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English speech
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>>>短文填空 We are all called upon to make a speech at some poi..
短文填空&&&& We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don't do a very good job.1________.&&&& So, you have to give a speech-and you are terrified.You get nervous, you forget what you want to say, you stumble (结结巴巴) over words, you talk too long, and you bore your audience.Later you think, "Thank Goodness, it's over.I'm just not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again."&&&& Cheer up!2.________.Here are some simple steps to take the pain out of speechmaking.Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion?Why are you speaking?Then, gather as many facts as you can on your subject.Spend plenty of your time doing your research.Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures, charts, and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly.3.________.Don't talk over their heads, and don't talk down to them.Treat your audience with respect.They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.&&&& Just remember:Be prepared.Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion.Be brief.4.________.And be yourself.Let your personality come through so that you make persontoperson contact with your audience.&&&& If you follow these simple steps, you will see that you don't have to be afraid of public speaking.In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!You're not convinced yet?5.________.A. It doesn't have to be that bad.B. Take several deep breaths after your speech.C. This article gives some advice on how to give a good speech.D. Say what you have to say and then stop.E. Don't say what you aren't familiar with.F. Never forget your audience.G. Give it a try and see what happens.
1-5: C A F D G
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“短文填空 We are all called upon to make a speech at some poi..”主要考查你对&&日常生活类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
日常生活这一话题主要涉及人们衣食住行等方面的活动。这一话题的选材主要针对人们日常的工作,生活以及学习情况。做这一类题时,最主要的是要把握好人物的活动内容,时间和地点。 日常生活类阅读题答题技巧:
【题型说明】该类文章内容涉及到人们的言谈举止、生活习惯、饮食起居、服饰仪表、恋爱婚姻、消遣娱乐、节日起源、家庭生活等。文章篇幅短小,追根溯源,探索各项风俗的历史渊源,内容有趣。命题也以送分题为主,如事实细节题、语义转换题、词义猜测题和简单推理判断题等。虽然这类文章读起来感觉轻松,试题做起来比较顺手,但绝不能掉以轻心。因为稍不留神,就会丢分。   【备考提醒】为了保证较高准确率,建议同学们做好以下几点:   1、保持正常的考试心态。笔者在教学中发现,越是容易的试题,同学们越是容易失分。为什么呢?因为在这种情况下,同学们极易产生麻痹思想,认为题目好做,就不引起高度重视,于是思维不发散、不周密。而命题人就是利用同学们的这一弱点,设计陷阱题。所以,无论试题难易与否,我们都要保持正常的考试心态。试题容易,不欣喜;试题难,不悲观。   2、根据前面讲到的方法,认认真真、细细心心做好事实细节题。   3、做好语义转换题。这类题是根据英语中一词多义和某些词语在文中能表达一定的修辞意义的原则而设计的。要求同学们解释某生词的含义,确定多义词或短语在文中的意思,确认文中的某个代词所指代的对象,或者对英语中特有的表达、格言、谚语进行解释。这种题要求同学们一定要根据上下文猜测词义或理解句子,切不可望文生义。   4、做好简单推理判断题。简单推理判断题要以表面文字为前提,以具体事实为依据进行推理,做出判断。这种推理方式比较直接,只要弄清事实,即可结合常识推断出合理的结论。
与“短文填空 We are all called upon to make a speech at some poi..”考查相似的试题有:
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先修课程:&&&&&&&&&&&&& &
总 学 分: 8&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
教学目的与要求:英语阅读课是英语专业必修的学科基础课,该课程以 “得法于课堂,得益于课外”的理念为指导,冲破课堂、教师与课本的制约,将网络资源、报刊资源及其它英语阅读资源有机结合,通过课堂上对阅读技巧的介绍和课外学生大量有针对性和系统性的阅读实践,帮助学生扩大词汇量、吸收语言和文化背景知识,进而培养学生的英语阅读理解能力和提高学生的阅读速度;培养学生细致观察语言的能力以及假设判断、分析归纳、推理检验等逻辑思维能力;提高学生的阅读技能,包括细读、略读、查阅等能力;并且扩大学生的知识面,增强学生的英语语感, 培养学生的阅读兴趣。具体要求:
1.&& Predicting
2.&& Skimming for gist
3.&& Scanning for specific information
4.&& Fast reading
5.&& Taking notes
6.&& Distinguishing main ideas from details
7.&& Dealing with unfamiliar words
8.&& Linking ideas
9.&& Reading critically
10.& Making inference
11. Drawing conclusion
12. Summarizing a text
13. Understanding text organization
14. Understanding writer’s style
University Student Life
Culture Shock
Weather and Climate
The African-Americans
Greek Stories
Native Peoples
Science and Fiction
Bible Stories
Festivals and Holidays
Intellectual Property
Physical Fitness
World War II
Reading Strategies
Language Testing
Body Language
Diplomatic Practice
Cross-cultural Communication
Information Retrieval
Society and Values
Unit 1―Unit 6 Reading Skill Building: Predicting
Unit 1 University Student Life
1. Course description
2. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
3. Introduce the difference between college education and middle school education
4. Vocabulary building: profession, involve, explore, urge, performance, discipline, sack, linger, awkward
重点:Context clue to word meaning, university student life
难点:Guess the word meaning by context clues
Unit 2 Culture Shock
1. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
2. Define culture shock
3. Summarize the problems of adjustment in New Cultural Environments and discuss their solutions
4. Vocabulary building: exaggerate, excessive, adapt, insecure, circumstance, range, adjust, indulge, strain, genuine
重点:Context clue to word meaning, culture shock
难点:Problems of adjustment in New Cultural Environments
Unit 3 Movie
1. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
2. The role a “special-effect” man plays in the movie
3. Development of Disney
4. Vocabulary building: accompany, stare, reduce, impress, peak, dwarf, cynicism, heroine, grateful, constant
重点:Context clue to word meaning, special effect
难点:Development of Disney
Unit 4 Food
1. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
2. The most interesting feature of American cooking: regional in character
3. Customs associated with dinner invitation in China and in the west
4. Vocabulary building: vocabulary related to food
重点:Context clue to word meaning, American cooking
难点:Similarities and differences between Western and Chinese dinner invitation
Unit 5 Business
1. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
2. Origin of jeans
3. Development of Fold
4. Vocabulary building: wrinkles, authentic, facility, denounce, serial, isle, capture, racial
