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By Erin Munro
I recently moved back to Melbourne after 18 months spent living in London. When people asked me if I was nervous about returning home after such a long time away, I had to admit that I was. But not because I was concerned that my home town would seem quaint after living in one of the most bustling of metropolises1, or because I feared being mocked for having adopted some strange turns of phrase (I now say &half five&, instead of &half-past five&). My apprehension2 was entirely due to the fact that all my friends are getting married.
In London, nearly all of my friends were single&though brief trysts and hook up stories were rife&and saved their energy for blossoming careers and exploring Europe.3 Back in Melbourne, engagement ring selfies4 on Facebook and &Save the Date& cards were suddenly flying thick and fast. And while I was thrilled for my friends, I felt a twinge of self-pity, knowing that my single status would be more marked than ever before in our Noah&s Ark-like society where people must be paired off two-by-two.5 How was it that almost everyone I knew had managed to find their life partner by their mid- to late-20s?
I&ve always been the perennially6 single one of all my friends. Boyfriends have rarely lasted long, probably because I seem to have a penchant for flaky musicians and artist types, and in all honesty, this has rarely bothered me.7 For me, a boyfriend was always the icing on the cake rather
the element that made life even sweeter when everything else&career, plans, my sense of self&was going well.8 Like most people I want to fall in love, and eventually build a life together with someone I care deeply for, but I&ve never believed in having a relationship for relationship&s sake.
I can feel frustrated9 sometimes at the ways being single affects my life, but primarily due to practical concerns. Such as, if I want to avoid living in another share house and find a place of my own instead, I&m going to be paying double the amount a couple would pay for a one-bedroom apartment. Or, if I go on a vacation with a group of coupled friends, am I going to find myself on a foldout couch10 or blow up mattress rather than a lush guestroom with a double bed?
Ultimately though, my unattached11 status seems to bother others more than it does me. A question I&m asked with frustrating regularity is,?&why don&t you have a boyfriend?!&, typically voiced in an incredulous12, slightly shocked tone. The subtext seems to be something along the lines of: &but you&re such a special snowflake! Can&t you find anyone who wants you?& It&s inte it&s really an insult.13 The query&s underlying implication is that the only reason a woman would be single is because nobody wants her,14 and it can&t possibly be by choice or design. And, in a world where women are expected to have a romantic relationship as their foremost concern, where?being single is a problem to be solved, people can&t help but look at you askance if you&re in no rush to snag the nearest male who expresses even a fleeting interest in you.15
&Why don&t you have a boyfriend?!&?tends to go hand in hand with that oft-repeated, equally frustrating refrain about men,16 that?&all the good ones are taken.&?The notion that some people willingly remain uncoupled or are waiting for something better to come along is a concept our society appears to struggle with. But at least men are given the dignity of the &bachelor& image. They&re playboys, too cool to commit, too many wild oats to sow17, no biological clock ticking loudly at them every minute of every day. Single women, on the other hand, are painted as spinsters, sad and desperate and still burdened with those same &maiden& names (aka, our own names) bestowed upon them at birth.18
The truth is, I&m picky19. Most people seem to misread that as &I&ll only settle for Ryan Gosling20.& What it actually means is, I want to date somebody who I feel a mental and physical attraction to&and physical attraction is not code for &ripped and looks like Alexander Skarsgard& by the way,21 and nor is it something men are expected to compromise22 on when looking for a mate.
The fact that I&m not willing to compromise on this is something some people find very confusing, and, dare I say, even confronting. Friends have told me on more than one occasion that I should date someone merely because he asked me out, with no regard for my feelings on the matter. But why would I embark on23 a relationship with someone who feels wrong to me, when it would serve no purpose except to see me with a partner (and would in fact distract time and energy I could better spend on focusing on being the best person I can be)?
Here&s the thing. Relationships are an enormous commitment. They take work, and while I&m sure the benefits are plenty, I don&t believe in settling if you haven&t found one that will work for you. Finding someone who fits the criteria&someone you find appealing both inside and out, with whom you have that inexplicable spark, that &zing& of chemistry and connection&and who wants the same things as you at the same time and whose lifestyle and goals and dreams are compatible with your own&well, that&s no easy task, but I&m not going to settle for anything less.24
And even if that means I&m going to be sleeping on the foldout bed at the guesthouse indefinitely, I&m okay with that.
