
You are constantly checking social media, the news, and email. You can't stop answering your phone when you should be working. Is the “Fear of Missing Out” keeping you from getting your work done? Is the “Fear of Missing Out” interrupting your life?你总是在刷新社交网站、看新闻和电子邮件。当你应该工作的时候,你却无法不接电话。是“害怕错过”的心理在阻挠你完成自己的工作吗?是“害怕错过”的心理在打扰你的生活吗?The other day, a co-worker answered a phone call in the middle of a meeting. This actioninterrupted everyone and after a few minutes we got back to the task at hand. Afterwards, I was curious and asked if the call was an emergency。有一天,一位同事在会议中接了一个电话。这个举动打断了所有人的工作,几分钟之后我们才回到自己手头的任务。事后,我感到好奇并且问到那个电话是非常紧急的吗?He said no. I pushed a little further and inquired as to why he interrupted the flow of the meeting to answer it. He gave a rather revealing and honest answer, “I was afraid I might be missing something important。”他说没有。我问得更深入了一些,询问为什么他会宁愿打断会议流程也要去接那个电话呢。他给了我一个相当坦白和诚实的回答,“我害怕我可能会错过一些重要的事情。”This particular individual let their FOMO interrupt not only their life, but the productivity of those around them. FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out. FOMO is the thought that if you miss something that you will be missing something important or great。这个特定的群体不仅让“害怕错过”的信息强迫症打乱了他们自己的生活,也同时影响到了他们周围人的工作效率。FOMO是害怕错过的意思。信息强迫症是一种觉得一旦你错过一些事情,你将会错过更重要更美好的事情的想法。Here are 9 Signs That FOMO is Interrupting Your Life:这里有9个迹象表明信息强迫症正在妨碍你的生活:1. Answering the Phone When You Shouldn't在你不该接电话的时候你接了Do you answer the phone anywhere you are? No matter what you are doing? (In the bathroom?)任何地方你都会接电话吗?无论你正在做什么?(甚至在卫生间里?)2. Joining the Watercooler Gossip加入到津津乐道的八卦中Do you spend endless hours chatting it up so that you don't miss the latest office gossip? The average office worker puts in less than a half day of actual work.你是否花费了大量的时间在聊天上,这样你就不会错过办公室里最新的流言蜚语了?普通的上班族们真正工作的时间不到半天。3. Watching Meaningless TV观看无意义的电视节目Do you stay up late watching the latest reality TV show or the nightly comedian? Instead, spend that time on sleep or something productive.你会熬夜看最新一期的电视真人秀节目或是晚间喜剧电影吗?不妨将那段时间用在睡眠或是一些更有效率的事情上。4. Endlessly Surfing the Internet无休止地上网Hint: You cannot read the entire Internet. It is not possible. So, next time resist clicking through to 20 more websites。提示:你无法阅读到所有互联网网页,这是不可能的。所以,下次忍住,不要点击20多个网站才罢休。5. Checking Email Incessantly不停地查看邮件Do you pull out your smartphone at every free moment you have? Are you checking email in elevators, in meetings, and yes, even in the bathroom? Resist checking your email.一旦有空,你是不是都会拿出智能手机?你会在电梯里、会议中,甚至在浴室里都在查看邮件吗?请忍住查看邮件的冲动。6. Dropping Your Priorities to Do Something “Else”将安排好的工作顺序丢到一边去做一些其他的事情Do you drop your priorities and plans at the first sign that something else might be going on? Stay on your priorities and get them done first。“有些事情可能会发生”的迹象,是不是会让你丢掉安排好了的工作和计划?继续按你的优先级顺序工作,先将重要的工作完成。7. Texting When You Shouldn't在不应该发信息的时候发了Whether it is in the car, during dinner, or in meetings, you can't stop texting at a moment's notice. Holster that smartphone and concentrate on the present.无论是在车里、正餐时间或在会议中,你都忍不住一收到信息就回复。将智能手机装进皮套里,把注意力都集中在当下。8. Endlessly Reading the News无休止地读新闻The news dominates our lives. How many times have you checked it today Yet, most of it isinconsistent, unimportant, or inconsequential. Yet, you want to be “in the know。”新闻主导着我们的生活。今天你都已经查看多少次了,其实大部分新闻都是矛盾的、无关紧要或是不合逻辑的。但是,你就是想变成“什么都知道”。9. Social Media Overload社会媒体超负荷How many social networks are you on? What was your friend's last status update? Do youcheck it at work when you should be working? Sometimes, I wonder if Facebook's entire business model is based on FOMO.你加入了多少个社交网络平台?你朋友最近一次更新的状态是什么?在你应该工作的时候你有去查阅信息吗?有时,我在猜想Facebook(一种网络社交平台)的整个商业模式是不是基于“信息强迫症” 的。Don't let FOMO control your life and actions. Chances are you are not missing anything important or exciting。The only thing you are missing out on… is your life。不要让“信息强迫症” 控制你的生活和行动。可能你并没有错过任何重要的或是令人兴奋的事情。你唯一错过的事情是…你的生活。