重点:Context clue to word meaning, origin of jeans
难点:Development of Fold
Unit 6 Sports
1. Reading skill training: Context clue to word meaning
2. Loyal Brazil football fans Vs. Football violence
3. History of the Olympic Games
4. Vocabulary building: substitute, badge, conquer, chariot, bribery, committee
重点:Context clue to word meaning, history of the Olympic Games
难点:History of the Olympic Games
Unit 7―Unit 12 Reading Skill Building: Dealing with Unfamiliar Words
Unit 7 Shyness
1. Reading skill training: dealing with unfamiliar words
2. Causes for shyness and methods to overcome it
3. Summarize several tips for making a good impression
4. Vocabulary building: notable, tentative, spouse, intelligent, stride, muffle, inherit, personality
重点:Dealing with unfamiliar words, causes for shyness and methods to overcome it
难点:How to make a good impression
Unit 8 Native Peoples
1. Reading skill training: dealing with unfamiliar words
2. Native American influences on modern American culture
3. Discuss the cultural influences China has received from foreign cultures
4. Vocabulary building: implement, sophisticated, internal, diplomatic, dismiss, slaughter, community, privilege, preserve
重点:Dealing with unfamiliar words, native American influences on modern American culture
难点:Native American influences on modern American culture
Unit 9 Bible Stories
1. Reading skill training: understanding sentences
2. The story of Creation
3. The Birth of Jesus Christ
4. Vocabulary building: cunning, plain, bridegroom, scatter, container, disciple, tolerate, repent, accuse, conceive
重点:Understanding sentences, the story of Creation
难点:Bible and Western culture
Unit 10 Festivals and Holidays
1. Reading skill training: understanding sentences
2. Customs and traditions for celebrating Christmas and other important holidays in western countries
3. Customs and traditions for celebrating important festivals in China
4. Vocabulary building: immigrant, origin, legal, customary, rebellion, appeal, execute, endow, porch
重点:Understanding sentences, customs and traditions for celebrating Christmas
难点:Other important holidays in western countries
Unit 11 Advertisements
1. Reading skill training: understanding sentences
2. Be familiar with the tricks of ads writing
3. Write a commercial to advertise a new produce on TV
4. Vocabulary building: code, manufacture, associate, remarkable, feature, eternal, agent, legal, brochure
重点:Understanding sentences, ads writing
难点:Write a commercial to advertise a new produce on TV
Unit 12 Agriculture
1. Reading skill training: understanding sentences
2. The agricultural revolution in America
3. Discuss the importance of agricultural modernization in China
4. Vocabulary building: vocabulary related to plants & agriculture
重点:Understanding sentences, the agricultural revolution in America
难点:The importance of agricultural modernization in China
Unit13―Unit 18 Reading Skill Building: Taking Notes
&Unit 13 Psychology
1. Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
3. Be familiar with the format of academic articles
4. Vocabulary building: starve, resort, sustain, prestigious, pursue, lobby, hierarchy, esteem, fundamental, security, spectacular, insight, identical
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
难点:Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
Unit 14 Mysteries
1. Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2. Mysteries about UFO
3. Vocabulary building: former, persecution, convince, ridicule, convey, faithful, media, legend, absurd, vehicle
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, mysteries about UFO
难点:Mysteries about UFO
Unit 15 Computer
1. Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2. The function of multimedia language-learning CD ROMs
3. Michael Dell and his Dell computer
4. Vocabulary building: digital, access, addictive, release, browse, frantic, accent, tycoon, enroll
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, the function of multimedia language-learning CD ROMs
难点:The function of multimedia language-learning CD ROMs
Unit 16 Physical Fitness
1. Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2. Some myths about physical fitness
3. Yo-yo dieting and losing weight
4. Vocabulary building: gene, tissue, redistribute, expenditure, burst, lapse, subtract, monitor, obese
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, some myths about physical fitness
难点:Yo-yo dieting
Unit 17 Pseudo-science
1.&Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2.&Analyze a person’s personality with the help of doodles
3.&Horoscopes and life
4.&Vocabulary building: muddle-head, aggressive, bidding, conspicuous, skeptical, rigid, solitary, phase, consult, steady, stubborn
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, horoscopes
Unit 18 Fiction
1.&Reading skill training: Distinguishing topic from main idea
2.&Whitewashing Aunt Polly’s fence, A long-expected party
3.&Keep a reading journal
4.&Vocabulary building: whoop, dip, bucket, antique, beverage, ascend
重点:Distinguishing topic from main idea, Whitewashing Aunt Polly’s fence
难点:Fantasy trilogy
Unit 1―Unit 6 Reading Skill Building: Distinguishing Main Ideas from Details
Unit 1 Reading
1.&Reading skill training: Finding the main idea
2.&Discuss a few questions about reading
3.&Help Students form good reading habits and become better readers.
4.&Vocabulary building: TAKE phrases, restrictive, equivalent, distraction, vary, versatile, indicate, corruption, reputation, word stems: cent/centi, claim/clam, firm
重点:Finding the main idea, definition of reading
难点:Topic vs. main idea
Unit 2 Music
1.&Reading skill training: Finding the main idea
2.&Learn about the history of music
3.&Be able to identify different kinds of music: country music, folk music, rock, disco and rap.
