
where to put the camber change small。The railway through the Tsing Lung B - shaped line, one not careful and fell into an abyss of danger,我们乘火车去八达岭,一些帝国主义国家就出来阻挠,过了“人”字形线路的岔道口就倒过来,詹天佑始终坚持在野外工作, in which the number of Juyongguan and Badaling two tunnel engineering the most arduous,使列车折向西北前进, decided to adopt the central shaft sinking method, carrying a theodolite。帝国主义者却认为这是个笑话,不离开工地, to further control the northern part of our country,一定要把它修好, Zhan Tianyou decided to use from both ends at the same time to cut into the middle way.从北京到张家口的铁路长200千米. They think, survey line,过青龙桥车站,在峭壁上定点. In this way, he was drawing,他常常请教当地的农民, but also afraid of ridicule,再分别向两头开凿。他们认为, across the Tsing Lung Bridge station,铁路就没法子动工. Win the south to the north to the construction of Railways China engineer that hasn&#39,不但惹外国人讥笑。From Beijing to Zhangjiakou railway 200 kilometers long。消息一传出来, not to leave the site, one in front a behind the push pull. During the day. The north of the train to the South was two locomotive,一个在前边拉,他总是想∶这是中国人自己修筑的第一条铁路, respectivelyhuman&quot, Zhan Tianyou took the lead in carrying pail to drainage, where to put the steep shovel, is the north and northwest highway connection, Zhan Tianyou always insisted on working in the field,他们就不再过问, not a bit careless,清政府刚提出修筑的计划: This is the first railway Chinese built herself,哪里要把弯度改小. There is a foreign newspaper said scornfully,测绘,坡度特别大; this kind of argument should not come from the mouth of the engineering personnel,不得不开凿隧道,大家说这一回咱们可争了一口气,从南口往北过居庸关到八达岭, have to cut a tunnel, especially big slope, must fix it, some of the imperialist countries will stand in the way, is in any case can not be completed,哪里要把陡坡铲平, everybody said that this time we can fight the breath, constructs the power they have to compete for the railway。这件事给了藐视中国的帝国主义者一个有力的回击,列车向东北前进? Zhan Tianyou down the mountain. The imperialists who also refused to let things quarrel who. No matter how bad the condition。不管条件怎样恶劣, may also make the China engineers lose confidence,哪里要架桥, calculation under the oil lamp, where to bridge,中国那时候已经有了自己的工程师;否则,决定采用中部凿井法, the original locomotive push pull, finally had to turn to their. Zhan Tianyou often encourage the staff,最后还得求助于他们,那就是詹天佑的塑像。In 1905;s statue。詹天佑经常勉励工作人员。白天;t been born yet. This is the first full engineering and technical personnel from the design and construction of our country railway line. He consult together with the old workers。山顶的泉水往下渗, is three times as long as Juyongguan tunnel. The news came out,全国轰动,有居庸关隧道的三倍长,比计划提早两年,是联结华北和西北的交通要道. At that time: &quot,詹天佑决定采用从两端同时向中间凿进的办法, began to survey the line immediately,设计了一种“人”字形线路,原先拉的火车头推,外面两端也同时施工, yellow sand all over the sky. Encounter difficulties, we go to Badaling by train,一个在后边推,说∶“我们的工作首先要精密, thick layer of rock,修筑从北京到张家口的铁路。北上的列车到了南口就用两个火车头, push and pull the locomotive originally. In order to find a suitable route。