
补充:求类似的 几个外国人在一起的笑话``
其他回答 (26)
两个来自新泽西的猎人在森林中打猎。一个人突然倒在了地上,翻起白眼儿,停止了呼吸。同伴看到这种情况,拿起手机,给急救中心打电话。他惊慌地对值班员叫道:“我的朋友死了!我怎么办?”值班员温和地说:“不要紧张,别着急,我来帮助您。可是您得让我们相信,他确确实实死了。”  一片寂静……接着传来一声枪响。猎人又拿起电话,说:“好了,接下来怎么办?”
“ I am Hunter(亨特).”
“ I am Boon(邦德).”
“I am sorry.”
中国美国日本的三个人一起去旅游,三个人都说自己国家的酒好,就各自去捉了一只老鼠来试酒.美国人拿了一瓶XO ,老鼠喝刚走一步就倒了.日本人拿了一瓶鸡尾酒,老鼠喝完就倒.中国人想了想,拿了一瓶二锅头给老鼠喝,刚喝完老鼠跑了就在美国人和日本人笑中国人的时候,老鼠手里拿了一块砖,后面跟着一群小老鼠,对着人说:”猫在哪里?”
耍猴 & & 日本人为了让中国人说他比美国人能,故意在中国人面前说:“美国佬不是好东西!” & 中国人顺着说:“比日本鬼子还坏!” & & 日本人笑笑说:“你认为是我们能还是美国人能?”中国人说:“当然是你们能啦?要不 & 然美国军队咋会为你们看门呢?你们日本人能得像猴一样!”日本人喜出望外,中国人 & 接着说,“**,美国人除了会耍猴,别的什么都不会干!”
内裤 & & 一个中国人出国,来到海关,官员要求打开行李检查,发现有七条内裤,奇怪问原 & 因,中国人回答:“SUN,MON,TUE,WED,...SAT。”官员明白一天一条。 & & 接着来了个法国人,官员要求打开行李检查发现有五条内裤,奇怪问原因,法国人 & & 回答:“MON,TUE,WED,THU,FRI。”星期六,日如何?NO WEAR.官员明白法国人浪 & 漫,星期六日不穿的。 & & 接着来了个印度人,检查发现有十二条,官员大惑不解忙问如何多出这么多?印度人 & 慢悠悠回答:“JAN,FEB,MAR,APR……..” & & & &
一个美国人、一个日本人、一个中国人在丛林探险。结果全被吃人部落抓去了。可部落酋长说:&我今天心情好,不吃你们,但你们都得挨一百板子,但在挨板子前你们可以有一个愿望实现。”      先挨板子的是美国人。他说:&挨板子前,先给我屁股垫上1个坐垫。”垫罢,板子雨点般落下;先前70板还凑合,70板之后坐垫被打烂,然后就是板板见血……打完,美国老摸着屁股走了。      日本人见状后,要求10个床垫。1、2、3…打完,日本人起身,拍拍屁股,没事;然后张着臭嘴对自己的模仿能力和再创造能力吹嘘一番,并想坐一边看中国人的好戏。   
一次,一个非常富有外国人到了中国,开了家公司,每月工资一千美元,(要会英文的)一个中国人看到了,连忙回去学英语。一个晚上,他学会了四个单词:1.Yes! 2.No! 3.Thank you! 4.Goodbye!
“真的吗?”“Yes!”“这是给你的100元小费”“Thank you!”
“你要做五年的牢!五年!”“哦!Goodbye!” 外国人当场晕倒!!!
一个美国人,一个法国人还有一个中国人走在大沙漠中, 走着走着看到一个瓶子,打开瓶塞后飘出来一个人来,那个人说:&我是神仙,我能满足你们每个人 三个愿望!&
美国人第一个抢着说:&我第一个愿望是要很多的钱.& 神仙说:&这个简单,满足你!说说第二个愿望吧.& 美国人说:我还要很多的钱!& 神仙满足他的愿望后,美国人又说了他的第三个愿望 :&把我弄回家.& 神仙说:&没问题.& 于是美国人带着很多的钱回了美国.
法国人说:&我要美女!& 神仙给了他美女. 法国人又说:我还要美女!& 神仙也满足了他,给了他美女.. 法国人最后说到:&把我送回法国.&
神仙把法国人送回国后问中国人要什么. 中国人说:&先来瓶二锅头吧.& 神仙给了他.问他第二个愿望是什么. 中国人说:再来一瓶二锅头!& 神仙问他第三个愿望是什么. 中国人说:&我挺想法国人和美国人的, 你把他们都弄回来吧 ”。
法国人和美国人气的不得了,但又无可奈何,三个人只好继续走. 走着走着又看见一个瓶子,打开塞子后又冒出一个人来, 那个人说:&我是刚才那个神仙的徒弟, 法力没他高强, 所以只能满足你们每个人两个愿望.&
于是中国人说:&那就先来瓶二锅头吧.& 神仙满足了他的愿望. 法国人和美国人催促中国人赶快把第二个愿望说出来.
