Please see the attacg...

His application at Huffman.
September 1, 1968:
"Mohamed Atta was born on September 1, 1968, in Kafr el Sheikh,
Egypt, to a middle-class family headed by his father, an
Atta "enters the engineering department at Cairo University. His
dad, a well-to-do lawyer, says his son never cursed. He never
drank. He said his prayers without complaint.
"I am the one who convinced him to learn German because it is
the language of engineering of the world," his father told ABC News
in Cairo. &
"After graduating from Cairo University with a degree in
architectural engineering in 1990, Atta worked as an urban planner
in Cairo for a couple of years."
"Atta joins the Engineers Syndicate, which is one of
three professional associations controlled by the Muslim
Brotherhood, although he later says that he was not a member of the
Muslim Brotherhood. &
Fall 1991:
"He asked a German family he had met in Cairo to help him
continue his education in Germany. They suggested he come to
Hamburg and invited him to live with them there, at least
July 1992:
"After completing a course in German, Atta traveled to Germany
for the first time in July 1992. He resided briefly in
[i]Comment: What did he do in Stuttgart although he wanted to
study in Hamburg?[/i]
Either September or December 1992:
"Two months after his arrival, Atta secures a
part-time job at Plankontor, an urban planning consultancy in
Ottensen, Hamburg."
[i]Comment: The article doesn&t make clear if they
mean Atta&s arrival in Germany or specifically in Hamburg.[/i]
Fall 1992:
He "moved to Hamburg to live with his host family. After
enrolling at the University of Hamburg, he promptly transferred
into the city engineering and planning course at the Technical
University of Hamburg-Harburg, where he would remain registered as
a student until the fall of 1999."
October 1992:
"the month Atta enrolled".,,00.html
Between October 1992 and September 11, 2001:
"Within Germany, the focus of inquiries broadened to
another northern port city, Kiel. It appears that Mohamed Atta, the
man accused of leading the onslaught on September 11, lived and
worked there during a previously obscure stage in his life.
Employees at the Kiel job centre said they had recognised Atta
from photographs in the media. They said that he had worked
temporarily as a translator in the city. &,,.html
[i]Comment: Officially Atta never lived in Kiel
which is quite close to Hamburg but not at all around the corner.
How can Atta who just has learnt German in Egypt start working as a
December 1992:
"Just two months after his arrival, he secured a part-time job
with Plankontor, a planning consultancy in the trendy Hamburg
district of Ottensen.",,00.html
& Ralph Bodenstein joins Mohamed Atta and Volker Hauth in a project sponsored
the German government, writing a report on the renovation work
being undertaken by the Egyptian government on the old city gates.
The subsequent report is deemed excellent. The same year, Atta goes
on a student trip to Istanbul.
Atta and Volker Hauth go to Aleppo, Syria on a field trip
for several weeks to research what would become his thesis, the
conflict between Islam and modernity as reflected in the planning
of historical cities.
Atta takes six months off from Plankontor to make a
pilgrimage to Mecca, sending them a postcard from the holy
December 1994 A:
"Mohamed Atta returns to Syria and makes
contact with members in the committee of the project to revive old
December 1994 B:
Atta stayed for one night in a hotel in Prague.
According to the BKA, the German Federal Office for
criminal investigations :
"In 1995 there had been an investigation against him
due to small drug offenses and forgeries of telephone cards,
criminal trifles. "
J&rgen Roth: Netzwerke des Terrors (networks of
terror), p. 9f
(translation by John Doe II)
[i]Comments: Drugs are an interesting occupation
for a fundamentalist! [/I]
"Czech media reports note that a Mohamed Sayed Ahmed
is listed in the Czech trade register as owner of a Prague-based
firm called Electric Construction Co., founded in 1995."
"An Egyptian from Cairo named Mohamed Sayed Ahmed established
two firms in Prague. The cover-name Mohamed Sayed was used by the
suicide pilot Atta, also an Egyptian from Cairo."
(Czech News Agency, 10/31/01)
[i]Comment: It&s hard to see how the Atta studying
in Germany and reportedly never travelling to Prague at that time
can have established two firms. If this is simply a different
innocent person it is worth noticing that he as well comes from
Cairo and Atta used his name as an alias.
Please have a look at: PRAGUE[/i]
"According to Binalshibh, as early as 1995 Atta
sought to organize a Muslim student association in Hamburg."
August 1995:
"Atta grows a distinctive beard shortly before he takes a
three-month trip to Egypt with Volker Hauth and Ralph
Bodenstein in order to conduct research for their project."
(Toronto Star, 9/22/01)
"Unknown to his German hosts, Atta may have taken part in a
bus bombing in 1996 in Saudi Arabia, officials say. "
(Knight Ridder, 9/28/01)
April 11, 1996 :
Atta apparently wrote his last will. The Arabic original was
never made public. The text was translated by the FBI.
