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官方公共微信大作文考研作文模板 1. 基础 -- 核心句写作 重要性说明:核心句写作是考研小作文和大作文的核心部分,也是临场发挥成分最大的部分,所以一定要花时间好好 练习。 A. 小作文一般是应用文,包括各种书信(道歉,投诉,咨询,申请,辞职,感谢,安慰,推荐) ,通知和工作 备忘录。不过考的是上述的哪一种,写作的重点都是要把事由用一句话写清楚,这句话就是我们现在要训 练的核心句写作。 B.
大作文近几年考的都是看图说话, 所以 2006 靠的很可能也是图画文章。 这就要求我们文章第一段学会用一 句话描述清楚图画的内容,这句话也就是我们现在要训练的核心句写作。 C. 即便大作文不考图画作文,也一定是议论文。者也要求我们在第一段能用一句话就说清楚要评论的事物或 现象,这句话也是我们现在要训练的核心句写作。 ____________, 主语,_____________, 谓语 (及物动词后加宾语) ,_________. 具体步骤 步骤 1:看清图画的主要含义,并因此确定 S + V .(或者 S + Vt + n)迅速写出句子。每幅图一句。 :看清图画的主要含义, ( )迅速写出句子。每幅图一句。 此步重点:确定主语,也就是抓住图画中最主要的事物是关键,一般这一事物居于图画正中间) (此步重点:确定主语,也就是抓住图画中最主要的事物是关键,一般这一事物居于图画正中间) 例如 A lamp is flickering. 步骤 2.围绕图片主语列出所有的细节并添加到句子当中,包括: 围绕图片主语列出所有的细节并添加到句子当中,包括: 围绕图片主语列出所有的细节并添加到句子当中 1.找出可以修饰主语的形容词(单个的放在主语前边)A small oil lamp is flickering. 2.找出主语的同位语后加定语从句 (主语后)A small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light , is flickering. 3.找出可以修饰主语的介词短语 (主语后边)A small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering. 4.找出主语发出的其它动作,做成伴随状语,放在主语前做导入 Standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering. 围绕谓语展开细节并添加到句子当中,包括: 步骤 3 围绕谓语展开细节并添加到句子当中,包括: 1.找出可修饰动作的副词,放在谓语后 Standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly. 2.看看动作发生的时间和地点可不可以用介词短语来做, 放谓语及副词的后边, 地点在前, 时间在后 Standing lonely but full of confidence, a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time. 3.看看句子谓语动作造成什么结果或意义没有,如果有,做成后置的伴随状语 Standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it. 4.如果谓语动作没有造成什么结果或意义, 看看有没有其它的主谓结构可以做成独立主或伴随状语, 来把谓语动作 细节化。 如果谓语后有宾语,再按主语扩展模式略作处理(加前后定语,尽量短) 步骤 4 如果谓语后有宾语,再按主语扩展模式略作处理(加前后定语,尽量短) 最终版本:Standing lonely but full of confidence , a small oil lamp , the only object that gives off light in the picture, is flickering quietly in the darkness all the time,bringing brightness to everything around it. (37 字) 大家再看一个例子,进一步熟悉一下以上四个步骤 中外文化的融合图片描述 1. An American girl appears pleasant. 2. A beautiful young American girl appears pleasant. 3. A beautiful young American girl, an international student, appears pleasant. 4. A beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional Chinese costume, appears pleasant. 5. Standing under a tree, a beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional Chinese costume, appears pleasant. 6. Standing under a tree, a beautiful young American girl, an international student who is dressed in traditional Chinese costume, appears obviously pleasant. 总结:通过以上四个步骤,从定主谓入手,通过添加细节, 字左右的好句子作为大作文开头。 总结:通过以上四个步骤,从定主谓入手,通过添加细节,迅速制造出一个 30-40 字左右的好句子作为大作文开头。 在小作文当中,也是利用同样的方法,迅速的说明事由,细节的添加主要以回答下列几个问题为主: 在小作文当中,也是利用同样的方法,迅速的说明事由,细节的添加主要以回答下列几个问题为主:谁(who)在什 ) 么时候( 作了什么事情( 么时候(when)在什么地方(where)出于何种原因(why)通过何种方式 )在什么地方( )出于何种原因( )通过何种方式(how)作了什么事情(what) 作了什么事情 ) 例如:投诉信: 对两条狗进行投诉 例如:投诉信:---对两条狗进行投诉 1. These dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 2. These vicious dogs were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 3. These vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought, were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 4. These vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 5. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have been causing trouble. 6. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since. 7. Last week, these vicious dogs, two German shepherds which were bought by my neighbor three weeks ago, were abandoned and have been causing trouble in our neighborhood ever since, barking day and night, leaving waste everywhere, and even attacking both residents and passers-by. (44 字) 下面,请大家按照刚才讲述的步骤练习写下面的句子,这是作文成功的关键,最后冲刺的几天,请一定多练 1. 起点就是终点 (提示:主语是男孩,谓语是跑向终点) 2. 温室的花朵第一幅 (提示:主语是花朵,谓语是挺立) 3. 温室的花朵第二幅 (提示:主语还是花朵,谓语是变得虚弱) 4. 把上两句话用 -------------, while ----------- 的模式连成一句 5. 商业捕鱼 (提示:前半句:主语是鱼,谓语是游泳 后半句:主语还是鱼,谓语是存活。两句中间用 while 连 接) 6. 母鸡承诺 (提示:主语是母鸡,谓语是举着,宾语是牌子) 7. 道歉 (提示:主语是我,谓语是我当时做的事) 8. 咨询 (提示:主语是我,谓语是想知道,宾语是要了解的问题) 9. 辞职 (提示:主语是我,谓语是辞职) 10. 感谢 (提示:主语是你,谓语是你做过的事) 11. 安慰 (although 你做了不好的事,你要看到好的方面) 12. 推荐 (被推荐的人作主语,主要成就作谓语) 13. 通知 ( 14. 工作备忘录 15. 申请 16. 投诉 2. 小作文模板 联系完核心句写作,小作文的模板就出来了A.书信 Dear…. (第 1 句) am …….and am writing to apologize for../ inquire../ inform you of my decision / express I my gratitude to you for…/ express my sympathy for…/ recommend …/ apply for…/complain about….. B.通知(第 1 句)核心句 (第 2 句)Your presence (或 attendance) is cordially requested and your criticism sincerely solicited.C.邀请函 (第 1 句)核心句 邀请人 requests the pleasure of the presence (或 company) of 被邀请人 at the dinner(具体场合) (第 2 句) R.S.V.P.(敬请回复)即可3. 大作文模板 (一)开头段落: 大作文根据图画的内容分成两种:比喻意义的图画和实际意义的图画。在描述时略有不同: 实际意义的图画(如:商业捕鱼,赡养老人。) 。: 文章第 1 段 :核心句 (一句写清楚图画内容) 文章第 2 段:直接进行讨论(写作方法下面再谈) 。 比喻意义的图画(如:母鸡,花朵,跑步的小孩,小灯。) 。 文章第 1 段 :核心句 (一句写清楚图画内容) 文章第 2 段: 先用下边的句子指出图画比喻义再进行讨论(写作方法下面再谈) 。 A (比喻义)is just like B (图画中的形象)depicted in the picture above. 比喻义) 图画中的形象) 例如:True love is just like the lamp depicted in the picture above. Some profiteers are just like the hen depicted in the picture above. The truly successful people are just like the running boy depicted in the picture above. (二)第二段 讨论方法: 迅速分析图画的含义,然后确定这个含义是好事还是坏事。确定好之后就可以选择逻辑行进模式了。 坏事: 指出坏事所 在的范畴 好事: 指出好事 指出好事 在受关注 说出好事 的作用 (两 句) 指出没有 它的后果 (一句) 以个人为例, 重申 没有它的后果 指出具体 坏的做法 分析根源 (两句) 指出后果 (两句) 用假设的方法提 出一个解决方案具体操作 坏事: 指出坏事所 在的范畴指出具体 坏的做法分析根源 (两句)指出后果 (两句)用假设的方法提 出一个解决方案下面的演示中,每一部分上边的是大家必须背会的模板,下边的是以 2005 考研作文为例作的示范。指出坏事所 在的范畴It is universally held that sth (写上最宽泛的主题 one of the key words of our modern time. 写上最宽泛的主题)is 写上最宽泛的主题 It is universally held that ageing is one of the key words of our modern time.指出具体 坏的做法Unfortunately, however, when considering this key concept, a growing number of sb. have neglected ……., a serious problem which is presented in the picture and which is viewed with growing concern nationwide(worldwide). Unfortunately, however, when considering this key concept, a growing number of people have neglected a respect and care for their elders, a serious problem which is presented in the picture and which is viewed with growing concern nationwide.分 析 根 源 (第一句)Needless to say, sth is an important factor in contributing to this social problem. Needless to say, some certain weaknesses in our education of the children are an important factor in contributing to this social problem.