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Ritual and Responses, Tome of Truths Foretold, Legiones Astartes, Library Copy
Without the Dark, there can be no Light,
We have purpose
Without the Lie, there can be no Truth,
We have purpose
Without the War, there can be no Victory,
We have purpose
Without the Death, there can be no sacrifice,
We have purpose
Without the Hope there can be no Future,
We have purpose
Without the Loyalty there can be no one chapter,
We have purpose
Without the Emperor, there is nothing,...
And we would have no purpose
Adeptus Astartes, The Book of Faith
At battle's end, speak the Liturgy in a clear voice. Respect the bravery of the living. Give the Rite of Passage to the fallen. Honour the battle gear of the dead. To do all this with reverence, even when exhausted by battle and weary from the field, is the duty of a Chaplain. It is his burden and satisfaction.
Medic Credo
Do not fail your Brothers. Though their bodies die, their spirit must return to the Chapter. That is your charge.
Excerpt from the Liber Honorus
, Legiones Astartes
During the righteous pacification of the heretical insurgence on Iduno,
(at the time still a sergeant) bravely led his squad in the stubborn defence of the Colonial Bridge. For fourteen hours Lysander and his men held against wave after wave of attacks by the hateful rebels who had forsworn the glorious Emperor of Mankind for the False Glories of the Fallen Gods. Well versed in the Rites of Battle, Lysander guided his men surely and strongly, bringing the vengeance of the Emperor in volleys of controlled, effective bolter fire. When Lysander and the survivors of his squad were relieved, it took several hours to clear the corpses of the shadow-shrouded recreants so the bridge could be crossed.
'Leaders Of The Adeptus Astartes', A Most Secret Report, Compiled For His Most Supreme Excellency The
By His Humble Servant Master Maximus Pliny
is the renowned
of the , and his countless exploits while defeating the enemies of the Emperor (may his divine light always guide us) have earned him no small measure of fame throughout the Imperium. In particular, his stubborn defence and ultimate crushing defeat of the
during the
has become the stuff of legend amongst the more vulgar elements of the population on those planets that owe allegiance to the Ultramarines. But fame and glory ever begets jealousy and spite, and these heroic tales, fuelled by Marneus' fierce (some might say intractable) pride, has earned him and his brethren many high-ranking enemies. While I can find no direct evidence, it seems probable that these enemies engineered the now infamous Court of Inquiry into Marneus' actions during the suppression of the uprising on Colony Beta//54, where Marneus was quite rightly exonerated of all charges, if his excellency will allow me to put forward my own, very humble, opinion. Recent reports that Marneus was slain during the defence of Ichar IV appear to be based upon nothing but base rumour and tawdry gossip, and all the reliable evidence I have found indicates the he continues to lead the Ultramarines to this day.
Preface to Chapter V, 'Warrior Pilgrimages of the Angels of Death'
The final destination on my Warrior Pilgrimage to
was my voyage to the Jadeberry Hill Necropolis. Upon that blasted knoll are to be found hundreds of hand-carved headstones, each one a memorial to a fellow battle brother of the . Each stone is engraved with the battle honours of a hero whose mortal remains will never be recovered, his sacrifice an example to us all. I lingered at that bleak place for a day and a night, meditating upon the foes I had defeated and the terrible battles I had fought to return here and atone for my weakness. Come the morn, I was struck by a revelation. Though many of them had died here, my brethren had prevailed in the face of adversity. I would strive to emulate their example and prove myself worthy of the trust placed in me by my Chapter.
Litany of Devotion
Where there is uncertainty, I shall bring light
Where there is doubt, I shall sow faith
Where there is shame, I shall point atonement
Where there is rage, I shall show its course
My word in the soul shall be as my bolter in the field.
- , Ch. 7 pp.100-101
Meditations upon the
revere the
as the greatest warrior of all time, the only being to have ever bested
in hand-to-hand combat.
When Space Wolves call upon Russ or the Emperor in battle, it is to witness the deeds of men and to judge the fallen.
Second Book of Chantings
There is only the Emperor, and he is our shield and protector.
Verses of Sigismund, Book CIV, Verse I
You carry the Emperor's will as your torch, with it destroy the shadows.
Space Marine pledge
What is your life?
My honour is my life.
What is your fate?
My duty is my fate.
What is your fear?
My fear is to fail.
What is your reward?
My salvation is my reward.
What is your craft?
My craft is death.
What is your pledge?
My pledge is eternal service
Litany of the Space Marines
What is your Duty? To serve Emperor's Will.
What is Emperor's Will? That we fight and die.
What is Death? It is our duty.
What is your Duty? ...
Inscription upon the Arcus Daemonica, attributed to the
One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness
One last blade, forged in defiance of fate
Let them be my legacy to the galaxy I conquered
And my final gift to the species I failed
Prologue p.13
Nothing survives its touch, nothing escapes its grasp. It is a weapon of unspeakable power and unmatched devastation – a horror from a bygone age. -(about )
expansion game, card "Vortex Grenade - Minor Stratagem", (saved archive page, dated February 2011, last accessed 5 October 2015)
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
Through the destruction of our enemies do we earn our salvation!
We do not know what our chances of survival are, so we fight as if they were zero.
We do not know what we are facing, so we fight as if it was the dark gods themselves.
No one will remember us now and we may never be buried beneath , so we will build our own memorial here.
might lose us and the
might never know we existed, but the
- the Enemy will know.
The Enemy will remember.
We will hurt it so badly that it will never forget us until the stars burn out and the
vanquishes it at the end of time.
is dying, its last thought will be of us.
That is our memorial - carved into the heart of Chaos.
We cannot lose, Grey Knights. We have already won.
by , Chapter Twenty
You had to use the whole . , the , every single citizen, you had to move them all into position to beat us. Remember that. You put your plan in motion before the Trail even existed, because you knew it would take nothing less.
We made you work, . You feared us so much you had to move star systems to make us dance to your tune.
The lives of millions, and the honour of our Chapter, hang in the balance brothers. Failure is not an option.
expansion game, card Vital Mission - Minor Stratagem", (saved archive page, dated February 2011, last accessed 6 October 2015)
While the enemies of the Emperor still draw breath, there can be no peace.
, 2nd Company
If your life is given in service to the Emperor, your death shall not be in vain.
Commander ,
Victory does not always rest with the big guns: but, if we rest in front of them we shall be lost.
Here we stand and here shall we die, unbroken and unbowed, though the very hand of death itself come for us, we will spit our defiance to the end!-(The Last Stand on
Street by street and block by block we’ll sweep them out. There are snipers on the rooftops and the underpass is heavily mined. It’s going to be dangerous, it’s going to be fun.”-at the conquest of
expansion game, card "Cityfight - Major Stratagem", (saved archive page, dated February 2011, last accessed 7 October 2015)
Victory often rests on the correct weaponry being in the right place and at the right time.