Mid- to late 1990&s:
"It is also likely that at least some of the men overlapped in
Daytona Beach in the mid- to late-1990's. A manager at the
Anatole apartments near Daytona Beach International Airport
said Ahmed al-Ghamdi, who was on United Airlines Flight 175, lived
in the complex in 1995, while Waleed al-Shehri lived there from May
through December 1997, while he attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical
University. (School officials say they have no record of Mr. Ghamdi
attending the school.) Records also indicate that a man whose
name matched Mohammed Atta's lived at a different address in
Daytona Beach during the mid- to late 1990's."
(New York Times, 9/15/01)
[i]Comment: Which of course is in stark
contradiction to the Atta who is known to be in Germany at that
Spanish newspaper El Mundo later reports, "According to several
professors at the Valencia School of Medicine, some of whom
are forensic experts, (Mohamed Atta) was a student there in 1997 or
1998. Although he used another name then, they remember his face
among the students that attended anatomy classes." It is also
suggested that "years before, as a student he went to
[i]Comment: It goes without saying that this would
be a clear proof of TWO Attas.[/i]
June 1997:
"Atta was laid off by Plankontor. The partners had bought a CAD
system and his draughtsmanship was not needed. 'When he was given
his last sum of money, he got too much from us and he sent it
back,' recalled Frinken. 'He said that he hadn't earned it and he
didn't want any more'.",,00.html
Summer 1997 - October
"Machule said Atta then took a long break from his
studies. The recollections of others show it could only have
been in the period from the end of the academic year in 1997 to
the start of the academic year in 1998 - a gap of 15 months which
the Egyptian explained to his professor as being for family,,00.html
Mid-1997 - October 1998:
"Atta leaves Plankontor and drops out of
university for 15 months. From mid-1997 to October 1998,
Atta seems to disappear from Hamburg, telling his thesis
advisor that he was gone for family reasons. Investigators
speculate that this is when Atta went to Afghanistan for training
with Al Qaeda."
Fall 1997:
"He joined a working group at the Quds mosque in
Hamburg, a group designed to bridge the gap between Muslims and
"On a visit home to Egypt in 1998, Atta met one of
his college friends. According to this friend, Atta had changed a
great deal, had grown a beard, and had "obviously adopted
fundamentalism" by that time."
Atta and Marwan Alshehhi live periodically in the
town of Mabalacat, Philippines. They stay in the Woodland Resort
hotel and apparently learn to fly planes at a nearby flight school.
Philippine and US investigators have looked into these visits but
haven't confirmed the hijackers' presence there. Locals, however,
are certain they saw them frequently partying, drinking alcohol,
sleeping with local women, and consorting with many other, unknown
Arabs (most of whom disappear shortly before 9/11).
August 1998:
A German inquiry into Mounir El Motassadeq, an alleged member of
the Hamburg al-Qaeda cell with Mohamed Atta, begins by this time.
Although Germany will not reveal details, documents show that by
August 1998, Motassadeq is under surveillance. "The trail soon
(leads) to most of the main (Hamburg) participants" in 9/11.
Surveillance records Motassadeq and Mohammed Haydar Zammar, who had
already been identified by police as a suspected extremist, as they
meet at the Hamburg home of Said Bahaji, who is also under
surveillance that same year. (Bahaji will soon move into an
apartment with Atta and other al-Qaeda members.) German police
monitor several other meetings between Motassadeq and Zammar in the
following months.
November 1, 1998-February 2001:
Mohamed Atta and al-Qaeda operatives Said Bahaji and Ramzi Bin
al-Shibh move into a four bedroom apartment at 54 Marienstrasse,
in Hamburg, Germany, and stay there until February 2001 (Atta
is already living primarily in the US well before this time).
Investigators believe this move marks the formation of their
Hamburg al-Qaeda cell
During the 28 months Atta's name is on the apartment lease, 29
Middle Eastern or North African men register the apartment as their
home address. From the very beginning, the apartment was
officially under surveillance by German intelligence, because
of investigations into businessman Mamoun Darkazanli that connect
to Said Bahaji.
German intelligence monitors the apartment off and on for
months, and wiretaps Mounir El Motassadeq, an associate of the
apartment-mates who is later put on trial in August 2002 for
assisting the 9/11 plot, but apparently do not find any indication
of suspicious activity.
A visitor later recalls Atta and others discussing attacking
(Knight Ridder, 9/9/02)
The CIA also starts monitoring Atta while he is living at
this apartment, and does not tell Germany of the surveillance.