分 析 根 源 (第二句)What is so-called sth in most ones’ eyes is not A, but B. What is so-called child education in most parents’ eyes is not a balanced development of all the child’s nature including attainment of mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well-being, but of a high IQ combined with a physically healthy body.指出后果 (第一句)Due to this reason, sb may do sth, but they never do sth. Due to this reason, the children may be taught enough knowledge, but they are never sufficiently taught what moral value they should have.指出后果 (第二句)They may do sth, but they never do sth. They may receive ample love from their parents, but they never learn to pay it back when their parents are old.用假设的方法提 出一个解决方案If sb were fully awake to this consequence and realized that sth are not all about sth’, they would lay more stress on sth, and therefore would not do sth. If parents were fully awake to this consequence and realized that knowledge and intelligence are not all about child education, they would lay more stress on their children’s emotional development, and therefore would not be so ill-treated by their children when they grow old.要求:熟背此模板,并将其应用到下面的文章当中,一定要多写几篇,才能灵活掌握 1. 商业捕鱼 (提示:发展是好的,可是有些人在追求利益的同时却忽视了环境保护的重要性) 2. 温室的花朵 (提示:教育是好的,可是有些父母在教育孩子的时候只注意提供好的环境,却忽视了孩子能力培养) 3. 商家的承诺 (提示:承诺是好的,可是有些商人夸大本是自己份内职责的事情去追求利益的同时,却忽视了承诺 的真正含义) 好事: 指出好事 指出好事 在受关注 说出好事 的作用 (两 句) 指出没有 它的后果 (一句) 以个人为例, 重申 没有它的后果下面的演示中,每一部分上边的是大家必须背会的模板,下边的是以“爱是一盏灯”为例作的示范。指出好事It is universally held that sth (写上最宽泛的主题 one of the key words of our modern time. 写上最宽泛的主题)is 写上最宽泛的主题 It is universally held that love is one of the key words of our modern time.指出好事 在受关注And fortunately, this significance of this important concept is becoming appreciated by a growing number of people in our society, enlightening those in the dark and pointing forward to a brighter future of the mankind. And fortunately, this significance of this important concept is becoming appreciated by a growing number of people in our society, enlightening those in the dark and pointing forward to a brighter future of the mankind.说出好事的作 用(第一句)It is the consciousness of sth that …; It is the consciousness of love that makes us reach our hands and pull those in need out of difficulty.说出好事的作用 (第二句)it is also sth that … it is also love that helps us realize that this world is a harmonious whole, requiring all who live in it to work together, laugh together and even suffer together.指出没有它的 后果Without this necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society, nothing could ever be achieved and everything will be in a chaos. Without this necessary habit in all public affairs of a civilized society, nothing could ever be achieved and everything will be in a chaos.Therefore, a person with no idea of love, most people believe, is an unfortunate failure in the 21centry, deprived of one of the most valuable intrinsic qualities they should possess. Therefore, a person with no idea of love, most people believe, is an unfortunate failure in the 21centry, deprived of one of the most valuable intrinsic qualities they should possess.以个人为例, 重申 没有它的后果要求:熟背此模板,并将其应用到下面的文章当中,一定要多写几篇,才能灵活掌握 1. 终点就是起点 (提示,人们追求更好的想法是人类进步的巨大推动)(三)第三段 写作模板 提解决方案, 分个人和社会两句来写 坏事 Once convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this issue, sb should seek to dispel their misunderstanding and put the cultivation of a more rational attitude on the agenda of priority. Once convinced of the seriousness and urgency of this issue, sb should seek to dispel their misunderstanding and put the cultivation of a more rational attitude on the agenda of priority.个人社会In addition to the effort on the part of the individual, concerned should also assume their own responsibility, them into force. In addition to the effort on the part of the individual, concerned should also assume their own responsibility, them into force.the government and departments pass relevant regulations and put the government and departments pass relevant regulations and put好事 Realizing the important role played by…….in our life, we should seek to fully appreciate its true meaning and put the cultivation of a good habit / attitude on the agenda of priority. Realizing the important role played by love in our life, we should seek to fully appreciate its true meaning and put the cultivation of a good habit / attitude on the agenda of priority.个人社会In addition, the government and departments concerned, once convinced of the benefit tha sth brings, should assume their own responsibilities and take necessary measures to foster this underlying current. In addition, the government and departments concerned, once convinced of the benefit tha sth brings, should assume their own responsibilities and take necessary measures to foster this underlying current.结束语:本方案提出的大作文模板只有两套,希望能尽量较少大家的准备难度。请大家自己整理好这两套方案,熟练 背诵,然后要大量实践,至少写上十篇模拟题,争取一个主题写一篇。有什么问题,请抓紧联系我。时间仓促,我已 经尽了最大努力,下边的一步就靠大家自己啦!祝大家成功。 李辉小作文 第一部分 书信模板 一.称呼和结束语 1.称呼:Dear sir/Madam/ Mr wang / Ruo ping 2.结束语:Yours sincerely,Li Ming 二.投诉、抱怨信 投诉、 1.首段:①I am sorry to tell you that there should be cause to complain about … .This is rather annoying me. ②I would like to draw you attention to something you have obviously failed to notice . 2.主体段:To improve the situation / solve the above problem,it is admirable for you to take the following measures . 3.尾段:①I hope that the above situation will be improved as soon as possible . ②It would be very grateful if you could look into the matter as soon as possible . And I am looking forward to an early reply. 三.咨询、申请信 咨询、 1.模板一: I am a graduate from Peking University, China and planning to apply for admission to your college. So I am writing to ask for some necessary information. I have had a bachelor’s degree in computer science and wish to further my studies in the computer science department in your university to gain a Mastor’s degree. So would you please tell me something about your university, such as the tuition and scholarship, and send me an application form and other materials necessary for my application ? I will appreciate it very much if you can give me a reply. 2.