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财产: 3749 爱卡币
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财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
小孩子读书真不容易,复旦交大等一流大学 裸考越来越少了。要做两手准备了。
财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
& & 首先阅读部分,阅读部分词汇积累是非常重要的,在考卷中如果遇到单纯的词汇填空题,或者文章里面在语境里面找词汇的近义词的题目,这些必须答对,因为基本是送来的分,你在考试之前就可以,就是自己在学语言的时候就能做大量的努力。同时因为阅读题目可能会非常长,所以阅读速度大家要注意尽量要提高,平常在阅读中要注意训练要又快又准。而且作题的时候你可以运用你平时积累下来的语感,还有着重在答题的时候看题里面的关键词,同时找文章里面答案大概出现在什么地方,这种关联词的判断要注意训练,就是你们在开始训练的时候,就会越来越有感觉。
& & 还有看文章的时候,分析文章那个条理,你可以边看文章那个来龙去脉,然后根据你答案,题干要求找答案的同时,要看来龙去脉,同时要在文章上下文找他前后的呼应佐证,而不能就是看到一个提示就立刻把它打死,而要左右看一下有没有互相支持的观点。
& & 如果文章提到一些你比较擅长或者熟知的领域的话,你平时的知识积累要慎重地使用,要酌情考虑,因为有的时候题目可能会有细微地变化,然后让你掉到陷井里面去。
财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
& & 平时可以在阅读的时候,积累一些写作素材,比如对于一些你感兴趣的观点论证,你想一想你大概会怎么说,你在考试的时候灵活变通一下你平时的积累的一些例证。
& & 如果有能力的话,就是句法尽量丰富一些,然后文章写得不那么单调,然后读起来非常舒服。文章字数最好多于400字,如果你写作能力非常强的话可以短一点,但是一般400字以上的文章才能比较清楚地展现你的英文实力。
& & 前面几点讲的都是小作文后面语法选择题的话,有的时候就是比较机械的训练,还有要注意总结你的错题,因为有的时候那个语法选择题,他并不是,就是那一些语法在真正的英文的书籍里面并不一定非常严格,但是你在考试的时候要尽量熟悉考试时候他需要的规则。
& & 一般考的时候,因为时间很长,而且阅读和那个作文压力很大,很多学生就在考试的时候把数学的部分当成休息的部分来做,比较闲散和放松,可是这样可能会导致重大失误,所以做数学的时候神经要绷紧一点,要把题目看清楚,不能因为简单就直接采答案。速度和质量。
& & 有一种说法就是一般大家都是比较看重(英文),但是其实比如像这个漫画里面说的,其实作文里面,尤其小作文的质量也是很重要的,因为这篇作文会放在录取班手里,如果我没有记错。
& & 关于是日积月累长期做工作比较重要,还是需要考前猛的突击复习,我觉得这两个其实都很重要,对英文的兴趣还有平常积累的语感很重要,大家切记写语言一定要学文化,不要带着太功利的心思学英文。我自己觉得学英文最大的一条捷径就是去多阅读,阅读原著,然后你自然而然那些单词就会内化,而且慢慢就会学会使用。你可以模仿一些好的名著风格,写一些好的片断,培养一些语感,这样写可能会累一些,但是我觉得真的是最好的方法。如果你只是注意应付考试,而不去培养语感、学文化,可能就会出现这样的情况(漫画)。
& & 关于突击复习肯定得抓重点,一般所做的一个程序就是,肯定就是先积累单词,因为单词是最基本的,然后复习复习单词,然后开始进入具体的题型,然后可以适当多做一些专项的练习,比如阅读,比如语法选择题,等熟练之后开始给自己计时,然后一开始计时可能比较松,但是后面要逐渐卡紧,直到到考试的那种计时,你甚至最后给自己放甚至再严格一点。
财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
& & 做卷子的时候当然要完全模拟考试,就是到最后的阶段,在计时上面一定要严格,不能自欺欺人。而且自己要批改啊这些。
& & 但是在拼命的准备的时候,大家也要记住SAT成绩,主要还是靠英文实力还是靠平时的积累,在考试之前做一些工作有一些提高,但是如果过度了的话,可能会影响你自己的发挥,心态和状态也是很重要的。
& & 下面是我的一些复习资料,不一定很好,只是我自己用的一些资料,当时也是误打误撞,词汇方面是巴郎的你需要知道1100个词,是一个红色封皮的。然后这本书还是挺偏好象挺难找的,我感觉现在卖的已经比较少了,是一本中国的书,叫做《攻克SAT冲刺美国高考》,南京师范大学的。然后还有这个,应该很出名的,11个卷子。然后还有我听别人介绍的很多的复习材料,虽然没有用,但是他们都说很好,还有对巴郎的阅读写作那些专项练习。
& & 关于这么多复习材料我想说的是大家不要迷信商家的炒作,因为我当时可能傻,所以只是买了两本书,做了一下就考试了,最重要的是要把手上有的东西发挥到极致,而且去信任它,不要打一枪换一个地方。而且要重视自己真正实力的提高,不要一门心思只望着你今天做的卷子做对了做错了多少题,如果你感到自己实力提高就行了,这个比盲目实验参考有意义得多。
& & 除非你遇到这种情况,你手上的东西真的是很不合适你,就换。
财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
总任务:背单词,培养阅读、写作能力,做官方的“10 real SAT”真题
(1) 自己为什么要考SAT,为什么要去美国读大学?了解什么是SAT,练习05年3月SAT真题,不限时间,可查字典。&&
(2) 背单词,主要是 “巴朗3500”,主要关注其中的高频词频。这个是从SAT真题中总结出来的。先背高频词,这样在以后的SAT做题训练中,高频词会的越多,训练效果越好。而这些高频词也会记得更牢靠。&&
(3) 阅读能力,多看看美国历史,将来SAT写作可能会用到。看小说,练习整段阅读法。做& & “10 real SAT”里面的阅读。
(4) 写作能力:坚持写英文博客。每周写一篇SAT作文。&&(6) 语感能力的培养:语法题、填空题、阅读题都需要。
(1) 单词:在做OG、OC前,背诵“OG难词”和“OC难词”;&&
(2) 仔细背诵“词频8000”,如果时间允许可以背诵“逆序10000”;&&
(3) 填空突破,看一些GRE难句,找找感觉;&&
(4) 阅读,可以使用《我们SAT阅读满分教程》;&&
(5) 语法在记住语法点后,坚持总结自己做错的题;&&
(6) 每次做完成套的题后,要再仔细研究一遍,把难题、错题挑出来,研究知识点,并保存,在考试前再突击看一遍;&&
(7) 每周末可以利用大段时间,完整的做一套题计算时间。&&
总任务:05年以后的真题&&时间 :15天&&
(1) 最好考试前15天可以完全投入:上午做一套题,掐时间,写作文;下午分析错题和背诵单词,晚上继续背诵单词;&&
(2) 做完后一定要再仔细的研究一遍,把难题、错题挑出来,研究知识点;&&
(3) 背单词,主要背诵从词频中筛选出来的;&&
(4) 看数学难题,背数学单词;&&
(5) 看难题以及错题;&&
(6) 坚持写作练习
财产: 3749 爱卡币
来自: 上海市|上海市
Do you want to learn the most infallible and least error-prone method of attacking the SAT Critical