Remarkably, the German government will claim it knew little about
the Hamburg al-Qaeda cell before 9/11, and nothing directed them
towards the Marienstrasse apartment.
&Normen Pentolino, operations manager at the Hollywood
store, said two cashiers told FBI agents they might have
recognized Atta, but weren't certain. Sources inside the store said
Atta may have held a BJ's membership card for more than two
[i]Comment: Strange. Atta might
have been witnessed already in 1999. Not somewhere but in
Hollywood. [/I]
"Ressam also visited the Alicante region (Spain) and met
Mohammed Atta, the Egyptian believed to have crashed one of the
planes into the World Trade Center and also known to have visited
Spain this year, the report (El Pais, 11/25/01) stated."
(Toronto Sun, 11/26/01)
On September 18, 2001 Interpol asked the German Federal Police
(BKA) to ask the Bosnian authorities to check the identity of a
certain Atta who lived according to their information in Bakotift
(Bosnia) in 1999. A photo and the advice to turn to a certain
Mehmed Hasanif, citizen of Bakotif, was added to the inquiry.
(J&rgen Els&sser: Wie der Dschihad nach Europa kam (How
Jihad came to Europe).
Els&sser quotes "Republic Secretariat for the Relations with
international Criminal Tribunal in The Haag, Terrorism - Global
Network of Islamic Fundamenlists Part II ~ Modus operandi Model
Bosnia, Banja Luka 2004. S. 21" and points to the testimony of
Patrick Bariot in the trial against Slobodan Milosevic.
(Special thanks to Borg for this finding!)
April 1, 1999:
Ziad Jarrah has an unofficial wedding with his girlfriend, Aisel
Senguen. Atta is there as well. A photo apparently taken by Jarrah
at the wedding is found by German intelligence several days after
9/11. An undercover agent is able immediately to identify ten of
the 18 men in the photo, as well as where it was taken: the prayer
room of Hamburg's Al-Quds mosque. He is also able to identify which
of them attended Mohamed Atta's study group. He knows even
"seemingly trivial details" of some of the men, showing that
"probably almost all members of the Hamburg terror cell" has been
watched by German state intelligence since this time, if not
before. The head of the state intelligence had previously
maintained that they knew nothing of any of these men.
June 3, 1999:
Atta arrives in Newark, N.J., from Prague, on a temporary
visitor's visa, issued in Berlin.
[i]Comment: What did he do in the
US and when did he leave? [/I]
Summer 1999:
Several employees recall Atta staying at the hotel
in Mabalacat, Philippines during the summer of 1999, acting
unfriendly and cheap. One hotel employee claims that most of the
guests were Arab, and many took flying lessons at the nearby
school. These witnesses claim the two used aliases, but the other
Arabs referred to Atta as "Mohamed."
"according to local residents who say they
recognized the two from news photographs."
"They never tipped,"
Victoria Brocoy, a chambermaid at the Woodland, recalls Mr.
"Many times I saw him let a girl go at the gate in the morning,"
she said. "It was always a different girl."
They made certain not to register under their own names, but two
patterns have emerged from the investigation, according to
Philippine police officials. The first is that the two displayed a
keen interest in learning how to fly small planes, and the second
is that they dominated a clique of Arab visitors, most of whom have
not been seen since shortly before the attacks.
Ferdinand Abad, who was working as a security guard at the entrance
to the hotel in mid-1999, remembers Mr. Atta asking at what
time he should wait outside the Woodland hotel for a van to take
him to the Angeles City Flying Club."
October 26, 1999:
"CIA can confirm two Atta visits to Prague--in Dec. 1994 and in
June 2000; data surrounding the other two--on 26 Oct 1999 and 9
April 2001--is complicated and sometimes contradictory and CIA and
FBI cannot confirm Atta met with the IIS. Czech Interior Minister
Stanislav Gross continues to stand by his information.""It's not
just Gross who stands by the information. Five high-ranking members
of the Czech government have publicly confirmed meetings between
Atta and al Ani."
[i]Comment: Please check out: PRAGUE.[/i]
Late November 1999:
Investigators believe hijackers Mohamed Atta, Marwan Alshehhi,
and Ziad Jarrah and associates Ramzi Bin al-Shibh and Said Bahaji
(all members of the same Hamburg, Germany, cell) arrive
separately in Afghanistan around this time. They meet with bin
Laden and train for several months.
"Following Slahi's advice, Atta and Jarrah left Hamburg during
the last week of November 1999, bound for Karachi."
Late 1999:
Hijackers Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi report their
passports missing.
(Inside 9-11, p. 258f)
"Punta Gorda - Anonymous tips lead federal agents to this
Gulf Coast community where Mohamed Atta may have spent time within
the last year."