模板二: In reply to you advertisement in …. I beg to apply for the post of … in your company . Born in … in … . I graduated from … university majoring in … I have been working in … since my graduation , and I have therefore attained a fair knowledge and experience in this field . It seems to me that this experience , together with my education , has given me ideal preparation to assume the role of … in a firm such as yours . I hope I may be granted an interview, when I can explain my qualifications more fully. 四.建议信 1. 首段: am writing to you to present what I think on the further improvement of … . ①I ②You have asked me for some advice on how to improve … . I will try to give some useful suggestions / I would like to make a recommendation that … . 2.尾段:①Please take good consideration of my advice . Thanks. ②I hope that my suggestions are helpful for your decision-making anyway . 五.介绍、说明信 介绍、 1.模板一: May I introduce … to you , the bearer of this letter . I shall be very happy if you can assist … in any way . Thank you very much for your help. 2.模板二 I am writing to report the loss of my passport and to request a new one. I would be grateful if you could tell me what documents I need to send you in order to be issued a new passport. I must apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to hearing from you. (Thank you again for your time on this matter.) 六.邀请信 1.模板一: Will you give the pleasure to come and join us for … at … on Sunday ,February 1st at eight o’clock ? We should be very pleased if you could honor us with your company. 2.模板二: We should be very grateful if you could give a lecture on … to … in … on … . We are looking forward eagerly to the opportunity to benefit from your experience and wisdom. 七.感谢信 On behalf of … I am writing to express my gratitude for … . ……. …… . I really appreciate … . Thanks again. 八.道歉信 I would like to express my apology that … . ……. I am sorry again for the inconvenience. 九.祝贺信 It was a pleasure to … . I really think that you deserve … . May you have a good health, happiness and outstanding success in all your life.推荐背诵的范文三、书信类应用文: 书信类应用文: 1. 倡议信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之一 倡议信: Directions: Hospitals throughout China are faced with blood shortage and a great many patients’ lives, therefore, are threatened. Write a proposal letter to 1) concern for the problem 2) call on them to be blood donors Dear Schoolmates, A severe shortage of blood is afflicting China’s hospitals and numerous blood banks have reported dangerously low supplies. Because of recent acute blood shortage, many vital operations have to be postponed, which reduces a large number of patients to bleak despair. What can we do to relieve the blood shortage and save these pitiful patients? The best solution should be rolling up our sleeves to donate blood. Being a blood donor won’t harm our own health, so I hope all of us can actively and voluntarily participate in blood donation. 1、 亲爱的同学们: 严峻的血荒正侵扰着中国的医院,大量血站报道了危险的低库存。因为最近严重的血荒,许多救命 的手术不得不推迟,让很多病人陷入深深的绝望。 我们能做什么改善血荒救这些可怜的病人呢?最好的解决办法是挽起我们的袖筒献血。作为献血者 不会影响我们自己的健康,所以我希望大家能积极自愿的加入献血。 诚挚的, 李明 Yours sincerely, Li Ming 2.感谢信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之二 感谢信: 感谢信 Directions: After being involved in an accident, you were looked after by Mr. Shakespeare. Write a special letter to express your thanks. Dear Mr. Shakespeare, I am writing to express my heartfelt gratitude. I am referring to that unfortunate accident the other day, when I was knocked off my bike by a taxi. If it had not been for your timely assistance in giving me first aid, I fear that the consequences might have been much serious. Everyone agrees that it was your quick-witted response in that emergency that has led to this satisfactory outcome. Although nowadays people in mounting numbers talk about the need to be unselfish, we see very few people practice what they preach. If there were more people like you, this world would be a much nicer place. (107 words) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 2、 尊敬的莎士比亚先生: 我写信是为了表达我衷心的感谢。我指的是那天我被一辆出租车从自行车上撞下来的不幸事件。 如果没有您给予我的第一手的及时帮助的话,恐怕后果会更严重。大家都认为正是您在那个紧急事 件中的快速反应才导致了满意的后果。 尽管现在越来越多的人谈论到大公无私的必要性,但是我们看到很少有人言行一致。如果有更多人 像您的话,世界会更加美好。 您真诚的, 李明3、投诉信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之三 投诉信: 投诉信 Directions: Write to the head of a train, and complain about its bad services. Dear Sir or Madam, As a regular passenger of your train, I am completely disappointed to find that the service you provide is far from satisfactory. Therefore, I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the matter in the hope that the present situation will be much improved. As we all know, punctuality is essential to the railway service. However, the train is delayed from time to time, which brings me much trouble and inconvenience. Worst of all is the bad manners of your stewards and stewardesses. From their services, we can not understand the saying: “The customers are the god.” I believe you will take this matter into serious consideration and give a satisfactory reply as soon as possible. At the same time, I sincerely hope that you will review your management system. I would be glad to see improvements in your railway service. (143 words) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 3、 尊敬的先生或女士: 作为贵列车的一位常客,我完全失望地发现您提供的服务远远不能令人满意。因此,我写这封信希 望引起您对这一问题的关注,期待您能极大改进现状。 众所周知,准时对于铁路服务非常重要。然而,这趟列车经常晚点,给我带来很大的麻烦和不便。 最难以忍受的是贵列车男女乘务员糟糕的态度。从他们的服务中,我们很难体会到:“顾客就是上帝”。 我相信您会认真考虑这个问题,并尽快给出满意的答复。同时,我真诚地希望您能改善管理系统。 我很高兴看到您列车服务的改进。 您真诚的, 李明邀请信: 4.邀请信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之四 邀请信 Directions: Write a letter to Professor Schipper, a world famous professor majoring in Chinese philosophy and religious studies, and invite him to participate in a conference to be held in your university. Dear Professor Schipper, I am very pleased to inform you that Beijing University is organizing an academic conference entitled “Sino-US Conference on Philosophy and Religious Studies” on December 8-9 in Beijing. You are cordially invited to participate in this important Chinese academic event to be our guest speaker. You will be welcome to participate fully in the activities of the conference, including workshops, seminars, and other recreational activities. Your round trip air ticket, accommodation and meal expenses will be subsidized. We look forward to seeing you in this conference and to having you as a significant part of this event. If you accept this invitation, please advise us of your date of arrival, so that we can make necessary arrangements. (118 words) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 4、 尊敬的施舟人教授: 我很荣幸地通知您北京大学将在 12 月 8 至 9 日在北京举办一个名为:中美哲学宗教学大会”的学术 会议。 