Section? Learn from someone who knows. I was accepted into Harvard with a 2400 (that sounds pretentious but you should know where I'm coming from). I first have to tell you that achieving a great score on SAT CR is not easy and there's no single silver bullet. As with everything, this method requires repeated practice and experimentation before results can show. Please on as I share with you my successful method of tackling CR.
Step 1. Let's start with the approach. You have probably encountered people in your daily life who snidely demean the SAT or at least the experience of taking the SAT. However, you must approach this important experience with a fundamentally different mindset. Okay, perhaps the SAT is a test full of tricks - a test purely to be gamed. If so however, learning to work within a system is a very valuable skill to have in life. Furthermore, I believe that the fundamental basis of the SAT is not its tricks, but its call for a rapid comprehension of certain situations, a supple maneuverability, and a positive approach to the material. After all, a multiple-choice test with any semblance of difficulty can be said to contain tricks. How good is your knowledge if you can't manipulate it to a small challenge? Don't demean your opponent - that's a recipe for disaster. The last quality, a positive approach to the material, is the most important and the one you can control the easiest. However, it does not come naturally (as can be seen with scores of grumbling teens) and takes reinforcing.
Step 2. A second word about approach: You didn't pay CollegeBoard 45 bucks so that you could be nice. When you're faced with five choices on a question, you've got to be ruthless. Stop internally justifying why one answer could be right, and instead make the shift to asking yourself why that answer could be wrong - play Devil's Advocate, as cliched as that may sound. I can't tell you enough how much this shift in thinking has helped me when I have been stuck between two seemingly correct choices. Despite appearances, all choices ARE different and one is certainly the best, or else CollegeBoard would be losing thousands of dollars to successful lawsuits. Keep this in mind. You have got to find the right answer and I will show you how.&
Step 3. It is my intention to focus mostly on the long passages in this How-To, since that is where the majority of the CR questions lie and since these questions give many test-takers a higher level of grief. For sentence completions, my biggest advice is to stop wasting your time on tricks, to buckle down, and to start attacking vocabulary lists. Direct Hits is vouched for by many and proven to be most effective, though I personally used Princeton Review's Word Smart I and II cover to cover (perhaps not as efficient as the previously mentioned title). One problem is retention, so what I did was that I made flashcards for every word I didn't know in the book (it came out to about 1000 words). It takes a long time, but it pays off for the SAT, your , your writing, and your life. Only if you really know the words will you be able to confidently answer sentence completions (and consummately schmooze at cocktail parties). For the short passages, it's all about absorbing the small paragraphs as efficiently as you can before going on to answer the questions. They're considerably easier if you keep your mind, and obsessing about the short passages (going back to double or triple check) are a huge time drain. Most of the time, it's a quick fact check paired with a tone question. If you practice a lot on long passages, short passages will be an easy relief for you.