中国人喝完二锅头后不紧不慢地对神仙说:&行了, 没事了,你丫走吧.&
美国人和法国人气呼呼的跟着中国人继续跋涉,走着走着又看到一个瓶子,打开瓶塞后又飘出一个人来,那个人说:&我是那个神仙的徒弟的徒弟,我只能满足你们每个人一个愿望!& 美国人急忙抢着说:&我再也不想见到那个中国人了.& 神仙说:&好的.&,然后转头问法国人: “你的呢?“ 法国人急忙说:&我也不想见到那个中国人了.&神仙说:&好的.&,然后转头问中国人: “你的呢?“ 中国人说:“他们说的都不算“
--- tliuyi
传呼 道具 |【引用该楼并直接回复】
扑(2):中国人 美国人 法国人在沙漠走
一天中国人 美国人 法国人在沙漠走,突然中国人哈哈哈大笑了起来,
笑的在低上打滚.美国人 法国人就很奇怪的问中国人:&朋友,有什么那么
美国人 法国人互相对视了一眼也哈哈哈哈大笑起来,这时中国人又用好象看
到了火星人的眼光看着他们2说:&你们笑什么?&美国人 法国人说:&你没
中国人果断的回答了他们两个:&FUCK YOU &
诸葛亮:舌战群儒,最需要一副铁齿铜牙!正说到兴头上牙“嘎巴嘎巴”全掉了多没面子!于是前一天晚上猪哥对着镜子学周星痴刷牙:“天天朗晨氏,健康亮牙齿!” 周瑜:一旦被猪哥气得四脚朝天,鲁肃就赶紧往他嘴里塞速效救心丸……
黄忠:大战关羽之前,韩玄信不过他:“老将军,关羽可不是好惹的,更何况你这把年纪……”黄忠:“不用怕!凭某这绝活,一千个来,一千个死!”说完一口气吞下一瓶“盖中盖”,又扒开马嘴使劲往里倒…… 马超:和张飞单挑了一天,回到营寨。“唉~~~~打了一天,累都累扁了~~~”说完“忽悠”一下呈扁片状倒在椅子里。马岱:“大哥,你需要全新活力激爽来充电!”马超接过激爽香皂,跑到屋里去洗澡。香皂泡沫涂满全身,扁片马超“噗”一下鼓起来了。他飞快穿上衣服,挺枪跃马冲到阵前:“张飞!敢夜战么?”于是又一场好戏开始了……
名言呐 名言呐~
有一架飞机上面坐有一美国人一个德国人一个日本人和一个中国人,飞机飞到一半 突然没油了,机长宣布必须有一人跳机以减轻重量,于是那美国人就发挥其个人英雄主义精神走到飞机舱口高呼一声:美利坚和众国万岁!!然后就跳下去了!飞机 继续飞.....这时机长又宣布:重量还是太重了,还的跳下去一个人!于是德国人就站出来,走到飞机舱口,高呼一声:德意志帝国万岁!也跟着跳了下去!飞机继续飞..... 这时机长又宣布说:不行,还是重了,必须再跳下去一个人!中国人看了日本人一眼,站起来走到了飞机舱口,日本人赶紧走过来紧紧握住中国人的手:好兄弟,我不会忘了你的!中国人高呼一声:中华人民共和国万岁!!接着一脚把日本人给踹下去了!!......