(Plain Dealer, 10/4/01)
January-February 2000:
A US Army intelligence program called Able Danger identifies
five al-Q one of them has connections to
Brooklyn, New York and will become informally known as the
"Brooklyn" cell by the Able Danger team. This cell includes 9/11
ringleader Mohamed Atta, and three other 9/11 hijackers: Marwan
Alshehhi, Khalid Almihdhar, and Nawaf Alhazmi. According to a
former intelligence officer who claims he worked closely with Able
Danger, the link to Brooklyn is not based upon any firm evidence,
but computer analysis that established patterns in links between
the four men. "[T]he software put them all together in
Brooklyn. "
and complete here:
[i]Comment: Strangely this happens
before Atta or Alshehi officially ever entered the US! Besides at
that time also Almihdhar and Nawaf Alhazmi just arrived in
California. [/I]
January-March 2000:
Mohamed Atta, who is under CIA surveillance at this time, begins
sending e-mails to US flight schools, inquiring about their pilot
training programs. One e-mail states, "We are a small group (2-3)
of young men from different arab (sic) countries." "Now we are
living in Germany since a while for study purposes. We would like
to start training for the career of airline professional pilots. In
this field we haven't yet any knowledge, but we are ready to
undergo an intensive training program." Apparently, multiple
e-mails are sent from the same Hotmail account. Some e-mails are
signed "M. Atta," while others are signed "Mahmoud Ben Hamad."
(Chicago Tribune, 2/25/03)
[i]Comment: Who is Mahmoud Ben
Hamad? If this is simply an alias why isn&t it listed by the
Januray - May 2000:
"Indeed he was under surveillance between January and May
last year after he was reportedly observed buying large
quantities of chemicals in Frankfurt, apparently for the production
of explosives and for biological warfare. The US agents
reported to have trailed Atta are said to have failed to inform
the German authorities about their investigation. &,,00.html,,.html
[i]Comment: It is one thing that the German
authorities weren&t informed but how can Atta ever have obtained
several times visa to the US?[/i]
Early 2000:
"In early 2000, Atta, Jarrah, and Binalshibh returned to
Hamburg. "
March 2000:
"The Airman Flight School in Norman, Oklahoma receives an e-mail
from Atta asking for information about the school."
April 2000:
"The evidence now surfacing in Charlotte County strongly
indicates that Atta and Al-Shehhi were in Punta Gorda as early as
April of 2000, and began their training not in Venice but at a
soon-to-be-bankrupt flight school thirty miles down the road in
Punta Gorda called Professional Aviation, where the school's pupils
became a focal point for the FBI's investigation.
"It looks like some of the terrorists were here first and
then went to Venice," stated one Charlotte County official six
months ago.
Terrorist ringleader Mohamed Atta was living under an alias in
rural Charlotte County, just south of Venice on Florida's Gulf
Coast, before moving up to Venice, according to law enforcement
officials who state for the record that their investigation ended
when they turned over the emails to the FBI. &
[i]Comment: This would be in strong contrast to the
official story having Atta and Al-Shehhi arriving in summer only
and starting their training at Huffman Aviation first.
Please note that Atta and Al-Shehhi have been seen in Punta
Gorda in July and August 2001 as well.
Please note that the FBI took indeed the records of
"Professional Aviation" (AP, 9/21/01)
See also "2000".
See also "Punta Gorda".[/i]
Since April 2000:
"Portland police interviewed two employees at the
Portland Public Library who are sure they saw Atta on several
occasions. Spruce Whited, head of security at the library, said
he first saw a man he is convinced was Atta in April 2000.
He said the man came to the library several times, using the
computers. "I only recognized him because he'd been here a few
times," he said."
(Portland Press Herald, 10/5/01)
"Spruce Whited, director of security for the
Portland, Maine Public Library, later says Mohamed Atta and
possibly a second hijacker are regulars at the library and
frequently use public Internet terminals at this time. He
says four other employees recognize Atta as a library patron."
"Kathy Barry, a reference librarian, also reported seeing
Atta, whose photograph has been distributed widely through the
media since the Sept. 11 attacks.
(Portland Press Herald, 10/5/01)
"&It was either him or his twin brother,&
(Newsday, 11/18/01)
"Whited said no investigators have asked to look at
the library's computers.
He said the FBI had not interviewed him."
(Portland Press Herald, 10/5/01)
[I]Comment: Again Atta is witnessed before his
official arrival. Again not at a random place but in Portland where
he is supposed to have spent his last night.
Why does the FBI not follow up this lead?[/I]
Spring 2000:
Mohamed Atta and another of the 9/11 hijackers (presumably
Marwan Alshehhi) rent rooms in New York City, according to a
federal investigator. These rooms are in the Bronx and
Brooklyn. Following 9/11, Atta is traced back to Brooklyn by a
parking ticket issued to a rental car he was driving. The
Associated Press article on this subject does not specify if Atta
first stayed in New York before or after the official entrance date
of June 3, 2000.
