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Apple iPhone 6 event officially set for Sept. 9 - CNET
Apple iPhone 6 event officially set for Sept. 9
Apple iPhone 6 event officially set for Sept. 9
Invites from the Cupertino, Calif., electronics giant give almost no hints, saying "wish we could say more." But the general consensus is that Apple will unveil its next smartphone.
August 28,
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Apple on Thursday sent out invites for a press event on Sept. 9 in its hometown of Cupertino, Calif.
The company provided few hints about what will be announced beyond saying "Wish we could say more." That could indicate something related to Siri, Apple's digital voice assistant. Generally, Apple is expected to introduce its newest iPhone, dubbed the . The company also could show off a
at the event.
Apple's Sept. 9 event: Complete coverage
will come a year after Apple introduced the
and a week after arch rival Samsung is set to unveil its
phone- hybrid, or phablet. Apple has added a new iPhone every year since former CEO Steve Jobs introduced the smartphone line in 2007, and new iPhones have been unveiled in the fall since 2011.
Many market watchers expect Apple to introduce two new
models with display sizes of 4.7 and 5.5 inches, though some recent reports speculate one device could be released at a later date. Analysts expect the iPhone 6 to be one of the largest product launches in Apple's history -- both in terms of device screen size and total sales. The company
manufacturing partners to produce about 30 percent to 40 percent more iPhones by the end of this year than it ordered for its initial run of last year's iPhone 5S and 5C.
For Apple, having a successful iPhone 6 launch is vital. Apple hosts only one phone event a year, and it generates more than half its revenue from its smartphone line. The iPhone serves as the linchpin to Apple's overall growth, particularly as the market awaits the widely speculated
and as the
struggles against lower-cost rivals and larger phones.
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Thursday's invite came earlier than many market watchers expected. Typically, Apple sends out invites to the event a week before the launch. This time around, it gave reporters more notice, possibly because the invites would go out right after Labor Day if following the typical schedule. But the invite also came the morning after rivals Samsung and LG unveiled new smartwatches, which likely caused Apple to overshadow the Korean companies' news.Apple is building a new structure on the De Anza College campus for its event Sept. 9.
Jason Leddy
The venue on the De Anza College campus also is a change for Apple. It has tended to hold most device launches at the Yerba Buena Center in San Francisco or on Apple's campus in Cupertino. But Apple also has some history with the Flint Center. Steve Jobs unveiled the first
there in 1984, and he also showed off iMacs at the location in 1998 and 1999. The Flint Center can accommodate a larger crowd than the recent venues Apple has used, indicating the event's importance to the company. Apple already has started making the Flint Center its own. The company has been building a large structure on the college campus, We've contacted Apple and will update the report when we have more information. CNET will bring you full coverage from the event, starting with a live show before Apple's launch begins and a
with all the announcements.Updated at 12 p.m. PT with additional details.
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About the author
Shara Tibken is a senior writer for CNET focused on Samsung and Apple. She previously wrote for Dow Jones Newswires and the Wall Street Journal. She's a native Midwesterner who still prefers "pop" over "soda."
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This Week's Must ReadsNEW YORK, July 19 (Xinhua) -- Wall Street rallied Thursday on strong corporation quarterly earnings with the Dow Jones average and S&P 500 index setting new record close.The upbeat profit news boosted the market, although Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke warned sub prime losses could reach 100 billion dollars, said analysts.Bernanke told Capitol Hill Thursday morning on his second day of semiannual report to the Congress that problems such as foreclosures among holders of subprime mortgages are likely to get worse before they get better.Also on Thursday, a report said the U.S. leading economic indicators edged down in June.The Conference Board, a economic research group, reported that the composite index of leading economic indicators fell after a downwardly revised 0.2 percent rise in May, and a 0.2 percent decline in April."The coincident economic index continued to rise through June, showing the economy is currently healthy, but the leading index has slowed in recent months, suggesting a possible softening of the overall pace of economic activity later in the second half of this year," said Ken Goldstein, labor economist at the Conference Board."While the economy has weathered the negative impact of the housing slump and the increases in gas and grocery prices, these negative factors continue to hold down growth in consumer and investment activity," he added.In corporate news, Bank of America Corporation reported a 5-percent net income rise in the second quarter. Net income reached 5.76 billion dollars from 5.48 billion dollars a year earlier.The web search engine giant Google said its earnings jump more than 28 percent in the second quarter due to strong growth on its Internet advertising business.Honeywell, a U.S. leading technology and manufacturing firm, announced second quarter sales increased 8 percent to 8.5 billion dollars while earnings were up 24 percent to 78 cent per share versus 63 cents per share last year.Shares of IBM surged past a 52-week high to 116.48 dollars as the company's earning rose about 12 percent in the second quarter.The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 14,000 milestone for the first time, the blue chip index rose 82.19, or 0.59 percent, to settled at 14,000.41.The Dow hit 14,000 for the first time on Tuesday, setting the 31st record high since the beginning of this year.The S&P 500, the broader stock indicator, was up 6.91, or 0.45 percent, to 1553.08. The Nasdaq composite index rose 20.55, or 0.76 percent, to 2,720.04.
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