
  貌似最多人知道的是  低调奢华有内涵  不过楼主觉得, 如果是反义词的话,应该有相反的意思  低级小气不入流, 用来骂人的话应该还不错
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  低端粗俗甩节操  如何?
  @汗哒哒-21 21:52:11  穷  -----------------------------  这个...
成语中含反义词的Idioms containing antonyms含有一对反义词的成语Containing a pair of antonyms.悲欢离合 古今中外 古往今来 天南地北 出生入死 今是昨非 Grief at separation and joy in Union from ancient to modern times far apart from each other at all times and in all countries go through fire and water repent of past actions1和2位是反义词的成语:1 and 2 is the antonym of idioms:悲喜交加 黑白分明 功败垂成 进退两难 进退维谷 轻重缓急 轻重倒置 生死存亡 生死攸关 始终如一 是非曲直 阴阳怪气 Bittersweet no confusion fail on the verge of success be in a nice hobble a be a life-and-death matter of vital importance be consistent from beginning to end the right and wrong mystifying put the trivial above the important order of priority左右逢源 Be able to achieve success one way or another1和3位是反义词的成语:1 and 3 is the antonym of idioms:大惊小怪 大街小巷 大材小用 大同小异 东奔西走 东张西望 古为今用 今非昔比 苦尽甘来 来龙去脉 冷嘲热讽 里应外合 Get excited over a little thing put fine timber to petty use similar high streets and back lanes run to and fro look around to make the past serve the present different sequence of events a dig collaborate from within with forces from outside all sufferings have their reward.南辕北辙 南腔北调 南征北战 内忧外患 前赴后继 前仆后继 前仰后合 前因后果 深入浅出 生离死别 死去活来 天崩地裂 Different talked different dialects fight north and South domestic trouble and foreign invasion advance wave upon wave fought stagger forward and back half alive giant earthquakes and landslides, explain profound theories in simple language antecedents and consequences天翻地覆 天高地厚 天高地迥 天昏地暗 天经地义 天罗地网 天旋地转 天诛地灭 同床异梦 异口同声 异曲同工 阴错阳差 A murky sky over a dark earth is very high. The immensity of heaven and earth as unalterable principles nets above and snares below stand condemned by God speak with different approaches but equally satisfactory results due to all sorts of accidental mishaps strange bedfellows有备无患 有口无心 有名无实 有气无力 有始无终 有恃无恐 有头无尾 有天无日 有眼无珠 有勇无谋 左顾右盼 左邻右舍 Be prepared against want promise with no intention of doing exist feeble. Having a beginning but no end secure to rely on having a beginning but no end devoid of justice have eyes but fail to see be more brave than wise look right and left next door neighbours左思右想 上行下效 朝令暮改 朝三暮四 前呼后拥 东倒西歪 眼高手低 喜新厌旧 口是心非 头重脚轻 有头无尾 前倨后恭 Think of this way and that make frequent changes in policies or measures have a retinue before and behind follow the chop and change have grandiose aims but puny abilities reel right and left old say yes and mean no change from arrogance to humility top-heavy having a beginning but no end东逃西散 南辕北辙 左顾右盼 积少成多 朝秦暮楚 出生入死 舍生求死 七上八下 进退两难 天长地久 东张西望 貌合神离 East fled West scattered different look right and left many a little make a mickle. Be quick to switch sides go through fire and water to be in a nice hobble enduring as the universe look around appear united outwardly but divided at heart an unsettled state of mind for students三长两短 弱肉强食 水深火热 早出晚归 取长补短 大惊小怪 大材小用 九死一生 异口同声 街头巷尾 生离死别 阴晴圆缺 Law of the jungle at unexpected misfortune suffering from get excited over a little thing put fine timber to petty use be speak with streets and lanes, the moon生死存亡 眉来眼去 柳暗花明 南辕北辙 洋为中用 前俯后仰 里应外合 好逸恶劳 前赴后继 深入浅出 内忧外患 横七竖八 Of vital importance ogle dense willow trees and bright flowers make foreign things serve China south bend forward and backward collaborate from within with forces from outside love leisure and hate labour advance wave upon wave explain profound theories in simple language domestic trouble and foreign invasion spread all across in confusion嘘寒问暖 转危为安 弄巧成拙 惹是生非 惹事生非 推陈出新 貌合神离 顾此失彼 左邻右舍 惊天动地 开天辟地 欢天喜地 Ask for trouble ask people whether they feel hot through self-defeating be meddlesome bring forth the new through the old appear united outwardly but divided at heart care for this and lose that next door neighbours shaking heaven and earth the creation of the world be full of joy承上启下 南辕北辙 人来人往 承前启后 反败为胜 化敌为友 化险为夷 去粗取精 阴差阳错 虎头蛇尾 天崩地裂 一决雌雄 Different people are hurrying to and fro. Turn the tide turning hostility into friendship link connecting a strange combination of circumstances change danger into safety discard the dross and select the essential cop-out giant earthquakes and landslides fight a decisive battle阳奉阴违 乐极生悲 无中生有 有勇无谋 人情冷暖 前仰后合 掐头去尾 求同存异 左右开弓 左拥右抱 左右逢源 先来后到 Comply in appearance but oppose in heart and be more brave than wise men's feelings are changeable. Stagger forward and back out of thin air break off both ends with lascivious seek common ground while reserving differences both in order of arrival争先恐后 大同小异Fall over each other more or less the same
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真人发声【解释】(1).问什么处所。 张天翼 《小彼得·面包线》:“站住……你哪里的?”(2).表示不确定的处所。 张天翼 《小彼得·面包线》:“无可如何的时候,他只得想想自己的媳妇--天知道她流落到了哪里。”(... && 哪里的近义词:
在那里不在说话人这里而在别处。如:站到那边去等我叫你。 见那里。那处 口语。那里。 口语。那时候用在打从由后面。 哪里,什么地方。《汉书司马迁传》:“且勇者不必死节,怯夫慕义哪里的反义词:无关注词典网微信公众号:icidian,回复:哪里近义词或反义词 查询:哪里的相关词语
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> 中心反义词
边缘 biānyu&n
(1) [verge]∶周边部分
(2) [borderline]∶临界
周围 zhōuw&i
[round] 在中心点的四周
中央 zhōngyāng
(1) [centre]∶中心的地方(中,指一定范围内适中的统置;央指和四周或上下左右距离相等的位置)
禁卒居中央。&&清& 方苞《狱中杂记》
(2) [central authorities]∶指国家或党派政治权力最高的地方
核心 h&xīn
[nucleus] 中心;主要部分
词语拼音:zhōng xīn
词语解释:中心 zhōngxīn
(1) [nucleus]
(2) 跟四周距离相等的位置;中央
(3) 在某一方面占重要地位的城市或地区;某一方面的主要机构
(4) [central]∶事物的主要部分
(5) [heart]∶内心
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