April 17, 2000:
"Mohammed Atta, an Egyptian, applied for and on the next day
received a five-year B-1/B-2 (tourist/business) visa from the
U.S. embassy in Berlin, Germany. The consular officer who
adjudicated this visa said Atta "definitely" was not interviewed.
According to the officer, because he was a third-country national
who had long been resident in Germany (approximately five years),
the visa interview requirement was waived, and Atta was "basically
treated like" a German citizen. German citizens do not need visas,
as they participate in a "visa waiver" program. Another factor in
his favor was Atta&s strong record as a student in Germany.
visa application was destroyed prior to 9/11 pursuant to State
Department policy then in effect, so we were able to review only
the electronic record of his application."
(Terrorist Travel, 10f)
Late April-Mid-May 2000:
Mohamed Atta reportedly has a very strange meeting with
Johnelle Bryant of the US Department of Agriculture. According
to Bryant, in the meeting Atta does all of the following:
He initially refuses to speak with one who is "but a
He asks her for a loan of $650,000 to buy and modify a
crop-dusting plane.
He mentions that he wants to "build a chemical tank that would
fit inside the aircraft and take up every available square inch of
the aircraft except for where the pilot would be sitting."
He uses his real name even as she takes notes, and makes sure
she spells it correctly.
He says he has just arrived from Afghanistan.
He tells about his travel plans to Spain and Germany.
He expresses an interest in visiting New York.
He asks her about security at the WTC and other US
He discusses al-Qaeda and its need for American membership.
He tells her bin Laden "would someday be known as the world's
greatest leader."
He asks to buy the aerial photograph of Washington hanging on
her Florida office wall, throwing increasingly large "wads of cash"
at her when she refuses to sell it.
(Times of London, 6/8/02)
[i]Comment: What a strange
"please-do-remember-me"-meeting especially as Atta officially
hasn&t even entered the US! [/I]
"He returned again, slightly disguised with
glasses. He claimed to be an accountant for Marwan Al-Shehhi, who
was with him, and said he wanted $500,000 to buy land for a
sugar-cane farm.
Ahmed Alghamdi and Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan al Qadi Banihammad
also came separately seeking loans, but were less successful in
speaking with people."
Atta came to the United States in May 2000.
(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)
[i]Comment: Contradicts official statements.
May 9, 2000:[/i]
The city of Hamburg sends a letter to Atta stating that his name
has been changed in his passport from Mohamod El Amir to Mohamed
Mohamed El Amir Awad Elsayed Atta.
[i] Comment: Why doesn&t his full name figure on the US
May 18, 2000:
A tourist visa issued in Berlin.
See also the visa:
"Despite CIA observation, Atta was granted a visa to
the United States."
(The Times, 9/28/01)
May 18-19, 2000:
"Atta had had one more meeting near Prague on May, 18-19, 2000,
the paper (business daily Hospodarske noviny) writes. He met
then two Iraqi intelligence officers, a "diplomat" Ahmad Khalil
Ibrahim Samir Ani, who was expelled from the Czech Republic for
activities "conflicting with diplomatic conduct" in April 2001, and
with Abu Ahmad.
"I cannot rule out that investigative
journalists have information that we do not have. But I really
cannot confirm these matters here, because I have no information
about some of them," Interior Minister Stanislav Gross told the
(Czech Agency News, 10/31/01)
[i]Comment: Please read PRAGUE.[/i]
May 26, 2000:
"Atta applied for a Czech visa in Bonn, Germany. (...)He was
apparently one day late."
May 30, 2000:
"Czech security officials had said Atta had flown to Prague on
May 30, 2000, but was turned away because he lacked a visa."
"Although his visa wasn't ready by that date, Atta
took a Lufthansa flight to Prague Ruzyne Airport anyway. Without a
visa, Atta could go no farther than the arrival/
he remained in this section of the airport for nearly six
May 31, 2000:[/i]
The Commission and the Czech News Agency contradicts that Atta
stayed in Prague airport and had to return to Germany:
"Investigations into the preparations of the September 11, 2001
terrorist attack in the USA have revealed that the Muhammad Atta
who spent six hours in the terminal of Prague's Ruzyne Airport in
May 2000 was not the terrorist leader, today's Mlada fronta Dnes
(MfD) writes. According to MfD, which quoted a report from the
Sunday issue of the Chicago Tribune citing German security sources,
the man in the Prague airport was in fact named Muhammad Atta, but
was a businessman from Pakistan. He allegedly flew into Prague on
May 31 and spent several hours in the airport's transit space,
since his Czech visa was only valid as of June 1."
