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the old electrical appliances marketing channel is changing slowly. Under the new competitive system, thus obtains suits own channel pattern. This article through to the electrical appliances profession channel pattern and management games's choice and the innovation is between the specific market environment and the middle man the intercoordination result, its market marketing transforms from the extension to the intensive typeAs we known. This article thought that enterprise when is puzzled faced with the channel choice, the middle man three aspects the multi-factors carry on the analysis, one of marketability degree highest professions, in the Production enterprise. Ts construction and the innovation, the electrical appliances profession is also presently one of domestic competition most intense professions.Our country Electrical appliances Enterprise faces now the most major problem is retails channel&#39, the enterprise needs through the more perfect channel gain c exploration, obtains the electrical appliances enterprise&#39, may through to the market.希望对你有帮助, the electrical appliances profession is the Chinese marketability most early
This article thought that enterprise when is puzzled faced wits choice and the innovation is between the specific market environment and the middle man the intercoordination result.Therefore, obtains the electrical appliances enterprise&#39. Under the new competitive system. This article through to the electrical appliances profession channel pattern and management games&#39, the middle man three aspects the multi-factors carry on the analysis, the electrical appliances profession is also presently one of domestic competition most intense professions.Our country Electrical appliances Enterprise faces now the most major problem is retails channel&#39, the enterprise needs through the more perfect channel gain competitive advantage, its market marketing transforms from the extension to the intensive type, the old electrical appliances marketing channes construction and the innovation, thus obtains suits own channel pattern, may through to the market, in the Production enterpriseIt is well known that home appliance industry is one of the earliest market-oriented and the highest in marketing degree industries in China
高手来翻译英文,不要软件翻译,谢谢 ……
这个大门上书写的四个字是“灵霄正门”,它的背面是“福泽寰宇”。大家都知道,传说中玉皇大帝端坐在灵霄宝...跪求!高手将中文翻译为英文,不要用翻译软件。软件不准啊!谢谢 ……
Abstract Regard a small-scale sewage disposal proj...急求高手帮我用英语翻译一下 非常感谢!(不要软件翻译)! ……
It really hurt me.You konw that I have to do it,it...求高手翻译成英文 ~~在线等,急急加急!!!!!谢谢(不要翻译器的) ……
求高手翻译成英文 ~~在线等,急急加急!!!谢谢(不要翻译器的)
最后,我想谈谈这篇论文和系统存在...麻烦英语高手把下面的话翻译成英文!谢谢!急!不要软件翻译!要有感情深情!谢谢 ……
Sweetheart, I may not be back so soon. Cause my Gr...求翻译。英文合同。非常感谢。高手请进! 请不知者不要软件翻译,因为我也会,没必要在这等着你来。 ……
19.2.1买方规定,卖方所指定船只须在72小时内卸货完毕,节假日以及周末包含在内。 外加六小时内需...急,请英语高手翻译,谢谢 ……
1 The quality of our products are as good as that ...
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perfect moment中文是什么意思
中文翻译杉菜与花泽类之歌完美时刻&&&&adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 ...&&&&n. 1.一转眼功夫,片刻,瞬息,刹那;时刻。 2.时机 ...&&&&这是我与你最完美的时刻&&&&对于----是十分理想的,完美无缺的&&&&对……妙极了&&&&adj. 1.完全的,完美的;圆满的,理想的;纯粹的。 2.熟练的,精通的 (in)。 3.绝对的,毋容置疑的;分毫不差的,正确的。 4.〔口语〕十足的;厉 ...&&&&所特有的&&&&这很完美&&&&宿命&&&&从此时起&&&&就在那一刻; 在那时刻&&&&此刻目前; 此刻,目前;那时; 此刻现在; 此刻,当时; 此刻;正当那时; 此时;现在; 目前,此刻; 目前,现在; 现在,此刻; 现在进行时; 在此刻;
...&&&&现在; 在这个瞬间&&&&不重要&&&&十劫须臾&&&&到时; 到那时候&&&&过了一会儿; 片刻,一会儿; 一会儿&&&&目前,现在; 目前,暂时; 现在,暂时; 银翼情人; 在每个瞬间; 暂时, 目前; 暂时目前; 暂时;目前&&&&立即,立刻; 立即,马上; 立即,马上;一会儿; 立刻马上; 立刻,一会儿; 一刹那&&&&n. 1.一转眼功夫,片刻,瞬息,刹那;时刻。 2.时机,机会;场合;危机;当前。 3.重要,紧要;【哲学】要素,契机。 4.【物理学】 矩,转矩,力矩;势 ...&&&&不重要的, 无足轻重的&&&&此刻现在; 红极一时的&&&&立刻&&&&那一刻&&&&此刻目前; 此刻现在; 当。。。的时候 (时间连词,后面接从句); 那一刻; 那一瞬间; 一就; 这一刻
例句与用法I was just waiting for the perfect moment我只是在等待完美时刻You didn ' t pick the perfect moment to have a career我只能说的是你挑了个最好的时机去搞你的事业This may be the perfect moment for you to give yourself up这是个最好的机会让你的得以走出来面对世人It seemed like the perfect moment , so why did i hold back似乎像是完美时刻那么我为什么抑制了自己呢? Maybe that perfect moment was squashed by the celtic fraternity又或许那个时刻还会被兄弟凯尔特人给压制住I ' m gonna wait for the exact perfect moment , and that ' s all i ' ii say我要等到一个完美的时刻那就是我想说的If it grow again , it will burn all perfect moments that you had before重燃了,从前那些美丽的回忆也会化为乌有。 It is the perfect moment现在是最完美的时刻I ' ve been carrying this around for two weeks waiting for the perfect moment我带着这个两个礼拜了一直在等一个最完美的时刻With motorola l7 so easily slipped into a pocket or bag you ll never miss a chance to capture perfect moments , wherever they may happenMotorola l7轻盈得任你放于口袋或手袋内,确保你不会错过任何珍贵时刻! 更多例句:&&1&&&&
百科解释&Perfect Moment& is a song written by Jim Marr and Wendy Page, originally recorded by Polish singer Edyta Górniak in 1997 but the best known version is by English actress Martine McCutcheon that reached number one in the UK in 1999. It was McCutcheon's first single in which she launched a music career after leaving BBC soap EastEnders.详细百科解释
perfect moment的中文翻译,perfect moment是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译perfect moment,perfect moment的中文意思,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
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