Step 4. Now, onto the long passages. I had loads of trouble with these before I found this method. I am going to give you my step-by-step method of attacking them, which I have found extremely effective, albeit somewhat more time-consuming. Before anything, you MUST the short blurb before the passage. It gives you a sense (though always limited) not only of what the passage is going to be about, but also of the position and possible tone of the author. You will then be able to perhaps place yourself into the author's shoes. This is a good point right now to tell you that you MUST love the passage you are . Force yourself to love it - throw yourself into the passage with gusto. It works. Though it's quite ludicrous to be super-enthusiastic about a boy and his alfafa patch, with your enthusiasm comes retention, heightened focus, and an oddly vicarious interest in the passage. My general mental approach was a huge contributing factor in my getting an 800 in CR and a 2400 on the SAT.
Step 5. After you have that thrilling blurb, don't start the passage yet. Quickly jump to the questions, and as fast as you can, skim every question for line number references (don't the choices or the full question yet). On some passages almost every single question has a line reference - on most others it's about over half. Very rarely will you see a passage with question without any line references (perhaps only rarely on a six question passage). Anyway, once you see a line reference (In lines 23-25 of the passage, the author is saying that...), you should bracket not the lines, but the sentence contained within the lines. This mark-up will allow you to focus in on that sentence once you begin to the passage. Based on the question, you want to make a small annotation. For this question: (In lines 23-25 of the passage, the author is saying that...), you might make the annotation MEANING next to your marked-up sentence. Other annotations might include: SAYS THIS BECAUSE, REFERS TO, HOW SIMILAR TO PASSAGE 1, BACKS UP WHAT BEFORE (think crude caveman notations - they're more efficient). Go through all of the questions. Perhaps some of the references will not have any line numbers. If you see (In the last paragraph...), just put brackets around the last paragraph along with an annotation. If you see a general question referring to the passage as a whole, on the question circle the number of the question with a large circle. This means it's a general question and must be answered AFTER all the specific questions. I find this is always a very comfortable way of attacking the questions based on how CollegeBoard writes these questions.
Step 6. Once you have marked up all the line references as fast as humanly possible, then the real art begins. You must the passage. There is no way around every single word. But HOW you it is the true art. the unmarked sections quickly yet efficiently, absorbing it briefly but not truly pausing to analyze. ONCE you hit a marked section, slow down and absorb it. If you feel that it would not disrupt your flow to answer the corresponding question, do so. If not, keep going a little more. A vast majority of the line reference questions (even complex ones such as inferences) can be answered after
from the beginning to the point of reference. In a few instances, it may help to past the point of reference, but NEVER the whole passage through without pausing to answer questions. Your retention will be terrible and it's much better to handle the passage in small, manageable chunks. Also, when you answer a question, just circle in the answer in the test booklet. DO NOT BUBBLE IN THE ANSWERS UNTIL YOU FINISH THE ENTIRE PAGE, SOMETIMES EVEN THE PASSAGE. This is a huge time saver and it prevents you from making bubbling mistakes. The time saved is not necessarily the time difference in bubbling, but the time saved because it prevented you from breaking your focus. This is very important in CR. Don't break focus. If you're very low on time however, you can bubble as you go.)&
Step 7. Once you have tackled all the line and paragraph references ruthlessly, you should have already finished the entire passage and because you had focused in on the passage in numerous instances, you should also be well-equipped to answer your circled general questions. I always find it's easier to answer these general question at this point, seeing as how you hit up the passage numerous times already along the way. Remember to never choose an answer unless you can truly back it up with evidence from the passage. Even &inferences& do not stray far from the text. If they did, then the &best answer& would be up in the air. Do not be misled by the word &inference& - it's a misnomer. A large number of these can actually be pulled straight from the passage. It's all about the passage - not what you think or have learned thus far in school. Being one with a text and not extracting too much from it is a valuable skill to learn. Don't put words into the author's mouth. Another very helpful thing to remember when viewing the choices is that extreme choices (including the words ALWAYS, NEVER, or BEST) are rarely ever correct because they fall under the hard-to-prove category of generalization within inductive reasoning. Though you've heard this tip many times and it sounds obvious, it is so helpful (yet easy to forget) and you often find yourself internally justifying these kinds of generalizing answers. Just say no (in a ruthless yet eternally positive way).
Step 8. My method of tackling long passages is somewhat time-consuming, but time is something that can be reduced through assiduous practice. This method is so effective in getting the right answer, and I fully vouch for it from personal expereince. What I also did during practice was that I gave myself twenty minutes instead of twenty-five in the standard CR sections, and I rapidly tried to utilize my developed method. It was extremely difficult to meet the twenty-minute deadline at first but I got better and better at it through practice. While time can be addressed easily through practice, a fundamentally bad approach to the passages cannot. You should try out this method if you are having trouble with CR passages - be open. This method was THE contributing factor for my rise from a 500 to an 800 in CR. Thanks, and tell your friends about this article. My CC is Noitaraperp. Good luck!}