外国人说:“you are beautiful.&
那女的说:&Where? where?&
中国人 肯定先就自己人啦 不过国家领导人旁边都有很多随从的,所以这种事情不大可能发生啦
话说一天,一个中国人一个美国人还有一个日本人,他们一起在沙漠里迷路了。 三个人又累又渴,正在绝望之际,突然他们发现了一个瓶子,于是他们满心好奇的打开了这个瓶子,从瓶子里飞出了一个神仙。 神仙对他们三人说:“既然你们救了我,我可以满足你们每人三个愿望。” 美国人一听欣喜若狂,抢先说:“我的第一个愿望是要很多的钱,第二个愿望还是要很多的钱。” 神仙听后微笑着满足了他的愿望,美国人接着又说出了第三个愿望:“我想要带上我所有的钱回美国。”神仙马上把他送回了美国。 日本人连忙接着说:“我的第一个愿望是要美女,第二个愿望还是要美女,然后你让我带着我的这些美女回到日本去。”神仙在给了他足够多的美女之后,送他回了日本。 轮到中国人说了,只见中国人思考了一会儿,不紧不慢的说:“那就先来一瓶二锅头吧。”神仙给了中国人一瓶二锅头,中国人喝完之后说:“请再给我一瓶二锅头。”神仙又给了中国人一瓶二锅头,中国人又一饮而尽,神仙问他:“那你的第三个愿望是什么?” 中国人说:“我现在感到很孤独,我想念美国人和日本人,我想请你把他们再弄回来。” 美国人和日本人又回到了沙漠上,两个人非常气愤但又无可奈何。
三个人只好继续走,又走了一段路他们又意外的发现了一瓶子,他们在期待中打开了瓶子,果然瓶子里又飞出一个人来,说是刚才那个神仙的弟弟,他说我的法力没有刚才那个神仙的高强,只能满足你们每人两个愿望,美国人和日本人合计了一下,决定这一回让中国人先说,免得一会又让他给弄回来。 于是中国人开口了,仍然是不紧不慢的向神仙要了一瓶二锅头,神情悠然的喝了起来。美国人和日本人耐着性子等着中国人喝完酒,催促中国人快点把第二个愿望出来。 北京人转头看看神仙说:“这里没你的事了,你可以走了”
幽默笑话领域专家In July of 2002 I visited China for two weeks. One week of that vacation was spent as a tourist and one week I lived as a local resident in Shanghai. I observed some disturbing trends in China that will affect the United States as global trade between the two nations intensifies.    I was lucky to have a window seat as the plane approached Beijing because the scene about twenty minutes outside of Beijing was stunning. The plane flew by a nuclear generating plant and a vast sand dune desert. My first impression was that a catastrophic nuclear disaster had killed all forms of life because no vegetation was visible. Farmland was wedged between sand dunes. Sometimes it seemed that rivers of sand were flowing through the crops.     Farmers that battled this sand lived in small villages that were separated by dunes and joined by temporary dirt roads or trails. It appeared that they were losing the battle against the desert because crops were being engulfed by waves of sand.    Desertification of the farmland is the direct result of overpopulation and poor management. Arable land has been overtaxed by intensive farming which has caused it to become vulnerable to erosion by rains and winds. Feeding such a large population is a daunting task when more than 27 percent, or 2.5 million square kilometers, of the country comprises useless desert sand.(1)    Scientists say that the sand dunes are now within sixty miles of the capital, and creeping closer every day. They project that the sand, unless stopped, will blanket Beijing within a few decades.(2) Serious ecological problems such as floods caused by soil erosion and ferocious sandstorms that turn the skies over Beijing to yellow and brown are becoming more commonplace.     While driving around Beijing I saw projects instituted by the Chinese government to plant trees in order to fight the encroaching desert. Throughout China workers, students and army troops have been drafted into a giant Green Brigade. Trees line the new freeways and parks but they don t look like natural woodlands. Most trees are monoclonal and they are planted equidistance from each other. This mechanical approach at manufacturing instant forests might fail because the trees lack gene diversity. There is very little growing underneath the trees like grass or shrubs. Sometimes the plastic irrigation pipes that water the trees are exposed on the bare ground. Since China has chronic water shortages it is not clear how all of these trees will be allowed to draw the water supply down as more trees are planted.     Meeting government quotas for tree planting is sometimes very counterproductive when not enough saplings are available. Trees from the forests are transplanted to the cities, which in turn accelerate more desertification. Some cities have even stolen trees from other cities to meet their planting schedules.    All of the major cities on the tour were traffic nightmares. Cars clogged the streets and the drivers had no regard for pedestrians and bicyclists. Traffic was far worse than Los Angeles freeways at rush hour. Small trucks and buses belched noxious clouds of diesel fumes while small motor scooters left trails of smelly two-cycle oil fumes. Stifling air in the crowded cities is made worse by vehicle emission standards that are almost non-existent. Ambient lead levels in the cities are extremely high because gasoline is leaded.    The huge populations coupled with lax environmental regulations result in major pollution problems. Chinese accept pollution as a necessary part of their industrial expansion. They don t seem to mind noise because the cities are loud with construction and other activities all day and night. The blare of traffic, construction, and other human activity never stops.    Zoning in a crowded nation like China is difficult and therefore almost non-existent. It wasn t uncommon to see huge apartment complexes right next to petroleum and propane storage tanks. Sometimes factory smokestacks seemed to surround apartment blocks. At least these residents didn t have to walk a long way to work.    In Shanghai I lived in an apartment on the twenty-eighth floor. This apartment was in a good location and we had most of the modern conveniences that we take for granted in the USA, but for the vast majority of Chinese the living standards are deplorable.    There is no room for single-family homes in most of the major cities. Upper-class people live in the high rises while everyone else lives in squalid slums.     Shanghai, like most Chinese cities, has some of the densest populations in the world.(3) Despite the multitude of people I never saw non-Asian residents. That s probably because China s immigration policy is far more restrictive than ours. They understand the relationship between immigration and the resultant population that occurs.    China s immigration policies are not reciprocal. Many in the United States say they are a nation of immigrants but the Chinese would more than likely say that they are a nation of citizens. Ambassador Li Daoyu recently said, China is not an immigration country. (4) In the year 2000, almost 1.5 million Chinese emigrated to the United States and China sent 63,211 students to our schools during .