A recent Gallup poll, quoted in The Atlantic, found that "well-being rises with income at all levels of income, across countries." In other words, as the article's title states, the poll proves that "Yes, Money Does Buy Happiness."《亚特兰大报》刊登了一项最近的盖洛普民意测验,结果显示“在各个国家,不论收入水平,人们的幸福感都随着收入的提高而上升。”换句话说,就像那篇文章的标题所说的,这项调查证明了“是的,金钱可以买来幸福。”Except that it doesn't prove that at all. What the study actually discovered was a "strongcorrelation" between each nation's real GDP per capita and the sense of "well-being" among those nation's citizens.而事实上这项调查根本不能证明这一点。这项研究发现的其实是根据调查那些国家的公民,每个国家真实的人均GDP和幸福感之间存在“强烈的相关性”。Correlation isn't causation. The data could just as easily be interpreted the other way around: that happiness creates wealth. What's most likely, though, is that happiness and wealth are part of a cycle, each one creating more of the other.相关性并不是因果关系。这些数据也可以很容易地被解读成另一种意思:幸福创造了财富。而最有可能的是,幸福和财富是一个循环,二者可以相互创造。改变思维现状,从学会思维导图开始&&And that's the reason for this post. Assuming you want to create both wealth and happiness for yourself and those around you, you have two approaches: wait until you're wealthy to be happy, or become more happy now and thereby create more wealth.这就是为什么我要写这篇文章。假设你想为你自己和身边的人创造财富和幸福,你有两种途径:等到你变得富有,然后就会幸福了。或者现在让自己更幸福,然后就能创造更多财富。I maintain that, in today's economy, it's easier to start with the happiness, because unlike wealth (which takes time to accumulate), you can increase the amount of happiness in your life within minutes, simply by taking more notice of things that make you happy.我坚持认为,在今天的经济环境下,从创造幸福开始会更容易一些,因为和财富不同(财富需要时间积累),你在几分钟之内就可以提高自己的幸福感,你只需要留意那些让你可以快乐的东西。With that in mind, here are ten things that can make you happy immediately, regardless of where you are in the cycle.知道了这一点,我们来看看10样可以马上让你快乐起来的东西。不管你是想先要幸福还是先要财富。1. Life1.活着It's easy to forget that the mere fact of conscious existence--that you are alive--is itself amiracle. As the old saying goes "every day above ground is a good day."我们很容易忘记,单纯的意识到自己的存在,也就是你还活着,这本身就是一个奇迹。就好像那句老话说的“真实存在的每一天都是美好的”。2. Health2.健康Rather than thinking of illness as something bad that happens to you, start thinking of health as something good that's happening to you.不要去想疾病这种可能会降临的坏事情,开始想想健康这种好东西。3. Purpose3.目标There is nothing more conducive to long-term happiness than knowing that your actions are making the world a better place.知道你的行为正在让世界变得更美好,没有什么比这个更有益于长期的快乐了。4. Friendship4.友谊Almost everyone has friends, although it's easy to lose track of them in the rush of events. Take a few minutes--today--to reconnect with some of them.几乎每个人都有朋友,虽然在匆匆忙忙中我们很容易和他们失去联系。花几分钟,就从今天开始,重新和他们建立联系吧。5. Family5.家庭If you've got a good relationship with your family, rejoice! You're experiencing one of the deepest sources of happiness on the planet.如果你和家人的关系不错,好好享受吧!你正在拥有这个地球上最深层的幸福资源。6. Self-reliance6.自力更生Feeling secure that you can count on yourself to accomplish what you set out to accomplish creates a quiet but potent happiness.你十分确定你可以完全依赖自己去完成那些你想要完成的事情,这会给你带来无言但强大的幸福感。7. Community7.社区Having the support of a wider group makes you more aware that you're part of something greater than yourself.有一个更广泛的团队的支持会让你更加感觉到你不是一个人在战斗。8. Gratitude8.感恩Rather than focusing on what you don't have or what's out of reach, be thankful for the wonderful things already in your life.不要专注于那些你没能拥有或是无法触及的事物,而要感谢那些已经出现在你生命中的美好。9. Laughter9.欢笑It is impossible to laugh and be miserable at the same time. Regular doses of laughter are more than medicine... it's the flavor of life.不可能在同一时刻又欢笑又悲伤。经常笑一笑胜过良药。这就是生活的滋味。10. Love10.爱'Nuff said.这个就不用多说了。Create these ten things in your life and I guarantee that you'll either become more wealthy or, if not, you won't really care anyway because you'll already have what's important.在你的生活中创造这10样东西,我保证你会变得更加富有,如果没有的话,你也不会在意了,因为你已经拥有了重要的东西。
最近楼主比较空,可以帮大家翻译哦。需要长篇大论翻译的赶紧点楼主的qq 加一下神马的,楼主会一个星期挑一篇长的进行免费翻译哦!~~~~~~~~~(恭喜上周被抽中翻译的童鞋 ID:爱无痕33 楼主已经把文章发到你的邮箱了哦,请查收~~~)短篇的也是免费翻译的。欢迎加楼主qq详谈长篇写作或者翻译。 楼主的qq