Even the most destructive weapons of war are worthless if absent from the battle.
10th Company
The uniforms of the Imperial Guard are camouflaged in order to protect their wearers by hiding them from sight.
The principle is that what the enemy cannot see he cannot kill. This is not the way of the Adeptus Astartes. A Space Marine’s armour is bright with heraldry that proclaims his devotion to his Chapter and the beloved Emperor of Mankind. Our principle is that what the enemy can see, he will soon learn to fear…
Treat them with honour, my Brothers. Not because they will bring us victory this day, but because their fate will one day be ours."-on the
Come you aliens, show me what passes for fury amongst your misbegotten kind!
We are the Emperor's angels of death, not his angels of mercy.
Don't fool yourselves. War is all we are! Killing is all we are good for! The rest is delusion.
We are weapons. There is the Emperor, and there is war. Nothing more.
Offer the incantation of activation, speak forth the litany of retribution and deliver unto the enemy the wrath of the Omnissiah.
expansion game, card Special Ammunition
- Minor Stratagem", (saved archive page, dated February 2011, last accessed 6 October 2015)
breeds heroes like a bar breeds drunks - loud, proud and spoiling for a fight.
I was on , brothers.
I was there when we burned their heresy from the galaxy.
lay waste to their cherished places.
I saw Traitors weep from corrupted eyes as we turned their pyramids of glass into barren wasteland. That will not happen here. They were made weak by the knowledge of their treachery. We are made strong by the knowledge of our fidelity.
will stand. Though it may cost the lives of us all, the Aett will stand.-during the
by , Chapter Fourteen, pg. 304
Calling him a god was how all this mess started.
by ,Chapter Twenty-Five, pg. 290
"Lead us from death to victory, from falsehood to truth.Lead us from despair to hope, from faith to slaughter.Lead us to His strength and an eternity of war.Let His wrath fill our hearts.Death, war, in vengeance serve the Emperor and the name of Dorn!" - "Suffer not the Unclean to live", prayer and vow of the Black Templars
"Trust in the Emperor at the hour of battle.Trust to him to intercede, and protect his warriors true as they deal death on alien soil.Turn their seas to red with the blood of their slain.Crush their hopes, their dreamsAnd turn their songs into cries of lamentation." - "Uphold the honour of the Emperor", vow of the Black Templars
"Smite now the scions of the Witch!Grant us the strength to pierce their unclean flesh!To cover their fields with the pale form of the blasphemous dead!To drown the thunder of guns with the shriek of their dying!To lay waste to their citadels with hurricanes of fire!To wring the hearts of their kin with unavailing grief! To send them into the waste of their desolate land in rags and hunger, broken in spirit, worn with travail and begging for the refuge of the grave.We ask it, in the spirit of wrath, O Master of Mankind!" - "Abhor the Witch, Destroy the Witch", prayer and vow of the Black Templars
"O Emperor, in wrath rejoicing at bloody wars, fierce and untamed,whose mighty power doth make the strongest walls from their foundations shake.All-conquering Master of Mankind, be pleased with this war's tumultuous roar.Delight in swords and fists red with alien blood, and the dire ruins of savage battle.Rejoice in furious challenge, and avenging strife, whose works with woe embitter human life!" - "Accept any challenge, no matter the odds", prayer and vow of the Black Templars
"No Fear! No Pity! NO REMORSE!" - War Cry of the Black Templars
We may be few, and our enemies many. Yet so long as there remains one of us still fighting, one who still rages in the name of justice and truth, then by the , the galaxy shall yet know hope.
The Machine is strong.
We must purge the weak, hated flesh and replace it with the blessed purity of metal.
Only through permanence can we truly triumph, only through the Machine can we find victory.
Punish the flesh.
Iron in mind and body.
Hail the Machine!
War Cry of the
"For the Emperor and !"
Motto of the
"Knowledge is power. Guard it well."
An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
No. 2 Assault Company
Show me a fortress and I'll show you a ruin.
We pray for our brethren who pilot the . Though they take new form, their souls, and their weapon mounts, remain pure.
Damnation starts with little steps, by arrogantly thinking that you are wiser than our great forbears, by tinkering with truth, by compromising, by departing from the straight and narrow path of the Emperor’s light.
Know this, son of . The father of our Chapter watches over us always. He knows your soul, your strengths and, aye, even your fears.
I share your pain at the loss of Brother-Captain , but to dishonour his name with grief is wrong.
He gave his life so that his battle-brothers would live and the enemies of the Emperor would be defeated.
A warrior can ask for no better death than that.
Captain Idaeus was the senior officer, and you were duty bound to follow his orders when they were given.
The chain of command must not be broken or we are nothing. Discipline and order are everything on the battlefield and the army that lives by that credo will always triumph. - to , shortly after his promotion to captaincy of the 4th Company
by , Ch. 2, p. 47
We are the Ultramarines, the Sons of Guilliman. Whilst we draw breath, we stand. Whilst we stand, we fight. Whilst we fight, we prevail. Nothing shall stay our wrath.
We follow in the footsteps of . As it is written in the , so shall it be.
You all heard 's words. The
is vulnerable, exposed, and we have one chance to end this. Right here and right now, the fate of
is in our hands. You are the best and bravest of your Chapter, and though we may die in these mountains, we will die in service to something greater than blood, something greater than land. We fight for what we know is right. I will lead you in that fight, and all I ask is that you fight like the heroes you are! - rallying the survivors of the
on , for a final charge against the
by , Ch. 23, p. 307
For Ultramar! CHARGE!- on
by , Ch. 23, p. 308
Memorum Libris de Petronius Caligarus, Ultramarines
Only a madman knows no fear. A warrior knows what fear is, he feels it in his stomach, he understands fear better than any other mortal can. What makes us strong is that we have conquered fear, overcome it not once but many times, over and over again, until the process has become instinctive. but no matter how many battles you fight and how many victories you win, your fear will never completely leave you. Learn to live with that fear. Learn to master your fear. But never forget that there are things in this universe that even you cannot face and live, abominations so terrible that their very appearance will sear the flesh from your face and shrivel your eyes. Such things cannot be fought, and to confront them would be nothing but a futile waste of life. In those situations remember your vows to serve the Emperor, and remember also that you serve him best alive and not sacrificed upon the altar of vain glory.
3rd Company
Everything has a purpose, . So the Emperor ordains.
The blasphemy of the
is such that only one solution is acceptable. Extermination.
There can only be two sides in a fight - choose carefully, lest you and I find ourselves on different sides.