(5)    The Chinese government claims they are going to issue visas to allow skilled workers to China. This visa is needed so that managers and engineers can work in the factories and offices that relocated from the United States to exploit China s cheap labor pool.(6)    Air pollution was the most noticeable and annoying environmental problem in China. There is no escape from the smoggy haze even in the countryside. In Shanghai the sun, when you can see it, looks like a dim orange ball and of course stargazing is out of the question. Farmlands seem to be hazy at all times.    Coal burning is the primary source of China s high sulfur dioxide emissions and it s used for more than three quarters of the country s commercial energy needs. Industrial emissions of heavy metals and toxics are also significant contributors to air pollution in China. Industrial boilers alone consume 30 percent of China s coal. These boilers are usually inefficient and emit through low smoke stacks, contributing to much of China s ground-level air pollution.(7) Small smoke stacks seemed to be scattered everywhere I went. Fortunately most of them weren t being used because heating isn t need in the summertime. Sometimes these smokestacks were so close to apartments it would be possible to reach out the window and touch them. Life in those apartments must be miserable when the smokestacks are belching black smoke.    Drinking tap water in China is a risky proposition so tourists are instructed to never drink tap water even at the five-star hotels. I was always careful to drink bottled water and when necessary I purified water with a portable reverse osmosis unit.    China s water shortages are extreme. Of the 640 major cities in China, more than 300 face water shortages, with 100 facing severe scarcities. Raw sewage is routinely dumped into the fresh water supplies so it s difficult to find water that is safe to drink. Chinese protect themselves from diseases such as fecal coliform by boiling their water but that doesn t get rid of toxins.(8)    Lake Taihu, the third largest fresh water lake in China, is near the city of Wuxi and boat rides offer a change to tourists who are weary of riding the bus. The scenery is beautiful as long as the polluted water is ignored. Taihu produces 25 percent of the nation s total freshwater fish but it also functions as a repository for industrial waste water, sewage, tourist trash, chemical fertilizers, pesticides and fish food from enclosed fishing areas.(9)    The average family farm in China is about one acre and that s not enough land to support a family. Country people are leaving the farms and flooding into the cities in search of work. These people are called migrant workers. They are desperate to work and American-owned companies are eager to work them like slaves for a pittance. Chinese employers are no better. China s overpopulation is a tempting opportunity for employers looking for cheap labor. The Labor Ministry acknowledges that their labor force now grows by 12 to 13 million people each year.(10)    The lure of cheap labor is too much for U.S. companies to resist and so far consumers have been more than happy to lap up cheap Asian goods. The Chinese have an unlimited ability to drop prices because the labor supply is glutted far beyond what is needed.(11) Average factory workers in China make about $150 a month and those are the good jobs!    Our visit to a cloisonn頥namelware factory was a good illustration of the deplorable labor conditions in China. It was fascinating to watch how a man used metal tongs to lift and lower the cloisonn頰ottery from a gas fired stone furnace. He would carefully place the glowing pottery on the ground to cool. His protective clothing amounted to a T-shirt, shorts, and light canvas sneakers. I asked our tour guide why he wasn t wearing protective gear and told him that if a pot dropped on his feet he could sustain terrible injuries. He told me that this is one of the good factories, designed for view by tourists. Typically these workers are barefoot.    I visited several factories and never saw employees use protective clothing. Craftsmen in dingy workshops toiled over lathes and grinding wheels with no eyewear to guard against flying projectiles. The employers don t see the need to protect their workers because there are many hungry people waiting for these jobs if someone becomes disabled from injuries. Companies don t shoulder the burden of OSHA, the EPA, healthcare, and pensions. Cheap labor and low expenses allow these factories to churn out goods that are far cheaper than U.S. manufacturers and that s why Wal-Mart now means Made in China.     China has active construction projects throughout the countryside and every city. New skyscrapers are going up everywhere and they all seemed to have construction cranes on top of the roof. These buildings seem to be in a race to go ever higher into the smoggy sky. Suzhou had a very impressive semiconductor research and fabrication plant that appeared near completion that was funded by American and European partners.    Multi-national consortia are financing most of the construction because the Chinese government doesn t have the capital to build on these scales. American companies might not have the desire to invest in the United States but they are rushing to China as fast as they can. In 2000, China attracted $40 billion of foreign direct investment, or thirteen times that of India.(12) Factories were being built for a wide variety of U.S. companies in every city especially Shanghai and Suzhou.    American billboards are commonplace and that s no surprise since over 400 of the 500 largest companies in the world are now invested in China. Some of the companies include Microsoft, General Electric, Sony, Exxon-Mobile, Royal Dutch Shell, General Motors, Toyota, Volkswagen, Boeing, Matsushita, Siemens, Toshiba, Intel, Kodak, Hewlett-Packard, and IBM. U.S. companies have been China s largest investors for three consecutive years, with total investments of $67.8 billion.