我们诚挚地邀请您参加这次重要的中国学术会议并作为我们的客座发言人。我们将欢迎您全程参与 大会的各项活动,包括讨论会、研讨会和其他娱乐活动。我们将负担您的往返机票与食宿费用。 我们期待着您参与会议并作为本次会议的重要一员。如果您接受邀请,请告知到达日期,以便我们 进行必要的安排。 您真诚的, 李明求职信: 5.求职信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之五 求职信 Directions: Write to a company, and apply for a post advertised in a newspaper. Dear Sir or Madam, I have read your advertisement in China Daily on 9 December for the post of Accountant, and would be grateful if you could consider me favorably as an applicant for the position. My professional training and experience all contribute to my qualifications for the job. I graduate from the Department of Accounting in Guanghua Management School of Beijing University in 2010. You will note from my enclosed resume that I was awarded First-prize scholarship four times for my outstanding academic performance. After graduation, I worked as an accountant in Beijing New Oriental Education and Technology Group. I hope that such working experience can be taken into favorable consideration. I have enclosed a resume for your reference. I would like to extend my heartfelt appreciation if you could let me know the result of my application in due course. (138 words) Sincerely yours, Li Ming 5、 尊敬的先生或女士: 我在 12 月 9 日的中国日报上看到您对于会计职位的招聘。 并且非常感谢您能好心考虑我作为该职位 的申请人。 我的教育背景和经历都使我非常胜任该职位。2010 年我毕业于北京大学光华管理学院会计系。从我 附上的简历中,您会看到由于出色的学习成绩,我曾四次获得一等奖学金。毕业后,我在北京新东方教 育科技集团担任会计。我希望您能好心考虑我的工作经历。 我附上了一份简历供您参考。如果您能让我适时知道申请结果,我将衷心感谢。 您真诚的, 张伟6.祝贺信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之六 祝贺信: 祝贺信 Directions: After the Wenchuan earthquake, construction of 16 schools and kindergartens has been finished there and more than 14,000 students will study in the newly completed schools. Write a letter to those students to 1) congratulate them on their newly-built schools 2) express your best wishes for them Dear Students, It is a great pleasure to send my congratulations to you on the brand-new and well-equipped school building. The school rebuilding project has been finished in less than one year with the love and donation from all social circles as well as the concern and support from both the centre and local governments. What a miracle it is! Those spacious classrooms and advanced multimedia equipments will make your study environment more comfortable and facilitate your learning process. I wish that you could treasure the excellent conditions and make the best use of them. With the knowledge and skills you are going to learn, one day you all can offer significant contributions to our country! (114 words) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 6、 亲爱的同学们: 对你们崭新而设备优良的教学楼,我非常高兴地致以祝贺。在来自社会各界的爱心和捐助下,以及 中央和地方政府的支持和关注下,学校的重建工作在不到一年的时间里就完成了。这真是一个奇迹啊! 那些宽敞的教室和先进的多媒体设备将使你们的学习环境更加舒适,也有助于你们的学习过程。 我希望你们能珍惜这些优秀的条件,并充分利用它们。将来你们就可以用所学的知识为我们的祖国 做出重要的贡献! 真诚的, 李明7.求学信:冲刺班二十大必背范文之七 求学信: 求学信 Directions: You want to study at a certain foreign university. Write a letter to 1) ask about the situation there as regards accommodation and fees, 2) possible scholarships, and 3) what qualifications one needs for acceptance Dear Sir or Madam, I am a Chinese student who wishes to apply for admission into your prestigious university. My plan is to start my course next term, and I would be grateful if you would be kind enough to provide me with certain essential information. First, what qualifications do I need to follow a course of study at your university? I already have a bachelor’s degree from Beijing Foreign Studies University, but I wonder if there are any further academic requirements. Second, how much are the tuition fees? Although I intend to be self-supporting, I would be interested to hear if there are any scholarships available for international students. Third, what is the situation as regards accommodation? I look forward to your reply, and to attending your esteemed institution. (126 words) Yours sincerely, Li Ming 7、 尊敬的先生或女士: 我是一名中国学生,希望向您这所著名大学申请入学。我计划下学期开始我的课程,如果您能好心 提供一些基本信息,我将非常感谢。 首先,我在您的大学听课需要什么条件?我已经从北京外国语大学获得学士学位,但我想知道是否 有进一步的学术要求。其次,学费是多少?尽管我打算自费,但我想了解一下是否国外学生可以获得奖 学金。最后,住宿情况怎么样? 我期待着您的答复,并且希望进入您这所著名大学。 您真诚的, 李明8.备忘录 报告: 备忘录/报告 备忘录 报告: Directions: You are the president of a company. Write a memo to George Gordon Byron, the vice-president on the employee’s training on computer, telling him the need to train the employees, detailed information, and ask him to write a plan. Date:January 7, 2012 : To:George Gordon Byron, Vice President : From:Li Ming, President : : Subject:Computer Training of the Staff As we discussed earlier this week, I agree with you that our firm is faced up with problem of the high rate of computer illiteracy of the staff. We need to make up a plan for training our employees in the new field. I would like you to design our own in-house computer-training program. We had better classify the employees and put them through the program in turn. Write up a brief proposal, describing what you think the program should cover. Assume the class runs four hours a week for ten weeks. Also, assume people have no prior computer knowledge or any formal course work in computer science.8、 日期:2012 年 1 月 7 日 致:乔治·戈登·拜伦,副总裁 自:李明,总裁 主题:员工计算机培训 正如我们本周早期讨论的那样,我同意你的看法:我们公司正在面临员工高比率电脑盲的问题。我 们需要制定一个计划,在这个新的领域培训员工。 我想让你制定我们自己的内部计算机培训计划。我们最好把员工分类,让他们轮流参加这个项目。 写一个简要的计划,涵盖你认为这个项目需要包括的内容。假定培训为十周,每周四小时。同时假 定员工在计算机方面没有任何预先的知识或没有参加过正式课程。 四、摘要: 摘要: (1)中文摘要 经济全球化的主要原因 20 世纪 50 年代初以来,经济全球化获得迅猛发展。一些原因促成了这种发展。首先,通过提供物 质基础和技术手段,科技进步提供了技术基础。同时,全球盛行的市场经济体制为这种全球化奠定了坚 实的物质基础。其他原因包括跨国公司在微观经济领域的支持和推动作用,以及世界贸易组织、国际货 币基金组织和世界银行等国际经济组织在国际贸易和金融领域所发挥的不断增强的协调与规范作用。