What is it to be a Space Marine?-It is to be death!What is it to be death?-It is to be the destroyer, the end of all things.What is it to end life?-It is an honour, to be the executioners of the Emperor.Why do we fight?-To protect the Imperium and deliver mankind from the evil of the xenos, the mutant and the heretic!What is the xenos?-A blight to be purged!What is the mutant?-A cancer to be excised!What is the heretic?-A shame to be expunged!What is the bolter, the flamer, the missile?-The incarnation of destruction, by which we bring about the death of the Emperor's foes!What is the armour, the helm and the shield?-The embodiment of our faith, our determination given form.Who is the primarch?-Our father, our guide, our king!Who is the Chapter Master?-The primarch's regent, to whom we swore oaths, the voice of the Emperor in the mortal world.What are our oaths?-The steel that binds our lives to the Emperor.What did we swear?-Our lives are as nought in the vision of the Emperor, save that by them we shall destroy all foes.What is the fate of all foes?-To perish in the fire of battle and be cleansed from the galaxy.Who will prevail against the darkness?-The Ultramarines!Who are the swords of the Emperor?-The Ultramarines!Who are the sons of Magragge?-The Ultramarines!For the Emperor and the primarch! Death! Bring death to our foes!-The Macragge Catechism of Hate
by ,Chapter Nine
We must scour them from the stars before they do same to us.-about Tyranid's menace
(last accessed 11 July 2015)
The roar of engines, the recoil of cannons. That is where the true joy of battle lies.
Let them hide in their fortress.
My crew can use the target practice.
4th Company
What is the terror of death? That we die with our work incomplete.
What is the joy of life?
To die knowing our task is done.
I stand alongside warriors of honour, and the warrior who acts out of honour cannot fail.
His duty is honour itself.
Even a warrior's death--if it is honourable--is a reward and can be no failure, for it has come through duty.
Seek honour as you act, and you will know no fear.
A fortress is a living thing: the commander its brain, the walls its bones, the sensors its eyes and ears, the troops its blood, their weapons its fists.
If one organ fails, the whole dies.
And if the whole dies, no single organ can survive alone.
And above all, remember this... for a warrior the only crime is cowardice.
by , Chapter 4
I haven't lost an arm, brother. It's right over there.
by , Part Three, Chapter 8
Exchange between a
"Look to your battle gear and it will protect you. "
"We guard it with our lives. "
"As your armour guards your life. "
"As it has my fallen brethren. "
"Honour the craft of death. "
"We serve only the Emperor."
"Honour the battle gear of the dead. "
"We ask only to serve. "
If my Marines are ordered to serve alongside these tainted half-animals, they shall do so. But upon their return they shall be quarantined and purified by every means in our Apothecarion. – on
Camouflage is the colour of fear... I have no need to hide from my foes... I have no fear of death. My colours I wear openly, they proclaim louder than any words, "I am proud to live - I am proud to die".
They are an effective force in their way, and I do not doubt the Emperor's wisdom in allowing tainted subhuman filth to serve Him. But my men shall not be exposed to the corruption of these beasts. – on
, h: p. 150
The ethics of booklearning and scholarship I leave to the . But for what it's worth, I would have burned it without a second thought. – on the
,by ,Chapter Twenty-One
4th Company
Shields are holding, power at 44%. Let them spend their impotent wrath.
expansion game, card Energy Field - Minor Stratagem", (saved archive page, dated February 2011, last accessed 6 October 2015)
For eleven hundred years, I have fought and I have seen the darkness in our galaxy. I have seen the vileness of the alien and the heresy of the mutant.
I have witnessed the sin of possession.
I have seen all the evil that the galaxy harbours, and I have slain all whose presence defiles the Emperor.
I have seen what you will see.
I have fought what you must fight, and I have slain what you must slay... so fear not and be proud, for we are the sons of , the protectors of Mankind. Aye, we are indeed the Angels of Death.
You will fight in the streets, and in the habs! You will fight for the enemy's death, not your own lives! You will fight and you will drive this alien filth from the Emperor's city. You will do these things, or you will face my wrath.
, 1st Company
We go where we wilt.
We slay who we wilt.
Let the Emperor judge the righteousness of our deeds.
Give me a hundred Space Marines. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops – attributed
has no like, .
There are no gods in this hollow universe to keep him company.
So he made us, , to stand beside him.
I have never quite come to terms with my status.
Does that surprise you?
I see what I am capable of, and what is expected of me, and I shudder.
The mere fact of me frightens me sometimes.
by , Part One, Chapter 6, pg. 134
Don't be insulted, but there is something very human about you, , for an Astartes.
by , Part One, Chapter 6, pg. 136
has turned his back on , what are my orders?-Tell him his brother Rogal will have him answer for it.-to
by , Chapter 14, pg. 348
If there is nobility remaining within 's , then it is hidden deeply beneath too many layers of twisted lusts, deviance, and disobedience. Their ways are foolish, ill-considered and a hindrance to the orderly flow of controlled war. The time is coming when the Night Lords must answer for their behaviour and be brought back into the doctrine of Imperial warfare, lest we lose them to their own deviant hungers.
by , Part One, Chapter 6, p. 123
There is no enemy.
The foe on the battlefield is merely the manifestation of that which we must overcome.
He is doubt, and fear, and despair.
Every battle is fought within.
Conquer the battlefield that lies inside you, and the enemy disappears like the illusion he is.-Attributed
by , K-Day + 11 Days, pg. 158
-No plan survives contact with the enemy.
-Then you're not making the right plans.-Attributed, in retort to
by , Chapter Six
They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear. – on the Creation of the .
and founder of the
“You may cleave to your courage but that will fail you, look to your weapons but you will find them not enough. Run, fight, hide, pray, cry out or cover - it does not matter, for we are come.”
“We face greenskin invasion rimward, Eldar raiding coreward, rebellion trailing and the tendrils of a Hive Fleet incoming spinward. Situation excellent, attacking on all fronts…”
21st Company
and for duty,
For past and for future,
For Terra and the Emperor,
No brother falls forgotten.-Last rites of the Ultramarines
by , Track 4: In The Tunnel
Kinsmen, we are being tested.
We cannot know what madness has overcome , we do not know the fate of our brothers and our primarch.
But what we do know is duty. Our duty is to hold this approach to , to deny it to the enemy.
These were 's last words to us.
gave his life in service of that command, and if called, then so shall we.-during the
by , Track 4: In The Tunnel
My name is Nathaniel Garro, and I am a Legion of One.
by , Track 3: The Field of Battle
-You court death, Garro, like some ancient .
-That's as good a title as any, Brother.-Exchange between
and Garro, after Rubio's Captain demands Garro's name and rank
by , Track 7: Something Approaches
Yes, I have a damn question... what wars must there be in creation that require warriors like you?-as
, on his first sight of a Space Marine
by , Chapter One
4th Company
Raise the flag high.