If we include chapter or section under 'text' (but allowing that text may also be one word or one sentence), the next tower unit is the paragraph, which is Nietzsche's unit of thought (and mine}. Typical paragraph schemes: (a) start with a generalisa&tion and then produce two or three examples, illustrations, pieces of ev (b) introduce and relate an event (c) introduce and describe an object or brief scene. In informative texts, you may want to regroup sentences in accordance with such a typical scheme but you have to bear house-styles in mind. Generally, German paragraphs are longer than E a German paragraph can often be split into several English paragraphs. The sentence is the 'natural* unit of translation, just as it is the natural unit of comprehension and recorded thought. Within a sentence, transpositions, clause rearrangements, recasting are common, provided that FSP is not infringed, and that there is a good reason for them. On the other hand, unless a sentence is too long, it is unusual to divide it. If it is unusuallv short, it is likely to be for a special effect. Needless to say, if long sentences are a part of a writer's style in an expressive text, they have to be preserved. Not uncommonly, a French relative clause is hived off into a separate sentence, when it is active rather than descriptive: e.g. Vosamis sont Id qui vous attendent - 'Your friends are over there. They're waiting for you1 (Grevisse,p, 1041; other examples in GuiKemin-Ftescher, 1981, pp. 339-40). This is an exceptional, well recognised procedure. More commonly, the French relative clause is replaced by a present participle. Normally, by the time you have started working, you translate sentence by sentence, and you will consciously be looking at the larger units - paragraphs and text - only, for example (1)
When you have difficulties with connectives, e.g. Quelques-uns, vers la fin, s'y endormirenz et ronfUrent. Mais, au cafe, tout se ranime {Madame Bovary), Gerard Hopkins translated: 'When the feast was nearing its end, some of them fell asleep and snored, though they woke up again, when coffee appeared7. This translation is lexic the force of the connective is slightly weakened by the fusion of the two sentences, but I think this is a good translation. It is usually justified to fill the case-gaps of nouns like 'beginning', 'middle1 and 'end*. (2)
When you are not happy about the sentence as a unit. (3)
When you start revising your version, Within the sentence, there are five possible sub-units of translation. One of them, the morpheme, the smallest unit of meaning, need not be taken seriously, except in the cases of prefixes such as 'post-1, 'inter-* or suffixes such as '-ism' when they have no direct TL equivalent in the word context (but see Catford, 1975, p, 76, who offers: J'ax laisse mes lunettes sur la table- 'I've left my glasses on the table'). Two sub-units, the clause and the group, the other two, the collocation and the word (including the idiom and the compound, which is a congealed collocation), are lexical.谢谢楼主
:I've said many times just because I couldn't see it.you can at me again and again until I reply it.I'm sorry for that but please forgive me.Lots of posts there flash me almost every second
The world has heard, seen and felt it. ‘This Is What It Feels Like’, the first single of Armin van Buuren’s ‘Intense’ album, has begun to move us all. The feel-good tune, featuring Trevor Guthrie, now spreads through the remixes of David Guetta, Antillas & Dankann and Giuseppe Ottaviani!Getting the ‘Essential New Tune’ on Pete Tong’s BBC Radio 1 show and performed live in front of ten-thousands of fans during Armin’s set at the Ultra Music Festival in Miami, ‘This Is What It Feels Like’ is the new sensation. A musical fusion that works, moves and brings a smile. For those craving a more club oriented version, it’s now time for the remixes to rush in.