4.&Vocabulary building: vocabulary related to music, word stem: pos (e), tract
重点:Finding the main idea, history of music
难点:Three levels of listening to music: sensuous level, expressive level and music level
Unit 3 Generation
1.&Reading skill training: Finding the main idea
2.&Understand the disagreement about career choice between two generations
3.&Discuss the causes of generation gap
4.&Vocabulary building: amazed, suspect, accustom, extend, secure, compliments, word stems: duce, ject, mit, pel
重点:Finding the main idea, the disagreement about career choice between two generations
难点:The disagreement about career choice between two generations
Unit 4 Names
1.&Reading skill training: Finding the main idea
2.&Learn to address people in the proper way
3.&Discuss how names influence our lives in Passage A.
4.&Vocabulary building: substitute, smart, identified, attach, stereotype, notion, confess, appeal, word stems: press, cede, sist
重点:Finding the main idea, how to address people in the proper way
难点:Address people properly
Unit 5 Weather and Climate
1.&Reading skill training: Finding the main idea
2.&Find out the factors that influence the weather
3.&Name 5 major types of climate and describe their features respectively
4.&Vocabulary building: vocabulary related to weather and climate, word stem: vis/vis, tain/tent
重点:Finding the main idea, the factors that influence the weather
难点:Present the factors that influence the weather
Unit 6 The African-Americans
1.&Reading skill training: Recognizing the pattern of details
2.&Identify the signal words and phrases
3.&Learn about the educational situation of African-American in the American history.
4.&Vocabulary building: preach, depression, enroll, board, evasion, commitment, word stems: migr, port, scend, volu
重点:Recognizing the pattern of details, the educational situation of African-American in the American history
难点:Recognize the pattern of details in the two texts
Unit 7―Unit 12 Reading Skill Building: Linking Ideas
&Unit 7 Greek Stories
1. Reading skill training: linking ideas
2.&Tell 4-5 Greek Stories
3.&Discuss the truth revealed by selected Greek mythology
4.&Vocabulary building: griefs, passions, tread, restore, longing, glance, fade, bore, word stems: val/vail, serv, tend
重点:Linking ideas, Greek mythology
难点:The truth revealed by Greek mythology
Unit 8 Science & Fiction
1.&Reading skill training: linking ideas
2.&Discuss why the science fiction movies are so popular these days
3.&Vocabulary building: blast, ingenious, parallels, mission, chart, tranquility, splash, captivate, word stems: terr, scribe/scrip
重点:Linking ideas, the science fiction movies
难点:Understand science fiction
Unit 9 First Aid
1.&Reading skill training: linking ideas
2.&Acquire first aid rules and procedures mentioned in the text
3.&Practice some first aid techniques
4.&Vocabulary building: panic, smother, resume, obstruct, exhaust, slap, word stems: sol, ser, pet
重点:Linking ideas, first aid
难点:Understand the instruction of first aid
Unit 10 Marriage
1. Reading skill training: linking ideas
2. Learn about the wedding customs in the western countries
3. Compare a traditional Chinese wedding ceremony and a Western wedding ceremony
4. Word building: blur, sobbing, intense, condolence, define, lodge, convey, retain, word stems: aster, brief, fus
重点:Linking ideas, the wedding customs in the western countries
难点:Western wedding ceremony
Unit 11 Creativity
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Give a presentation on the topic of “Where do those bright ideas come from” and “How to get a great idea”
3. Vocabulary building: assume, memories, perceptive, occupy, weary, mighty, surge, word stems: clos, cor,
重点:Outlining, creativity
难点:How to make students creative
Unit 12 Travel
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Compare the different ways to travel around U.S.A.
3. Talk about 2-3 major tourist attractions mentioned in Text B
4. Vocabulary building: nuisance, slang, budget, flourish, skip, deposit, word stems: dic, frag
重点:Outlining, travel
难点:Advantages and disadvantages of different ways to travel around U.S.A.
Unit 13---Unit 18 Reading Skill Building: Summarizing a Text
&Unit 13 Examination
1.&Reading skill training: Outlining
2.&Talk about three types of examination
3.&Outlining Text B and summarize the main idea
4.&Vocabulary building: interpret, scholastic, aptitude, distribution, relevant, verbal, distort, illegible, word stems: broad, cap
重点:Outlining, three types of examination
难点:Three types of examination
Unit 14 Intellectual Property
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Understand the social purpose of copyright system
3. Learn about the patent system
4. Vocabulary building: exclusive, renewable, provisions, register, enforce, substantial, reciprocal, signatory, word stems: cred, dens, fend
重点:Outlining, intellectual property
难点:Differences between copyrights and patent rights
Unit 15 Law
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Understand how courts work to settle disputes
3. Discuss the function of law in society
4. Vocabulary building: vocabulary related to courts, word stems: rupt, pend
重点:Outlining, the function of law in society
难点:Function of law in society
Unit 16 World War II
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Discuss the major causes of World War II
3. Talk about major battles in World War II
4. Vocabulary building: slight, wreckage, surrender, swarm, frantically, fundamental, decency, prophecy, word stems: spec, spir
重点:Outlining, the major causes of World War II
难点:Major causes of World War II
Unit 17 Housing
1.&Reading skill training: Outlining
2.&Discuss the causes for the “return to the nest” in America
3.&Describe the mobile homes and discuss the causes
4.&Vocabulary building: na&ve, ridiculous, delicate, recall, wind up, obligation, stress, word stems: sens, stru
重点:Outlining, the mobile homes
难点:Causes for the “return to the nest ” in America
Unit 18 Drama
1. Reading skill training: Outlining
2. Learn about the elements must be presented in a drama script
3. Dramatize “A Question of Ethics”
4. Vocabulary building: recollect, deplorable, compile, candid, eliminated, consult, oblige, word stems:cycle, ped, gram, chron
重点:Outlining, the elements in a drama
难点:Analyze characters’ personality in a drama
Unit1―Unit 6 Reading Skill Building: Skimming
&Unit 1 Reading Strategies
1.&Help students clarify the five false ideas of fast reading.
2.&Make students familiar with the benefits of fast reading, such as better comprehension and time saving.