Let those degenerates know who comes to claim their lives this day!
The enemy have been sighted. I am going to engage. In the name of the Emperor: Ravenwing - Attack! Attack! ATTACK!
Bravery is stronger than Adamantium. One is the stuff of the soul-forges, the other an illusion of safety created by fools. Adamantium walls cannot keep us out! We have the courage of the Emperor! And in the Emperor's name... ATTACK!! ATTACK!! NO PRISONERS!! – during
(the second pacification of )
, p. 22,, p. 109
must be aware of Chaos. Yet we do not ourselves aim to contend with Chaos, unless compelled to.
by : Chapter Fifteen
Don’t confuse gratitude for a serendipitous event with any cloying compassion towards the author of that event...
True justice is quite simply the will of the Emperor.
The Chaos Power known as
conceives plans to alter history schemes which are altogether too devious and far-flung for any human being to hope to comprehend.
It is the way of . We stay as long as we can. Fight as hard as we can. Kill as much as we can. Only when we can do no more do we move on. – on
You ask a lot of questions, Marlin. You know what I think? I think you need another drink. – on Shadrac to Sergeant Marlin of the
Do you ever go into a fight thinking there's no point giving my best, I'll get another chance later? We only ever get one shot, Marlin. Life is one shot. Making it count is all that matters. – on Shadrac to Sergeant Marlin of the
of the , hero of
To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them.
Let a wave of repugnance for the enemy wash over you. Let hatred fill you. Hate is good, for our goal is a Human galaxy. We are called by the Emperor with a sacred duty to conquer it in His name. – at the Sermon of Harnoth
, "Assault on Cephian IV," p. 25
Logan Grimnar, Bloody-Handed WarriorHe piles the skulls of his enemiesHe builds a mound of the fallenHis foes weep rivers of bloodLogan Grimnar, strong wolf of the packHis Sword hungers for red fleshHis guns thirst for battleHe laughs amidst the war-dinLogan Grimnar, father of wolvesHis sons haunt his enemiesSlay them where they falterAnd bring their pelts to Fenris. - from The Saga Of The Old Wolf (excerpt)
Follow me, Sons of Russ!
This night our enemies shall feel the fangs of the Wolf!
– during the Assault on Fort Damnation
, Back Cover
To admit defeat is to blaspheme against the Emperor.
The warrior who acts out of honour cannot fail. His duty is honour itself. Even his death - if it is honourable - is a reward and can be no failure, for it has come through duty. Seek honour as you act, therefore, and you will know no fear.
Whatever the Emperor's will is, be sure it will find you out.-attributed
by , Chapter Eleven
Let them bestride the galaxy like the gods of old, sheltering Mankind from destruction at the hands of an uncaring universe. - from the teachings of Guilliman, as laid down in the Apocrypha of Skaros, on the
It is the great irony of the Legiones Astartes: engineered to kill to achieve a victory of peace that they can then be no part of. - shortly before the
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter 3, p. 30
Space Marines excel at warfare because they were designed to excel at everything.
Each of you will become a leader, a ruler, the master of your world and, because there is no more fighting to be done, you will bend your transhuman talents to governance and culture. - shortly before the
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter 3, p. 30
'''Never wish for danger.
Danger needs no help.
There is no such thing as fate that can be tempted, but morale is never improved by an active lust for war. - Remark 56.xxi
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter 3, p. 40
Two things to note there, .
One is that there is no such thing as a minor detail.
Information is victory.
One cannot and should not dismiss any data until one is in a position to evaluate its significance, and that only comes with hindsight.
So all detail is important until circumstances render it redundant.
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter 8, pg. 94
, hear me.
Warriors of the , hear me.
This violence is against the code of the Legiones Astartes and against the will of our father, the Emperor.
In the name of the Five Hundred Worlds of Ultramar, I implore you to cease fire and stand down.
Open communication with me.
Let us speak.
Let us settle this.
This action is an error of the most tragic kind.
Cease fire.
I, Roboute Guilliman, give you my solemn pledge that we will deal with each other frankly and fairly if these hostilities can be suspended.
I urge you to respond. - vox transmission, , Mark 0.00.01
by , System//Kill, Chapter 1, p. 167
You may consider the following.
One: I entirely withdraw my previous offer of solemn ceasefire.
It is cancelled, and will not be made again, to you or to any other of your .
Two: you are no longer any brother of mine.
I will find you, I will kill you, and I will hurl your toxic corpse into hell's mouth. - vox transmission, , Mark 1.57.42
by , System//Kill, Chapter 3, p. 195
by ,Ushkul//Thu, Chapter Two, pg. 348
They shall be pure of heart and strong of body, untainted by doubt and unsullied by self-aggrandisement. They will be bright stars on the firmament of battle, Angels of Death whose shining wings bring swift annihilation to the enemies of Man. So it shall be for a thousand times for a thousand years, unto the very end of eternity and the extinction of mortal flesh. opening
(e-book) pg. 246
I am the fist, clenched tight in ceramite, smashing with the force of a Legion. I am the blade, awaiting my foe’s flesh, as keen as the Emperor could make me. I am the bolt, fired from afar – fleet and true, an end to all who stand before the Imperium of Man.---refrence to raise the combat confusion with clarity, to banish doubt and reinforce a legionary’s purpose.
, Chapter Two
For the Emperor stands behind his sons as the primarchs behind their captains. It is a captain’s duty to place legionary lives in harm’s way before his own. There is too little glory in the galaxy to go around and officers must be generous in the trust they place in others – for one day such brothers must be captains too.---about the promotion of the newly assigned Space Marines
, Chapter Five
Oath of the , attributed to its first
We die, though our war is eternal,We are doomed, but we walk in darkness,We are forgotten, yet the future is our gift to humanity.
-It's funny. That time when you saved old
from those fanatics I thought I heard him offer you your heart's desire.
He would have sent you
if you asked.
Instead you asked for a meat pie.
-...It was a big pie.-with
by ,Chapter Six
Within dark and forgotten places hide the enemies of the Emperor. You have been chosen to enter such places and, protected by the best armour the Adeptus Mechanicus can provide, cleanse it. Take with you weapons, a valiant heart and the Emperor's blessing, and engage the enemy where it makes its lair. Acknowledge death as it approaches, but do not succumb to its touch, for your purpose is great. You have proved yourselves to be worthy of the status you now hold. Every one of you standing here, all of whom have declared allegiance to the Emperor and take his will as your guide, have shown your courage and have been rewarded for it. Those that stand before me, I charge you now, go forth and vanquish the foe. – Sermon to
Squads before the attack on
Hassar, 7th
are taught to value comradeship and loyalty to their tribes from birth.
