
TA还没有提过任何问题,您可以去精彩文章推荐第三方登录:盘点那些最有创意的街头广告_广告英语 - 爱思英语
发布于: 17:24:45
Some Street Ads Are Attention-Grabbing, Whether You Like It Or Not.
You can mute a commercial. You can install ad-blocking software on your browser. You can flip past ads in a magazine. But companies have more tricks up their collective sleeves to get your attention. I'm talking about street advertising, where companies go all out to think of ways to grab your attention, even if you're not plugged into anything.&
1.) Ariel, demonstrating their whitening prowess.
Ironically, someone will have to scrape this off the gray wall.
2.) Nike, encouraging physical activity.
Some pigeon-feeding enthusiasts are going to be so mad.
3.) IBM, filling Nike's bench void.
If their ad contract runs out, are we out a bench?
4.) Kit Kat, also filling Nike's bench void.
This guy is sitting on the wrapper side, just in case.
5.) The Economist, giving a passerby some ideas.
I hope that's an energy-efficient bulb, though.
6.) Law & Order, using the materials they have.
The desk lamp interrogation gets 'em every time.
7.) The Copenhagen Zoo, suggesting a fun day with the animals.
Insert your own Samuel L. Jackson quote about how tired you are of [expletive deleted] snakes on motor vehicles.
8.) Folgers, inviting you to have some steaming coffee.
I'm not sure if they meant to associate their product with the sewer, but that's just the coffee snob in me.
9.) Hubba Bubba, describing infinite gum bliss.
I think they have a deal worked out with the area's dentists.
10.) Sprite, making a bit of a stretch.
Showering in soda doesn't seem appealing at all.
11.) Adidas, being subtle.
Honestly, I wouldn't even know this was for the Adidas brand. I'd just avoid this road in a strong wind.
12.) Mars, doing their part to end world hunger, one giant candy bar at a time.
This might cause accidents.
13.) The Superman Movie, disrobing heroically.
So, we're standing between his work shirt and his hero onesie? Weird.
14.) The Simpsons Movie, being kind of menacing.
Donuts everywhere quaked in fear.
15.) McDonald's, suggesting lunch.
Gives new meaning to the term &street food.&
16.) Durex, preying on your insecurities.
Although I have to question their use of oblong brown shapes on a bathroom floor.
17.) IWC Schaffhausen, allowing you to try on their wares.
&But I wanted the other color!&
18.) Coca-Cola, being really, really big.
I hope the residents were in some way compensated for having their views obstructed by giant bendy straws.
19.) Axe, keeping it classy.
Oh Axe, you've always been steadfast in your women-as-objects campaign.
20.) Ikea, dressing up bus stations.
I hope that couch is water- and dog-pee proof.
第二故乡的英文:second home参考例句:The idea that revolt could break out in his native Austria and in his adopted Bavaria once more convulsed Hitler希特勒一想到在自己的原籍奥地利和第二故乡巴伐利亚竟会发生叛乱,又痉挛起来了。second
第二代的英文:secondary generationsecond generationsecondary参考例句:More second-generation Chinese immigrants known as the banana, which is white-yellow best analogy heart.华人移民第二代更有香蕉之称,这是黄皮
第二次印刷的英文:the second impressionsecond是什么意思:adj. 第二的;第二次的;次要的adv. 以第二位n. 秒;第二名v. 支持,赞同the second in command副司令员 grounded to the second baseman.打到二垒手位置的滚地球 Down Second Avenue沿着第二条林荫大道
第二次世界大战美国退伍军人协会的英文:Amvetsamvets是什么意思: n.第二次世界大战美国退伍军人协会
英语学习推荐Nike SB Air Force II Low 推出全新配色設計「Midnight Green/Blue Void」
Nike SB Air Force II Low 推出全新配色设计「Midnight Green/Blue Void」
Air Force II Low「Midnight Green/Blue Void」。鞋款配色上采用延续大热撞色设计,以蓝、绿色麂皮及皮革材质作主打,再以红色打造鞋侧 Swoosh 及后跟 Nike 字样,而鞋内笼则以黄色制成,外底更特别采用生胶底,为鞋款带来丰富的材质及色彩元素。鞋款已在
上架,定价为 $95 美元。
同时 Jordan Future 推出全新配色设计,更有向 Air jordan 11「Bred」致敬配色,详情可了解。}


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