3.&Help students realize that anyone with average intelligence can double and triple reading rates in thirty to sixty days, and efficient readers read different materials at different rates.
4.&Point out bad reading habits such as pointing at words, vocalization, subvocalization, eye moment and regression.
重点:Skimming, fast reading
难点:how to double or triple students’ reading rate,& how to rid students of bad reading habits, such as vocalization, subvocalization, regression and etc.
Unit 2 Education
1.&Enable students to see how the author develops the idea “It’s never too late for success” by means of exemplification.
2.&Help them understand the purposes of those examples, i.e., many famous people who showed no signs of great talent turn out to be greatly successful as adults.
3.&Make students draw implications from the text: get out of despair and hope for the future.
4.&Encourage students to figure out how Benjamin Franklin pursued his education when school was closed.
5.&Ask students to summarize how Benjamin Franklin organized Junto Club and in what ways he established the first public library in America.
6.&Ask students to learn how Benjamin’s observations concerning human nature contributed greatly to his success in public life.
重点:Skimming, education
难点:geniuses, prodigies, beatniks, aptitude, paradox
Unit 3 Body Language
1.&Arouse students’ awareness of body languages, such as the way a person drives, the clothes a person wears, the ornaments a person uses and the colors people prefer.
2.&Give students more examples and help them realize that communication can be achieved with the body and behavioral signals.
3.&Assist students in comprehending the function of the Barrier Signal―the Body Cross, and the ways that males and females use it in relieving their nervousness.
重点:Skimming, body languages
难点:barrier signals, body-cross, arm-fold
Unit 4 Animals
1.&Help students gain the overall structure of the text: how coyotes were hunted cruelly and what organizations or funds were founded to protect them.
2.&Enable students to better appreciate the author’s vivid description of Coyotes’ surviving skills and cleverness.
3.&Ask students to grasp an overview of the text: what makes marmosets hard to raise, what they look like and how they talk to each other.
4.&Ask students to differentiate between marmosets and m&#111nkeys.
重点:Skimming, animals’ surviving skills
难点:cruelty of hunting, cleverness of coyotes, defenders of the coyote
Unit 5 History
1.&Help students make a close study of the four theories of history and ask them to retell them.
2.&Ask students to point out the main differences between the four theories.
3.&Assist students in finding out how different writers depicted Abraham Lincoln in different version.
4.&Ask students to figure out what was the writer’s favorite book about Lincoln.
重点:Skimming, the four theories of history
难点:the rise and fall of civilization, cycles of stages, disappearance of class differences
Unit 6 Language
1.&Lead students to identify under what condition borrowing occurs and how different contacts bring about different types of language resource.
2.&Guide students to find how the meaning of a word changes in the process of “widening” and “narrowing”.
3.&Help students grasp the main idea of the text: language affects life.
4.&Guide students to see how the writer illustrates his viewpoint by exemplifying six words “try”, “always”, “Is”, “Can’t”, “Should”, “Everybody”.
重点:Skimming, borrowing, narrowing, widening
难点:borrowing, narrowing, widening, comprehension of the six words
Unit7―Unit 12 Reading Skill Building: Scanning
&Unit 7 Space
1.&Help students to catch the structure of the text.
2.&Assist them in locating the specific information about the questions on Page 93.
3.&Ask students to quickly locate the specific achievements into space made by different generations.
重点:Scanning, the promising and the disappointing aspects of the Space Program
难点:the promising and the disappointing aspects of the Space Program, the history of probing the universe
Unit 8 Women
1.&Ask students to scan women’s roles in education, sports and media.
2.&Set a time limit to the reading comprehension
3.&Guide students to find the factors concerning the lack of women in science: early conditioning and discrimination against women as a class.
4.&Ask students to identify the writer’s tone in the passage.
5.&Let students summarize women’s pains when working in science.
重点:Scanning, women’s roles in education, sports and media
难点:function of Title IX, Group PEER, women’s stereotype in ads
Unit 9 Cities
1.&Assist students in finding the specific information in each part such as HK’s geographic location, customs and traditions, endless magic in the night and a variety of tastes.
2.&Lead students to scan the passage and locate the information regarding British Museum, Buckingham Palace, Greenwich, Houses of Parliament, Madame Tussaud’s, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and Poet’s Corner.
重点:Scanning, information about London
难点:East greets West, Heart and Soul of a People, earthly treasures, a taste of extraordinary
Unit 10 Cross-Cultural Communication
1.&Help students understand the clash caused by American proxemic pattern and the German proxemic pattern.
2.&Help students comprehend the American interpretation of “a closed door” and “ silent treatment”.
3.&Lead students to examine in what ways the author explains people from different cultures have different habits.
重点:Scanning, American proxemic pattern and the German proxemic pattern.
难点:American proxemic pattern, the German proxemic pattern, silent treatment, culture
Unit 11 Information Retrieval
1.&Ask students to scan the passage within a time limit and find the information in terms of challenges faced by libraries, services to libraries and demand for localized information.
2.&Guide students to see how libraries transform communities.
3.&Let students scan library classification systems, history of libraries and library trends.
重点:Scanning, information retrieval
难点:knowledge management, on-demand services, localized information, classification system, catalog
Unit 12 Environment
1.&Lead students to find answers to comprehension questions on Page 174 by scanning.
2.&Guide students to find how emission can be reduced by using clean gas, alternative fuels and emission-free vehicles.
3.&Guide students to scan the text and find answers to the question on Page 182.
4.&Discuss some difficult concepts in class such as borrowed time, robber industry and the concentration of the new industry.
难点:alternative fuels, zero emission, The Clean Air Act Amendments, ecological effect, rubber industry
Unit 13---Unit 18 Reading Skill Building: Making Inference
&Unit 13 Medicine
1.&Help students draw inferences from the two parts of the text: the concept of psychosomatic illness and the reality of psychosomatic illness.
2.&Help students learn more about the relationship between stress and physical illness.