(2)参考范文:冲刺班二十大必背范文之八 参考范文: Fundamental Causes of Economic Globalization Economic globalization has been progressing rapidly since the beginning of the 1950s. Several factors have contributed to such development. Firstly, advancements in science and technology have offered a technical foundation by providing the material basis and the technical means. Meanwhile, a solid economic foundation for such a globalization has been laid by the market economy which is prevailing over the world. Other factors include the pillaring and propelling role of multinationals in micro-economic operations, the ever growing coordinating and controlling power and function exercised by such international economic organizations as WTO, IMF and WB in the international trade and finance.(100 words) 2.摘要万能框架: 1)总论:填中心词 (1)In the first paragraph of the dissertation, the author highlights that due attention has to be paid to ….在本 文的第一段,作者强调我们必须充分重视······。 (2)In the beginning of the essay, the writer clings to the idea that we should attach utmost significance to the issue of …. 在本文开头,作者坚持认为我们应该充分重视······这一问题。 (3)To begin with, the purpose of the writer is to show us that …is of great significance, yet the thought-provoking implications conveyed should be taken more carefully. 首先,作者的目的是告诉······非常重要,然而我们应该认真对待所传达的发人深思的含义。 (4)From the dissertation, the writer wants to convey such a message: utmost importance should be attached to …. 从这篇文章中,作者想要表达这一信息:我们应该充分重视······。 (5)Currently, there is a widespread concern regarding the previously neglected issue of …. 目前,人们开始广泛关注之前被忽视的······这一问题。 2)承上启下: ( 1 ) There are many/different/several main/primary/fundamental reasons/causes/factors for thissignificant/vital/crucial issue. 这个重要问题有几个主要原因。 (2)It is no simple job to give the reason for this deep-seated tendency which involves several causes. 这一深 刻的趋势涉及诸多因素,找到个中原因并非易事。 (3)It is no easy task to find the reason for this complicated phenomenon which involves many factors. 这个 复杂的现象涉及很多因素,找到个中原因并非易事。 (4)Some driving factors that contribute to the above-mentioned issue may be summarized as follows. 促成上述问题的一些主要原因可以概括如下。 (5)There are a great many primary reasons responsible for the aforementioned tendency. 很多主要原因造成了上述趋势。 3)分论点一: (1)On the one hand, among the most convincing causes identified by people, one should be stressed, that is …. 一方面,在被人们确定的最有力的原因中,一点原因应该得到重视,那就是······。 (2) one thing, the past several decades have witnessed a thought-provoking social phenomenon that … has For been arising from all over the world. 一方面,过去几十年目睹了一个发人深思的社会现象:······在世界各地出现。 (3)In the first place, as is demonstrated in the essay, … enjoys a striking popularity around the globe. 面,正如文中所示,······在全球非常流行。 (4)To begin with, a clear correlation is suggested that … has exerted tremendously profound influence on the development of our society. 首先,我们可以清楚地看出:······对我们社会的发展产生了非常深远的影响。 一方 (5)Above all, we may look into every possible reason except the leading cause, which is …. 首先,我们可以研究每个可能的原因,而最主要原因就是······。 4)分论点二: (1)On the other hand, the dissertation also subtly reflects the social phenomenon that … is prevalent nowadays. 另一方面,本文也敏锐揭示了这一社会现象:······在当今也很盛行。 (2) another, as far as the author is concerned, … is of utmost importance to both our society and ourselves. For 另一方面,作者认为······对我们社会和我们自己都意义重大。 (3) In the second place, the author illustrates the deep-rooted reason by stressing the fact that … is also essential to the development of our society. 另一方面,作者通过强调······对我们社会发展非常重要这一事实,阐明了深入的原因。 (4)In addition, it is imperative for us to cultivate the awareness of … in our society. 其次,我们急需培养社会中的······意识。 (5)Furthermore, some find it quite understandable when considering the fact that importance should be attached to …. 其次,人们发现当考虑到我们应该重视······这一事实时,情况不言自明。 5)小结:填中心词 (1)To sum up, it is apparent that the writer aims at reminding us of the significance of … in our society. 而言之,显而易见作者旨在提醒我们······在我们社会中的意义。 (2) Given all the above argument, we can draw the conclusion that … is indeed crucial. 综合上述所有论证,我们可以得出结论:······确实重要。 (3)With due consideration of the analysis above, we may draw a conclusion that … really counts in this society. 充分考虑到上述分析,我们可以得出结论:······在当今社会确实重要。 简(4)From what has been discussed so far, it is obvious that … is of great concern in our life. 根据上述讨论,显而易见······在我们的生活中值得充分关注。 (5)By analyzing these factors illustrated in the essay, we may draw the conclusion that importance should be attached to …. 通过分析文中阐明的这些原因,我们可以得出结论:我们应该充分重视······。 五、告示类应用文: 告示类应用文: 1.比赛通告:冲刺班二十大必背范文之九 比赛通告: 比赛通告 Directions: The Students’ Union of your department is planning a Chinese Speaking Contest. Write an announcement which covers the following information: 1) the purpose of the contest, 2) time and place of the contest, 3) what is required of the candidates, 4) details of the judges and awards. You should write about 100 words. Do not sign your own name at the end of the letter. Use Department of Chinese Language and Literature at the end of the announcement. Chinese-Speaking Contest January 7, 2012 To improve students’ ability to speak Chinese and enrich after-class activities, the Students’ Union of Department of Chinese Language and Literature is organizing a school-wide Chinese-speaking contest to be held on Saturday next week (14 January) at the Students’ Auditorium. Those who are interested in taking part in it may sign up with the monitor of their classes before Tuesday next week. Five professors will be invited to be judges. The first six winners will be given awards. Everybody is welcome to be present at the contest. The Students’ Union Department of Chinese Language and Literature 2、招新启事:冲刺班二十大必背范文之十 招新启事: 招新启事 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an announcement to welcome students to join to a club. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 本社团的主要活动内容 2. 参加本社团的好处 3. 如何加入本社团Welcome to English Club January 7, 2012 Welcome to English Club! It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills. You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions, watching Oscar-winning movies, and so on. These after-class activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers. You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via . The deadline for entries is January 22. Come on, join us now! (127 words) English Club 参考译文 1、 中文演讲比赛 2012 年 1 月 7 日 为提高同学们中文演讲的能力并丰富课外活动,中文系学生会将于下周六(1 月 14 日)在学生大礼 堂组织全校中文演讲比赛。有兴趣参加的同学请于下周二之前在本班班长处报名。我们将邀请五位教授 担任评委,并将给前六名获奖者者颁奖。欢迎大家积极参加。 中文系学生会 2 欢迎加入英语俱乐部 2012 年 1 月 7 日 欢迎加入英语俱乐部!它能成为一个平台,展示你卓越的才能,并帮助你开发众多技能。 你可以参加各种各样的活动,包括表演音乐剧、进行小组讨论,观看奥斯卡获奖影片等等。这些课 外活动能为你提供丰富的机会。首先,你的积极参与有助于培养责任感与开发人际关系。其次,我们组 织的种类繁多的活动能提高你的英语熟练程度。良好的英语水平使你比其他人享有明显的竞争优势。 你可以向我们的行政办公室提交书面申请或通过
