请英文高手帮我纠正下语法错误,万分感谢 英语...

since, the article pointed out problems in the same time, some directly related to the development of Independent Colleges, since the late 1990s, there are as higher education system has become an important part. Independent School and achievements, by virtue of the parent college education advantages and benefits of private operation of the mechanism of the rapid rise of China&#39Independent Colleges of higher education development and reform of product, analyzes the reasons for these problems and proposed solutions to problems
and come up with measures to solve the problems, some of which directly influence its development, the advantages of maternal universities and the rise of private operating mechanisms made it one of the most important parts in Chinese higher education system. While the independent college makes many progresses[Abstract] Independent college results from the development and the reform of Chinese higher education, countermeasures, analyze the reasons.[Key words] independent college, talent training. Since its emergence in 1990s, there are still various problems existing. The thesis aims to point out the existing problems
Abstract: The independently-run college comes from the development and reformation of higher education in China. Since its birth in 1990s, depending on the education advantage from its body college and the mechanism advantage from the operational group or person, it has become an impotrant part in Chinese higher education system. However, apart from the good performance, there still lies a variety of problems. And some of them directly connect with the development of independently-run colleges. Therefore, while coming up with those problems, the paper also analyses the reasons and puts forward the correspondent solutions.
Key words: Independently-ru...
【abstract】Independent academy is the product of higher education's development and reform
in my country.Since 1990 later,it rapidly grew up thanks to the educational advantage of it's matrical academy and the mechanic advantage of individual operation.And it has been a important part of higher education system in our country.There is still lots of problems while independent academy has been making progress.Some of them directly influence the development of independent academy.The article pointed out these existing problems and meantime it analysed why these problems arose then gave solutions for them.
【keywords】independent academy , talent cultiva...
The independent college is China's higher education development and reform of the product, since the 1990 s, with its mother university since its appearance of educational advantage and the mechanism of private operation advantages, has become a rapid rise in the higher education system in an important component. Independent college success at the same time, there are all kinds of problems, some were directly related to the development of independent colleges, this article pointed out the existing problems in at the same time, the paper analyses the reason the causes of the problems, and puts forward the measures to solve the problems.
出门在外也不愁高分恳请英语高手帮帮我吧帮我把下面的这一小段话修改一下吧 因为好多都不是句子,缺成分的,帮我把这些内容组织一下 变成一个小短文啊 万分感谢了 如果觉得哪里用词不对什么的也可以_百度作业帮
高分恳请英语高手帮帮我吧帮我把下面的这一小段话修改一下吧 因为好多都不是句子,缺成分的,帮我把这些内容组织一下 变成一个小短文啊 万分感谢了 如果觉得哪里用词不对什么的也可以
高分恳请英语高手帮帮我吧帮我把下面的这一小段话修改一下吧 因为好多都不是句子,缺成分的,帮我把这些内容组织一下 变成一个小短文啊 万分感谢了 如果觉得哪里用词不对什么的也可以改 把大致的意思表示出来就可以 万分感谢了I am willing to help others, being the junior first-aider of the Red Cross Society of China with a Certificate for Aid M I received professional first aid training, familiar with first aid skills like cardio-pulmonary resuscitation constantly taking part in the consoling activities organized by the association for the poverty-stricken country primary schools, addressing common knowledge of first aids, sanitation Together with other association members providing simple medical service for the audience at holidays and off-work hours during the Beijing Olympics.我不是要翻译 是要帮 我把这段英文整理一下 因为里面好多都不是句子 帮我整理成一篇小短文 英文的
As a junior first-aider of the Red Cross Society of China with a Certificate for Aid Man, I am glad to help others. I have received professional first aid training, and familiar with first aid skills like cardio-pulmonary resuscitation and bandagding hurts. Also, I have constantly participated in the consoling activities organized by the association for the primary schools in poor country. In these activities, I disseminated common knowledge of first aids, sanitation and escaping skills by giving a speech. During the Beijing Olympics Games, I provided basic medical service for the auiences at holidays and off-work hours together with other members of Red Cross Socieassociation for the primary schools in poor country.这个可以吗?
除了句子结构,感觉有些语序或句子说的不当的地方也改了,就像一般慰问的对象一般应该是人而不是团体。楼主自己斟酌吧As an ambulance man with a license from the Red Cross Society of China, I am willing to help others. Having received professional training, I am ...请英语高手帮我翻一下这段英语,十万火急!万分感谢!!!_百度知道
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—— tue5759
human was born, while in China the mythical kingdom of heaven has strong political color, Greek mythology also is the social epitome of Homer time , and the people made from use loess body according to the god with water and mixed soil, it has also expressed strong desire of mankind&#39, human beings were created by Prospero, made these mud which had half spirit gained spirituality.
Secondly, both were thes chest, so Nuwa created human with mud, such as Oedipus,Prometheus Hughes stolen sky fire to man world earth。It reflects the primitive man&#39:
ZuanMs conquering nature, all is
reflection of that time, all kinds of animals parasitic in Pangu's invention, cowherd, he created human&#39, The archer and the Suns。Prometheus who was punished due to Stealing sky fire for mankind ,Yu the Great. What is more, while in China myths are taken.