3.&Ask students to discuss the question “What attitude we should take towards people with psychosomatic illness”.
4.&Ask students to make a list of the useful tips on fever.
重点:Making inference, medicine
难点:psychosomatic illness, emotional stress, malingerer, when to worry about a fever
Unit 14 Evolution
1.&Guide students to understand how Darwin became a great biologist and revolutionized the study of biology.
2.&Let students concentrate on how Darwin’s evolution theory destroyed natural theology.
3.&Help students realize that the voyage turned out to be a turning point in his life.
重点:Making inference, Darwin’s evolution theory
难点:the Evolution Revolution, Origin of Species, demythologize, natural theology, the Voyage of the Beagle
Unit 15 Transportation
1.&Assist students in understanding the ups and downs of Interstate highway system.
2.&Help students infer from the text the answers to the comprehension questions.
3.&Discuss with students how the author brings forth the question “Can we prevent a grim future for American Transportation?” in the text.
重点:Making inference, interstate highway system
难点:Interstate superhighways, actions done by Frank Turner, U.S transportation policy, the Federal highway program, community livability, the Intermodal Surface Transportation In, frastructure Act
Unit 16 Time
1.&Ask students to see how the ancient calendars, especially the Babylonian Calendar, come into being.
2.&Ask students to finish the comprehension questions with a time limit.
3.&Help students learn how the writer logically illustrates the point “Time has different meanings in different cultures” by way of exemplification and contrast.
重点:Making inference, different types of canlendars
难点:leap year, Babylonian calendar, solar year, time talks in different cultures
Unit 17 Television
1.&Help students understand implied meaning of the title.
2.&Guide students to infer the author’s attitudes toward talk shows, i.e., TV talk shows, because of ideological interaction and open-endedness, might help solve some specific problems.
3.&Ask students to discuss the tone of the text and to imitate the way the author testifies his point “TV eats books”.
重点:Making inference, television
难点:talk shows, a dead end, “eat books”
Unit 18 Poetry
1.&Ask students to read the concepts related to poetry.
2.&Help students analyze the seven poems “If”, “The Rose Family”, “My Candle Burns at Both its Ends”, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, “Sonnet 29” and “In School Days”.
3.&Discuss more English poems together.
重点:Making inference, poetry
难点:rhythm, feet, verse, scansion, rime, alliteration, stanzas, verse, sonnet, imagery
Unit 1---Unit 6 Reading Skill Building: Reading Critically
&Unit 1 Language Testing
1.&Help students fully understand the four types of tests: placement test, diagnostic test, achievement test and proficiency test.
2.&Help students define the roles that each of the tests plays in learning.
3.&Help students differentiate between discrete tests and integrative tests.
重点:Reading critically, the four types of tests
难点:placement test, diagnostic test, achievement test, proficiency test, discrete test, integrative test.
Unit 2 Exploration
1.&Guide students to comprehend the three stages of the exploration of Mars: the mariner mission, the Viking mission and Mars Global Surveyor.
2.&Lead students to see the various expeditions to the Antarctic continent and the hardship endured by the expeditors.
3.&Help students infer that the history of South Pole exploration is actually a history of science and technology progress.
重点:Reading critically, the three stages of the exploration of Mars
难点:the Mariner mission, two Viking Landers, Mars Global Surveyor, Antarctic exploration, topography, reconnaissance, concurrently
Unit 3 Refugee
1.&Assist students in exploring in the text the refugee crises in Africa, Europe, Asia and America.
2.&Enable them to summarize the refugee problems.
3.&Lead students to see from the text how serious the displacement problem is in the world.
4.&Discuss how the author illustrates the title “Home is where the hurt is”.
重点:Reading critically, refugee problems
难点:refugees, internally displaced persons, displacement, NGO, UNHCR
Unit 4 Cigarettes
1.&Ask students to find how American tobacco products get accepted in the market of Asia and the third world.
2.&Discuss the author’s attitudes toward multinational tobacco companies’ efforts to increase sales in Asia.
3.&Lead them to read the brief history of the Cigarettes.
重点:Reading critically, the brief history of the cigarettes, tobacco company
难点:Comparison to the Opium War, status that goes with foreign cigarette brands, the author’s attitudes, cigarette advertising campaign
Unit 5 Anthropology
1.&Help students understand the author’s interpretation of anthropology.
2.&Ask students to discuss the contributions made by anthropologists based on the text.
3.&Guide students to better comprehend the four branches of anthropology and their respective functions.
重点:Reading critically, four branches of anthropology
难点:anthropologist, non-literate society, inconsequential tribe, physical anthropology, archeology, anthropological linguistics, cultural anthropology
Unit 6 Immigrants
1.&Guide students to find the three large forces or motives for the mass migrations to America.
2.&Ask students to see how the three reasons are intertwined and how the immigrants coming for economic reasons contributed to the American society.
3.&Enable students to have a better understanding of the history of immigrants and the ways that different nationalities settled in the new land.
重点:Reading critically, history of immigrants
难点:religious freedom, political oppression, economic factor, a promised land
Unit 7---Unit 12 Reading Skill Building:
Linking Ideas and Drawing Conclusions
&Unit 7 Ecology
1.&Discuss with students the three examples of the mistreatment of the environment and arouse their awareness of the importance of a balanced ecosystem.
2.&Ask students to answer the detailed comprehension questions on page 96.
3.&Help students understand the definition of ecology, ecological classification, organism communities, ecological functions, and organism adaptation.
4.&Guide them to imitate the ways the author develops the topic sentence in each paragraph.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, ecology, ecological classification, ecological functions
难点:ecosystem, Aswan dam, the Hawaiian Goose, mosquito plague, organism communities, adaptation
Unit 8 Holocaust
1.&Make students to figure out the structure of the text: Hitler’s policy toward Jews, the two main phases of Nazi onslaught, two main ways of genocide, the reasons for such barbarism.
2.&Ask students to answer specific questions on Page 113 and learn the expressions related to holocaust.