发送电子邮件。报名截止日 期是 1 月 14 日。快来加入我们吧! 英语俱乐部七、大作文: 大作文:1.伦理道德:冲刺班二十大必背范文之十一 伦理道德: 伦理道德 In the picture above is an old man tumbled on the road accidentally. Unfortunately, a great many passers-by are hesitant about giving the old man a hand. Seeing that, nobody would like to be responsible for the accident. The above picture reminds me of the recent heated discussion about whether to assist the senior citizens who are suddenly sick or injured. Such discussion is a shame for the society, for helping people in distress should be considered as the basic social morality and traditional virtue. Unfortunately, the debate indeed broke out after several help-givers were successively reported to be falsely identified as offenders and sentenced to pay economic compensation. Due to those cases, people worry that the assistance recipients, especially aged people with poor judgment, may fail to tell right from wrong and helping them will probably incur troubles. This thought halts people’s attempt to help and has indirectly murdered some aged people. Several months ago, an old man died after falling because nobody dared to offer assistance. Such tragedy should never recur. To achieve it, firstly, helping aged people in need should be advocated. More importantly, efforts should be made to protect the benefits of those who provide help. Only in these ways, can we be sure that, on one hand, the elderly receive timely aid and on the other hand, warm-hearted people never suffer from loss. After all, just as Ernest Hemingway, the great American writer said, “I know only that what is moral is what you feel good after and what is immoral is what you feel bad after”. (272 words) 2、图表作文:经济问题, 、图表作文:经济问题, 2011 年英语(二)真题,冲刺班二十大必背范文之十二 年英语( 真题, Directions: Write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing, you should 1) interpret the chart and 2) give your comments. You should write at least 150 words. Write your essay on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) (从左至右:国产品牌、日系品牌、美系品牌) The chart above demonstrates clearly that some changes have taken place in terms of the car market of China. Based upon the data of the chart, one can see that the percentage of domestic cars has been on a rise, while the sales percentage of cars made in Japan has witnessed been on a decline. In the year of 2008, the percentage of cars made in China was nearly 25%, while within no more than a year, it went up to nearly 33%. The percentage of cars made in Japan was 35%, while it went down to 25% in 2009. It’s no difficulty for us to come up with some possible factors to account for this trend. At the top of the list, with the rapid development of our economy and society, more and more people prefer civil products to foreign ones. It’s reported that, approximately 55% of families in Chinese big cities are found cars made in China. In addition, we must admit that the government appeals to us to support our native industries. Last but not the least, the fact cannot be ignored that, the cars made in China are increasingly qualified. Taking into account what has been argued, we can come to the conclusion that this established trend is positive and therefore acceptable. And I am firmly certain that this trend will continue in the years to come. (232 words) 4.青年面对社会(自立)/两代关系:2003 年真题,二十大必背范文之十四 青年面对社会( 两代关系: 年真题, 青年面对社会 自立) 两代关系 Directions: Study the following pictures carefully and write an essay about 200 words based on the following 1. describe the set of drawings and interpret its meaning 2. point out its implications in our life. The set of drawings above vividly depict the destiny of a flower in different circumstances. As is shown in the first cartoon, the flower is placed in a comfortable greenhouse that shelters it from the threatening lightning and storm. With proper temperature, moisture and fertilizer, the flower is growing in full bloom. On the contrary, when removed from the greenhouse and exposed to the driving rain, the flower soon fades and withers, with the petals scattered on the ground. To begin with, the purpose of the drawings is to show us that the flower growing in the green house cannot withstand the test of the storm, yet the symbolic meanings subtly conveyed should be taken more seriously. The delicate flower is naturally associated with young people, to be specific, the only children in the greenhouse epitomizes parents’ doting care and abundant material supplies that can shield the children from the storms, or the harsh reality. Once the young people begin to seek independence and accept challenges from the real world, they are found too spoiled to be strong enough in the face of difficulties. Accordingly, it is vital for us to derive positive implications from these thought-provoking drawings. On the one hand, we can frequently use them to enlighten the youth to be more independent in life. On the other hand, parents should be sensible enough to give their children more freedom to deal with troubles and problems. Only by undergoing more challenges and toils in adversity can young people cultivate strong personality and ability, and only in this way can they become winners in this competitive world. (271 words) 5.青年面对社会(合作) 青年面对社会(合作) :2008 年真题,冲刺班二十大必背范文之十五 年真题, 青年面对社会 : Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. You should write neatly on Answer Sheet 2. As is vividly depicted in the picture, two disabled men are running fast through teamwork although each of them has only one leg. Obviously, it is teamwork that makes it possible for them to go anywhere they want to. Simple as it is, what the picture conveys to us is thought-provoking. With the development of economy and society, competition is increasingly fierce. It is impossible for anyone to finish a work all by himself. Hence, people in mounting numbers put great emphasis on teamwork. In fact, it has been universally acknowledged that the ability of teamwork is the most essential qualification that anyone who wants to achieve success should possess. Accordingly, it is imperative for us to take some measures to enhance the sense of teamwork in our society. We should bear in mind that teamwork is of great significance to both our society and ourselves. Every one should have the ability of teamwork. Only in this way can we achieve success and only in this way can our society become more harmonious to live in. 6.