(10)    China s version of free trade seems to be working very well for them. That s because to trade with China you must play by their rules. Imported automobiles are stuck with a full 100 percent tariff and most manufactured goods such as appliances cannot be imported into China. Here are some other interesting examples of China s free trade in action     Raw materials are allowed into China but manufactured goods are severely restricted.    Most of the heavier consumer goods are sold in government owned stores sto the the government can decide what products the stores will sell. Even if a consumer was willing to pay a high tariff for an American product it might not be available for sale.     German car brands dominate the roads of China. Volkswagen holds 54% of the Chinese auto market while Mercedes and Audis are driven by the wealthy. Buicks were the most common American cars seen. Chryslers and some Japanese models are now appearing because they recently set up manufacturing plants in China.    Shopping for a washing machine and dryer for the apartment in Shanghai was both frustrating and educational. Appliances must be bought at government stores and the selection is limited. There are a few Japanese and American washing machines but most of the models were shoddy looking Chinese brands. The only dryer available was a flimsy Chinese model called the Little Swan.     Bootleg DVDs of recent American movies can be bought on the street for less than one U.S. dollar. CDs of computer software can be bought on the street for even less.    Suntory and Budweiser beers are now available since they set up breweries in China. The young Chinese seemed to treasure those beers even though local brands like XiaXing were far better. American style hype and advertising seem to be effective at selling mediocre beer everywhere in the world.    Dell Pentium 4 PCs are now being sold since Dell decided to move large parts of their manufacturing and support operations to China.    Junk food restaurants such as McDonald s and Kentucky Fried Chicken are appearing all over the place so at least America can produce something although I only saw Chinese workers in the restaurants.    The United States gives total freedom to send money to China but the Government of China forbids, as strongly as possible, money to flow in the reverse direction. China won t even allow tourists to exchange their Chinese money once they leave. All Chinese money stays there, even corporate profits made by American corporations. The real incentive for U.S. corporations is to sell the products outside of China where they can keep the profits. Bill Gates had no problem bringing money into China when he donated 975 million dollars toward the construction of universities.    China recently appealed to the World Trade Organization to force the United States to exempt all of China s steel products from its tariffs.(13) They only want free trade to go one way their way!    The Chinese understand the foolishness of unfettered free trade, but they are experts at exploiting the near-religious fervor for globalism that exists here in the United States. American economists seem almost unanimously to think that tariffs are bad for a country s economy. China s successful economy proves American economists theories wrong. Trade tariffs in China are over double the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act of 1930 that American economists are forever scapegoating as the cause of the Great Depression. They seem reluctant to admit that China s economy is booming largely because of similar trade protections.    The U.S. Congress granted Most Favored Nation status to the People s Republic of China in 1979 and it has been renewed ever since. Tariffs against Chinese goods coming into the United States have recently been dropped nearly to zero. Consequently, our nations are now locked into global competition with an overpopulated nation that cares only about production at all environmental and social cost. The United States will continue to lose this trade battle unless tariff and immigration barriers are restored to the levels of the 1970s and earlier. The only other alternative will be for the people of the United States to accept far lower salaries and far worse working conditions in order to compete for the jobs that are moving to China.    The Ground Potential Theory of Globalism (14) helps to explain what is happening between the U.S. and China. For those of you not electrically inclined, the third prong on an electrical plug is designed to ground the metal case of an appliance so that it s at the same electrical potential as earth ground. As far as the electrons are concerned there is no difference between earth ground and the cabinet so that electrocution is prevented in case of an electrical short. Globalism is all about grounding the economy of the industrialized world to that of the developing world. Similarly, the globalists want people and goods to be able to move freely without borders. Like the electrons, nobody will be able to tell the difference between China and the U.S. once free trade has equalized us. China could be an example of the future of the USA unless the globalist trade and open immigration policies that are in vogue are changed.    If globalism continues unchecked in this country, we are doomed to suffer all the environmental disaster and wage-exploitation of China. Exponential population increases fed by our lax immigration laws will make environmental management all but impossible. Our ecology and labor conditions will be as grounded as the outside of a refrigerator, made on par with the rest of the world in general, and on par with China in particular. As far as finances, our money and consequently our purchasing power will flow in one direction, out of the United States and into China.   