Within the , their loyalty is given to their
of his followers.
As warrior-barbarians they set great store by personal bravery and great deeds, having little but contempt for authority that is bestowed rather than earned through the proven virtues of combat.
The galaxy is the Emperor's, and anyone or anything who challenges that claim is an enemy who must be destroyed. – at the
The Emperor extends His will to us when we destroy the wicked and impure to reconquer the galaxy in His name. The Emperor leads the galaxy to righteousness, and thus we must petition for His judgement on the wicked... for it is judgement without mercy. – addressing his warriors prior to the Cleansing of
Balthazar von Heppel,
have already proven their ability to stave off the most determined attacks on their realm, so overt action is out of the question.
However, I believe that it is imperative that they are closely monitored for signs of abomination.
Of all the , the end of
is the most mysterious, for he is accounted to have vanished ten thousand years ago.
One of the most fundamental of the ' tenets is the belief that their Primarch will eventually return for the final battle at the end of the universe.
A foe without honour is a foe already beaten.
Ulfric Hoodclaw of the
Guard your tongue, whelp, lest I cut it out.
I care not for your moon-touched ramblings, nor for the tales of your grandmother.
Mark this well - of the
we do not speak.
aren't animals.
No beast is bound by honour, nor does it sacrifice itself for others outside its pack.
by ,Chapter Twenty-Four, pg. 284
War Cry of the
Primarch! Progenitor, to your glory and the glory of Him on Earth!
, 1st Company
The deeds of one bold warrior can alter the course of a battle.
I have four such men under my command and our every deed changes the shape of the galaxy.
Praise the sun that brings the dawn of our final doom.-from The Lament of the First, purported last words
by , Chapter Twenty-Three
Credo of the
so ever it shall be.
Principle Lessons of the
Only the spirit is pure.The mind may be swayed, the body may fail.Only the soul cradles vengeance purely.Become the weapon of the soul.Where the mind hesitates, overcome it.Where the body fails, replace it.Aspire to the condition of the Primarch.Emulate his union with steel.Never waver.Never retreat.Never doubt.The flesh is weak.The weak shall be purged.What remains is strength.
by , Chapter 12
Mad Chainsaw Johnson of the
Problems? Problems? There is no problem I cannot solve with this... – attributed
We have been wounded sorely.
Yet still we stand, with fire in our eyes and valour in our hearts.
Let them think us beaten.
We shall teach them otherwise.
5th Company
A battle for supremacy against many foes is a battle of the best kind. There are few considerations, only those concerning where to place your next shot. It is war in its purest form.
-Why do you weep?
Is it for us?-For , , because he can't.
Today you and I have broken a brother's heart, and nothing will ever mend it.-after showing proof of 's treachery on
by Chapter Fourteen, pg. 341
assigned to the
This planet is a graveyard - care to join me?– shortly before blowing himself up amidst a
Only faith in the Emperor and the training I am going to give you will save you on the battlefield.
Why, if it isn’t Brother Marius. The injuries from the last training exercise have healed well I see. And that new bionic eye should prove most useful for this next exercise. Tell me, how many hours have you had on Land Speeders up to now?
Khyron, First
of the Eighth Brotherhood
Already, you exalt me for my triumphs,
When I ask only that you remember me for my treacheries
Victory is nothing more than survival.
It carries no weight of honour or worth beyond what we ascribe to it.
If you wish to grow wise, learn why brothers betray brothers.
Ch. Twelve p. 153
, 3rd Company,
Surround yourself with the greatest warriors at your command, or cower in the deepest and darkest hole you can find. It matters not. I shall take your head for the
and for the Emperor.
Goff Kurtane,9th Radial Sarpoy
I, for one, was bloody glad to see the
Beautiful bastards, they are.
I owe them my life and my soul. – after the battle of
by ,pg. 24
All was lost. The Xenos scum, who smashed us for two days straight, were hurtling towards us again. We readied ourselves for death. And then Death came. Ten Space Marines appeared in the midst of the alien swarm. They were all in black and they set about the foe with the very fury of the Emperor himself! They saved us, and the whole damned Imperial line. – after the recapturing of
The Damned and the World read the first
The Master of Mankind has work for us here.
The Castle and Chaos read the second
Our Lord guides us against evil.
Fire and the Executioner read the third
We have our duty.
Death and the Emperor read the last
The Legion of the Damned shall accomplish the Imperial will.
- consulting the
'We shall never rest while a single renegade draws breath. Let them fear our names.'
Brother... kinsman... every time the death comes closer, but still I am rejected. Do you know why? Will you not tell me? Death took you! Why not me? WHY NOT ME?!-on
by , Track: Cerberus Alone
This day shall be our day of reckoning. Look not to the shame of the past, but to the glory of the future. We shall wash away the stain of our dishonour in the hot blood of our enemies. – address to the warriors of the
1st Company
I have travelled far and seen much.
Yet nothing warms my heart so much as the sight of a gun so massive that its fury makes the very world tremble. - attributed
My kind were created to feel no fear, but we understand it.
We were all once men who felt fear as does anyone else, and we must know it because it is a weapon we wield.
by ,Chapter Ten, pg. 229
4th Company
That's why you summoned us here.
To know where we came from is to know where we are and where we are going.You do not say much, Pasanius Lysane, but when you speak, it is worthwhile to listen.I'm a sergeant, my lord. It's what I do.-to
by ,Chapter Three
If they are so eager to die, and they will not heed the advice of their superiors, then let them rush headlong into the jaws of the lion.
We can only hope some of them get caught in its throat.-on the
Questions are for the briefing room, not the field.
It's not just a speeding bike you need,
- a quick mind is just as important for victory.
But without a purpose, an Astartes is nothing.
A warrior without a war is no warrior at all.-to
by , Track 5: Flashback
They are not my hands.This fact is forgotten by my brothers - inexplicably, it has always seemed to me. The hands are strong, to be sure, and have created great things for us all, but they are not mine. And that counts for something.They forget that the
on my arms comes from a
that I vanquished. It is the mark of a great evil that I ended, and yet it persists within me... I would struggle to remove it now... I will not remove the silver from my flesh because I have learned to depend on it. The fault is with my mind. I rely on the augmentation given to me by my metal gauntlets, so much so that the flesh beneath them is now little more than a distant memory... A day will come when I will strip it from me, lest I lose the power to master myself forever. Already my Legion's warriors replace their shield hands with metal in my honour, and so they too are learning to doubt the natural strength of their bodies. They must be weaned off this practice before it becomes a mania for them. Hatred of what is natural, of what is human, is the first and greatest of the corruptions. So I record it here: when the time comes, I will strip my hands of their unnatural silver. I will instruct my Legion to recant their distrust of the flesh. I will turn then away from the gifts of the machine and bid them relearn the mysteries of flesh, bone and blood. When my father's Crusade is over, this shall be my sacred task. When the fighting is done, I shall cure my Legion and myself. For if fighting is all there is, if we may never pause to reflect on what such devotion to strength is doing to us, then our compulsion will only grow.
