
更新时间: 23:06:19
1.do, do, you, when, exercises, morning(?)
2.usually, in, eat, I, at , the, 6:30, dinner, evening(.)
3.on, what, you, do, the, weekend, do(?)
5.you, do, eat, dinner, when(?)
6.season, you, which, like, do ,best(?)
7.I, because, plant, can, in, trees, spring(.)
8.favourite, what, your, is, season(?)
9.colourful, the, leaves, are(.)
10.is, but, winter, my, season, favourite(.)
11.birthday, is, your, when(?)
12.is, birthday, my, November, in(.)
13.her, is, in, January, too, birthday(?)
14.make, card, a, birthday, let’s(.)
15.in, is, July, Uncle Bill’s birthday(.)
16.brother, playing, the, room, is, the, piano, in(.)
17.is, dinner, in, cooking, the, kitchen, his, father(.)
18.is, doing, Mary, what(?)
19.am,dishes, I, the, doing, kitchen, the, in(.)
20.writing, in, grandpa, an ,is, e-mail, study, the(.)
21.it, is, what, doing(?)
22.baby, the, is,&bananas, eating, the , tree, in(.)
23.swim, can, really, tigers(?)
24.pandas, climbing, the, are, trees(.)
25.are, in, zoo, running, they, the(.)
26.John, playing ,are and, Mike, chess(.)
27.is, to, talking, she, us(.)
28.he butterflies, is, catching(?)
29.the, eating, are, bears, honey, the(.)
30.they, pictures, the, taking, are, in, park(?)
31.mom, cleaning, is, the, room(.)
32.what, doing, is, friend, your(?)
33.he, swimming, is, the , lake, in(?)
34.having, the, a , students, are, the, picnic, park, in(.)
35.they, fighting, are, on, mountains, the(.)
36.is, in, September, his, birthday(?)
37.are, they, eating, under, the ,bananas, tree(.)
38.having, are, a ,woods, they, in, picnic, the(?)
39.favourite, is, my, season, fall(.)
40.can, a, time, I, in, sleep, long, winter(.)
41.experiment, we, doing, an , are(.)
42. play, When, you, sports, do(?)
43.father, My, listening, music, is, to(.)
44.I, mother, go, with , shopping , my(.)
45. I , Can, questions, you, some, ask(?)
46. can’t, We, play , in, the, football, garden(.)
47.in, fall, like, the, What’s , weather(?)
48.is, Dongying, in, What, season, it, in, June(?)
50. always, Spring, cool, is, and, sunny(.)
51. to, do, would, What, you, like(?)
52. like, on, grass, the, I, fly, to, kites(.)
53.best, time, is, When, the, go, to, Beijing, to(?)
54.our, is, This, chart,& birthday(.)
55.are, There, in, birthdays, seven, October(.)
56. second, month, a, of, year, February, is, the(.)
57.are, there, in, January, How many, birthdays(?)
58.is,your, call, There, a, for, uncl(.)
59.Lucy, in, kitchen, is, dinner, the, cooking(.)
60.baby, elephant, about, What, the(?)
61.in, Amy, catching, butterflies, is, park, the(.)
62.the, insects, Come, have, and, look, a, at(.)
63.A, swimming, fish, is, the, lake, in(.)
64.pictures, are, of, They, taking, ants, the(.)
65.they, classroom, Are, your, cleaning(?)
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  ①如果有where 、 what、 how等疑问词,那么它就是特殊疑问句,就要把疑问词where 、 what、 how 等放在一句话的最前面,它后面紧接的是be动词也就是我们学习过的am、 is、 are三个单词。
  ②如果题目中有can、 may、shall、would等情态动词,那么它就是由情态动词引导的疑问句。例如:“have& I& a& may& new& bike (?)” 。这道题目中有一个情态动词may,很显然这就是由情态动词may引导的疑问句。那么我们就要把may放在句子的最前面,后面紧接的就是这句话的主语(主语往往是人或者物)。很快我们就能写出这句话的前半部分“May I& have …”很显然,还剩下的几个单词可以构成一个词组“a new bike”,那么将整句话连起来就是“May I have a new bike ?”(我可以拥有一个新的自行车吗?)。同样其他的句子,例如由can 、would、shall等情态动词引导的句子也是这样的方法可以完成。万变不离其中。
  ③如果题目中没有任何的特殊疑问词,也没有任何情态动词,那么它就是我们最最熟悉的一般疑问句了。这样的题目应该是学生的拿手好戏。例如:“you& a& are student(?)”.很显然是一个疑问句,而且没有任何特殊疑问词。所以这是一句一般疑问句,一般疑问句的基本准则就是疑问词是be动词(am /is/are),而且要把它们放在句子的最前面。通过观察我们看到题目中有一个be动词(are),所以这句话就很容易连到“Are you a student ?”(你是一个学生吗?)。这样的题目还可以先将它当作一般陈述句来做,然后再由陈述句改成一般疑问句。例如“you& a& are student(?)”这题还可以先将它写成一般陈述句的形式“You are a student.”。然后将它写成一般疑问句,即是将这句话的主语和谓语(be动词)对调,得到“Are you a student?”,这样这句话也就完成了。相信这样的方法有时更适用于一些学习能力不太强的学生。
  ①由what引导的感叹句。我们知道有what引导的感叹句,其基本结构是What + a + adj. + n.。例如:“What a nice book !”(多漂亮的一本书啊!)