有一家外国报纸轻蔑地说∶“能在南口以北修筑铁路的中国工程师还没有出世呢. He often talked to workers with eat to live, not only provoke ridicule of foreigners,他们都要争夺这条铁路的修筑权;t start,至于中国人, careful calculation, all the way mountain gully. Badaling tunnel length of one thousand more than 100 meters, foreign famous engineer also dare not easily try, for a long time not to solve,还会使中国的工程师失掉信心。他跟老工人一起商量, Chinese at that time had their engineer。他们以为这样一要挟。火车怎样才能爬上这样的陡坡呢。他常常跟工人们同吃同住. They think that such a threat。塞外常常狂风怒号; - shaped line crossings is upside down,想进一步控制我国的北部,外国著名的工程师也不敢轻易尝试. Machine no pumping site, the construction of the railway from Beijing to Zhangjiakou,可以看到一座铜像;晚上. The imperialmost&#39,一路都是高山深涧; &#39,这样艰巨的工程,岩层厚.; He himself took the students and workers、悬崖峭壁, they can no longer interfere。他们最后提出一个条件∶清政府如果用本国的工程师来修筑铁路,把工期缩短了一半?詹天佑顺着山势, the Qing government had just proposed construction plan,背着经纬仪, must pass through the survey.詹天佑不怕困难.铁路要经过很多高山. &#39, after a &quot, tunnel is filled with mud, the Qing government appointed Zhan Tianyou as chief engineer,毅然接受了任务.&quot。”原来、计算。哪里要开山.1905年, said. Mountain spring water seepage down, s at night, he had to climb the mountains,扛着标杆, allowing the train to break the Northwest forward,清政府任命詹天佑为总工程师。‘大概’‘差不多’这类说法不应该出自工程人员之口。工地上没有抽水机。Zhan Tianyou is not afraid of difficulties, such a difficult project。The railway must pass through many mountains.&quot,先从山顶往下打一口竖井, as far as Chinese, he always think。帝国主义者谁也不肯让谁。为了寻找一条合适的线路, he often ask the local farmers。居庸关山势高. This matter to the contempt of China imperialists a powerful counterattack,马上开始勘测线路,詹天佑就带头挑着水桶去排水; The original, the design of a &quot,一不小心还有坠入深谷的危险,他就在油灯下绘图;human&quot,事情争持了好久得不到解决。当时。”他亲自带着学生和工人. They finally make one condition, precipitous rock faces and sheer cliffs: &quot,是无论如何也完成不了的. Today,都要经过勘测。这样一来,勘测线路;our work must first precision, to the northeast along the train,进行周密计算, carrying pole: the Qing government if used their engineers to build a railway。过青龙桥,黄沙满天,也不怕嘲笑,其中数居庸关和八达岭两条隧道的工程最艰巨Zhan Tianyou is our country outstanding patriotic engineer,原先推的火车头拉,不能有一点儿马虎,他攀山越岭。遇到困难;probably&#39, accepted the task resolutely. Train how to climb that steep, to shorten the construction period by half, fixed point on the cliff,隧道里满是泥浆, the outside also construction. Beyond the often A violent wind is howling, first from the top of the m otherwise,詹天佑就是其中一位. Juyong Guanshan potential high.京张铁路不满四年就全线竣工了.铁路经过青龙桥附近,火车上山就容易得多了. Through the Tsing Lung Bridge, it will be easier to train up the mountain, the railway can&#39, you can see a statue。Jing Zhang railway was completed less than four years, two years ahead of schedule, it is Zhan Tianyou&#39. From Beijing to Zhangjiakou this section of the railway. The imperialists but they think this is a joke, Zhan Tianyou is one of them, a national sensation。今天, the earliest is under his auspices to build success。八达岭隧道长一千一百多米。帝国主义者完全想错了, from the south to the north over the Juyong Guan to Badaling
1.中心句 :詹天佑是我国杰出的爱国设计师 .2.中心事件 :詹天佑接受主持修建铁路的任务.3.具体描写了其中的三个阶段:勘测线路、开凿隧道、设计线路.4.中心思想:反映了詹天佑严谨踏实的工作作风,坚韧不拔的毅力和崇高的爱国主义精神.中心句 詹天佑是我国杰出的爱国设计师 中心事件 詹天佑接受修建铁路的任务 具体描写了其中的三个阶段 勘测线路\开凿隧道\设计线路 中心思想 赞扬了詹天佑爱国的精神
勘测线路 开凿隧道 设计人自行线路
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