Already I see the madness that path leads to, and so I shall excise the silver from my hands. In doing so I shall weaken myself and my sons, but nonetheless it must be done. The hands are strong, and have created great things, but they are not mine.- The Neimerel Scrolls, attributed
by , Preface, pgs. 7-8
Make war and move on, and again, and again, until nothing breathes which stands against us. All else is sophistry and pretty lies. - On his
role in the
The Horus Heresy Book Two - Massacre, p. 68
The duty of the Medic, my Brethren, is a sacred one. We embody the Emperor's divine will and his holy purpose. We bring death and we bring life. Let those true to Humanity's cause give thanks for our work. Let the impure bow down before our swords! – attributed to Markhava, distributed as an exemplary text after he died during the storming of the
(2150982 )
Pain and death are illusions of the weak mind. While his gene-seed returns to the Chapter, a Marine cannot die. Without death, pain loses its relevance.
He that may fight, heal him
He that may fight no more, give him peace
He that is dead, take from him the Chapter's due. – attributed
I once was Calistarius.
He has been dead for many years.
I stand in his place, with death in my right hand, darkness in my left, and I would know who this is who bears the name Mephiston.
Knowledge is Power
Faith is purest when it is unquestioning.
Pain now! Reward in the afterlife.
I ask myself what it means to be one of the Dark Angels. Is it to hunt the Fallen, chasing shadows through the dark places of the galaxy? Is it to pursue our quest at any expense, forgoing all other oaths and duties? Is it to lie, to hide and to plot so that others will never know of our shame? Is it to keep our own brethren unacquainted with the truth of our past, the legacy we all share in? Or ist it to be a Space Marine? Is it to follow the path laid down by the Emperor and Lion El'Johnson at the founding of this great Imperium of man? To protect mankind, to purge the alien, cleanse the unclean?
- Two - Brother Boreas Speaks
Your honour is your life. Let none dispute it.
As our bodies are armoured with Adamantium, our souls are protected with our loyalty. As our bolters are charged with death for the Emperor's enemies, our thoughts are charged with his wisdom. As our ranks advance, so does our devotion, for are we not Marines? Are we not the chosen of the Emperor, his loyal servants unto death? – an address to the defenders of Portrein
, pg. 21 /, pg. 20
Some say that the
are tainted: that they harbour a dark secret. I know this to be true. I have seen the infamous Death Company: wild-eyed and foam-mouthed berserkers who tear their enemies limb from limb, crush skulls with a single blow, snap spines and rip out inner organs. I have seen the Sanguinary Priests: the passing of blood filled chalices from lip to lip, heard their wracking lamentations of Sanguinus's death. I have watched their rituals: mighty warriors daubing their armour in the blood of their foes, heard them crying for vengeance against the enemies of the Emperor.
If you know no fear, do you also not know awe?
Have you not seen things so bizarre they left you speechless?
Shocked you?
Unnerved you even? - to
by , Part Two, Chapter Nine, p. 172
One warrior usually suffices. - to , on .
by , Part One-XII
'Mingle'? What in the Emperor's name does that mean? - after he and
are invited to enjoy themselves at a diplomatic reception on .
by Dan Abnett,Part Six-II, p. 171
2nd Company
Everything has a purpose. The Emperor ordains it so. You may corrupt the souls of men. But I am steel! I am doom! I march for Macragge, and I know no fear!
2nd Company
are all alike.
And I'm the one who has to put you back together.
It isn't combat I resent, Brother. It's the thirst for glory that gets men cut to ribbons.
Death will find you soon enough. War is not about glory. War is about victory!
May the Emperor bless and protect this sacred , so that the strength of these brave warriors may live on in
yet unborn, for the abiding honour of our fortress home, , in the name of the
and the , to whom we owe all.-while applying his
to fallen Marines
2nd Company
-The Emperor protects.-And having a loaded
never hurt, either.
I'll not be known as a
again, mark that well, lad.-to
by , Chapter Nine, p. 229
This place was built to destroy something precious to us, something each of us shares, no matter which
we call our own. I speak of brotherhood.
has isolated us, severed all but the most cursory of contacts.
He sows distrust and suspicion, wears you down with the slow grind of mindless days and tormented nights. The bastard wants you to believe you are forgotten.
I am here to tell you that he lies and lies!
Look within yourselves, brothers, and you will understand.
You have been waiting for this day, even if you did not know it.
This day, when you are reminded of who you are.
My purpose here is the same as yours, to serve the
Know that each of you is the harbinger of your own freedom!
I say to you all that this day, we are not , , , , , ... We are one great , one heart and one mind!
We are the , the , the war gods and terrible swift sword of our Emperor! We are His will, and we have always been so!
by ,, Chapter Twelve
The Emperor commands us.
guides us.
Honour shields us.Fear our name, for it is vengeance.
As the mountain is ArjacA snow-capped peakHis rage overshadows the wounded bear.The Rockfist endures when all seems lost. - from "The Saga of Arjac Rockfist"
, 21st Company
-No, NO! You would have me leave the side of my sworn battle-brothers in their darkest hour? I refuse!
-It is 's command. His word is the Emperor's word.
-...The Sigillite's command be damned. You give me no recourse, Garro.
And so, on my honour as a son of , I choose to defy it. Even if it means I will perish here, even if you colour me a rebel like 's , I defy it!-Rubio and , during the
by , Track 11: Vantage Point
Listen closely Brothers, for my life's breath is all but spent. There shall come a time far from now when our chapter itself is dying, even as I am now dying. Then my children, I shall list'n for your call from whatever realms of death hold me, and come I shall no-matter what laws of life and death forbid. At the end I will be there. For the final battle. For the Wolftime. – before his final departure into the
Only in the Space Marines of the Legiones Astartes are courage and expertise perfectly blended. In other troops they are present in varying degrees and proportions, and many scholars have debated their relative merits.