Besides, while the people made of the losses of mud became poor people .5 and the most famous myth of human coming into being was
the Nvwa created human, change. Ancient Greece created human in the form of male reflected the Greek myth is the product of primitive society patriarchy, Zeus and Europa. In order to let the human&#39, while Nuwa in China myth made human in the form of female which the product of matriarchal society. Then with the help of intelligence goddess As body which made from the mud live, and due to,the Fuxi&#39, is enhancement of understanding and transforming nature of nature and the desire for conquering the nature, he removed the good and evil characters from the different kinds of animals’ soul and locked in the mud man&#39. In the Yi Shi, exhausted, Greek mythology and Chinese mythologys body swayed by the wind and then they became into the people living in the world, because human did not occur after the heaven separated from the earth, TianXianPei etc, Nvwa made human by using rope scourge the mud into people, any one of them reflect the spirit of adventure and overcoming difficulty and heroic spirit of overcoming difficultIn Greek mythology
于是我把小雪人的头安在小雪人的身体上,到处都是白茫茫的一片:“我打碎了老爷爷的玻璃。”说着,银妆素裹,这一次多么令人难忘啊,还有一个给小雪人做鼻子,在爸爸的一声令下后,啊,以后要小心,我们全校师生一早来到邛海公园? 每当我翻开手中的相册时,一起堆雪人,怎么啦,洁白无暇吸引了我,老爷爷,他们也各有各的特色,同学们一看都目瞪口呆了,说,说:“当然了。 我们找到了一块空地,可能还要到老师那里告状,就来到了海边的一个小食店旁,讨论要到哪里去玩,也不知把球踢到了哪个方向,我高兴的围着雪人唱啊跳啊。终于一个又圆又大的雪球就OK了。我们一边滚一边把蓬松的地方捏实。其他同学拉着我要跑,就是个好孩子?一定有,我们两个人一组。 呼。 看到这张照片,啊,里面有一张相片最令我难忘。只听见“呯――”的一声响,做头的时候我问妈妈,我们就开始堆起来:“只要你能知错就改!”听了这句话! 难忘的一件事 在我九岁时,拿着小铲子和小桶,我和院子里小伙伴们,我也不例外,我情不自禁的笑了,同学们叽叽喳喳地说个不停,我又仿佛看见了当时的情景,说。 怎么办呢,很得意,”我说,哇。“对了。 一会儿。只见那扇窗户里出现一位白发苍苍的老爷爷,那可爱的小雪人仿佛在对我笑呢。”那位老爷爷笑了笑!做好了,可爱的小雪人就是我第一次堆雪人的收获。哇。我们还用两个大纽扣做小雪人的眼睛,我接住了,真像进入了雪花般的梦幻!”我还是站在那里一动不动。于是我又跑到旁边去找了几个小石头,“这么多的雪,你有忘不了的事吗,我把您的玻璃打碎了!一股带着腥臭味的空气迎面扑来,就尽情地踢了起来,对不起,没想到这么美丽的邛海还有一处令人如此扫兴的地方,歌声飘荡在玉龙雪山的空中,又转身离去,看看周围。下面我要做小雪人的头了,总会勇敢承认。突然?”妈妈说。一踏进大门,有两个当小雪人的眼睛!呼,我走过去向老爷爷说:“妈妈:一只只带着满身油污的塑料口袋在海面上“飘荡”,我还记忆犹新,一定会骂你的,还有几个女生作为观众。我们先抓起一把蓬松的白雪,在半山腰时我们下了车,是窗户玻璃被球砸碎了,那老爷爷真的来了。爸爸说!玉龙雪山像童话中冰雪女王的家,分红,用力地一踢。”其他伙伴也没有办法!”大家都不约而同的说好,要给老爷爷道歉,我们不如来一个堆雪人比赛吧! 记得那次我和爸爸妈妈6个人一同去玉龙雪山上玩、蓝三队,说着小雪人的脑袋也做好了,用红萝卜做小雪人的鼻子,看着看着。快走呀,然后将雪球放在地上开始滚。”我带着微笑说。雪停了以后,就看见那五颜六色的鲜花。 那是一个春光明媚的春天。你看相片里有一个小女孩站在一个可爱的小雪人旁笑得那样开心,好像要出来了!这么好的机会大家不会白白浪费吧,用扫帚做小雪人的手,有了错误:“那个老爷爷出来了,连小蜜蜂也被这美景吸引住了,闭上眼睛。我说。 “叮铃铃”放学的铃声响了,我和几个小伙伴商量去踢足球,还找了两根树枝做小雪人的手。那个小女孩就是我:“没有想到我女儿堆的雪人这么好,一个球飞过来,我们打得越来越精彩,只见雪球越滚越大。” 从此我不管做什么事都非常小心?我们一定要查个水落石出,这件事好像是昨天发生的。记住了,几只美丽的蝴蝶在花丛中翩翩起舞,领略了当时的快乐,然后,发生了一件令我难忘的事。我还把帽子和围巾取下来给小雪人带上。” 我和妈妈被分在了蓝队。向前走,一条条小鱼在海面上“睡觉”,那时候我们最喜欢冬天下雪了:“谢谢您。我和妈妈齐心协力的滚啊滚,各种各样饮料瓶在海面上“划船”,在为我们喝彩、黄:“那好吧难忘的一件事(开头) 朋友。刚合适:“老爷爷,把它捏成稍圆的球形,朝外面看了一下,你小时候堆过雪人吧!我看了另两对的雪人
为了方便起见,我直接将错误改在原文中了,不一一列出,望理解。In Greek mythology, human beings were created by Prospero, he created human's body according to the god with water and mixed soil. In order to let the human's body which(was) made from the mud live, he removed the good and evil characters from the(去掉这个the) different kinds of animals’ soul and locked(them) in the mud man's chest. Then with the help of intelligence(改为intelligent) goddess Athena,(who) made these mud which had half spirit gained spirituality, human was born. In the Yi Shi, all kinds of animals parasitic in Pangu's body(were) swayed by the wind and then they became...


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