
3000字以上的东西怎么放在这里呢?我找到了一篇PDF格式的文件,100多K的,是说21实际企业的全球扩张策略,名字如下:Globalization of Business Strategies in the 21st Century不知道符合要求否,因为你也没有具体说明是哪一个科目,什么用途.我找的这个是FOR MARKETING的,如果你感兴趣就请以站内短信方式给我你的E-MAIL,我可以发给你~
For music:Listening to music is fun for the wonderful melody as well as the relaxing mood it gives you.I prefer different types of music when i'm in different mood.Everything from jazz to heavy metal can be acceptable.Immering myself in the world of music and forget about the reality is the best thing ever to do.So,everybody,let's just enjoy some in our free time!For shopping:As is known to all,in terms of shopping,women are the first ones to be taken in consideration.Surely it is intersting to go shopping with friends and take the time to have fun while keeping up with the dazzling fashion shows.But you'd better just buy things that you really need at the moment instead of wasting money on useless things that are wrapped in delicate outside appearence.For money:I should admit that money is important in daily life,since we live in this so-called "Money is supreme social reality.But money is not everything.We should measure the value of our human lives by the contribution that we give to the world and the love we share with every creature on earth.Mammonism is totally wrong.We should not let money rule all thoughts for there are many great things beyond monty in life.For advertisement:Advertisment is indispensable for companies and factories to promote their new products.We see advertisement everywhere everyday.Sometimes we feel annoyed by them.Anyway it is a commercial activities that we have to get used to it.They can help us to know what things around us.Especially in this moderm and advaced world.There will be more creative and original advertisment out there for us to see!For weather:Speaking of weather,i'd like to descibe it in my home town.Here it is always rainy in the spring,sunny in the summer,cool in the fall and cold in the winter.The weather is an essential element to consider when you wanna settle in a place.Living in my hometown is comfortable for the lovely weather.Aviation,Farming also pay much attetion to the weather.In a word,the weather influnce on so many fields.For movies:Watching movies is my favourate creation.i like all the things about movies.Because it shows you the way that other people are living and the different culture and background from your own.Some good movies offer you great plot,amazing visual impact,deep-thiking dialoge and nice original soundtracks.Movies reflet the thought,the lifestyles,the spirit,the legendary age.Enjoying movies means enjoying the colorful life.For crime:Crimes happen almost everyday,no matter where you are,u can not escape from the terrible reality.As the overall ecnomics grow and the fast speed lives,it gives more reasons for some people to commite crimes in this high-tech digital world.The government and the police department always try their best to reduce the crime rate.I hope that can really work and society can reach harmony and peace where people live side by side.我写的很简单
60个? 怎么说的明白?5句话 自己写出来翻译吧
Wealth of health?Make your decision!People often prefers wealth over health.ONce there were a story talking about the fact that money wasnt everything.The story was rejected by many readers because they think life is very realistic.Nowdays,young girls marry old men because of their money.They believe that with money,you can anything.Unfortuanetely,the truth was beyond.It is true that you can do many things when you are very rich.But you can never buy your health and your healthy relationship with others.currenly,a lot of rich people are on drugs that keep them look young and give them more energy.But i think that people would look young if they are more healthy.It is just a very natural thing.i was amazed by the fact that many people were stuggling with the choice between wealth and health.People would get richer if they life longer and they work harder.With a healthy body,you can do many things that just having a lot of money.so,the message that im delivering is wake up everyday,start making right choices!
