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&&& 《全日制普通高级中学英语教学大纲(试验修订版)》中明确指出,高中英语教学的目的
&&& 本书特色:
&&& 一、选材真实
&&& 所有材料均选材于当代英语国家真实生活场景,语言流畅、自然、新颖、广泛、原汁原
& 二、命题科学
& 测试题全部出自权威高考命题研究专家之手,严格按照高考真题要求设计,与高考达
&&& 三、高考主播朗读&&
&&& 全部录音均由历届高考英语听力主播朗读,美音朗读:Kris Chung(男)、Anna Beth
Keim(女),英音朗读Pual Murbhy(男)、Cassie Biggs(女),让学生提前熟悉高考主播的发音
&&& 四、设计合理
&&& 本书共56套模拟训练题,根据英语国家发音上的差异和高考主播英美音的不确定性,
& 五、音质纯正
& 本书配有14盘超清数码录音带,全部采用高考录音的最新制作工艺,严格控制录音、
&&& 由于时间和水平有限,书中疏漏、不妥之处在所难免,敬请广大师生、专家学者不吝批
&&& 编& 者
&&& 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、c三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在
W:We drove to London last weekend.
M:Really?I'm going to go there for the day tomorrow.
W:Oh yeah?Are you going by coach?
M:It's the best way.There's a fast train but it's too expensive for me.
M:Where is Leonard?
W:He lost his watch when he played football.Now he must be looking for iL
W:Mary Green is unlucky.The most terrible things keep happening to her.
M:Yes,if you Call trust what she says,but most of her stories are pretty unbelievable in my opinion.
W:Do you ever go hiking7&&& .
M:Funny you should ask.1 ast Sunday,Beth and I decided to go hiking iIl the mountains near our house just for a
& change.
W:How Was it?
M:Wonderful!As a matter of fact,we can't wait to go again this weekend.
(Text 5)&&&
M:Let's go to the park on Sunday.
W:OK,but let's not go early.I sleep late on weekends.
M:Then,let's meet at Harry's restaurant at one o&clock.They serve breakfast all day On Sunday for people like us.
&&& 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳
(Text 61&&& .
W:What should we do?I think we are lost.It's so late and there aren't any buses now.
M:Why not ask SOllleone in the shop over there?
W:It seems closed.
M:Let's call Gilbert and ask him to get us.
W:But how Can he fjmd us?We don't know where we are.
M:Look.there is a taxi.I'm sure it will send us to the hotel.
W: Could you please tell me something that impressed you most during your trip in Paris?
M: Sure. I'll begin with the Eiffel Tower first. It's the symbol of the city, you know. It's hard to imagine how it was
&&& built over a hundred years ago.
W: Did you go to the top of the tower?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: You bet. I dined at a restaurant on the top platform and enjoyed the wonderful view of Paris at night.
W: Did you go to the Louvre palace and the Arc de Triomphe?
M: How could I miss them? I spent a whole day inside the palace and still couldn't finish seeing all its collections of world-
&&& famous treasures. In the evening I went to the Arc de Triomphe, which was built in Napoleon's time but it was
&&& completed 15 years after his death.
W: Where else did you visit in the world-famous city?
M: The next morning I walked along the Seine River and enjoyed the views of both banks.
W: It seems to me that you enjoyed yourself very much on you trip. Am I fight?
M: Right you are. If you have the same chance, you must not lose it.
W: Carl. How many times do I have to tell you, get off the phone. I'm expecting a call.
M: Yeah, yeah... Listen Susie, gotta go. I'll call you back in a few minutes. Bye... Sorry about that. It was Susie.
&&& She and Beth are going to the mall this afternoon. Is it okay if I go?
W: Have you cleaned your room?
M: No, not yet, but I can do that tomorrow.
W: No, you'll do it today, like we agreed.
M: Oh, okay then. So can I go to the mall after I clean my room?
W: What about your homework?&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
M: Tomorrow's Sunday. I can do my homework tomorrow.
W: No, you can't. Have you forgotten? We're going to Grandma's tomorrow. We'll be there all day.
M: Oh no, how boring.
W: So you've got a busy day today, young man. Belier get started on your room-&&&&&&&&&&&& _
M: What subjects are you taking this semester?
W: I'm taking History, Freshman Composition, Western Civilization and Physics.
M: That's quite a load.
W: Yes. I know it's going to be a lot of work, but it should be an interesting semester. And I'm not going to have
&&& to work this term because I managed to save quite a bit of money from my summer job. So I should have enough
&&& time for studying.
M: That's good. I'm going to have to work twenty hours a week at the library.
W: what do you do there? Do you like it?
M: I shelve books on the third floor. Sometimes it gets boring, but the pay isn't bad.