For my own part, I come down on the side of courage. For courage can sometimes make a virtue of inexperience. I myself have commanded Imperial Guard troops whose probitor units have achieved great things, because they were too inexperienced to realise that their goal was impossible. – , Book XIV
You strive for victory. That is obvious. What may be less obvious is the nature of victory. There are circumstances in which you can destroy the enemy utterly, without loss to your own forces, and yet the victory may be his. In all situations, you must first decide on the nature of victory, and then take steps to secure it. Avoid the instinct of fight first and think later. – attributed, Meditations, Book VI
A fortress circumvented ceases to be an obstacle. A fortress destroyed ceases to be a threat. Do not forget the difference. – attributed
A fortress is built with blood and toil. Only by blood and toil may it be taken. – attributed
Beat your thoughts to the mould of your will. – attributed
There are those who undervalue the . But they should consider this: should a man who has wronged the Emperor be allowed to wrong Him further? For each man executed is a man who can no longer serve, and to fail in service to the Emperor is the greatest of sins – Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XXI
Do not underestimate the . They survived for millennia cut off from the Imperium and assailed from all sides. Their determination and resilience is an example to all. – Meditations on Imperial Command, Book XVI
Harden your soul against decadence. But do not despise it, for the soft appearance of the decadent may be deceptive. One need only consider the Harlequin dancers of the Eldar to see the truth of this proposition. – A Book of Admonitions for the Legiones Astartes
Here I am and here shall I die. – attributed to Russ at the Battle of Rising Fell
Arm the bastards and they might win a few bloody worlds for us in between verses. – attributed, grousing about the
sent to the front lines during the
by ,Part One, Chapter 3, p. 46
No man nor beast could best the Wolf-King,No tribe could stand against his armies.Within Russ' kingdom a truceExisted between man and wolf,His court was attended by the fiercest ofWarlords and the most beautiful of maidens. – from "The Saga of the Wolf-King"
Battle-cry of the
Into the fires of battle!Unto the anvil of war!
-Hear me, creature. Let
hear this. Your gambit has failed. Whatever these powers are that you call master, whatever irrational choice my brother
has made to seek a pact with them, you stand defeated upon the cusp of victory. Do you understand the reason why?-This one. An exemplar of your kind. You were underestimated. The Thirst would have taken you---But it did not. Because as long as one single Blood Angel lives, he will be master of his spirit. He will not let the abyss that lies in the hearts of us all take him into darkness. That is the truth you do not understand, the truth that Horus has forgotten. It is not the descent toward the shadow nor the rise toward the light that makes us superior. It is the endless struggle between the two that greatness of character lies. We are tested, and we do not break. We will never fall! Take that to my brother and tell him!
on resisting the
by , Chapter 19, pg. 482
I made a vow, Kano. I will see it to its bloody end. There may come a day, and sooner than we might wish, when you...when my sons will have to go on without me.
by , Chapter 20, pg. 500
Three Legions of Marines stand to defend you, sire. All of us will unflinchingly place ourselves between you and the war’s desolation. We are the greatest humans ever born – we are the flame of Humanity where the rest of the galaxy is just the spark. In centuries of warfare, against the vileness of the alien, the lies of the heretic, the foulness of the mutant, I have never known fear – but your silence terrifies me. - during the
We are disorder, that is true.
But that is what we were made to be. The wild and the random.
embodies the traits of , then that is what the Flesh Tearers are, just as the
are his martial prowess, the
his secrecy, the
his carnivore's fangs!
are the melding of all of those things, and that is why I will always envy you, .
by ,Chapter Thirteen
-from the initiation rites for
Flesh Tearers
by ,Epilogue
3rd Company
From the darkness we strike, fast and lethal, and by the time our foes can react... darkness there and nothing more.
In the darkness all men are equal, save those that embrace it.
We are coming.
Look to the skies for your salvation. - to Commissar Lent prior to the
Wherever you tread, tread lightly.
We are closer than you think, and our blades are sharp.
2nd Company
We are the slayers of kings, the destroyers of worlds, bringers of ruination and death in all its forms. These things we do in the name of the Emperor and in the defense of Mankind. Let none stay our wrath.
Brothers! War calls you. Will you answer?
Slay the beast and the horde will die.
by , Ch. 7, p. 91
The more we spread the more we find. World after world. New worlds to conquer. Space is limitless, and so is our appetite to master it.-during the
by ,Part One, Chapter 6, p. 131
We will spend our lives fighting to secure this Imperium, and then I fear we will spend the rest of our days fighting to keep it intact. There is such involving darkness amongst the stars. Even when the Imperium is complete, there will be no peace. We will be obliged to fight on to preserve what we have fought to establish. Peace is a vain wish. Our crusade may one day adopt another name, but it will never truly end. In the far future, there will be only war.-during the
by ,Part One, Chapter 6, p. 132
-Do you really think you'd have a hope?
-Whatever helps you sleep, .
Terra bless us all it is a paradigm that will .
-during the
by ,Part One, Chapter 6, p. 133
While vile mutants still draw breath, there can be no peace. While obscene heretics' hearts still beat, there can be no respite. While faithless traitors still live, there can be no forgiveness. – Catechism of Hate Verse I of XXV
Battle Litany of the
We are the wolf that stalks
The stars in the sky
And swallows the star-fire
We hide amongst the night
When light is gone
The Light is within us
We run the ruin of Fire
In the darkness
Foes burn in our passing
I believe in three tenets of battle - firepower, firepower, and more firepower.
Should the Omnissiah have wished otherwise, he would not have provided me with such a mighty tool as the .
I long for the day in which my entire Chapter can ride to war in transports such as these, vehicles whose rage can be given voice through their sanctified armament.
10th Company
Forget all your preconceptions of war, of battle-lines clashing in the churned ground.
Your mission is to attack before the foe even realises that the war has begun, to strike hard at those vital weaknesses that all armies possess, but that no commander will admit to.
Under my tutelage you will learn how to seek out such fragilities and smite them with every weapon at your disposal.
Master these duties and I will have nothing more to teach, and you will truly be a Space Marine.
13th Chapter, 135th Company
wasn't my brother, he'd be a political embarrassment and an impediment to the effective rule of the .
I know what I'd do with him.I'm sure I could demonstrate how, lord.Was that a joke, sergeant?I may have just made a very unfortunate attempt at humour, lord.It was actually quite funny. -
and Thiel, shortly before the
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter Eight, pg. 95
-Aeonid Thiel. 135th Company.Marked for censure?-Today started in a different place, Sir.-Thiel and , during the
by , Target//Engagement, Chapter Four, pg. 244
- advantage is shock and surprise.
counter-advantage must be a lack of convention.-Expand.-They know what we are, for they are us.
They know the attributes of our armour and our weapons.
They also know our tactics and formulae of war, for our beloved primarch has made his codifications available to all his brothers.
We never thought we would need to conceal our combat methods from our own kind.
Today, we have been disabused of that notion.
So we must fight them in ways that they do not expect from us.
We must use the unconventional, the improvised and the makeshift.
In order to properly honour the combat teachings of , we must cast his rules aside for the day.- Thiel and , during the
by , Target//Engagement, Chapter Four, pgs. 246-247
All of creation suffers, young ones. Only in accepting our own mortality can we make a difference. Only in bearing the burden of our failures can we find the strength to go on. Only in detachment from glory, or honour, or jealousy... from life itself can we hope to spare others from grief.