Given my goal of encouraging the wider application of qualitative methods in organizational science as well as the blending of qualitative and qualitative designs,it may be informative if I can impart a sense of how qualitative research has actually been applied in management research.求帮助哇
请帮忙翻译,急用,多谢!A single comprehensive analysis presenting as much of the relevent material in as concise a manner as possible has proved superior in use to the alternative of interactive analysis one item at a time.
木马:夜深了,游乐场都关门了。南极 :企鹅告诉我,在冰川融化的那一刻,所有的星星都会落入大海。我跟它说如果那是真的话,我会飞到月亮上撒星星。睡觉:每天睡觉前,可爱的怪兽们都来听我讲故事。小鸟:小王子有玫瑰,我有小鸟,每天栖息在秘密花园里,是否就不会长大?夕阳:为什么风筝越飞越高? 因为它要飞进另一个孩子的梦。告诉他,不要害怕。橱窗:我被一家店铺吸引,好奇心驱使我走了进去 物品:店主老爷爷喜爱收藏老物品,他跟我说,有回忆的东西才有价值。宇宙:老爷爷带我去各种新奇的地方,宇宙里的星星跟梵高画的星空一样美丽。地铁 :可城市里的人越来越多,天空越来越看不到星星。水晶:待定 一起想想落叶:有一天,老爷爷不见了,他没有告诉我他要去哪或者做什么。我到处找他,可他们都一脸疑惑的望着我。牵手:一切都像一个梦,但我相信那家店真的存在过。只要你相信,它就会在。那位高手帮忙翻译一下啊 比较急。谢谢了
In addition to the steps of problem definition, analysis, design, development, testing, and implementation, a maintenance step may be included in the SDLC (Davis, 1994). However, a more precise description would include maintenance as part of the SLC, but not the SDLC. Strictly defined, the primary meaning of “develop” is “to cause to grow g cause to become gradually fuller, larger, better, etc.” (Guralnik, 1982 p. 386), while the primary meaning of “maintain” is “ carry on” (Guralnik, 1982 p. 854). An example of a different type of system will illustrate this point. The development of an automobile (i.e., system) progresses from the first discussion concerning the conceptualization of a new model (i.e., problem definition) through the release of the finished automobile to the customer (i.e., implementation); at that point, “development” is complete. The maintenance phase that follows does not enhance the capabilities of the a it simply ensures that the automobile will continue to properly function. This is an extremely important distinction for large organizations, where the development and maintenance of software systems are often performed for the purpose of planning, an unambiguous separation between development and maintenance must be made in such organizations. The importance of this separation for planning is illustrated by the fact that most IS organizations spend more than 50% of the professional resource time on system maintenance (Friedlander & Toothman, 1994).谢谢楼主
楼主万福!To Tax or Not To Tax?The Case of Electronic CommerceABSTRACT: Despite the intensifying debate over the taxation of internet commerce, the relevantissues have not been given a systematic treatment in the context of the literature on optimaltaxation. We present such an analysis, and investigate separately the taxation of businesspurchases of intermediate goods, the taxation of consumer purchases of final goods and services,and the various issues of administration and compliance costs as they apply to the developmentof e-commerce. We conclude that, generally, the optimal tax literature can not be used insupport of a blanket tax exemption for internet purchases. Certain conditions could lead to theoptimality of an exemption, but those conditions are not likely to be met in practice.JEL Codes: H21 (Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue: E Optimal Taxation), H71 (Stateand Local Taxation, Subsidies, and Revenue)KEYWORDS: Optimal Taxation, Electronic Commerce, Internet TaxationIntroductionThe sales tax treatment of goods and services purchased via the internet has attractedattention far beyond that normally afforded to issues of state and local taxation. The discussion ismotivated by widely different objectives, with some looking at the issue as how to create the besttax structure, others as a means to reduce the size of government, and others as a way to givepreferential tax treatment to a particular industry.
