected at long range, it is possible to intercept at least a significant portion of them. Point Defense systems specialize in detecting and destroying incoming guided projectile weapons, making missile and torpedo attacks less dangerous.\n#c:green##tab:8#+Can intercept incoming missiles\n#c:d00##tab:8#-Can't do anything else
#SS_MASSDRIVERLIGHT_DESC: Standard Mass Drivers are engineered towards accelerating asteroids with as much mass as possible. Precision or projectile velocity are only secondary and tertiary concerns. Modified mass drivers are geared towards the opposite: Accelerating smaller chunks of rock to higher speeds. While they are still unreliable at hitting targets at long range, their tremendous impact damage makes more than up for it.\n#c:green##tab:8#+ Heavy Alpha\n#c:green##tab:8#+ Slowly generates ammunition\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Does not use regular ammunition\n#c:d00##tab:8#- Inaccurate\n#c:ee0##tab:8#Note: Uses asteroids as ammunition
#SS_REMNANTIONCANNON_NAME: Remnant Relativistic Annihilator
#SS_REMNANTIONCANNON_DESC: Created out of technology that is still not fully understood, the Relativistic Annihilator seems to ionize particles within a vast region of space, attracts them and focuses them into a single point. This creates a small, yet extremely dense object, which is then accelerated to near lightspeed. A planet hit by this horrifying weapon, if not destroyed, is at least sterili detecting this projectile before impact is next to impossible due to the speed.
#SS_ZPFGEN_NAME: Zero Point Field Generator
#SS_ZPFGEN_DESC: Seemingly intended as a special kind of defense mechanism, this weapon doesn't damage targets at all. Instead, it drains all charge from their capacitors, effectively causing the target to go offline.
#scuttleAt: Scuttle At
#pinBtn: &+ Pin&
#addPin: Pin selected object.
#removePin: Remove pinned object.
#addMinimap: Add minimap for current system.
#minimapPin: Toggle whether this minimap is locked to its current system or follows the selection.
#RT_AIPARANOID_FLAVOR: Past unpleasant experiences with rogue artificial intelligences have left your population with an intense aversion to their use.
#RT_AIPARANOID_DESC: Cannot use Computers or Quantum Computers.
#RT_BADCONTRACTORS_NAME: Lowest-Bidder Contracting
#RT_BADCONTRACTORS_FLAVOR: The continuous search for the cheapest contractors to create your ships saves money on build costs but also decreases the amount of viable space that can be used
#RT_BADCONTRACTORS_DESC: All hulls are cheaper and have 1 less internal space.
#RT_INDEBTED_FLAVOR: The great effort of expanding outwards into space has left your empire in debt with a number of private corporations.
#RT_INDEBTED_DESC: For the first 20 minutes, lose half of all resources exported to the galactic bank.
#RS_ENGINES_NAME: Propulsion
#RS_ENGINES_DESC: A set of scientific fields which work to improve the efficiency and economics of propulsion while branching out into new technologies.
#RS_ENGINES_NAME: Propulsion
#RS_ENGINES_DESC: A set of scientific fields which work to improve the efficiency and economics of propulsion while branching out into new technologies.
#RS_SHIELDS_DESC: The focused application of energy physics, armor, and electronic warfare into various forms of barriers which culminate in a form of 'projected armor' which is typically classified as 'shielding' or 'shields'.
#RS_STEALTH_NAME: Electronic Warfare
#RS_STEALTH_DESC: The utilization of the electromagnetic spectrum for offensive or defensive applications. Scientific basis for the creation of a suite of 'ECM systems'.
#RS_WARPPHYSICS_NAME: Spatial Dynamics
#RS_WARPPHYSICS_DESC: The study of space-time physics, and the development of ways to manipulate it. Leads to a variety of highly advanced technologies.
#LH_ShieldBurst: Shield Burst Cost
#LH_ArmorPoints: Available Armor Points
#LH_ShieldEmitters: Available Shield Emitters
#LH_ShieldArmorRegen: Shield Armor Regen/sec
#LH_PointDefense: Point Defense Efficiency
#LH_AntimatterGeneration: Antimatter Output (Net)
#LH_StargateRange: Stargate Range
#LH_Local/Clip: Shots per Volley
#LH_Local/ImpactLevel: Impact Level
#LH_Local/AbsorbPct: Absorption Factor
#LH_Local/Interdiction: Interdiction Force
#LH_Local/MagExtension: Clip Size Multiplier
#LH_Local/AsteroidsperShot: Asteroids used per Shot
#LH_Local/HeatFactor: Waste Heat Multiplier
#LH_Local/AmmoUseMultiplier: Ammo Use Multiplier
#LH_Local/PowCostMultiplier: Power Cost Multiplier
#LH_Local/SmallSizePenalty: Size Cost Penalty
#LEE_Demo: Demo designs are limited to scale 200
#LEE_Scale: Sub System was scaled below 1/4x or beyond 4x compared to the hull
#STT_Alpha: Alpha is the calculated damage of all weapons' first salvo combined.
#STT_Charge: Stored power which may be dispersed at command by any subsystem aboard the ship.
#STT_EcoStore: Stores Metals, Electronics, and Advanced P materials are seperated into specialized storage compartments.
#STT_Fuel: The amount of stored fuel aboard may be used by any fuel consuming device.&&Any fuel-consuming device without fuel to run on will turn off to prevent damage to its internals.