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  I think the author has a point.
  看看这个美国人,多么的蔑视中国啊.他说的不无道理,但是,以点盖面,以偏概全,把中国说得那么落后,那么贫困和落后.瞧他语气里所流露的那股彻骨的藐视,我很生气,也很无奈啊.chinrich兄,你知道这篇文章出自哪里呢?我真想与那个作者论理论理.    I don‘t think this author intended to put China down. What he said is all true.
We are one of the biggest pollutors on earth.
Our government has paid little attention to environmental issues.
Those high officials only care about the economic growth.
&Tree Planting Day&, in my eyes, is mere show put on by the government.
  作者:bluesea 回复日期: 2:58:19     What he said is all true.     The article just reflects a viewpoint of an America but never been &all true&. Do you think the below is also true?       Most of the heavier consumer goods are sold in government owned stores sto the the government can decide what products the stores will sell. Even if a consumer was willing to pay a high tariff for an American product it might not be available for sale.       
  Most comments regarding the Chinese trade policy are bullshit. The second half of this article reflects the nature of America---Stupid and Self-conceited
  one word to the author, that is why china is called &developING country!& and usa is a &developED country!&  come on, mate~     and qoute: &China recently appealed to the World Trade Organization to force the United States to exempt all of China s steel products from its tariffs.(13) They only want free trade to go one way their way!&  ======  IMAO!!! i am sorry, but i think this is what american want, isnt it? american wants the world to go one way, their way!  what a bloody joke!
  妈的,美国人没有资格跟我们说人权,那篇文章的作者是典型的美国人,愚蠢而自负.&China recently appealed to the World Trade Organization to force the United States to exempt all of China s steel products from its tariffs.(13) They only want free trade to go one way their way!&,可是,美国在经济,政治,军事,信仰,等等都 want their way.   
  不好意思,英语不好,我是学法律的,我不赞同上面那位兄弟骂人家美国猪!!!  因为猪也有它的“猪权”!你不能侮辱它啊!!!  对于那些想在中国制造麻烦和侮辱中国的*,我们为了不对其他的任何生物造成侮辱,为了不对其他任何存在的物质造成侮辱,我们仅仅只能称呼它为哲学上的“客观存在”!!!  它只是存在着,客观的存在着,不以我们的意志为转移,它与其他物质有着本质的区别,它是那么的令人乏味,可是我们却没有任何办法来消除它,因为根据物理学说,我们知道能量是守衡的,我们即使能把它改变,它也只是以另外一种方式客观存在着,存在着……
  Some facts combined with typical American arrogance & prejudice.   
  文章太长,英语又不好,看得费劲。  不过污染的问题说的很对,“but for the vast majority of Chinese the living standards are deplorable.”这句也对。  其他没怎么么看,太费劲了。  
  作者:xinyan_cn 回复日期: 0:08:57 
    Some facts combined with typical American arrogance & prejudice.     ----------------------------------------------------------  I cannot agree with you more.  Guys, be fair and cool down.
  i‘m completely with the author!!  
  the present living condition of the north of china including peking city is far more worse than the author dipics
  A majority of guys should have picked up some fundamentals of economics before attacking this American tourist.     &They only want free trade to go one way their way!&     I agree with this American author on this observations. China‘s government does have no genuine faith in free trade, the real belief they hold is protectionism, a practice and ideology based on erroneous understanding of economics which defies law of comparative advantage.     I do think the American way, in which international trade is carried on, is not totally a product out of exclusive interests of any particul it has a positive effect on all the nations who take up the game by this rule, though the benefits of each participant may not be distributed exactly in proportion of their endeavor.
  the thing what we do is the same one what they have done
  作者:xinyan_cn 回复日期: 0:08:57        Some facts combined with typical American arrogance & prejudice.    --------------------    比较同意这个...  很多都是事实,但不是全部.  比如,先不说北京附近有没有核电站,就算有,如果能因为辐射把周围弄成沙漠,那真的是核电站么?    评论和思考的角度不同.  国家和国家之间的利益关系导致了各自的站位不同.对经济的看法自然都为自己的最大利益.  仅此而已.