1. metropolis: 大都市,首府。
2. apprehension: 忧惧。
3. tryst: 约会;hood up: 搭上关系(尤指工作或社会关系);rife: 流行的,盛传的。
4. selfie: 自拍照。
5. thrilled for: 喜不自胜的,激动的;twinge: 阵痛,刺痛;self-pity: 自怜;Noah&s Ark: 诺亚方舟,是《希伯来圣经&创世纪》中的故事,创造世界万物的上帝耶和华见到地上充满败坏、强暴和不法的邪恶行为,于是计划用洪水消灭恶人。同时他也发现,人类之中有一位叫做诺亚的好人。上帝神指示诺亚建造一艘方舟,并带着他的妻子、儿子与媳妇,凡洁净的畜类,要带七公七母;不洁净的畜类,要带一公一母;空中的飞鸟也要带七公七母。因此,此处文中指成双成对的社会。
6. perennially: 永久地。
7. penchant: 嗜好,倾向。flaky: 古怪的,与众不同的。
8. 对我而言,男朋友一直都是蛋糕上的糖衣,而不是蛋糕本身;是当其他方面&&事业,计划,和自我感&&都顺顺利利的时候,让生活更加甜美的成分。
9. frustrated: 失意的,挫败的。
10. foldout couch: 折叠沙发。
11. unattached: 独立的,此处指单身的。
12. incredulous: 怀疑的,难以置信的。
13. compliment: 恭维,称赞;insult: 侮辱,无礼。
14. query: 疑问,质问;underlying: 潜在的,根本的。
15. 而且,在人们普遍认为女人应该把谈恋爱当成头等大事的世界里,单身是一个需要解决的问题,如果你没有及时抓住身边那个对你有一星半点儿好感的男人,别人就不禁会对你产生怀疑。askance: 斜视地,怀疑地;in no rush: 不急;snag: 抓住;fleeting: 短暂的,飞逝的。
16. oft-repeated: 多次重复的;refrain: 重复。
17. sow wild oats: 过放荡不羁的生活。
18. spinster: 老姑娘,未婚女人;aka: also known as,又称; bestowed upon: 赋予。
19. picky: 挑剔的。
20. Ryan Gosling: 瑞恩&高斯林(1980& ),加拿大男演员,代表作有《蓝色情人节》《恋恋笔记本》等。
21. ripped: 指肌肉线条呈撕裂状;Alexander Skarsgard: 亚历山大&斯卡斯加德(1976-)瑞典男演员,因在HBO电视系列剧《真爱如血》中出演艾瑞克&诺斯曼而知名。
22. compromise: 妥协,折中。
23. embark on: 开始做某事。
24.找到一个符合各种标准的人&&一个从里到外都吸引你的人,和他一起你有妙不可言的火花,有化学反应和心心相吸的激情,所求所想和你同步,生活方式、目标和梦想都和你匹配&&这可不是一个轻松活,但我不会将就。appealing: 吸引人的;inexplicable: 无法说明的,不能解释的;zing: 活力,生命力;compatible with: 与&&和谐相处,与&&相配的。
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手机网站 扫码触屏普特英语听力论坛:/#普特论坛听力节目推荐#——今日推荐—— #VOA REPORT #源自VOA的慢速英语,4分钟左右,涉及科技、健康、教育、经济、农业、词汇掌故等.长度适中,内容广泛,特别适合刚开始练习英语听写的朋友,是Special 听力训练版块中最受欢迎的栏目.节目地址:/forumdisplay.php?fid=26&filter=type&typeid=28参考文本(点击阅读原文 可以查看完整版哦!)I'm Dave DeForest reporting.Divisions over the Europe migrant crisis: German Chancellor Angela Merkel is calling on European nations to do more to share the burden of caring for the thousands of migrants streaming into the continent. Germany has accepted more refugees. But, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland are blocking a plan for European Union member states to accept specific numbers of refugees.Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko has described as a &stab in the back& a violent demonstration against legislation granting more autonomy to pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine. A Ukrainian security officer was killed and dozens were wounded in the violent. Daniel Schearf reports.&Ukraine's interior minister, Arseny Avakov, says the guardsman died of a shrapnel wound to the heart.
The shrapnel was thought to have come from a grenade fired from the crowd of nationalist protesters.
Authorities said the suspect was apprehended along with about 30 others. Avakov accused a member of the right-wing Ukrainian Svoboda party of launching the grenade as they clashed with guardsmen in riot gear outside parliament. Daniel Schearf, Moscow.&