#STT_Mass: The mass of all components and armor of the ship. Having more mass slows down movement. Increasing levels in Chemistry, Ship Construction and Metallurgy decrease all subsystems' mass.
#STT_Regen: Represents the amount of work that can be performed on damaged or destroyed systems per second.
#STT_Salvage: How much scalvageable materials are returned to the scalvageing ship per second.
#STT_ShieldBurst: The estimated heat and force damage nearby ships experience when the ship's shield is dispersed.
#STT_Shields: The amount of force the ship's shield can withstand before being totally dispersed.&&As the shield is damaged, the shield is less able to prevent weapons fire from striking the hull.
#STT_SW Max DPS: The maximum amount of Damage per Second, at minimum cooling/reload time, the SuperWeapon can deal.
#STT_ArmorPoints: The amount of armor mounts left for installation of additional Armor. Can be increased by using Internal Armor Mounts.
#STT_ShieldEmitters: The amount of shield emitters left for use with shield generators/chargers/hardeners. Installing additonal shield emitters increases this value.
#STT_MetalCost:&&The amount of metal per second that will be drained from the galactic bank when repairs are being conducted.
#STT_AmmoMetalCost: The amount of metal per second that will be drained from the galactic bank when ammunition is being fabricated.
#STT_PointDefense: The average amount of enemy missile-type weapons intercepted per shot. The maximum protection possible is 0.8 (80%).
#STT_WasteHeat: The excess heat generated by energy weapons. Once the maximum heat threshold has been reached, the ship's energy weapons have to cool down to 50% of maximum heat until they can be fired again.
#STT_HeatReleaseRate: The maximum amount of excess heat that can be released per second. It is improved by different types of energy supply and heatsinks.
#STT_Heatsink: The maximum level of heat that is allowed to build up before energy weapons stop firing. It is increased by most types of energy supply and heatsinks.
#OI_Population: Pop.
#EM_PlayAs: Play As
#EMTT_TreatyPropose: Propose new treaty
#EMTT_TreatyActive: Active treaty
#EMTT_TreatyProposed: Proposed treaty
#EM_TreatyCreate: Create a new treaty with this empire.
#EM_TreatyActiveWith: Active treaty with
#EM_Clauses: clauses
#EM_TreatyProposedText: Treaty proposed by the
#EM_TreatyProposedEmpire: .
#VISIBILITY_CLAUSE_DESC: Gives information about object and surrounding states in order to give vision to the target.
#TRADE_CLAUSE_DESC: Trades a specified amount of resources per second.
#FAILWAR_CLAUSE_DESC: If the treaty fails due to either party lacking sufficient means, declare war.
#RESEARCH_CLAUSE_DESC: Researchers will provide both empires with their results, at an agreed-upon rate per second.
#TIMEOUT_CLAUSE_DESC: The treaty will end peacefully after a time.
#FORCEWAR_CLAUSE_DESC: Will request the target to declare war on another empire.
#MO_RTimer: Time until repair starts
#MO_LastIntel: &Last Intel: && &英特尔?
#MO_Ago: & ago&
#NF_ImperialSeat_Claim: & has claimed the remnant imperial seat.&
#ST_NeutronStar_Name: #c:f00#Neutron Star#c#
#ST_NeutronStar_Desc: An unusual amount of neutrons in the star bombard objects in the system with neutron radation, while ships are shielded by their hull, planets are affected by the radiation.
#ST_GateSystem_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Gate System#c#
#ST_GateSystem_Desc: Ancient teleportation gates can warp any object into this system.
#ST_SpatialGen_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Spatial Distortion Generator#c#
#ST_SpatialGen_Desc: A barely understood piece of remnant technology that distorts the very fabric of space within the heart of a star causing it to collapse and even possibly cause a solar event creating a super nova. Safe guards built into the control mechanisms only allow targeting of Stars, and will not damage the Central Star.
#ST_IonCanon_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Ion Cannon#c#
#ST_IonCanon_Desc: A gigantic remnant structure that is built around the core of an extremely advanced mass driver. It fires a solid projectile sheathed in charged Ions at near C speeds that cause irreparable damage to whatever it hits. Due to limitations built into the technology it can only target objects above 3600 galactic units.
#ST_ZeroPoint_Name: #c:ff8e00#Remnant Zero Point Field#c#
#ST_ZeroPoint_Desc: An advanced piece of remnant defensive technology, built to defend extremely valuable space without damaging the high value infrastructure. It creates a Zero Point field at the target location which drains the power of any objects caught within the field, transferring it into Jump Space.
//Localization note: OK and Cancel cannot be localized yet, so leave them unchanged
#ERR_OldSave_Title: Old Save
#ERR_OldSave_Text: The save cannot be loaded in the current version.\nWould you like to load the save in legacy mode?\nOK: The save will be moved to the matching Legacy mod, and the game will start normally.\nCancel: Do nothing for now.
#c:0d0#How the lists work:#c#&&The numbered list for every governor describes the priority of each line.&&Each line is checked to make sure
if it has, then it proceeds to the next priority in sequence from lowest number to highest.&&It continues checking against those priorities forever (or until you turn off the governor).\n\
#img:sparks# What's &Weight&? #font# Weight is the likelihood that something will be picked to be built.&&The higher the number, the more likely that structure will be picked.\n\
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这是什么 ...
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Shield Armor
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