  看了心情很沉重!中国目前的现状的确让人不满意!  我们的确没有人权,没有言论自由  我不看中央台新闻,宁愿看凤凰台  我多数时候看凤凰台。  别的过节总统的儿子女儿在哪儿,做什么工作  我们知道我们领袖的儿子女儿吗  就是一个市长的儿子女儿在做什么我们都统统不知道  我知道一个县公安局局长把儿子送到了澳洲所谓的留学  挥霍的都是老百姓的钱  我所在市的市长的女儿早出国了  他们出国可不是为了学习      曾经在网上看到过“陈胜吴广在哪里?我们需要你”的话        腐败问题怎么办      为什么贪官能得逞?共产党的权利那么大  共产党官员犯错之后,从一个地方换到了另一个地方    不知道大家知道不知道四川达州万源市市长的事情  人家还不是从一个地方换到了另一个地方      看看周围入党的都是是马屁精    我父亲一代的共产党我喜欢      心情很沉重        
  别的国家的总统儿子女儿在做什么在哪儿  他们国家的人民知道  我们的呢?  我们国家的领导的儿子女儿在从事什么非法工作
  To some extent ,the author is right ,but not abselutly.China really
not doing well in environmental protecting ,staffs treatents, economical policy,and so .However,it needs time to chang.
  I can not say anything after reading this passage.  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  ‘However,it needs time to chang.‘  But it is too long!!!
  作者:xinyan_cn 回复日期: 0:08:57          Some facts combined with typical American arrogance & prejudice.  -------------------------------------------------------  The American should have learned more about China before he wanted to say something.  But actually I just read part of it. :-)    
  →加入个人文集  →加入我的收藏夹    『英语杂谈』 [原创]讽刺文章“为美国一辩“征汉语译文(转载)         作者:东方立人 提交日期: 10:58:00
    ??讽刺文章“为美国一辩“征汉语译文        若干年前,美国人的导弹打中中国驻南使馆,国人无不愤怒,无不痛斥与声讨。    当时,中南大学教授张少雄以英语写成讽刺短文一篇,题目为 In Defense of America,意思是“为美国一辩”。文章写成之后,张教授将短文发给境外西方友人、在高校师生中散布、并且张贴于某些网站之上。读过的人,无不觉得痛快。    这篇文章,表面上是为美国辩护,是指责中国人不原谅美国的小过失。实际上,是痛骂美国种种无耻行径与无耻言论。文章嬉笑怒骂,妙语连珠,表达出作者对霸权主义的痛恨,和对祖国的深爱。短文英文署名为Victor Eastman, 前一词意思为“胜利者”,后一词为“东方人”,合起来是“胜利者东方人”。    这篇文章当时在中南大学英语读者中传播很广。东方立人读后激动不已,也感动不已;事过数年,重读此文,仍然十分激动。这篇文章,现在已经很难在网上看到。因此,东方立人将它重新贴于几个重要网站论坛,一来与英语读者共读,二来希望有朝一日有人将它译成汉语。         IN DEFENSE OF AMERICA         Victor Eastman         Ladies and Gentlemen,         China, a spiritual superpower in the East, upon a very convenient and comfortable occasion brought by a mistake that American missiles made on May 7 1999, with 5000 years of inbred arrogance of moral superiority behind him, is abusing his advantages of morality and power of history, so much so that he is applying these to America, a virgin pure from and untrodden by principles of this or that kind. He, the hard moral principle preacher, is being too hard upon the little virgin, aged only one 25ths of his own.         I, fed, taught, and armed with strong sense of justice and human right, can not keep away from the duty to stand out, among the slings and arrows of expanding morality, to protect the young and the weak, that is, to speak and write in defense of America.         I wonder why China should disbelieve that the May 7 missiles upon the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia were mislanded due to a mistake of information or orientation. Much the same way, I wonder why a 50-year-old man should disbelieve that a 2-year-old child may make a mistake! And I wonder why China refuses to tolerate mistakes!        Robert Frost, the national poet of America, says, “to err is human, not to, animal”. And an American proverb says, “mistakes will happen.” Every error has its excuse. So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, so long live these sayings, and these speak for the May 7 missiles. I wonder why China refuses to learn some tolerance towards errors or mistakes, especially those made by a little virgin free from moral principles.        I have to tell China that, America, which is human with every human right, has to err, in order to be human. And I have to teach China some common knowledge of lexicology. The word Ame and am means great, eri means erry or of errors, so America is a great car of errors. As a great car of errors, America is a great human. Why should China make much ado about nothing? And the May 7 mislanding of missiles is actually nothing among the errors of various kinds.         I have to tell China that it is necessary to be tolerant towards errors or mistakes, and that it is better to be too tolerant rather than too severe. Severity deprives people of freedoms. And America is a land of freedoms, of four and many other freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religious worship, freedom from want, and freedom from fear. A person of all freedoms is a happy creature, and a country of all freedoms is a merry land.         And I have to teach China some common knowledge of lexicology again. The word American, in the present context, means a merry can. A merry c and a carefree can c and a can that can can many and much is a can of freedoms, including the freedom to make mistakes.         