but that wastree was plant...

  As a teenager I was a productive letter writer. One letter I wrote
  1  .to56pages, and was  2  .of the extremely ordinary details (微不足道的事) of daily life. It could only have been of interest to me, and maybe, the receiver. But then,  3  , it might become attractive just because of the  4  details it recorded.
  Official records of history-books and pictures--may record important events  5  they were always intended to have a large audience.  6  , letters tend not to be modified (修) , often true to  7  . They were, after all,  8  for just one pair of eyes.
  Sadly, however, we don t write proper letters any more. Not only that, but, it's a fact that nowadays hardly anyone  9  to the letters they have receivedWe think only about  10  living and throwing things out. Who among us will leave any helpful papers for historians? In researching a book, I would never have found out that, in the late   19  th century, showy(花枝招展) waistcoats caused a lot of  11  , if I hadn't read the  12  . One fellow even wrote to a friend to say that if he were to ever meet a man wearing a kind of showy clothes he  13  shoot the man on sight.
  What a  14  if such details were lost due to lack of letter writing and a little saving. I think we should all  15  to write at least one letter a month any try to  16  those we get.
    17  good emails should be printed out and kept, too. Emails may not leave an example of our handwriting, but  18  they allow us to record our lives. Some years ago, a friend  19  me with a bundle of letters that I'd sent her since I was   16  . They gave a wonderful  20  of my teenage. History will need to know this, I'm sure.
holds back
little more than
no more than
来源:上海市梅陇中学学年度高三英语第一次月考试卷 新课标 人教版 新课标 人教版
  San Francisco is a big city which lies in the west of the United States very near the Pacific, where two earth’s plates often meet and jump.So earthquake is a   1   word to hear there.It is recorded that at least   2   big earthquakes have happened in San Francisco since the beginning of the   3   century.One happened in 1906, the other in 1989.
  The second worst earthquake   4   San Francisco on the evening of October 17, 1989, when people were travelling to their   5  .A wide and busy overhead road fell onto the one   6  .Many people were killed in their cars.A few   7   ones were not hurt, but many thousands became   8  .A large number of weak buildings didn’t   9   in the quake and the   10   electricity was cut off for several days, too.
  If you have a watch, don’t repair it! I know it   1  .Once I had a beautiful watch.And this watch   2   perfect time.But one night it happened that I forgot to   3   it up.Next morning I went to a watchmaker as I wanted my perfect watch to   4   by the exact time.The watchmaker examined my watch and said, “The regulator(校准器)is to be pushed up   5   your watch is four minutes   6  .”
  I tried to stop him, tried to   7   him understand that my watch kept perfect time, but he did not listen to me and pushed the regulator.
  My beautiful watch began to gain time.It   8   faster and faster day by day.By the end of the second month it   9   all the clocks and watches of the town far behind.
  What did I have to do? To take it to another watchmaker to be regulated.I expected him to regulate the watch immediately   10   he asked me to come in a week’s time.When at last I took my watch from him it began to   11   down.And I began to be late for trains, business appointments and even missed my dinners.
  Now I went to   12   watchmaker.While I waited for him to repair my poor watch, he   13   it to pieces and said that he could finish this work   14   three or four days.I could do nothing but   15  .That time my watch went for half a day and then stopped.
  So I kept   16   my watch from one watchmaker to another for a considerable period of time.
  And as a result of it the cleverest man in the world could not   17   the time by my watch.The thing was getting   18  .My watch had   19   two hundred dollars originally but I paid for repairs more than two hundred.At last I decided to buy   20   watch, which I did.
for reality
for certain
for certainty
had remained
had stayed
had fallen
the second
Attention to Details
  It was three days before the opening of the Pirates(海盗)of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland.Walt Disney was touring the   1   and suddenly felt strangely   2  .In his heart he felt th at something was   3  , although he wasn't quite sure   4   it was.He   5   as many employees as h e could find-including the repairing workers and food service people-and   6   them through a kind of inspection(检查)trip.
  “Does it look right?”he asked.Yes, the clothes and scenes were   7  ; the buildings had been copied from the New Orleans French Quarter in Caribbean.
  “Does it sound right?” Disney   8   the latest sound equipment installed(安装)in order to exactly   9   the sounds of music, voices, boats and even animals that you'd   10   to the Caribbean.Yes, it sounded right.
  “Does it feel right?”He had controlled the temperature to perfectly   11   that of a New Orleans night.Yes, it felt right.
    12  , something was still missing.“What is it?” Disney asked.
  Finally, one of the young men who had been sweeping the floors said, “  13  , Mr, Disney, I   14   up in the South, and what   15   me is that on summer night like this, there   16   be lightning bugs(虫子).”Disney's face   17   up.That, of course, was   18  !The young man was given a generous prize, and Disney actually had live lightning bugs   19   in to make his ride more real   20   he could figure out a way to imitate(模仿)them mechanically.
ook forward
expects to
happens to
  I work as a volunteer for an organization that helps the poor in Haiti.Recently I took my son Barrett there for a week, hoping to   1   him.
  Before setting out, I told Barrett this trip would be tiring and   2  .For the first two days, he said almost nothing.I worried the trip was too   3   for a 17-year-old.Then, on day three, as we were   4   over high rocky mountains, he turned to me and grinned(咧嘴笑), “Pretty hard.”
  After that there was no turning back.A five-year-old girl, wearing a dress several sizes   5   large and broken shoes, followed Barrett around, mesmerized(着迷).He couldn't stop   6  .Later he said   7  , “I wish I could speak French.” I was   8   - this from a boy who hated and   9   French classes throughout school.
  Usually silent, he   10   Gaby, our host, and kept asking questions about the country and its people.He blossomed(活泼起来).
    11  , the moment that really took   12   breath away occurred in a village deep in the mountains.I was   13   a woman villager for an article.135 centimeters tall, she was small in figure but strong in   14  .Through determination, she had learned to read and write, and   15   to become part of the leadership of the   16  .
  Learning her story, Barrett was as   17   as I by this tiny woman's achievements.His eyes were wet and there was a   18   of love and respect on his face.He had finally understood the importance of my work.
  When leaving for home, Barrett even offered to stay   19   as a volunteer.My insides suddenly felt struck.This   20   achieved all I'd expected.Soon he will celebrate his 18 th birthday.He'll be a man.
went in for
fought against
called off
satisfactionwhat did you dream____?l fream that l was busy__.A.to plant trees B.about treesC.with planting treesD.about planting trees_百度作业帮
what did you dream____?l fream that l was busy__.A.to plant trees B.about treesC.with planting treesD.about planting trees
what did you dream____?l fream that l was busy__.A.to plant trees B.about treesC.with planting treesD.about planting trees
D,因为只有be busy with sth,be busy doing sth
D be busy doing sth}


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