(Czech News Agency, 9/3/04)
"Reports that Atta was in the Prague airport on May
30-31,2000,and that he was turned back because he lacked a visa
appear to be a case of mistaken identity: a Pakistani traveler with
a name similar to Atta's attempted to enter the Czech Republic from
Saudi Arabia via Germany but was forced to return to Germany
because he lacked a valid Czech visa."
[i]Comment: So again somebody with basically the same name that
crosses the road of the alleged hijacker. Please note the small
difference that the refusal talks about Atta being in May 31 in the
airport while earlier reports had him there on May 30. Moreover
please note the detailed accounts about the movements of Atta after
coming back from Prague. See "June 2, 2000".[/i]
Between May 31 and June 2, 2001:
Atta "flew back to Germany, where he was a student in Hamburg,
got a Czech visa"
(Boston Globe, 10/23/02)
[i] Comment: Where did Atta get his visa? In view of the later
explanation that there was Atta at all who tried again to go to
Prague this information is important. See "May 31, 2000"[/i]
June 2, 2001:
"After returning to Germany, Atta picked up his new visa in Bonn
and on June 2, 2000, boarded a bus in Frankfurt bound for
[i]Comment: Please note the detailed information (eg that the
bus left from Frankfurt (which is strange is he could have taken a
bus from Bonn as well) although officially now there was no Atta at
all who tried again to enter the Czech Republique.[/i]
June 2-3, 2000:
"Atta arrived in Prague by bus on June 2. According to the
information of the Czech counter-intelligence service (BIS), he
spent some time in a gambling centre near Prague's main bus station
Florenc. On the next day he flew to New York, but no record about
his being accommodated somewhere overnight has been found. This
indicates that he spent the night in private, Respekt writes.It
points to "the important information" that tens of thousands of
dollars reached Atta's accounts in Germany and the USA two days
after his Prague visit."
(Czech News Agency, 11/10/03)
"After the approximately seven-hour trip, Atta disappeared in
Prague for almost 24 hours. Czech officials cannot find evidence of
his staying in a hotel under his own name, suggesting he registered
under an assumed name or stayed in a private home."
"Atta arrived in Prague on June 2 by bus from Cologne, Germany,
and on June 3 flew to New York on a direct Czech Airlines (CSA)
flight. "This information was verified, and it was confirmed that
it was a case of the same name. That is all that I recall of it,"
the former head of the Czech intelligence services (BIS), Jiri
Ruzek, told MfD."
(Czech News Agency, 9/3/04)
"Video surveillance cameras at a Prague bus terminal showed him
playing slot machines at the station's Happy Days Casino before
[i]Comment: Gambling isn&t exactly what I&d expect a
fundamentalist terrorist to spend his time with. Please check
June 3, 2000:
Atta arrived in Newark from Prague, Czechoslovakia and
hooked up with al-Shehhi.
"He was given a customary
six-month stay, valid until December 2, 2000."
(Terrorist Travel, 11)
June 3 - July 2, 2000:
"They (Atta and Al Shehhi) remained in the New York
According to a brief mention in the 9/11 Commission's final
report, in the month of June, "As (Atta and Marwan Alshehhi) looked
at flight schools on the East Coast, (they) stayed in a series of
short-term rentals in New York City."
"By tracing a parking ticket issued to a car Atta had rented,
probers found that the Muslim fanatic and the second hijacker
rented the Brooklyn room. The two also answered a "room for
rent" classified ad placed by a landlord in The Bronx and also
lived there, investigators said."
(New York Post, 12/9/01)
June 29 and September 17, 2000:
"Ali sent Shehhi and Atta a total of $114, 500 in five transfers
ranging from $5, 000 to $70, 000."
July 2000 A:
Mohamed Atta and Marwan Alshehhi move to Venice, Florida,
and enroll in pilot classes at Huffman Aviation.
July 2000 B:
"Atta and Marwan Al Shehhi stayed for one week at Charlie
Voss' place in Venice."
"Al-Shehhi seemed nice, but Atta did not, the
Vosses say. The men refused to recognize Mrs. Voss and rarely
spoke, and they splashed water all over the bathroom when they
After a week, the couple asked them to leave.
Atta, 33, and al-Shehhi, 23, then rented Kona's
coral two-bedroom house in Nokomis, about five miles from the
Venice airport. They asked that the television not be hooked
July 2000 C:
"Atta had owned a car at least since July 2000, a Pontiac
Grand Am he had registered using the address of a Huffman
flight school employee"
(Boston Globe, 9/23/01)
July and August 2001:
"Mr. Atta repeatedly visited the Shipping Post, a mom-and-pop
mailing business in Punta Gorda, Fla., to obtain money
orders in amounts of $100 to $200, according to the owner."
