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Zhizhang (David) Chen
Professor and Head, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Registered Professional Engineer (P.Eng.)
Fellow of the IEEE and Fellow of the CAE
Dr. Chen received a B.Eng. degree in Radio
Engineering from Fuzhou University,
Fujian, P.R. of China,
M.A.Sc. degree in Radio Engineering from Southeast University (formerly Nanjing
Institute of Technology), Nanjing, P. R. of China,
and a Ph.D. degree
in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario,
Canada, respectively. He was the recipient of many teaching and research awards including the 2005 Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia (APENS)
Engineering Award. He is a Fellow of IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) and Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering (CAE).
Dr. Chen has been active in both teaching and
research. Since his first term with Dalhousie
University, he has been
teaching various undergraduate and graduate courses in the areas of RF/Microwave
communication electronics/systems, antennas and electromagnetics, and has maintained
good student evaluations. He has authored or co-authored over 200 journal/conference papers and industrial reports, wrote one book, contributed to two books,
edited one conference proceeding, and filed 1 patent in the areas of
computational electromagnetics and RF/microwave circuit and system design (some
of his publications have been cited extensively in SCI literatures).
He has been a principal
investigator of many grants from both government and industry,
including a recent NSERC Strategic Grant on ultra wideband impulse radio system (), Atlantic Innovation Fund on generic smart RF transceivers
(), NSERC Discovery Grant on electromagnetic modeling
() and a NSERC Strategic Grant on novel RF front-end module (). He has completed supervision of
PhD students,
M.A.Sc. students,
research engineers/associates, and
undergraduate students for their senior projects. Four of the senior
student-projects were awarded a national IEEE prize and IEEE regional prizes.
Dr. Chen has been an invited speaker, session chair,
program member and organizer for a number of international conferences,
workshops and seminars including IEEE International Microwave Symposium, and
has served as an editorial board member for the IEEE Transactions on Microwave
Theory and Techniques and International Journal of Numerical Modeling by John
Wiley. He is also an invited reviewer for various international journals and research
grant agencies. He is a member of Microwave Field Theory Committee of IEEE
Microwave Theory and Techniques Society and its Speaker&s Bureau member. He was
also the Chair of IEEE Canada Atlantic Section and a member of the Board of
Directors for IEEE Canada ().
Dr. Chen has also been involved in various
university administrative/service activities, such as, Dalhousie University Senator, Engineering Deansh
ECE graduate coordinator and member of Dalhousie graduate faculty council. Dr. Chen has also been active
in local communities. He has served as the President of Chinese Society of Nova
Scotia () and the Chairman of Halifax Chinese Language School Board of
Directors (2003). He is currently the Head of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Dalhousie University.
Dr. Chen's general research area is in
Computational Electromagnetics and RF/Microwave Engineering. His current
teaching and research involvements are in the areas of computational
electromagnetics, RF/microwave electronics, signal integrity and wireless technologies that include generic
electromagnetic time-domain modeling, new electromagnetic phenomena characterization and realization (including those at optical frequencies), digital and high-frequency signal integrity analysis, RF/microwave components/circuits and systems (network and sensing), smart antennas, ultra-wide-band radio technology, high-frequency electronics
as well as software-defined radios.
may also visit
for Dr. Chen research team and laboratory information.第三方登录:高考零分作文之全国I卷——《期_热门日志分享_手机人人网_ > 的分享高考零分作文之全国I卷——《期待成长》来自徐国林的日志&江山多娇,阳光正好。六月七日,我来高考。 考场内外,考生不少。家长更多,纷纷扰扰。 警笛一声,率先开道。劳斯莱斯,黑衣保镖。 定睛一看,好不热闹。富二官二,纷纷驾到。 紧急避闪,小心为妙。稍不留神,捅你八刀。欲进考场,先过安保。拉登已死,形势大好。 找准教室,按号坐好。淡定淡定,摸摸心跳。 紧张到了,神经末梢。考场广播,反复公告。 严禁夹带,任何纸条。交头接耳,成绩取消。 临时内急,先打报告。征得同意,老师陪尿。 监考不多,设备不少。一点也不,节能环保。 试卷在手,不惊不恼。只是悔恨,脑容过少。 作文题目,亮点难找。期待成长,字数难熬。 八百多字,真不好搞。为何成长,我不知道。期待成长,上好学校。踏实做人,不要学药。 浏览新闻,药被毙掉。财固可贵,名更重要。 一命呜呼,难救张妙。饶人一命,岂不更好? 家鑫加爵,仇恨泥淖。法理之争,何时能消。 现代男儿,穿衣戴帽。传统观念,完全乱套。 整天翘课,不背书包。全身上下,名牌商标。 性趣变大,库存减少。一个J J ,两种功效。 一夜多次,面色不好。花心不改,随身带套。 现代女生,花枝乱俏。个头不高,胸围不小。 一句勾引,舞首弄骚。激情为先,贞洁不要。 尚未成人,先有宝宝。宾馆开房,工作需要。 原因何在,我来相告。教育为之,妇孺皆晓。 价值缺失,道行更少。产业体制,责任难逃。期待成长,C管报到。工资不高,QUAN力不小。统一ZHI服,依FA施BAO。打骂拉踹,欺负弱小。和XIE强CHAI,无处可告。可怜摊贩,涕泗直掉。大胆D M,自粉上DIAO。玩抗据千,无理取闹。吃我一棍,看我一脚。XIAN FA虽大,怕他个鸟。浏览36次&|&&猜你喜欢:热门分享:}


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