流行文化(网络) 流行文化(网络) :2009 年真题,冲刺班二十大必背范文之十六 年真题, 流行文化 : Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. As is symbolically illustrated in the cartoon, a large number of people are surfing on line within a stretching spider web, either to entertain themselves or to meet the work's needs. Unfortunately, it seems rather ironic to present people separated from each other by the spider web when they attempt to communicate. Undoubtedly, the spider web serves as a symbol of Internet, both connecting people and isolating them from each other. The metaphorical and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the duality of the relationship between man and Internet. On the one hand, there is no denying that Internet is currently one of the most efficient media used for interpersonal communication. As a college student, I get on line every day to discuss news with other people on BBS, to study English by registering for web courses, to chat freely through MSN Messenger with my friends. But on the other hand, a good many people admit that they are too much addicted to Internet to maintain face-to-face contact with their friends and colleagues. Once indulged in the fictitious world, people feel reluctant to approach others and to concentrate on real life. That's why some people have lost the skill of direct contact and get alienated from others. Hence, it is necessary for us to use Internet in a reasonable way and restrain from overindulgence. After all, Internet is invented to connect you and me, and to bring conveniences to our life rather than set a barrier to keep people beyond reach. (249words) 7.文化问题:2010 年真题,冲刺班二十大必背范文之十七 文化问题: 年真题, 文化问题 Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. As is symbolically illustrated in the portrayal, there is a boiling hot pot containing various ingredients of multi-cultures. These pluralistic cultures can be categorized as celebrities home and abroad as Bi Sheng, Lao She, Shakespeare and Einstein, philosophical concepts as Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Goodness, ritual, humanism, Enlightenment, post-modernism and deconstruction, as well as performing arts as Beijing Opera, Gong Fu, Liang Zhu and Swan Lake. We are informed that the cultural “hot pot” is both delicious and nutritious. The purpose of the cartoonist is to show us that instead of being outdated and of little value in a rapidly modernizing world, cultural blending should be encouraged and maintained. On the one hand, mosaic cultures are part of the universal heritage of humanity and they are powerful means of bringing together diverse peoples and social groups. Consequently, cultural integration has become indispensable as a means of promoting further cultural development and maintenance. On the other hand, for China, as for any other rapidly developing country, there is a danger that age-old customs and traditions may become lost in the shadows of modernization. If Gong Fu, Beijing Opera or Swan Lake Ballet ever perished from the earth, it would be a tragedy of immeasurable proportions. In my view, multi-cultures can be kept alive by the people with the time to do so, and is extremely vital in ensuring a community’s future development and prosperity. As a consequence of successful commercialization efforts, unwavering government support and growing interests overseas, the future of cultural blending looks brighter and more secure than ever before. (254 words) 8. 职业道德(食品安全) 冲刺班二十大必背范文之十八 职业道德(食品安全) 冲刺班二十大必背范文之十八 :冲刺班二十大必背范文之 : Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. Recently, the problem of food safety has received increasing concern all over the country. In the portrayal presented to us, a large number of people are staring at all kinds of food safety problems, for instance, melamine in baby formula, Sudan Red in KFC, poisonous color, cancer-causing chemicals, and so on. To sum up, food safety is facing unprecedented great challenges. Food safety refers to that food shall be non-toxic and harmless, conforms to proper nutritive requirements and causes no harm to human health. It is a complex issue owing to a good many fundamental causes: the first and most crucial factor is that a large number of industrial raw materials are directly used in food production. Taking Sanlu powdered milk for instance, the producers use industrial material melamine to improve protein content in baby formula, which finally leads to infant’s kidney stone. Besides, other causes are the use of harmful chemical pesticides, the use of cheap harmful materials instead of harmless materials in food production, and so on. With due consideration of the above argument, it is imperative to ensure food safety. First and foremost, the food safety management system should be perfected and utmost significance has to be attached by the authorities to food safety problem. What is more, in the long run, healthy food or green food industry should be vigorously advocated in a bid to ensure food safety, and then to ensure people’s health. (237 words) 9.