喜欢papi酱的大概也都喜欢她犀利的吐槽,浮夸的演技,小编最近在YouTube上看到一个神似papi酱的美国《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)是简·奥斯汀最早完成的作品。这部作品以日常生活为素材《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)是简·奥斯汀最早完成的作品。这部作品以日常生活为素材很不羞耻的说,小编当年冲着《五十度灰》仅上架一周销量过百万,以及,男女主从头到结尾都没下过床的噱头(事实证明《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)是简·奥斯汀最早完成的作品。这部作品以日常生活为素材【热门视频】 Well,well,well毁儿童三观的公主撕逼大战又来噜~这次是权利游戏和沉睡魔咒~It makes sense in theory: If you’re super pale and you介绍
拖延症是指自我调节失败,在能够预料后果有害的情况下,仍然把计划要做的事情往后推迟的一种行为【Related News】 普大好久没有写虐文了... 知道你们刚熬过了520,521,也是real不容【Related News】 普大好久没有写虐文了... 知道你们刚熬过了520,521,也是real不容内容介绍影片《重返17岁》(17 Again)是2009年出品的一部青春喜剧电影,由波尔·斯蒂尔斯执导,扎克一直以来少儿英语都是一个家长很关心的教育投入,少儿学英语有很多好处:首先,儿童的学英语心理障碍小。不像大人学‘Prison Break’ Trailer Reveals Wentworth Miller’s Retu介绍有时候缘分是如此妙不可言,一本有着魔力的爱情书信圣经《查令十字街84号》让原本毫不想干的两个人有了交集,◆ ◆ ◆点击即可收听音频今天我们来学习重量级的大人物的简单的英文说法。听音频学英语:“大人物”的英文怎么说《当幸福来敲门》(The Pursuit of Happyness)是由加布里尔o穆奇诺执导,威尔o史密斯等【Related News】是滴,韩版“杉菜”金丝草的扮演者具惠善欧尼,要与长腿欧巴安宰贤结婚噜~ 有多少人介绍
拖延症是指自我调节失败,在能够预料后果有害的情况下,仍然把计划要做的事情往后推迟的一种行为◆ ◆ ◆点击即可收听音频文本Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,And奥巴马每周电台演讲 美国总统每周演讲【】本周讲话中,奥巴马总统再次呼吁参议院的共和党人给遇到喜欢的人,如何鼓足勇气让对方知道?想要和你看星星看月亮,从诗词歌赋谈到人生哲学(琼瑶体附身~),你给个机英语是当今世界上使用范围最广的语言,也是世界上词汇量最大的语言,还是世界上语用功能最强的语言之一。由于英语具咳咳 终于到周末了 松口气怎么说?普大也松口气了,到底为何呢?文章末尾告诉大家~~~【关键字:Relieve这首Spell是普大最喜欢的歌曲之一,很缓慢的旋律却能唱入你的心田,有点淡淡的忧愁~~适合一个人的时候听,会【Related News】普大贴熏提示:本文多图,流量党慎入~ 话说,2016的Met Gala(纽约大都本周日是母亲节,各位小伙伴们,先送上一首由席琳·迪翁的Goodbye's(The Saddest Word)《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)是简·奥斯汀最早完成的作品.这部作品以日常生活为素材《当幸福来敲门》是由加布里尔o穆奇诺执导,威尔o史密斯等主演的美国电影。影片取材真实故事,主角是美国黑人投资美国麻省大学医学院副教授Judson Brewer介绍了一种改掉坏习惯的简单方法。推荐给一直苦恼于如何改变的玩转旅游口语8检查物品 Luggage check1.Would you please show me yo凯特王妃篇日是英国女王90岁高寿。凯特王妃献出首次采访,讲述奶奶的趣事,女王总是给乔治和夏【RelatedNews】话说,最近普大被安利的一档综艺节目,原本是抱着看直树与湘琴合体的,但却被那些迷之尴《傲慢与偏见》(Pride and prejudice)是简·奥斯汀最早完成的作品.这部作品以日常生活为素材完全放空十分钟是多久以前的事了?不传短信、不说话也不思考?专注专家Andy Puddicombe 描述放空的“近日,英国女王伊丽莎白二世(Queen Elizabeth II)迎来了自己九十岁的生日。 伊丽莎白女王的在语言学习中,听力能力是困扰大部分学生的一个重要待提高环节,一般来说,听力不过关存在以下几个问题,小编在这一We didn't know much about each other twenty years ago.玩转旅游口语7答疑解惑 Solving Problems1.Tell me the gate number,“换尿布”英文怎么说?出来混迟早是要还的!小时候爸爸妈妈总给我们换尿布,等我们长大了,迟早也是要做爸爸或者妈《疯狂动物城》背后的故事 刚刚过去的一季度,要说到最卖座的动画电影,非《疯狂动物城》莫属。 美国媒体 Fus歌曲简介还记的《我是歌手》黄致列演唱的《太阳的后裔》里面的插曲《You are my everything》“异地恋”英文怎么说?今天我们来学习一个和恋爱和感情有关的词汇。相信很多童鞋曾经经历过,或者正在经历,或者马玩转旅游口语6检查行李 Checking in Baggage1.Do you have any bagga英文文稿From VOA Learning English, this is the Health & LiRelated News小长假中,你们围观电影《火锅英雄》了吗?这是一个关于英雄救美的故事,这是一个关于将功天气变暖,万物复苏,春雨绵绵,是不是按捺不住心中激动之情,向往漫步曲径小道,醉心于那一片姹紫嫣红的花海中呢?文章语速较慢,适合模仿跟读。文稿Man's youth is a wonderful thing: it i1热点翻译“妈妈,为什么我和别人不一样?我不喜欢我的脸。” 最近小编总是在坐公交(take a bus/ b今天你“相亲”了吗?只要你的年龄在20多岁,或者接近30,多少都会接触相亲这件事吧,不知道你是否已经通过相亲Related News是的,普大又来虐汪了。执着虐文三万年。最近热搜又刷上了一对新晋CP,就是咱们“大仁哥putclub2012普特微英语,属于你我的英语学习平台!回复相应的栏目序号,获得每天的英语内容!热门文章最新文章putclub2012普特微英语,属于你我的英语学习平台!回复相应的栏目序号,获得每天的英语内容!普特英语听力网_自媒体文章-爱微帮
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