孩子我爱你 我想使用你 因你的心是上帝所喜悦的 所以你要如鹰展翅翱翔
求中译英开课部门意见开课老师意见 休学年限到校手续审批单、离校手续审批单谢谢楼主!
孩子我爱你 我想使用你 因你的心是上帝所喜悦的 所以你要如鹰展翅翱翔 求翻译
Remember being five,and when your pare nts were talking to other grownups you'd walk over mid-conversation,tug on their s hirts and repeatedly call,&Mom/Dad?& Yea h––that was improper then––but you were five,so it was fathomable.Some people ar e incapable of comprehending the notion of waiting their turn to speak.When this ha ppens, utilize the sarcastic old saying:&I ap ologize, did the middle of my sentence int errupt the beginning of yours?&英译汉哦、
求翻英 (急)班里也就伤了和气,坏了默契就不能好好演出了,这时总有个正义的人出来协调,化解了争执,然后再重新排练,做错了,我们就吸取了前次的教训,不再是责备,而是一步步的告诉他该如何做,并互相帮忙,一起练习不熟的动作舞步台词,帮忙一起制做道具服装,互相协助,信任彼此.在这个充满乐趣的高中生活里,大家能够尽自己的一份心力去享受著这个(音乐剧的)过程,并更加的尊重他人意见,听取教训,并能够在短短几个月的时间内,藉著大家的团结努力,创造出了包含著全班的心力所演出的音乐剧来呈现给大家看,这真是高中生活里最有趣的部分了.
You agree that Company may freeze any and all revenues in your account that are received in connection with Recordings or other materials submitted by you which Company believes, in its good faith discretion, violate the Terms of Service, and that such revenues will be forfeited by you if Company determines, in its good faith discretion, they are the result of fraud and/or infringement. You agree that you will not be entitled to reimbursement for any fees paid by you to Company in the event Company disables access to your account, your Recordings and/or any other materials you provide to Company, or to any revenues forfeited by you as set forth in the preceding sentence
最近楼主比较空,可以帮大家翻译哦。需要长篇大论翻译的赶紧点楼主的qq 加一下神马的,楼主会一个星期挑一篇长的进行免费翻译哦!~~~~~~~~~(恭喜上周被抽中翻译的童鞋 ID:夏日清 楼主已经把文章发到你的邮箱了哦,请查收~~~)短篇的也是免费翻译的。欢迎加楼主qq详谈长篇写作或者翻译。 楼主的qq
Amber is a very pretty goldish brown "stone" that sparkles orange and yellow in sunlight. Amber is actually fossilized tree sap! It's the stuff used in the movie "Jurassic Park." Millions of years ago insects got stuck in the tree sap. Small insects which had bitten the dinosaurs, had blood with DNA from the dinosaurs in the insect's bodies, which were now fossilized in the amber.
Ancient Greeks discovered that amber behaved oddly - like attracting feathers - when rubbed by fur or other objects. They didn't know what it was that caused this phenomenon. But the Greeks had discovered one of the first examples of static electricity.
The Latin word, electricus, means to "produce from amber by friction."
So, we get our English word electricity from Greek and Latin words that were about amber.
Scientists and engineers have found several ways to create large numbers of positive atoms and free negative electrons. Since positive atoms want negative electrons so they can be balanced, they have a strong attraction for the electrons. The electrons also want to be part of a balanced atom, so they have a strong attraction to the positive atoms. So, the positive attracts the negative to balance out.
The more positive atoms or negative electrons you have, the stronger the attraction for the other. Since we have both positive and negative charged groups attracted to each other, we call the total attraction "charge."
When electrons move among the atoms of matter, a current of electricity is created. This is what happens in a piece of wire. The electrons are passed from atom to atom, creating an electrical current from one end to other, just like in the picture.
Electricity is conducted through some things better than others do. Its resistance measures how well something conducts electricity. Some things hold their electrons very tightly. Electrons do not move through them very well. These things are called insulators. Rubber, plastic, cloth, glass and dry air are good insulators and have very high resistance.
Other materials have some loosely held electrons, which move through them very easily. These are called conductors. Most metals -- like copper, aluminum or steel -- are good conductors. 谢谢
i want get her at the very enc!求翻译


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