  ② 由how引导的感叹句。与what引导的感叹句相似,how引导的感叹句的结构是“How + adj.( +n. /名词短语 + be动词 )!”。
  还有一些连词成句的题目看上去似乎是无规律可循。怎么去做呢?有这样一个题目:“to&& time& to&& go&& it’s& school (.)” 这样的题目就要求学生对有些句型的熟练掌握。这条题目考的是学生对句型“it’s& time to do sth.” 的运用和词组“go to school(去上学)”,这是一条交际运用题。很显然,这条题目的答案应该是:“It’s& time to go to shool.”(该到上学的时候了。)还有一类句型叫做祈使句。这样的句型往往没有主语。例如:“Go to the playground& ,please.”(请去操场。)这样的句子就省略了主语,完整的应该是“我请你去操场。”所以这样的句型也是学生所需要掌握。有这样一条题目,“breakfast , have& Mike(. )”。很显然这是一句祈使句。拿到这条题目时,如果对句子的意思不明白也许就无法下手。但是如果明白是“让迈克吃早饭。”这条题目也就很好做了,这是一条省略句,所以很快就能得到答案:“Have breakfast,Mike.”。有很多像这样的题目,没有明确的主语、谓语等。这就需要学生对所要完成题目的句子意思的了解,对一些固定结构的掌握。所以我在平时的教学中经常让学生背诵课文。这样既可以很好的记住课文的内容又能够很好的掌握某些固定的短语等。这样才能百战不殆。
  字母的大小写,应该是不断提及的话题。在英语中经常需要的大写的有每句话的开头字母、人名、专有名词等。例如:“thank you,liutao.”这句话中有三个字母没有大写,应该将它改成:“Thank you,Liu Tao.”这样这句话也就很明白了。与中文不同,在英文中字母的大小写有时也就决定了一句话的意义。Doctor 和doctor就是因为一字之差其意思也就大大不同,前者是博士而后者则是医生。所以在平时的教学中,应该注意这类题型的讲解。我在教学中不断帮助学生总结,学生就能很快地记住这些细节方面的问题,在考试中学生遇到这样的题型也就能得心应手,正确率也大大的有了提高。
① 凡本网注明“稿件来源:北京新东方学校”的所有文字、图片和音视频稿件,版权均属北京市海淀区私立新东方学校所有,转载请注明“来源:北京新东方学校”。 ② 本网未注明“稿件来源:北京新东方学校”的文/图等稿件均为转载稿,本网转载仅基于传递更多信息之目的,并不意味着赞同转载稿的观点或证实其内容的真实性。如其他媒体、网站或个人从本网下载使用,需自负版权等法律责任。如擅自篡改为“稿件来源:北京新东方学校”,本网将依法追究法律责任。 ③ 如有本网转载稿涉及版权等问题,请作者见稿后速来电与北京新东方网联系,电话:010-。初二英语试题 |