W: what are you taking this seraester?
M: French, Biology, and Accounting. I like the French and Biology instructors. But the Accounting professor is very dry.
W: Do you have Professor Sfillwell? I've heard he's terrible.
&M:Yes.Do you know of anyone who's better?
& M:My friend Antonio took Accounting with Professor Atkins last spring.He said that she Was wonderful--knew
&&& her subject well and had a great sense of humor.
&&& M:I'll have to check to see if she's teaching this semester.If she is,I'lltry to transfer into her class.
&&& 听下面一段独白,回答第18至第20三个小题。现在,你有15秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。
&&& (Text l0)
&&& M:A lot of young people today fmd-t difficult to get a job,especially in the first few months after they leave schoo1.
&&& Now.1ook at the chart on the left,you can see that in some parts of the country 60%or even 70%of the young
&&& people in the last year of school will be without a job for a whole year after leaving sch001.
&&& Our Jobs Information Service Center has been in touch with thousands of young people oVer-the last 2 or 3
&&& years.talking to them about their hopes and their fears,and in fact,we have been able to give a 1ot of help and
&&& advice to young people who have just left schoo1.
&&& Are you recently out of school and still without a job?or are you still at school and worried about getting a job
&&& when you leave?We have found that many people don't know who to talk to and sometimes don't know what
&&& questions to ask.That is why our experience at Jobs Information Service Center is so important.It will cost you
&&& nothing--just a phone call.If you would like to talk to us.we are here to talk to you.Please phone 24987 any
&&& day between 9。00 a.nL and 5。30 p.m
& 第二节到此结束。
&&& 高中英语听力模拟训练(四)
& && 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在
& 试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅
& 读一遍。
& 现在,你有5秒钟的时间阅读第1小题的有关内容。
& (Text 11
& W:Would you like to go out with me?
& M:Oh,I'd like to,but I haven't finished my paper and it's already five o'clock.
& W:Don't worry.Your clock is five minutes fast.
& (Text 21
& M:May I use the phone in my room for long-distance calls?
& W:Well.we prefer our custonlers to use our pubic phone iIl the hall for long-distance calls.
& M:Thanks a1ot.
& (Text 3)
& W:The garage sent a mechanic here today and he said it would cost$50 to have it repaired.
& M:We might as well spend$150 more to buy a new one then.
& (Text 4)
& W:Please tell rile how you'd like to spend the day.I've got a map here.
& M:Well,first we'd like to go swimming,I know a very nice beach.Perhaps we'd like to go water-skiing,but we ve
&&& never tried-t.We're only used to skiing on snow.
& (Text 5)&&& .
& W:Jack.I can't fmd Volume Ten.Could you check for ale who borrowed it?
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For mothers who love their babies these are great products. The winter is coming and your child&#8217;s leg are exposed. These are the products you may think of to protect your child. Child&#8217;s health is a con when the child is safe the mother is always at peace. This is why
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this is necessary because the right size will not hinder your child from walking. This is necessary for especially those babies in the process of learning to walk.
The material from which the socks or the leg warmer is made from may be another aspect to look into. Some materials have burning sensation to children skin and this may discourage the child from wearing it. You should also know the color and taste of your baby. Some children like bright colors while others don?? 1/2 t. Knowing the taste and color of your child may play a great role towards encouraging the child to wear the socks and
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Some of the top rated over the knee socks and baby leg warmers are
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to know more.
These consist of automotive professionals who practice high ethics of sales and customer satisfaction. The achievement of auto staffed event is highly determined by the event team or the staff in the .
? How to get the best out of the team.
In experience and professionalism are key components. To maximize returns on investment you need to consider at least four things which include, traffic, training, inventory and your team. For these four fact a detailed plan is required. The plan of how to start the event at a high gear and how it will end in style. Let?s look on the importance of each of the four factors in auto staffed events
? Traffic ? traffic creation is an important part of auto staffed events. To ensure maximum traffic your team must have a good knowledge background on how to build and review their advertisement and marketing strategies. They need to be well versed on how to focus on traffic creation by building urgency with exceptional for all events. This may include well designed mail campaigns. Your marketing and advertising strategies should aim and target a group of prospective people within your market.
? Training- this is another important component of the auto staffed events. Training is what determines the experience and preparedness of your staff to handle greater challenges that are accompanied by auto staffed events. Training equips your team with skills to ensure traffic flow even at the time of extreme pressure. Training enables your managers to close car deals within the minimum time and ensure customer 100% satisfaction. Trained team is what it takes to ensure traffic flows and high traffic events that leads to closing deal after deal without client withdrawal. Therefore training is a crucial component of auto staffed events.