职业道德:工程质量,冲刺班二十大必背范文之十九 职业道德: 职业道德 工程质量, Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawing briefly, 2) explain its intended meaning, and 3) give your comments. A newly-built but shabby bridge is undergoing extensive repairs. Witnessing the growth of this young bridge, we may sigh with puzzlement:why is the supposed robust young boy suffering from fragile health? The construction contractors give a clue to the question. Poor construction quality has been a frequent target of criticism and the root cause for quality problems lies in people’s insatiable desire for financial interests. How does “money” shake the foundation of buildings? To answer this question, we should examine the process for constructing buildings. When choosing construction contractors, investors and program administrators are often more concerned with candidates’ quoted prices, a predictor of the range of commercial benefits, than their qualifications, a guarantee for construction quality. The contractors, after winning the bid, may choose inferior materials for financial gains and then buy a pass for their built structures in quality checks. The unqualified constructions typified by the collapsed building in Shanghai gravely threaten people’s life and property safety and should not be allowed to exist. Measures should be taken to ensure construction quality. For one thing, laws and regulations should be tightened to ensure that people engaged in construction process fully take their responsibilities. For another, heavy punishments should be imposed to make irresponsible people pay an unbearable price for their misconducts. (214 words) 10.交通问题:冲刺班二十大必背范文之二十 交通问题: 交通问题 Directions: Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawings. In your essay, you should 1) describe the drawings briefly, 2) explain their intended meaning, and then 3) give your comments. The pictures vividly reveal that heavy traffic is becoming increasingly serious all over the world. In the first photo, there is traffic congestion on the road with numerous cars, trucks and buses. In the second picture, hundreds of people are waiting for a train. We can deduce from the pictures that the photographer is trying to attract our attention to the issue of heavy traffic. First of all, every year men and women crowd into cities in search of employment, a decent living, and the excitement and stimulation of urban life. As people in mounting numbers flood into cities, city services and facilities have been strained to a breaking point. In addition, since in a city with booming industry, land is precious and cannot be extravagantly used by traffic, traffic flows constantly rise to fill whatever scale of roads and highways are provided for them. It is imperative for us to improve this situation. For one thing, the number of private cars should be limited while more bus routes should be opened up because buses can accommodate more passengers. For another, more streets and roads should be constructed. Since neither of the suggestions can effectively solve the problem, there is an increased awareness that the two solutions may be combined with other possible solutions to produce the best effect. 参 考 译 文1、 如图所示,一位老人在路边不小心跌倒了。然而,很多路人迟疑着是否要扶老人一把。见此情景, 没有人愿意对事故负责。 上图让我想起最近对是否帮助突然患病或受伤的老人的激烈讨论。这样的讨论是社会的耻辱,因为 帮助需要救助的人是基本的社会道德和传统美德。但是,一些提供帮助的人被错认为肇事者并被判赔经 济补偿的报道不断出现后,这样的讨论确实出现了。因为这些事件,人们担心受助者,尤其是判断力较 差的老年人会是非不分,帮助他们可能会有麻烦。这样的想法打消了人们帮助他人的企图,已经间接杀 害了一些老人。几个月前,一位老人因为摔倒去世,因为没人敢提供帮助。 这样的悲剧不应该重演。为此,首先应该提倡帮助需要救助的老人。更重要的是,应该采取措施保 护提供帮助的人的利益。只有这样我们才能保证,一方面老人获得及时的帮助,另一方面好心人不会受 到损失。 2、 上述图表清晰显示了在中国汽车市场上已经发生了一些变化。根据图表中的数据,我们可以看出国 产汽车的百分比持续上升, 而日产汽车的销量百分比持续下降。 2008 年, 在 国产汽车的百分比接近 25%, 而在不到一年的时间内,上升到了接近 33%。日产汽车的百分比是 35%,而在 2009 年下降到 25%。 我们不难发现导致这种趋势的一些可能的原因。首先,随着我们经济和社会的迅速发展,比起外国 产品来,越来越多的人更喜欢国产品牌。据报道,大约 55%的中国大城市家庭喜欢国产汽车。此外,我 们必须承认政府呼吁我们支持本国企业,最后,不容忽视的事实是,国产汽车的质量越来越好。 考虑到上述讨论,我们能够得出结论:这一既有的趋势是积极的,因此可以接受。我坚信这一趋势 在未来几年将得以继续。 3、 如图所示,我们可以清楚看出随着商业捕鱼的发展,鱼的数量明显下降。在一幅图中,1900 年有很 多种鱼,只有一艘捕鱼船。相反,在 1995 年,只有一条鱼,但是渔船很多。 这些图画的目的是告诉我们应该充分重视海洋资源的减少。由于过渡捕捞,鱼的数量明显下降。如 果我们让这种情况听之任之,我们不知道鱼的未来在哪。到那个时候,我们的环境将遭受巨大的破坏。 因此,我们很有必要采取严厉措施。一方面,我们应该呼吁政府制定严格的法律控制商业捕鱼。另 一方面,我们应该提高人们的意识:海洋资源对我们非常重要。只有这样才能保护我们的海洋资源。同 时,我认为我们人类能够克服这个困难,并将拥有美好的未来。 4、 上述这组图生动描述了一朵鲜花在不同环境中的命运。如第一幅漫画所示,这朵鲜花被放在舒适的 温室里,保护它免于可怕的闪电和风雨。拥有合适的温度、湿度和肥料,鲜花正在充分绽放。相反,当 被搬出温室并暴露在风雨之下时,鲜花很快就凋谢枯萎了,花瓣散落一地。 首先,这些图画的目的是告诉我们温室花朵经不起风雨,然而我们应该认真对待它们所微妙传达的 象征含义。这朵娇弱的鲜花自然和我们的年轻人联系起来,具体而言,就是当代社会的独生子女。温室 是保护孩子免受风雨的父母溺爱和优越物质条件的缩影,而风雨就是严峻的现实。一旦年轻人开始寻求 独立并且接受来自现实世界的挑战,人们发现他们已经被惯坏了,在困难面前无法足够坚强。 总之,我们很有必要从这些发人深思的图画中得出积极的含义。一方面,我们可以经常利用它们来 启发年轻人在生活中更加独立。另一方面,父母们应该充满理智给孩子们更多自由来处理困难和问题。 只有经历更多的挑战和磨练,年轻人才能培养强大的个性和能力,而且只有这样他们才能成为这个竞争 世界中的强者。 5、 如图画中生动所示,尽管每人只有一条腿,但是两个残疾人通过团队合作正在快速奔跑。显而易见, 正是合作才使得他们走南闯北成为可能。 尽管这幅图画很简单,但它向我们表达了发人深思的含义。随着经济和社会的发展,竞争日渐激烈。 任何人都无法完全独立完成一份工作。因此,越来越多的人开始重视团队合作。事实上,普遍公认合作 的能力是想要获得成功的任何人都应该具备的最重要的素质。 因此,我们迫切需要采取措施来提高人们的合作意识。我们应该牢记合作对于社会和自身都非常重 要。每个人都应拥有合作的能力。只有这样我们才能获得成功,而且只有这样社会才能变得更加和谐。 6、 这幅漫画象征性地阐释了无论是为了自我娱乐还是适应工作的需求,很多人在一个拉伸的蜘蛛网之 内网上冲浪。然而,看来相当讽刺的地方是,这幅图呈现了他们在试图互相交流的同时,却被蜘蛛网彼 此隔开。毫无疑问,这个蜘蛛网作为互联网的一种象征,既连接了人们,又使他们彼此隔离。 这幅比喻并使人印象深刻的图画象征性揭示了人与互联网之间的双重关系。一方面,不可否认网络 目前是用于人际交流的最高效媒介之一。作为一名大学生,我每天上网与他人在 BBS 上讨论新闻,通 过注册网络课程来学习英语,借助 MSN 和我的朋友们免费聊天。但另一方面,很多人承认他们太沉迷 于网络而不愿与朋友和同事保持面对面接触。一旦沉迷于这种虚幻世界,人们不愿接近他人并关注现实 生活。这就是一些人丧失了直接沟通技能并与他人疏远的原因。 因此,我们很有必要以一种合理的方式使用互联网,避免过度沉迷。毕竟,人们发明互联网是为了 连接你和我,为我们的生活带来方便,而非设置障碍使人彼此疏远。 7、 如图象征性所示,一只沸腾的火锅中拥有诸多多元文化元素。这些多元文化可分为毕昇、老舍、莎 士比亚、爱因斯坦等国内外名人,佛、道、儒、仁、礼、启蒙、人本、后现代、解构等哲学概念,以及 京剧、功夫、天鹅湖等表演艺术。文字说明显示:“文化‘火锅’,既美味又营养。” 画家的目的是告诉我们文化融合并未过时或失去价值,相反还应鼓励和保持。一方面,多元文化作 为全体人类遗产的一部分,是将不同人群和社会群体融合的有力方式。因此,文化融合作为促进文化发 展和保护的一种方式,已经不可或缺。另一方面,中国跟世界上其他快速发展的国家一样,年久的习俗 和传统面临着消失在现代化阴影里的危险。如果京剧、功夫或天鹅湖从地球上消失,那将是不可估量的 悲剧。 在我看来,如果人们能为多元文化花费时间的话,那么它就能得以保护。这对确保社会将来的繁荣 和发展都至关重要。由于成功的商业努力、政府坚定不移的支持和不断增长的海外兴趣,文化融合的将 来会比过去任何时候更明朗、更安全。 8、 当今,食品安全问题在全国范围内引起越来越多的关注。图片中展示给我们,很多人们正在仰望着 各种各样的食品安全问题,例如,婴儿配方奶粉中的三聚氰胺,肯德基食品中的苏丹红,色素,致癌物 质等等。总之,食品安全正面临着前所未有的巨大挑战。 食品安全指食品无毒、无害,符合应有的营养要求,对人体健康不造成任何危害。这是一个错综复 杂的问题,原因是多方面的:首先最重要的因素是许多工业原材料被直接用于食品生产。以三鹿婴儿奶 粉为例, 生产厂家使用工业原料三聚氰胺来提高婴儿配方奶粉中的蛋白质含量, 最终导致婴儿患肾结石。 此外还存在其他因素,像使用有害化学杀虫剂,在食品生产过程中使用价格低廉的有害原料代替无毒害 的原料,等等。 有鉴于此,确保食品安全至关重要。食品安全管理体系需要被完善;政府应该更加关注食品安全问 题。此外,从长远来看,我们应该大力提倡健康食品或是绿色食品产业以确保食品安全,进而保障人民 健康。 9、 一个新建但破败的桥正在经历重大修补。目睹了这座年轻大桥的成长,我们不禁迷惑地感叹:刚刚 建好,怎么就成了豆腐渣呢?施工单位是解答这个问题的线索。 工程质量不好已经经常被批评,质量问题的根源在于人们对经济利益的无止尽的需求。钱是如何撼 动建筑的根基呢?回答这个问题,我们需要检测建筑的全过程。当选择包工头时,投资方和项目管理者 更关注代表利润空间的竞选者的报价,轻视作为质量保证的包工头资质。这些包工头在赢得竞价后,可 能会选择劣质材料赢得经济利益,然后为他们的建筑买一个质检报告。 以上海倒塌大楼为代表的低质量建筑严重危害了人们的生命、财产安全,不能允许其存在。需要采 取措施保证建筑质量。一方面,严格法律和条例确保参与建设过程的人充分履行自己的职责。另一方面, 采用严厉的罚款措施使那些不负责任的人为他们的不端行为付出无法承受的代价。 10、 这些照片生动揭示了交通拥挤正在全世界变得日益严重。图一中,道路上交通堵塞,充满无数轿车、 卡车和公交车。图二中,成百上千的人正在等一辆地铁。 我们可以从这些图片中看出:摄影师正在努力吸引我们关注交通拥挤问题。首先,每年人们涌进城 市寻求就业、体面的生活以及都市生活的激动与刺激。由于越来越多的人涌进城市,城市服务与设施已 经被拉张到临界点。此外,由于在工业迅速发展的城市中,土地非常稀有,不能被交通过度利用,因此 无论公路和高速路修建到何种规模,车流总是不断地增加,直至挤满道路。 我们急切需要改进这种状况。首先,由于公交可以运载更多乘客,我们应该限制私车的数量,开辟 更多公交线路。其次,我们应该建设更多道路。由于这两个措施都不能单独有效解决这个问题,人们越 来越意识到为了达到最佳效果,我们可以把这两个措施和其他可能的措施结合起来。


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