下册英语第6单元连词成句题和答案(人教版) &
一. 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。&
1. Can you s_________(出示)my your book?
2. She&s b_________(照看)her sister.
3. They&re l_________(动身)next week.&
4. I&m sorry I _________(忘记)to do homework.
5. Where are you t_________(度过)your vacation?
6. Let&s go c_________(野营)tomorrow?
7. How about going f_________(钓鱼)?
8. Did he finish c_________(打扫)the room? 9. Did you decide _________(go)sightseeing? 10. It&s 2 _________(hour)ride. &
二. 单项选择:&
1. The letter is _________ you. A. on B. for C. with D. by&
2. We should sleep _________ 8 hours every day. A. for B. on C. in D. with&
3. Hurry up! The bus _________.&
A. comes B. came C. is coming D. coming
4. The story _________ very interesting. A. sounds B. tells C. talks D. speaks&
5. My parents are both fine. How about_________? A. you B. your C. yours D. her&
6. _________ are you staying there? For a month.&
A. How soon B. How much C. How long D. How often
7. &Would you like to have_________? &No, thanks. I&ve had enough.&
A. anything more B. something more C. more anything D. more something&
8. We couldn&t _________ each other clearly. A. hear B. listen to C. sound D. speak to
9. He spent 2 hours _________ the piano. A. play B. played C. plays D. playing&
10. He spends lots of money _________ books. A. on B. for C. to D. with&
11. Don&t forget _________ the windows. A. to close B. colsed C. closing D. closes
12. I have quite _________ friends in China. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little
13. The film sounds very _________. A. excited B. exciting C. well D. sadly&
14. He wants _________ a teacher of English. A. is B. be C. to be D. being
15. Next week, the Greens _________ go to visit China. A. maybe B. may C. may be D. are
16. There is _________ with my bike. A. wrong something B. something wrong C. wrong anything D. anything wrong &
17. _________ morning exercises is good _________ us. A. Doing, at B. Doing, for C. Do, at D. Do, for
18. Children _________ on Children&s Day. A. enjoy himself B. enjoy themselves C. enjoy themself D. enjoys themselfs &
19. She didn&t stop crying _________ her mother got back. A. after B. when C. because D. until &
20. They left a letter _________ me and went away. A. to B. with C. for D. of&
& 三. 阅读理解: &
Alice was 23 years old and she was a nurse at a hospital. She was very kind, and all her patients liked her very much. &One day she was out shopping when she saw an old woman walking to cross a busy street. &Alice wanted to cross the street, too. So she went over to help the old woman. When Alice was near her, she suddenly laughed and said, &Mrs Herman. You were my patient in the hospital last year.& &Mrs Herman was very pleased to see her. &I&ll help you cross the street.& Alice said. &&Oh, thanks very much.& Mrs Herman said, and she started to cross the street. &No, no, Mrs Herman,& Alice said quickly, &Wait! The light is still red.&
&根据短文内容判断正误: &
1. Alice was a doctor in a hospital. &
2. All her patients liked her because she was kind.
3. Mrs Herman was Alice&s good friend. &
4. Mrs Herman wanted to cross the street when the light was red.&
5. When Alice saw Mrs Herman, she was crossing the street.&
& 四. 连词成句: &
1. vacation, your, what, cousin, is, for, doing.
2. with, taking, who, you, a, are, vacation,
3. back, are, getting, they, a, month, in
4. away, how, going, he, is, long &
5. wants, something, he, to, different, do&
& 【试题答案】 &
一. 填空: &1. show 2. babysitting 3. leaving 4. forgot 5. taking 6. camping 7. fishing 8. cleaning 9. to go 10. hours&
二. 单选:&
1~5 BACAC 6~10 CBADA 11~15 ABBCB 16~20 BBBDC &
三. 阅读:&
1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F &
四. 连词成句:&
1. What&s your cousin doing for vacation? 2. Who are you taking a vacation with? 3. They are getting back in a month. 4. How long is he going away?&
5. He wants to do something different.&
更多与文本相关内容,请查看 【
】 栏目    
1. when,first,the baby,was,I,she,saw,10,days old,panda ,only .
2. At four months, she,about,started,home,time,10 kilograms,and to go her for the outside weighed first.
3. At the very beginning, hours,Xi Wang,14for,her,mother&s,drank,up to,milk,a ,day.&
5.It,is,to,world,learn,necessary,for,around,something,use,about,the us.
6. It ,is ,without ,for,you,to ,get ,success,impossible ,working ,hard.
7. Mothers,baby,whole,their,own,pandas,for,leave ,two,days,on often.&
8. If ,find ,baby pandas ,people ,alone;take they will away often them.
9. If ,danger ,giant pandas ,are ,in ,the;we,farmer ,to ,leave ,the,giant ,encourage ,panda ,should ,reserves&
10. I ,will ,some ,birds,if ,I ,walk,through,see,a ,rain ,beautiful ,forest.&
11. If ,I,them ,don&t,buy,someone,will,buy,else,them.
12. Mother,have,giant,pandas,only ,at ,one ,two,babies,a ,or,t ime.&
13. Their,is ,smaller ,and ,because,number,smaller,their ,living ,getting ,areas,are,becoming,farmlands&
14. If, keep, farmers ,the, taking ,giant pandas, will, live, nowhere ,have ,to.
15. It, of ,the ,most, is, important, one ,wetlands ,world&s. & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &


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