In today's society, more and more people want to go after the wealth , many people worship Bill Gates, even as they try to become rich. People often in the pursuit of wealth on the road to ignore thei...求一篇英文作文,关于啃老族的 英语作文。 要求150个词左右。
求一篇英文作文,关于啃老族的 英语作文。 要求150个词左右。
Boomerang Generation 1. 当今社会出现了“啃老族”现象2. 出现“啃老族”现象的原因3. 怎么看待这种现象
On the Overdependence of China’s College Students on Their ParentsIn the United States, students generally seek an independent life at 18. They take on part-time jobs, live away from their parents, and finance their own education partially, if not completely. Upon graduation, they find a job, or launch their own business by filing for loans from the bank. They live in rented apartments even after marriage and buy a house only when they can afford it. This is a typical pattern how the American younger generation grows up.By contrast, most college students in present-day China, as the sole children of their families, take for granted their excessive dependence upon their parents. They hold their parents responsible for furnishing them with all the tuitions and living expenses. They seldom work part-time to alleviate their parents of their burdens. They have expensive dinners and birthday celebrations with their parents’ hard-earned money through months of hard work.In recent years, under the pretext of employment difficulty, some students return home to live with their parents after graduation. While their parents are busy at work, they idle away their time day after day, least concerned with finding a job to have their own source of income. Worse still, they exhaust every penny of their parents and even grandparents to buy an apartment for their own enjoyment. In doing so, they even plunge their parents into serious debts.This group of students have come to acquire an infamous name—“the Elderly-Devouring Community”。 A more understandable phrase might be “parasites”。 This community has come into existence as a result of long-time over-indulgence on the part of parents and the indolence and selfishness on the part of students themselves. Compared with their American counterparts, Chinese students should feel ashamed of themselves and take immediate actions to terminate their elderly-devouring behavior and become independent and self-reliant
在这个最有故事的季节,我们彼此诉说着将回忆消毒埋葬。祭奠我们失去而非完美的青春邂逅。 推开窗户,呼吸着夏雨沐浴过后的新鲜空气。小鸟也清了清嗓子在枝头哼唱一曲天籁,捧着书本荡在秋千轻摇的爱抚中,穆吨榍那慕业娜拱冢⒎⒊鲎匀坏奶逑恪F...
那年那地那人…… 号我回来母校,走过了几个对我来说比较伤心也是比较有意义的地方,那年我读大二,你读大四,我们在这里相遇了,我们都去那里做兼职,你的阳光,帅气给我留下了深刻的印象,我们成了好朋友, 无所不说的好朋友,你从家里回来就给我...
那一年,我们羞涩的爱恋 那个时候的一句喜欢,是那样的难以出口,早已确定的心动,却要千回百转、左右试探,在唇边转无数个圈,可就是这句青涩的喜欢,让多少炽烈的我爱你都黯然失色。因为再也没有任何理由、任何语言,带来那份最真、最纯的悸动。 ――《匆...
又一个萧瑟的秋。 窗外飞舞着落叶,诉说着一个轮回的终结。六月的精灵来过,在九月的流水中飘零。岁月枯枯荣荣,这样短暂的一生,要在何方,葬下这枯败的躯体?然而,一切的过往在这样的一刹那明悟 已期望了多少个春秋岁月,才有了你我二人于春江花月的邂逅...
无论如何,这是一种悲哀,很苦很涩的悲哀,社会的,家庭的,个人的。 十年前 ,正就读于初中的我偶尔翻到一本父亲的《法制世界》,封面上“滴血的师生恋”几个醒目的大字震憾着我幼稚的心灵,快速把内容粗读一遍后才知,一高中毕业的男青年代课于一农村中学...
高二了,要梳理心情,整理行装,重新出发。开开心心过好高二的每一天。她傻傻地告诉自己。 那天,她只知道自己心情特别激动,又很忐忑,分班会有新同学,重新安排座位还会有新同桌。不过因为同一个高中都是些认识的老同学,这使得她的心中少了些许期待。 下...
那一年,我们羞涩的爱恋 那个时候的一句喜欢,是那样的难以出口,早已确定的心动,却...
疲倦了一个人的世界,刹那间想去追求那个渴望的幸福。 习惯了一个人,走在那个毫不喧...
暗恋,是那荷塘里初夏的荷,疯狂地长着,等待 着岸边的人来,然后再拼命地开; 暗恋,...
保持亲密的重要方法,乃是保持适当的距离!因而,距离产生美这句话便应运而生! 时间...
关于失恋 一点自己的见解???失恋,说实话,这是一个比较敏感的字眼,有爱情,就必...
【因为喜欢,所以包容】 夜里,常常做着杂乱无章的梦,直至身心俱疲地醒来。 努力想从...}


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