(Wall Street Journal, 10/16/01)
July 1, 2000:
Begins flight lessons in Venice.
[i]Comment: This contradicts FBI
Mueller. [/I]
July 2-3, 2000:
"Atta and al-Shehhi traveled to Norman, Oklahoma
ostensibly to evaluate the program offered through the Airman's
Flight School. Although they stayed the first night at a hotel
paid for by Airman, they did not enroll at the flight school."
"(Dale) Davis (Vice President) also confirmed that
Atta and another suspected hijacker, Marwan al-Shehhi, visited
Airman Flight School, staying overnight at the school's
dormitory in the nearby Sooner Inn, before deciding to train at
another facility."
(Boston Globe, 9/18/01)
[i]Comment: Given the above mentioned document we can conclude
that this was July 2, 2000.[/i]
Early July 2000:
"Instead, they traveled to Venice, Florida and began
training at Huffinan Aviation. Atta and al-Shehhi both obtained
their pilot's licenses, instrument certifications, and commercial
pilot certificates in the fall and winter of 2000 at Huffman
July 3, 2000:
"Shehhi and Atta enrolled at Huffman Aviation to take flight
lessons. Neither violated his immigration status: attending flight
school was permitted as long as their entrance to the United States
was legal and they sought to change their status before the
expiration of their length of stay in late November and early
December. As required by Huffman, both began training as private
(Terrorist Travel, 12)
July 6-8, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
July 11-15, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
Second week of July - November
Atta and Al Shehhi stayed in Nokomis. Steve Kona rented
(News-Press, 9/14/01)
"In Nokomis, just north of Venice, they rented Kona's small,
pink, two-bedroom home in a middle-class neighborhood. The two were
practically ghosts.
"We never saw them," said neighbor Jeff Duignan, 49, who was
interviewed by federal investigators. "If they were here at all, it
was only in the nighttime. They never bothered us and we never
bothered them." (...) Residents of Nokomis were buzzing Thursday
after learning the two had lived in their midst. Most said they
didn't recognize a photo of Atta being carried by the
But at Pelican Alley, a bar and restaurant about a
mile from the Laurel Road house, employees thought they recognized
Atta. They said he strongly resembled a man who was there a couple
of months ago with two other Arab men. (...) Around the corner from
Laurel Road is Nokomis Village, a shopping plaza with a Publix
grocery store, a coin-operated laundry, a video store and about 10
other stores. (&)If Atta and al Shehhi patronized the shops,
one remembered them. Neither did employees of local gas stations
and convenience stores. "
(News-Press, 9/14/01)
[i]Comment: Strange that Atta and Al Shehi are
practially ghosts in the town they remained for the longest period
in the US. Important: The Al Shehhi here speaks broken English and
not good English as normally witnessed. [/I]
Before July 18, 2000:
"While in Venice, they also opened a joint bank account at
SunTrust Bank."
July 17-22, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
July 24-28, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
End of July, 2000:
Atta and Al Shehhi "took solo flights".
July 30 - August 3, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
Summer 2000:
Anonymous government sources later claim that Mohamed Atta
visits fellow hijackers Nawaf Alhazmi, Khalid Almihdhar, and Omar
al-Bayoumi. These same sources claim al-Bayoumi is identified after
September 11 as an "advance man" for al-Qaeda.
Other reports have suggested Atta visited Alhazmi and Almihdhar
in San Diego, but the FBI has not confirmed this.
Summer-December 2000:
Neighbors claim that Mohamed Atta is a frequent visitor in
San Diego.
(AP, 9/29/01), (Chicago Tribune, 9/30/01)
However, Shaikh denies Atta's visits, the FBI never mentions
them, and the media appears to have forgotten about them.
(AP, 9/29/01)
[i]Comment: Atta is a frequent visitor in San Diego? How did
he do that if at the same time he took classes in Venice?
August 6-8, 2000:
Flight Training at Venice (see doc)
August 14, 2000:
"Atta and Shehhi passed their private pilot airplane test at
Huffman Aviation. Atta received a score of 97 (out of 100) in 69
(Terrorist Travel, 12)
Mid-August 2000:
Atta and Al Shehhi "passed the private pilot airman test."
August 29, 2000:
In view of their status as trainee pilots, Huffman Aviation
applies to the INS for M-1 student visas for Atta and
Before September 2000:
The intelligence unit, called Able Danger, which uses high-speed
computers to analyze vast amounts of data, notices that Mohamed
Atta and Marwan Alshehhi take a room at the Wayne Inn. (...)
