set inset stonee

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carved in stone的中文释义: phr. 表演者
Golden dragons are carved on this row of huge stone columns.
That is why the artists created so many talented and exquisite works of stone carvings.
Down a few stairs was a huge stone slab carved with mysterious designs and hieroglyphics
Stone carvings of humans and animals stood in front of the tomb as decoration.
Later, stone lion designs were carved as decoration on important architectural features such as door lintels and eaves.
Most stone relief pictures were carved horizontally to provide a sense of movement that has great vigor and power.
There were words carved on the stone beside his grave to commemorate his contribution to the science.
Only the arrow head, carved from some milky blue stone, had any color.
no longer changeable
2015carved in stone是什么意思由沪江网提供。Although nuclear waste has been produced for a long time, there is still no good way to discard the highly toxic material, which remains hazardous for up to 130 000 years. In his new book titled Nuclear Waste Management and ...
The European Union on Tuesday tightened rules on the disposal of radioactive waste with strict conditions on exporting it outside EU borders.
According to JCN Network, Victor Company of Japan (JVC) has developed an eco-friendly DVD disk made from corn starch-based polylactide.
The disk incorporates polyactide-based transparent plastic for optical disk use, wh ...
( -- As researchers the world over continue to try to find a way to meet the energy needs of an over populated planet, negative consequences for choices already made continue to pile up. Global warming ...
Britain's only nuclear waste dump could be underwater in 500 years if sea levels keep rising.
A renewed federal effort to fix the nation's stalled nuclear waste program is focusing so much on technological issues that it fails to address the public mistrust hampering storage and disposal efforts.
As an engineering major at Seoul's Yonsei University, Yoon Ja-Young was perfectly poised to follow the secure, lucrative and socially prized career path long-favoured by South Korea's elite graduates.
University of Tokyo researchers have developed a "fever alarm armband," a flexible, self-powered wearable device that sounds an alarm in case of high body temperature. This armband will be presented at the ...
It's Saturday night at a busy pub in north London, and the crowd is packed around the bar cheering and shouting at a large screen. It's not showing sport, but a video game.
( —"Autonomous public transport" is on the minds of planners who envision self-driving vehicles that would cross over short distances, suited for airport transport, industrial sites, theme parks ...
Is the future of the US car industry in Silicon Valley?
A little-known Silicon Valley startup was caught in a firestorm of criticism this week for making software that exposed Lenovo laptop users to hackers bent on stealing personal information. But Superfish Inc.
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