3.&Ask students to find out the reasons for building the national Holocaust museum in America.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, Hitler’s policy toward Jews, genocide
难点:holocaust, uprising of the Jews, the extermination of Jews, the Final Solution, Holocaust Memorials in America
&Unit 9 Diplomatic Practice
1.&Help students see how Mrs. Thatcher organized her speech, how many points were mentioned, and how she illustrated her viewpoints.
2.&Discuss with students in what ways the speech contributed to the Sino-British diplomatic relationships.
3.&Provide students with more famous speeches made on important occasions in history.
4.&Guide students to find how President Nixon’s visit to China contributed to the relaxation of tension of the two countries.
5.&Ask them to summarize the statements made by both sides and the five principles guiding the Sino-America relations.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, diplomatic relationships, hegemonism
难点:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, hegemonism, China-US Shanghai Communique
&Unit 10 Christianity
1.&Discuss the respective contributions made by Luther and John Calvin in the religious Reformation of the 16th century.
2.&Help students understand the divisions between Catholics and Protestants.
3.&Ask students to describe the Pentecostal movement and Pentecostal teaching.
4.&Help students comprehend such difficult concepts as Holy Spirit, the highest revelation of God, scripture, Trinitarian, and the three stages of salvation.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, the divisions between Catholics and Protestants
难点:Reformation, Protestants, Luther’s doctrine, John Calvin’s teachings, Pentecostal Movement, Trinitarian, the third blessings, speaking in tongues
&Unit 11 Politics
1.&Help students follow the author’s train of thought: the definition the politics, an art rather than a science, three difficulties in the study of politics and the application of a system of universal values.
2.&Discuss the three difficulties in the study of politics: precise terminology, neutral attitude and constant change.
3.&Further exploration of diversified political judgments influenced by people’s attitudes, prejudices and nationalities.
4.&Introduce to students the Parties and Party Systems in the United States and United Kingdom.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, the meaning of politics, Party systems in U.S.A and U.K
难点:the meaning of politics, the study of politics, the attitudes toward political studies, Party systems in U.S.A and U.K
&Unit 12 Art
1.&Help students see how the artists toward the end of the nineteenth century reevaluated the function of art and explored a new way of expressing the experience of seeing.
2.&Discuss in what ways those artists used color, lines and space to place things in an art context.
3.&Help them understand the roles that such artists as Van Gogn, Munch, Paul Cezanne, Picasso and Marcel Duchamp played in the art revolution.
4.&Guide them to have a better knowledge of the origins of Contemporary Art, Emergence of Abstract Expression, Popular Art, Resurgence of Realism, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art and Later Art Movement. Art,
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, art context, art revolution
难点:cubist art, art context, art revolution, the minimal art, conceptual art
Unit 13―Unit 18 Reading Skill Building:
Understanding Text Organization and the Writer’s Style
&Unit 13 Genetics
1.&Let students point out the contributions made by biotechnology such as the large-scale production of penicillin, the development of bacterial fermentation and the knowledge of a double helix of DNA.
2.&Let them summarize the counterviews made by Berge, Rifkin and the three church organizations.
3.&Help them understand the concepts such as the past genetic endeavors, gene surgery, and the dilemma in the process of genetic engineering.
4.&Help students understand from the text why human genetic data can be used to harm as well as help.
5.&Discuss the functions of genetic map and physical map.
6.&Guide students to see how genetic testing has to be carried out secretly.
重点:Understanding text organization, genetics, genetic engineering
难点:chemical product, living product, the Frankenstein factor, vita data, secret trend of genetic testing
Unit 14 Society and Values
1.&Help students find out the author’s attitude toward celebrities and the ways he illustrated his viewpoint.
2.&Let them figure out the author’s three distinctions between true heroes and celebrities.
3.&Help students understand the diverse white-collar worlds as well as the shape and meaning of modern society as a whole.
4.&Discuss the concepts such as self-alienation, conflicts between freedom and rationality, and the differentiation between new upper classes and new lower classes.
重点:Understanding text organization, three distinctions between true heroes and celebrities
难点:celebrity worship, true heroes, attitudes toward celebrities, white collar
Unit 15 Economics
1.&Ask students to describe the characteristics of Monetarism and the ideas emerging from it.
2.&Help them understand Phillips curve, Friedman’s points of view and Keynesian revolution.
3.&Discuss the position that monetarism takes up in economy.
4.&Discuss the function of economic analysis.
5.&Ask students to examine how the author differentiated between theory and common sense.
6.&Let them elaborate on macroeconomics and microeconomics.
重点:Understanding text organization, macroeconomics and microeconomics
难点:Monetarism, Keynesian revolution, inflation, Philip curve, Milton Friedman, macroeconomics and microeconomics
Unit 16 Technology
1.&Let students grasp the organization of the text.
2.&Ask them to summarize the technological advances and the impacts in the first part.
3.&Help them dig out the factors obstructing new technologies and factors enhancing technology innovation.
4.&Assist them in answering the specific comprehension questions on page 237.
5.&Discuss the information superhighway and its impact on our life.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, technology innovation, information superhighway
难点:an assortment of technology advances, technology-driven evolution, the information superhighway, the Internet
Unit 17 Philosophy
1. Help students understand what modern analytical empiricism is and how the philosophers of logical analysis attached importance to science and the human intellect.
2.&Help students see how the author justified that philosophy can neither prove or disapprove religious truth.
3. Explain to students what an allegory is and give examples.
4.&Help students figure out the prisoners’ view of the shadows, the light of the sun, and etc.
5.&Discuss what the den, the prisoners and the sun represent.
6.&Ask students to interpret Plato’s distinction between appearance and reality.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, modern analytical empiricism, philosophical method
难点:modern analytical empiricism (logical analysis), philosophical method, perception, allegory, den, the prisoner, the sun, appearance, reality, Plato
Unit 18 Essay
1.&Lead students to appreciate Bacon’s word choice, parallel and elliptical structures, and the style of the essay.