We are Doom Eagles. And we are dead already.
Each path must be chosen with care,Lest disaster swallow us whole.
Never before or since have I seen fighting such as I witnessed when that host fell upon the Orks.
Seizing the moment, I regrouped my Company and led them once more into the fray, yet there was little work for us, for the greenskins lacked stomach for the fight.
Soon we secured the great bastion once more and without further loss.
Of the dark brotherhood there was no sign. - on the
It cannot be considered a gift, to peer into the Warp and unravel the possibilities of the future that are, that might be, and that must be prevented.
Nor can the burden of a weapon, that each of my brothers looks upon with girded revulsion, be called a gift.
No, Master, I do not think my psychic prowess a gift... but a tool.
Whether by a quirk of fate, or the will of the Emperor, I possess a weapon the like of which can turn the tide, not just in a battle but in the course of history.
To withhold it, to flinch from its use or deny it would not just be counter-productive, it would be heresy.
But if it is a gift, it is a cruel one. - from the journal of , quoting Tigurius, 991.
2nd Company
The answer, always, is the
of , because they are clinically insane.-during a friendly debate with
Captain , about which
is toughest
by ,Part One, Chapter 6, p. 132
-You are a base-born cur!-Just so you know, you'll have to do an awful lot better than that.
I'm a base-born cur, and proud of it.-to
by ,Part Two, Chapter 6, pg. 297
Nico Trevellias of the
They believe they are too good for the , these... these wolf-men?
Too good for ten millennia of tested and refined battle wisdom?
Then let them fight as savages, I say.
Let them fight and die.-on the
Marine Psyker
Arm yourselves, fools, the enemy are within us! – last statement
My sword is at the Emperor's command.
I answer to no other man, living or dead.
Inscription on the
Our presence remakes the past
"We march for Macragge!"
"And we shall know no fear!"
: "His Proud Sons"
"From Ancient Terra the Emperor commands His Proud Sons."
"From revered Blood-stock these Warriors are made His Proud sons"
"No fear they shall know as Adeptus Astartes, His Proud Sons"
"Humanity's foes they defend against all, His Proud Sons"
"Warrior Elite, Unbreakable spirit, Astartes"
"Supreme Defenders, Unchallenged in Battle Astartes"
"Warrior Elite, Unbreakable spirit, Astartes"
"Courage and honour, Emperor and Primarch, Astartes!"
- (1:10:34) End Credits Song
To take a town, send a legionary.
To take a city, send a squad.
To take a world, send a company. To take a culture, send a Chapter.
by , Target//Acquisition, Chapter 3, p. 40
Come all you Xeno scum and fallen heretics! Come face the one true might of the universe and wither under the Golden Throne's gaze!
Hell? There is no such thing, !
It's a figment of old idolatry, nothing more.
We have no need for a place of horrors beyond death.
makes it for us, here, in the real!-on
by , Track 4: The Battlefield
Garro, heed me. We have lost so many of our brethren to this schism, this damned bloody war!
A traitor I will kill without hesitation, but we do not speak of a traitor! Our
by , Track 7: Aftermath
I was not cut out to lead like this, . I am a killer, a meat cutter, not a brood mare struggling to protect a brood of weak and feeble runts! I lead warriors, not common folk!
by , Disc 2, Track 2: The Daggerline
I can pulp your flesh and snap your bones in less than a second, and without so much as lifting a finger. What is the power of technology compared to that?
We commend our souls to the Emperor. Let the story of our sacrifice burn across history like a shooting star. For death and for glory - for the Ultramarines!- At the , 745.
-But if you fail,
will die. By my hand or that of .-We will not fail. We are the Ultramarines.-to
by , Chapter 16
I have seen my share of death, both honourable and despicable, and yes, I know that war is a brutal, bloody business capable of bringing out the best and the worst in men. This is a harsh, dangerous galaxy, with untold terrors lurking in the dark to devour us, but the minute we turn on our own kind and murder them, we might as well take a blade to our throats.
by ,Chapter Eighteen, pg. 277
Without the , the Imperium wouldn't have survived the aftermath of the .
It binds every one of the thousand
of Space Marines together, and gives us a common cause, a connection to the past and to one another.
Every Chapter, whether they acknowledge it or not, owes its very existence to the Codex Astartes.
by , Chapter 3, p.
And you are wrong.About what?About the life of a single individual being irrelevant. Every life is vital, no matter how seemingly insignificant. If we forget that, we are no better than the scum out there.-to Inquisitor
by , Chapter 11, p. 217
Walls of stone and walls of iron,
Fall down all the same.
They may delay but don't prevent
The hail of death and pain. - Assault battle-hymn
If you can see us, we are dangerous indeed.
But that is nothing to the peril you face if you cannot see us, and all you can hear is our laughter. - Proverb
, "," of the
It was the
who created , the primogenitor of the , and the Allfather who fashioned the Legion that served under his name.
For every Legion he created, there was a purpose.
Some were blessed with the power to build, or the skill to administer, or the capacity for stealth.
Our gift was different.
We were made to destroy.
Our whole being is destruction.
Such was the will of the Allfather.
He made us not to construct empires, but to murder them.
We were bred to perform the tasks that no other Legion could, to fight with such extravagance that even our brother warriors would shrink from treachery in the knowledge of what we, the Rout, would do to them.
by , Chapter Nineteen, pgs. 418-419
Say what you will: I will not fight alongside these madmen. The past proves nothing, save that the
are cursed and but a single step from damnation!
An anonymous Imperial Commander
Wherever and whenever they appear they leave only destr they are the Lords of Death, Bringers of War. The .
A fortress won't stop the Marines. But it may slow them down.
Consider the . Let your soul be armoured with Faith, driven on the tracks of obedience which overcomes all obstacles, and armed with the three great guns of Zeal, Duty and Purity.
Honour your Chapter.
Space Marine Proverb
By thy colour will he know thee,
By thy banners will he fear thee,
By thy standard will he dread thee,
Cry Marine, and let slip the weapons of war.
The enemies of the Emperor fear many things.
They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death.
Yet there is one thing they fear above all others.
They fear the wrath of the Space Marines!
They'll never get in. Even a chain fist wouldn't break down that barricade."
(A pale blue glow appeared in the corner)
You'd think they'd try though. I mean, they're not even trying to get in.
(The glowing blue mist rapidly coalesced. The crunch of metal echoed from behind them)
What was that?
(The dark shape, now solid, raised an assault cannon and tore the two men apart in one fluid motion. A communicator cut through the static.)
Teleportation complete. Targets terminated. Awaiting further instructions.
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