? Inventory- in au inventory is an important part of sales success. Customers comes looking for different market matched mix of desirable vehicles. This calls for heavy inventory that will be a part of your sales success. Good inventory will ensure that you have the outstanding fleet in the entire market. This helps to keep customer flow at high rate.
? The team. This is the major part of the success of your event. Every of the other three factors may not achieve much if your team is under low motivation. Event team covers the back of your staff and are very helpful in terms of training. The team cooperates together to ensure customer satisfaction and at the same time maximum profit in .
There are various muscle building programs available in the market, none has worked better for me than the .
When I first heard about it, I was a bit skeptical since other programs that I had previously used did not work as expected. This led me to look for a good Somanabolic
Maximizer review. The information from these reviews was amazing. This led me to purchasing the program.
Reviews stated that the program enables one to achieve a muscular and toned body effectively and efficiently. After just a few weeks of staring out on the program, I was happy to notice the effects this program had on my muscles. I followed the program diligently and my body has never looked this good. I feel more confident and love the attention that comes with my well-toned body especially when I take walks on the beach.
The 1st phase of the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer program involves proper diet. The diet is quite simple and consists of formulas to enable increase in muscle mass. The 2nd Phase involves exercise to help in muscle growth. Exercise aims at increasing muscle tension.
Incorporating diet and exercise is vital in attaining a well-toned body.
The program comes with software that creates a food list that one should have to improve their muscle building process. One has to key in their personal data to this software for it to generate the list of foods that one requires to have. The foods listed provide essential nutrients to the body and helps guide you into .They are also high in caloric content to aid the recovery of the body after exhaustion from exercise.
According to the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer review, the advantages of the program include the fact that
oThe program provides a diet that serves as a long-term muscle building solution, unlike most diet plans that offer temporary solutions aimed at losing body fat.
oThe diet plan provided acts as a supplement to regular meals. One does not have to replace their regular meals.
oThe designer of this program is an experienced nutr the program is scientifically tested. This guarantees its efficiency.
oThe program is in simple English that is easy to read and understand.
oOne can get the program in digital format. One can therefore access it from any digital device and from any place.
oThere is a 60 days money back guarantee that comes with the purchase of this program.
One should commit and follow the program accordingly in order to realize the best results. Incorporating the diet plan with correct workouts leads to attainment of the best results. One of the best new supplements to help you obtain the body of your dreams is Pure Yacon Syrup. You can Read a
I can certainly recommend the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer program to anyone as it is safe for use by a person of any body type. It provides a safe and healthy option for muscle building and toning.
So, you want to know, right? Well first you need to know exactly what cellulite is. Cellulite is one of the most common problems women face nowadays and, unfortunately, it cannot be totally eliminated from the body. Although there are lots of products provided by the cosmetic industry, most of them are truly ineffective and they do not offer the result you want to obtain for .
But what you do not know is that cellulite is a problem that appears as an immediate effect of an inappropriate nutrition and an unhealthy lifestyle. Also, your weight plays an important role when it comes to , because most of the women who suffer of obesity have to fight this issue everyday of their life.
The leg cellulite is the most visible type of cellulite and, if you want to treat it, it is important to use some tips and the look of your skin will get improved. If you want to know , first of all, take into consideration your supplementation: does it include minerals, vitamins and proteins? Remember that antioxidants can help you eliminate this problem and become even more beautiful.
Eat only foods that do not contain fats or calories and avoid alcohol, refined sugar, salt and caffeine, which can determine water retention, the immediate result of this being the unpleasant look of your skin. The more fruits and vegetable you will eat, the better your legs will look.
Try to control your weight as much as you can. Although the number of women whose weight is at least normal, they also suffer of cellulite, but this does not mean that you do not have to take care of your slim.
The second thing you have to do are the home-made body wraps, using different types of ingredients. Despite of being a harmful substance for your body when it is consumed internally, caffeine is a great solution for your cellulite if you use it outside the body.
Massage your legs with coffee grounds and then wrap them with food wrap, in order to help the grounds burn the fats and dehydrate the skin, in order to . You may also try seaweed body wraps, which can also offer you a great effect and better looking skin.
Daily massage is also an important method to keep your skin look fresh and eliminate the cellulite. It is recommended to use a high quality product from a pharmacy or a specialized shop in order to obtain a good result. Massage the affected areas with this product and insist on every of them for at least 5 minutes. Blood circulation will be improved and your skin will become less affected by this problem.
If you choose to respect all these steps, then you can be sure that the cellulite will disappear, in the end. Do not expect magical results over night, because these treatments and lifestyle changes need some time in order to be effective. After three or six months, your legs will be sexy again and you will be able to expose them without any problem. And you will be definitely admired by the others!
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