2.&Discuss Bacon’s choice of instrument and his ways of dealing with persons in negotiating.
3.&Ask students to describe Emerson’s feelings toward the presence of nature.
4.&Discuss Emerson’s view regarding the relation between man and nature.
5.&Discuss in what ways people appreciate the beauty of nature based on Emerson’s view.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, Bacon’s word choice
难点:choice of instrument, sharp bargaining, adult’s and children’s way of seeing nature, the Universal Being
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Unit 16 Time
1.&Ask students to see how the ancient calendars, especially the Babylonian Calendar, come into being.
2.&Ask students to finish the comprehension questions with a time limit.
3.&Help students learn how the writer logically illustrates the point “Time has different meanings in different cultures” by way of exemplification and contrast.
重点:Making inference, different types of canlendars
难点:leap year, Babylonian calendar, solar year, time talks in different cultures
Unit 17 Television
1.&Help students understand implied meaning of the title.
2.&Guide students to infer the author’s attitudes toward talk shows, i.e., TV talk shows, because of ideological interaction and open-endedness, might help solve some specific problems.
3.&Ask students to discuss the tone of the text and to imitate the way the author testifies his point “TV eats books”.
重点:Making inference, television
难点:talk shows, a dead end, “eat books”
Unit 18 Poetry
1.&Ask students to read the concepts related to poetry.
2.&Help students analyze the seven poems “If”, “The Rose Family”, “My Candle Burns at Both its Ends”, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud”, “Sonnet 29” and “In School Days”.
3.&Discuss more English poems together.
重点:Making inference, poetry
难点:rhythm, feet, verse, scansion, rime, alliteration, stanzas, verse, sonnet, imagery
Unit 1---Unit 6 Reading Skill Building: Reading Critically
&Unit 1 Language Testing
1.&Help students fully understand the four types of tests: placement test, diagnostic test, achievement test and proficiency test.
2.&Help students define the roles that each of the tests plays in learning.
3.&Help students differentiate between discrete tests and integrative tests.
重点:Reading critically, the four types of tests
难点:placement test, diagnostic test, achievement test, proficiency test, discrete test, integrative test.
Unit 2 Exploration
1.&Guide students to comprehend the three stages of the exploration of Mars: the mariner mission, the Viking mission and Mars Global Surveyor.
2.&Lead students to see the various expeditions to the Antarctic continent and the hardship endured by the expeditors.
3.&Help students infer that the history of South Pole exploration is actually a history of science and technology progress.
重点:Reading critically, the three stages of the exploration of Mars
难点:the Mariner mission, two Viking Landers, Mars Global Surveyor, Antarctic exploration, topography, reconnaissance, concurrently
Unit 3 Refugee
1.&Assist students in exploring in the text the refugee crises in Africa, Europe, Asia and America.
2.&Enable them to summarize the refugee problems.
3.&Lead students to see from the text how serious the displacement problem is in the world.
4.&Discuss how the author illustrates the title “Home is where the hurt is”.
重点:Reading critically, refugee problems
难点:refugees, internally displaced persons, displacement, NGO, UNHCR
Unit 4 Cigarettes
1.&Ask students to find how American tobacco products get accepted in the market of Asia and the third world.
2.&Discuss the author’s attitudes toward multinational tobacco companies’ efforts to increase sales in Asia.
3.&Lead them to read the brief history of the Cigarettes.
重点:Reading critically, the brief history of the cigarettes, tobacco company
难点:Comparison to the Opium War, status that goes with foreign cigarette brands, the author’s attitudes, cigarette advertising campaign
Unit 5 Anthropology
1.&Help students understand the author’s interpretation of anthropology.
2.&Ask students to discuss the contributions made by anthropologists based on the text.
3.&Guide students to better comprehend the four branches of anthropology and their respective functions.
重点:Reading critically, four branches of anthropology
难点:anthropologist, non-literate society, inconsequential tribe, physical anthropology, archeology, anthropological linguistics, cultural anthropology
Unit 6 Immigrants
1.&Guide students to find the three large forces or motives for the mass migrations to America.
2.&Ask students to see how the three reasons are intertwined and how the immigrants coming for economic reasons contributed to the American society.
3.&Enable students to have a better understanding of the history of immigrants and the ways that different nationalities settled in the new land.
重点:Reading critically, history of immigrants
难点:religious freedom, political oppression, economic factor, a promised land
Unit 7---Unit 12 Reading Skill Building:
Linking Ideas and Drawing Conclusions
&Unit 7 Ecology
1.&Discuss with students the three examples of the mistreatment of the environment and arouse their awareness of the importance of a balanced ecosystem.
2.&Ask students to answer the detailed comprehension questions on page 96.
3.&Help students understand the definition of ecology, ecological classification, organism communities, ecological functions, and organism adaptation.
4.&Guide them to imitate the ways the author develops the topic sentence in each paragraph.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, ecology, ecological classification, ecological functions
难点:ecosystem, Aswan dam, the Hawaiian Goose, mosquito plague, organism communities, adaptation
Unit 8 Holocaust
1.&Make students to figure out the structure of the text: Hitler’s policy toward Jews, the two main phases of Nazi onslaught, two main ways of genocide, the reasons for such barbarism.
2.&Ask students to answer specific questions on Page 113 and learn the expressions related to holocaust.
3.&Ask students to find out the reasons for building the national Holocaust museum in America.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, Hitler’s policy toward Jews, genocide
难点:holocaust, uprising of the Jews, the extermination of Jews, the Final Solution, Holocaust Memorials in America
&Unit 9 Diplomatic Practice
1.&Help students see how Mrs. Thatcher organized her speech, how many points were mentioned, and how she illustrated her viewpoints.
2.&Discuss with students in what ways the speech contributed to the Sino-British diplomatic relationships.
3.&Provide students with more famous speeches made on important occasions in history.
