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Fellow friends, fellow guests:
Welcome the big genealogy ship tour beautiful Lijiang River.
The Lijiang River belongs to the Pearl River river system, the place of origin northern side Guilin within the boundaries of Xing'anCounty's cat mountain. Everybody knew that, &in the world anhydrous east does not flow& is because west the Earth the terrain is high, eastern partthe terrain lowers, but only has the Xiangjiang River which creates the water is by the southing north goes, the Lijiang River water fromnorth to south under, so-called &Hunan flowing’s the divergence”, “leaves goes&, the Lijiang River therefore acquires fame, probably isthis meaning. Moreover the Lijiang River &flowing’s& the character,inside the dictionary is limpid, the transparent meaning, probably also is the Lijiang River name best meaning.
Bamboo river scenic area
in front right flank near the water mountain wall, some several Hangs hang upside down ClockBreastStonethe column, their shape is lofty, the relationship of form and spirit has both, likes the great dragon as if which several drinks the river,their body, hides in Shan Binei, only has the main item to approach the water surface.
Yang dike scenic area
right front, the mountain arrived here suddenly, the cloud arrived here has been illusory, for person by fairyland feeling. Area this the
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如要投诉违规内容,请到百度文库投诉中心;如要提出功...漓江英文导游词 隐藏&& Li River ? The poetic and picturesque Li River originates in Mountain Maoer (Cat) at Xin'an county about 80 km in the northea...广西桂林漓江英文导游词 385 评论 1 字号:大中小 Fellow friends, fellow guests: Guilin Lijiang River 旅游英语
13:45:56 阅读 Welcome the big ...漓江英文介绍_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Lijiang River Name: &flowings& means...英文介绍 暂无评价 1页 免费 广西桂林漓江英文导游词... 3页 免费 如何用英...漓江的导游词__各位嘉宾,你们好_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。漓江的导游词各位嘉宾,你们好,欢迎大家来漓江游玩。首先我来为大家自我介绍一下,我姓金,叫金怡然,...桂林漓江导游词_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。桂林漓江 各位游客: 大家早上好!我叫。。。,是本船的导游员,我左边的这位是 我们的船长,我右边的这位 是本船的服...桂林漓江导游词_演讲/主持_工作范文_实用文档。美丽的漓江,导游讲解助你更加体会到漓江景色的美丽!桂林漓江导游词漓江,源于南岭山脉越城岭的主峰猫儿山上的八角田铁杉...简单版桂林旅游英文导游词_英语学习_外语学习_教育专区。Li River 漓江 The fantastic Li River is the important component of Guilin scenery. It is located at...桂林漓江导游词_社会学_人文社科_专业资料。桂林漓江导游词 各位朋友、各位来宾: 欢迎大家乘船游览美丽的漓江。 漓江属于珠江水系, 发源地在桂林北面兴安县境内的猫儿...欢迎光临海能文库,如需获取更多资料请使用搜索功能。
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