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MissMalini Contest: Win Official Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania Hampers! - MissMalini
July 15, 2014
Congratulations Krittika Khandare, Priyanka Kumar, Zoya Fatima, Venkat Gaddam, Nehal Roy?, Payal Ved Liju, Ishika Sinha, Risha Fatima?, Chetan, you’ve each won an official Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania merchandise hamper. xoxo
Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania Merchandise
As you know, Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania released last Friday, and it has been a raving success! Starring Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan, the film is a super fun entertainer. If you haven’t already, check out
to find out why Team MissMalini loved the movie.
From upbeat, foot-tapping songs like Saturday Saturday to soulful, heartfelt songs like Samjhawan Unplugged, the movie has an amazing soundtrack. Both Alia and Varun have
together and even exclusively spoke to us about their film, working together, and their filmy instincts ! Have you seen the movie yet? Let us know how you liked it in the comments sections below.
Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
And we’re giving you the chance to win a bunch of hampers that each have a Saturday Saturday t-shirt, an Emotional Fool dog tag and an audio CD!
All you have to do is answer this question:
Why is it cool to be an emotional fool? Leave your answer in the comments below. Also specify your city!
Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania
The most innovative and quirkiest answers will win. For bonus points, pick your favourite Humpty Sharma Ki Dulhania blog from <, tell us why you love it and share it on your social media platforms. xoxo
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Bollytoons Bollywood Fashion Lifestyle中文名: 国家地理 :寻宝人系列.伟大的吴哥窟英文名: National.Geographic :Treasure.Seekers.Glories.Of.Angkor.Wat版本: 全一集/简繁英字幕/TLF HALFCD Team[MINISD]发行时间: 2010年地区: 美国语言: 英语简介: 【内容简介】吴哥窟是由—个叫做吉篾(今名叫高棉)的东南亚民族所建,时间大概从公元802年起,那时阔耶跋摩二世建立了辉煌的高棉帝国,繁荣昌盛达6百年之久。  在12世纪时,吴哥建筑达到了艺术上的高潮。当时建造的吴哥庙,所有的墙壁全都刻有精美的浮雕,每个平台的周围都有面向四方的长廊,连接着神殿、角塔和阶梯,即使长廊的墙上也全都刻有描述古代印度神话故事的浮雕。吴哥庙不仅本身规模宏大无比,庙宇的外面还有一条将近10米宽的堤路。直通庙宇的大门,堤路的两边也都竖立着巨大威严的那伽蛇神像。—般说来,世界各国所有的庙宇都是坐西朝东,而唯独吴哥庙大门朝西,这使后来研究古代高棉的考古学家百思不解。此后,吴哥王朝的历代国王的建城工作就—代又一代地传了下来。  吴哥文明的建筑之精美令人望之兴叹,然而却在15世纪初突然人去城空。在此后的几个世纪里,吴哥地区又变成了树木和杂草丛生的林莽与荒原,只有—座曾经辉煌的古城隐藏在其中。直到19世纪穆奥发现这个遗迹以前,连柬埔寨当地的居民对此都—无所知。  按说任何—个民族的文化都应有它的延续性,何况吴哥是—个曾经繁荣过600年的王朝,但它的文化竟一下子就忽然中断、忽然消失在历史的长河中了。有人把这归于外敌的入侵,但外敌入侵可能导致王朝的改朝换代,却无法使—个民族的人民统统消失。据考察,在吴哥地区过去曾有一百万人口以上居住,这个民族和这些人们到底到哪儿去了呢?这真是一个无法解开的谜团。EM下载-高速供源-反吸血驴屏迅雷服务器供源中,请大家一起分流所有影片均已封装多条软字幕,可自行切换成简/繁/英,并设置字体及字号大小升级播放器或解码器可以解决因解码器不兼容所带来的花屏问题比如完美解码,更多..........最新 1598部记录片分八大专题 发布 更多TLF专题
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