4.&Guide students to find how President Nixon’s visit to China contributed to the relaxation of tension of the two countries.
5.&Ask them to summarize the statements made by both sides and the five principles guiding the Sino-America relations.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, diplomatic relationships, hegemonism
难点:the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, hegemonism, China-US Shanghai Communique
&Unit 10 Christianity
1.&Discuss the respective contributions made by Luther and John Calvin in the religious Reformation of the 16th century.
2.&Help students understand the divisions between Catholics and Protestants.
3.&Ask students to describe the Pentecostal movement and Pentecostal teaching.
4.&Help students comprehend such difficult concepts as Holy Spirit, the highest revelation of God, scripture, Trinitarian, and the three stages of salvation.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, the divisions between Catholics and Protestants
难点:Reformation, Protestants, Luther’s doctrine, John Calvin’s teachings, Pentecostal Movement, Trinitarian, the third blessings, speaking in tongues
&Unit 11 Politics
1.&Help students follow the author’s train of thought: the definition the politics, an art rather than a science, three difficulties in the study of politics and the application of a system of universal values.
2.&Discuss the three difficulties in the study of politics: precise terminology, neutral attitude and constant change.
3.&Further exploration of diversified political judgments influenced by people’s attitudes, prejudices and nationalities.
4.&Introduce to students the Parties and Party Systems in the United States and United Kingdom.
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, the meaning of politics, Party systems in U.S.A and U.K
难点:the meaning of politics, the study of politics, the attitudes toward political studies, Party systems in U.S.A and U.K
&Unit 12 Art
1.&Help students see how the artists toward the end of the nineteenth century reevaluated the function of art and explored a new way of expressing the experience of seeing.
2.&Discuss in what ways those artists used color, lines and space to place things in an art context.
3.&Help them understand the roles that such artists as Van Gogn, Munch, Paul Cezanne, Picasso and Marcel Duchamp played in the art revolution.
4.&Guide them to have a better knowledge of the origins of Contemporary Art, Emergence of Abstract Expression, Popular Art, Resurgence of Realism, Minimal Art, Conceptual Art and Later Art Movement. Art,
重点:Linking ideas and drawing conclusions, art context, art revolution
难点:cubist art, art context, art revolution, the minimal art, conceptual art
Unit 13―Unit 18 Reading Skill Building:
Understanding Text Organization and the Writer’s Style
&Unit 13 Genetics
1.&Let students point out the contributions made by biotechnology such as the large-scale production of penicillin, the development of bacterial fermentation and the knowledge of a double helix of DNA.
2.&Let them summarize the counterviews made by Berge, Rifkin and the three church organizations.
3.&Help them understand the concepts such as the past genetic endeavors, gene surgery, and the dilemma in the process of genetic engineering.
4.&Help students understand from the text why human genetic data can be used to harm as well as help.
5.&Discuss the functions of genetic map and physical map.
6.&Guide students to see how genetic testing has to be carried out secretly.
重点:Understanding text organization, genetics, genetic engineering
难点:chemical product, living product, the Frankenstein factor, vita data, secret trend of genetic testing
Unit 14 Society and Values
1.&Help students find out the author’s attitude toward celebrities and the ways he illustrated his viewpoint.
2.&Let them figure out the author’s three distinctions between true heroes and celebrities.
3.&Help students understand the diverse white-collar worlds as well as the shape and meaning of modern society as a whole.
4.&Discuss the concepts such as self-alienation, conflicts between freedom and rationality, and the differentiation between new upper classes and new lower classes.
重点:Understanding text organization, three distinctions between true heroes and celebrities
难点:celebrity worship, true heroes, attitudes toward celebrities, white collar
Unit 15 Economics
1.&Ask students to describe the characteristics of Monetarism and the ideas emerging from it.
2.&Help them understand Phillips curve, Friedman’s points of view and Keynesian revolution.
3.&Discuss the position that monetarism takes up in economy.
4.&Discuss the function of economic analysis.
5.&Ask students to examine how the author differentiated between theory and common sense.
6.&Let them elaborate on macroeconomics and microeconomics.
重点:Understanding text organization, macroeconomics and microeconomics
难点:Monetarism, Keynesian revolution, inflation, Philip curve, Milton Friedman, macroeconomics and microeconomics
Unit 16 Technology
1.&Let students grasp the organization of the text.
2.&Ask them to summarize the technological advances and the impacts in the first part.
3.&Help them dig out the factors obstructing new technologies and factors enhancing technology innovation.
4.&Assist them in answering the specific comprehension questions on page 237.
5.&Discuss the information superhighway and its impact on our life.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, technology innovation, information superhighway
难点:an assortment of technology advances, technology-driven evolution, the information superhighway, the Internet
Unit 17 Philosophy
1. Help students understand what modern analytical empiricism is and how the philosophers of logical analysis attached importance to science and the human intellect.
2.&Help students see how the author justified that philosophy can neither prove or disapprove religious truth.
3. Explain to students what an allegory is and give examples.
4.&Help students figure out the prisoners’ view of the shadows, the light of the sun, and etc.
5.&Discuss what the den, the prisoners and the sun represent.
6.&Ask students to interpret Plato’s distinction between appearance and reality.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, modern analytical empiricism, philosophical method
难点:modern analytical empiricism (logical analysis), philosophical method, perception, allegory, den, the prisoner, the sun, appearance, reality, Plato
Unit 18 Essay
1.&Lead students to appreciate Bacon’s word choice, parallel and elliptical structures, and the style of the essay.
2.&Discuss Bacon’s choice of instrument and his ways of dealing with persons in negotiating.
3.&Ask students to describe Emerson’s feelings toward the presence of nature.
4.&Discuss Emerson’s view regarding the relation between man and nature.
5.&Discuss in what ways people appreciate the beauty of nature based on Emerson’s view.
重点:Understanding the writer’s style, Bacon’s word choice
难点:choice of instrument, sharp bargaining, adult’s and children’s way of seeing nature, the Universal Being
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