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Miluo River (mì luó jiāng 汨罗江), located in northeastern Hunan Province, is the largest tributary of the Xiang River (xiāng jiāng 湘江) in the North of Hunan province. Miluo River has a length of 253km overall and covers a drainage area of 5543 square kilometers. The water has two sides of the upper reaches: the east one is originated from Xiushui county (xiū shuǐ xiàn 修水县) of Jiangxi Province (jiāng xī shěng 江西省); the west comes from the Longzhang Mountain (lóng zhāng shān 龙璋山) in the northeast of Pingjiang county (píng jiāng xiàn 平江县), Hunan Province (hú nán shěng 湖南省). The two tributaries converge at the west of Pingjiang county and continually westward till the Miluo City (mì luó shì 汨罗市) and finally empties into the Dongting Lake (dòng tíng hú 洞庭湖).
Lu Xun (lǔ xùn 鲁迅)(), a great writer and scholar in China, was bom in Shaoxing City (shào xìng shì 绍兴市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省) and lived here until he went abroad to study. When returned home to teach in a local school, he also lived here. He was died in 1936. Lu Xun was the chief commander of China's Modern Cultural Revolution, the greatest thinker and revolutionist.
1. Decide Where to Go in China
China is an enormous country with diverse options for travel. You can be as adventurous or &safe& as you want - in other words you can get pretty far off the Western Tourist Travel Trail or you can stay right on it. There may be certain things you absolutely feel you must see, or other places you didn't even know were in China.&
Going to another country for the first time, whether for business or pleasure, can be a daunting experience & especially if you are going on a long-term basis, and have to relocate with your family in order to make that new country your second home. For most foreign people, China is probably not an easy place to adapt to because of cultural differences, language barriers and just the fact that it&s so far away from Europe and the Americas that people automatically fear the remoteness and isolation. For one British expatriate, the China experience has been nothing short of an adventurous journey. Navjot Singh, a Briton from London, initially went to China in 2002 for a short one-week holiday. Here he describes his experience from then onwards.
a smaller version of pipa with four strings, which sound similar to mandolin.
Liuqin is played with a piece of spectrum, and is used to be accompany instrument for folk songs and local opera. However, in recent decades, Composer Wang Huiran made great contribution to its making and composed many pieces such that the liuqin also becomes a soloist instrument.
song: Spring comes to Yihe River
In the end of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), there was a strong country named Qin (秦). It wanted to annex other countries to unite China. In 228 BC, the Qin army captured a country and prepared to attack another country named Yan (燕). So the prince Dan (丹)of Yan sent a brave man called Jing Ke (荆轲) to assassinate the King of Qin.
Yunnan University was founded in December 1922, and it started to enroll its students on April 20th 1923. The name of Yunnan University has for six times been changed in the past 80 years. It started as the privately run University of the Eastern Land and has thus far been developed into the only key national general university in the province of Yunnan, having trained for the society over seventeen thousand specialized professionals in various fields. Currently, Yunnan University is among sixty-one &211 Project& universities in China authorized by the Chinese central government to be specially developed. Yunnan University has also been put into the list of the key national universities for the special construction in the national program of the Western China Development.
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