In 2003, New Jersey state police officials say Mohamed Atta lived
in the Wayne Inn, in Wayne, New Jersey, for an unspecified 12-month
period prior to 9/11. He lives with one other hijacker who is
presumably his usual partner Marwan Alshehhi (Alshehhi is seen
eating in nearby restaurants with Atta).
[i]Comment: The 9/11 Commission
does not mention any hijacker connection to Wayne. [/I]
September 2000:
"Al-Shehhi and Atta continued their flight training at Jones
Aviation in Sarasota, Florida but failed their Stage I flight
September or October
(In view of the dates given by the Commission (see
"Mid-September 2000" and "Early October 2000" the first encounter
should have been at some point during the first three weeks of
September 2000)
A flight instructor at Jones who asked not to be identified said
Atta and Al-Shehhi arrived in "September or October" and asked to
be given flight training. Atta, the instructor said, was
particularly difficult. "He would not look at your face," the
instructor said. "When you talked to him, he could not look you in
the eye. His attention span was very short."
[i]Comment: Strange for a perfect student who just
got the best mark for his thesis to only have a short attention
September 10, 2001:
"A man using the name Marwan Yousef checked in
(Clarion Hotel Town Center on Bonney Road (Virginia Beach))
just after midnight accompanied by another man. The room was paid
for with a MasterCard. Al-Shehhi had used three aliases, all
incorporating that name: Marwan Yousef M. Lekrab, Marwan Yousef
AlShehh and Marwan Yousef Esirah AlShehhi, the FBI said. (...)
Investigators believe the men (Atta and Al-Shehhi - John Doe II)
were the same ones on both dates (see "November 4, 2001"), with
each using his name for registration one time, Dane said. The
hotel's records list only the person registering - not guests."
(Virginia-Pilot, 9/28/01)
September 15, 2000:
"Huffman Aviation&s Student Coordinator assisted Atta in
out the student school form I-20M, required by the INS to
demonstrate school enrollment. Shehhi also received an I-20M signed
by this coordinator. Both Atta&s and Shehhi&s I-539
applications to
change their immigration status from tourist (B-1/B-2) to
vocational student (M1) were mailed to the INS. Both applications
requested that their status be maintained until September 1, 2001.
The contents of the applications are substantially the same,
including the same financial statement of support, bank statement,
and lease."
(Terrorist Travel, 13)
Mid-September, 2000:
"Atta and Shehhi applied to change their immigration status from
tourist to student, stating their intention to study at Huffman
until September 1, 2001."
Late September, 2000:
"Atta and Al Shehhi decided to enroll at Jones Aviation in
Sarasota, Florida, about 20 miles north of Venice. According to
the instructor at Jones, the two were aggressive, rude, and
sometimes even fought with him to take over the controls during
their training flights."
"The two took flying lessons at Jones
Aviation in nearby Sarasota, Florida. They spent a few hours a day
flying at Jones, struggling as students because of their poor
English. They were aggressive, even trying to take over control of
the aircraft from the instructor on occasion. They failed their
instrument rating tests there, and returned to Huffman."
(Terrorist Travel, 13)
[i]Comment: Please note that normally their English is estimated
as good or very good. See section below "language".[/i]
October 2000:
A "fellow flight student Anne Greaves saw Atta and
his perennial sidekick, al-Shehhi, hugging and dancing in the
computer room (Huffman Aviation, Venice). At the time, she
figured they had gotten some good news by e-mail, she told The New
York Times. Now, she believes the men had been celebrating the Oct.
12 suicide bombing of the USS Cole in the Middle East."
(Sarasota Herald Tribune, 9/28/01)
Early October, 2000:
"Atta and Al Shehhi took the Stage I exam for instruments rating
at Jones Aviation and failed."
The instructor said neither man was able to pass a
Stage I rating test to track and intercept. After offering some
harsh words, the instructor said, the two moved on. "They said they
didn't like me. I guess they thought I was a Georgia redneck," he
said. "Then they chose to go back to Huffman. We didn't kick them
out, but they didn't live up to our standards."
The alleged
hijackers and their doubles :
(by JohnDoe2)
How many Mohammed Atta's were there ?
- 9/11Encyclopedia
Operation Able
9/11 review
The Terrible
and Documented & Truth About Able Danger
Rebuttal to
the IG's Able Danger Report
Atta Isi - wire
funds - 9/11 Encyclopedia
mystery 11 september 2001 atta Mohamed
11 hijackers archive article - Flight schools, borrowed
Aviation - 9/11 Encyclopedia
Setting Up
the 9/11 Patsies - hijackers blamed for Sept 11 were
Karam LLC and
? Meridien - Hassan Erroudani 9/11
AttaNo.2 - 9/11
AttaNo.4 - 9/11
Saeed - 9/11 Encyclopedia}


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