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翻译结果(英语)1:Fashion trend of front-line
Most fashionable men's new 更多: 翻译结果(英语)2:Fashion front
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All Rights Reserved时尚前沿 英文 - 标签 ZNDS智能电视网时尚前沿:2011年春夏时尚潮流_双语阅读_VOA英语网
Among the riot of different fashion trends, we can also find a special '70-inspired vibe. We have seen the trend at Marc Jacobs through amazing '70s dresses, Just Cavalli through captivating patchworks, Anna Sui with round-shaped sunglasses, knitted shorts and denim vests, and Derek Lam through extremely stylish flared jeans worn with crisp white shirts. Well, since we are speaking of jeans, you should know that denim is back again for spring/summer 2011. Moreover, it seems that the head-to-toe denim look is so hot for the upcoming season.
在丰富多样的潮流趋势中,我们同样可以发现来自70年代流行元素的灵感。我们在Marc Jacobs的裙子、Just Cavalli的拼缀裙子、 Anna Sui 的圆形太阳镜、针织短裤和牛仔背心和Derek Lam牛仔裤、白衬衫的搭配上都能看到70年代的流行元素。好啦,既然我们都说到牛仔裤了,我们就说说牛仔布料在2011春夏又开始流行了的事吧。而且,从头到脚的牛仔布料是即将到来的大热门。
The warm season means comfortable outfits and soft, breezy fabrics. Therefore, designers came with appropriate pieces in order to meet all your expectations. Maxi, flowing dresses and fashionable jumpsuits are some of the items that were so trendy last summer, yet they made a strong comeback in 2011. For chic, elegant appearances, but also for more effortless, laid-back looks, you should know that the white shirt is one key item that can be paired with feminine skirts, loose jeans, or sexy shorts. Despite its simplicity, the classic white shirt proved it's versatility and elegance, while designers came with a wide range of white shirts and various stylish combinations.
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When Alexey Ivanov and his future wife, Marina Kiseleva, were dating, she gave him a memorable gift: a photograph of himself that looked as if it were hanging in the Tate Modern in London.
To create the image, she used a simple photo-editing program. And it gave the couple the idea for their Web site, , which allows users to upload a photograph, select an image from dozens of templates showing a scene, and then merge the two photographs. It is just one of many Web sites for enhancing photographs that are becoming easier than ever to use.
The Web sites cater to novices, unlike sophisticated software packages like Photoshop, making it possible to create a greeting card, make photo collages, design new images for a Web site and tweak personal photographs without doing much more than clicking a button.
Some sites, like Photofunia, which is based in Ukraine, merge or mash up images. Others are aimed at transforming pictures to look as if they come from another time or place. Some sites have a more commercial aspect, selling products like lipstick by letting you try it by painting a virtual copy of the makeup on a photo of yourself.
Photofunia contains dozens of templates & of art galleries, urban scenes and locations like the Sphinx in Egypt. For example, users can put a picture of themselves into a scene from Times Square so that it looks as if the user&s image is on a billboard. The site also has tools to digitally detect a person&s face, extract it from a picture and graft it onto the head and body of another image, like Santa Claus or the Mona Lisa.
A similar site, based in Russia, . It offers a wide array of templates, and can place a face in a wanted poster or the cover of a magazine like Cosmopolitan.
&We experiment and realize every idea we have in mind,& said the site&s founder, Vasily Giharev. &Even the most insane ones.&
Mr. Giharev said he was inspired to create the site after seeing the film &Forrest Gump,& which sliced film of the actor Tom Hanks into historical images from the 1960s, making it seem as if the character was present at the important events of that era.
Other sites & , , ,
& are competing to offer simple tools for cropping an image, fixing red eye or making other tweaks to an image.
&The typical user is not a professional, but a step below, a beginner,& said Ola Sevandersson, the Stockholm-based founder of Pixlr.
While Pixlr itself is meant to be easy to use, Mr. Sevandersson also created an even simpler version that does most of the work with the push of a button.
Pixlr includes another feature that allows users to modify the colors in a photo. For example, effects named Melissa, Sophie or Tony (to make them easier to remember) will mute colors and change the focus to imitate the film and lenses commonly used in different eras. The vintage &60s effect, for instance, amplifies the red tones and mutes the blues, effectively producing more yellows and purples, and imitating the way that films and photographic paper of that time reproduced light from the scene.
Other sites take photo editing into different realms. , for instance, allows people to test various colors of makeup.
&Our main positioning is not as a photo modification site,& said Deepu John, vice president of marketing at Taaz, which is based in San Diego. &It&s a site where women can try on thousands of different makeup colors on themselves.&
Users upload a photo of themselves and can then modify it by trying on foundation, lip gloss, blush and other cosmetics. Cosmetic companies pay fees to the company to include their products. Making the images look realistic was a challenge for the company&s software designers, Mr. John said. &We have to focus on light interacting with surface. That&s part of the key to realism.&
The makeup test is licensed by Taaz to other Web sites
Mr. John said more than a quarter of a billion tests of makeup products were performed each month on all the sites.
Yet another site , where users create badges, jigsaw puzzles and art work meant to emulate the styles of Andy Warhol or David Hockney. John Watson, the site&s founder, said it had almost a half million registered users.
The most popular service, he said, produces images that imitate a popular line of black-matted, motivational posters often found in office hallways. The site matches a picture with a caption and produces an image with the correct typeface. Many of the people visit the site to produce posters that are sarcastic, not inspirational.
&I think most people can be creative but not everyone is going to learn to play guitar,& Mr. Watson said. &But there are other ways for people to be creative. You can give them tools that allow themselves to express themselves in ways they couldn&t before.&
时尚前沿 英语
advancing front of Fashion
Google 网络词典 时尚前沿
Fashion front 【摘要】 ... 一方水土A side water and soil, 叽里咕噜Interaction discussion area, 心灵感悟Spiritual feeling, 时尚前沿Fashion front, 灌水乐园Infuse the water paradise ...<...
在中国的餐桌上,大家喝的酒一般是啤酒,在国外,喝啤酒的人很多。但是,很少见到有直接喝酒精浓度很高的白酒,这和中国很不同。 在英语里,“酒”统称为alcohol或是liquor(即为酒精的意思),而酒类专卖店的英文说法是liquor store。纯酒精也许多不同种类。有些alcohol的名字由于是从法语或是意大利语等非英语演绎而来,因此发音规则很不同于正常的英语发音。 vodka...
时尚前沿:the edge of fashion 下面是一些时尚前沿的英文例句 希望可以帮上你1.
大部分人都引领时尚前沿,但对在校女生可能不太合适。Most of them are leading the edge of fashion that may be not appropriate for schoolgirls.2.