I have to tell China that it is natural for a human to err, and it is more natural for a happy human as free from cares as a merry can to err. I wonder why an old man should try to place an old head on the young shoulders of a little child aged only one 25ths of his own? To prevent a little child from erring or making mistakes is to kill the child. I have to protect the child, and I have to teach China some common sense of tolerance.         America is a land of great tolerance, and a land of great respect for great tolerance. It is a technical illusion to believ and it is a cultural hegemony to disallow mistakes. America, a technical superpower, though, does not indulge himself in the luxury of the romantic dreams of mistakelessness. Instead, America, being very human and very familiar with human nature, tolerates errors or mistakes, of various kinds.        America has produced many thinkers to call for tolerance towards various mistakes. Here enter a few. Van Loon worked out a philosophy of tolerance. Robert Frost drew attention to the naturalness of mistake. And Harold Bloom proved the rightfulness of mistakes in reading, with a theory of weak misreading and strong misreading, which has excited much Chinese admiration.        It is accepted American practice to tolerate errors or mistakes. Few non-technical examples will suffice. When American soldiers misfired balls of lead and of flesh into the Vietnamese girls, the Vietnamese girls tolerated, that is, contained and conceived, and A twenty-odd years after the misfiring, when the children of the Vietnamese girls came to America, looking for the men that fired, America tolerated those children, and they became merry cans. When Mr Clinton, a ball of fire, had his balls blue, he, in haste, did not throw his blue balls into the watergate of his wife, but into the watergates of others due to mislaunching. The proverb says “error is always in haste”, and Mr Clinton was understood. The watergates performed great tolerance when Mr Clinton’s blue balls drove in and worked therein, and therefore the gatekeepers presented greater tolerance and profited greatly therefrom.         As for the missiles, there were two semi-technical mistakes. Due to the first mistake, misinformation or misorientation, 5 missiles were launched to the Chinese Embassy, and due to the second mistake, misfunction of the missiles, only three of them exploded, with one missing the target, and one landing silent. There was a tolerance of 0.4, but what if the tolerance was different! Three missiles exploded, killing three and injuring twenty-odd. If the tolerance was not 0.4, but 0.00001, all the five missiles would have exploded right in the Chinese Embassy, and they would have killed 5 and injured more than thirty three, in proportion.         The Chinese Embassy suffered from the first mistake, the mislaunching of American missiles, but the Chinese Embassy profited from the second mistake, with 2 saved from death and 10-odd from injury. I wonder why China is dwelling upon the former, but shunning the latter? I have to say that if China refuses to be grateful, he should not refuse to be tolerant, though not to be as tolerant as America is.        China was, is and will be too serious and too severe about mistakes, because China is too old, as old and unable to be moved as mountains. America is young, unpolluted by principles, so merry that he is erry. And China is too self-contradictory. He is always saying that he is great and divine, but he knows not to forgive. To err is human, and
because China has no tolerance, he has no mind to forgive, therefore, he refuses to be divine. How self-contradictory!        China, without tolerance and generosity to forgive, is now threatening the normal development of the bilateral Sino-American relations, but the world believes that America is to blame for the harms. I have to stand out, to speak and write in defense of America.        I defend America, and I declare to the world that, America is to be as young and merry and erry as baby girls, China is to be as old and serious and severe as mountains.            作者:东方立人 回复日期: 13:35:20 
    挑战!发这个帖子,与其说是求译,不如说是挑战。这个帖子,东方在网大、新散文上贴过。除了新散文上有人回应外,其它网站没有回应。是没有人能读懂?还是没人能用汉语译出?还是没有这份民族意思?现在的英语学习者及英语学者,多半是拿英语吓国人的,没有几人能用英语教育老外。东方多次本想请原作者张少雄教授,请他提供译文。但一来东方不认识他,二来不好意思问他要译文。挑战!挑战啊。       作者:东方立人 回复日期: 13:39:16 
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