c与c++ 如何同时混编混岗

#include &mex.h&
void displaySubscript( const mxArray *pArray, mwSize index );
// 入口函数
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] ) {
& & // 源文件名后缀为.c时,所有变量声明必须一次性完成,且放在最前面, 否则mex编译错误
& & // 源文件名后缀为.cpp时,没有上面的问题,...- -||
& & double *pD
& & // 输入参数必须为一个,且为double类型
& & if ( nrhs != 1 || mxDOUBLE_CLASS != mxGetClassID(prhs[0]) ) {
& & & & mexErrMsgTxt( &输入参数不合法……& );
& & // 获取数据指针
& & pData = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
& & // 遍历所有元素并打印到屏幕
& & for ( i = 0; i != mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs[0]); i++ ) {
& & & & displaySubscript( prhs[0], i );
& & & & mexPrintf( & = %g/n&, pData[i] );
void displaySubscript( const mxArray *pArray, mwSize index ) {
& & // 源文件名后缀为.c时,所有变量声明必须一次性完成,且放在最前面, 否则mex编译错误
& & // 源文件名后缀为.cpp时,没有上面的问题,...- -||,代码好龊...
& & mwSize i,
& & mwSize numOfD
& & mwSize *subS
& & mwSize subI
& & const mwSize *D
& & const char *classN
& & // 获取维度个数
& & numOfDim = mxGetNumberOfDimensions(pArray);
& & // 获取维度数组
& & Dims = mxGetDimensions(pArray);
& & // 获取类型名称
& & className = mxGetClassName(pArray);
& & // 分配下标数组内存
& & subScript = (mwSize *)mxCalloc( numOfDim, sizeof( mwSize ) );
& & // 根据当前的索引号生成下标
& & subIndex =
& & for ( i = numOfDim - 1; ; i-- ) {
& & & & total = 1;
& & & & for ( j = 0; j & j++ ) {
& & & & & & total *= Dims[j];
& & & & subScript[i] = subIndex /
& & & & subIndex = subIndex %
& & & & if ( 0 == i ) {
& & & & & &
& & // 打印出所有下标
& & mexPrintf( &(& );
& & for ( i = 0; i & numOfDim - 1; i++ ) {
& & & & mexPrintf( &%d,&, subScript[i] + 1 );
& & mexPrintf( &%d)&, subScript[numOfDim-1] + 1 );
& & // 释放下标数组内存
& & mxFree( subScript );
在Matlab使用mex命令编译源文件时,要注意这样一个现象:源文件名后缀为.c时,所有变量声明必须一次性完成,且放在最前面, 否则mex编译错误;而源文件名后缀为.cpp时,就没有上面的问题,...- -||。
MX Matrix Library
mwIndex (C and Fortran)
Type for index values
mwPointer (Fortran)
Pointer type for platform
mwSignedIndex (C and Fortran)
Signed integer type for size values
mwSize (C and Fortran)
Type for size values
mxAddField (C and Fortran)
Field to structure array
mxArray (C and Fortran)
Type for MATLAB array
mxArrayToString (C)
Convert array to string
mxAssert (C)
Check assertion value for debugging purposes
mxAssertS (C)
Check assertion value without printing assertion text
mxCalcSingleSubscript (C and Fortran)
Offset from first element to desired element
mxCalloc (C and Fortran)
Allocate dynamic memory for array using MATLAB memory manager
mxChar (C)
Type for string array
mxClassID (C)
Enumerated value identifying class of array
mxClassIDFromClassName (Fortran)
Identifier corresponding to class
mxComplexity (C)
Flag specifying whether array has imaginary components
mxCopyCharacterToPtr (Fortran)
CHARACTER values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyComplex16ToPtr (Fortran)
COMPLEX*16 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyComplex8ToPtr (Fortran)
COMPLEX*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyInteger1ToPtr (Fortran)
INTEGER*1 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyInteger2ToPtr (Fortran)
INTEGER*2 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyInteger4ToPtr (Fortran)
INTEGER*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyPtrToCharacter (Fortran)
CHARACTER values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToComplex16 (Fortran)
COMPLEX*16 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToComplex8 (Fortran)
COMPLEX*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToInteger1 (Fortran)
INTEGER*1 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToInteger2 (Fortran)
INTEGER*2 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToInteger4 (Fortran)
INTEGER*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToPtrArray (Fortran)
Pointer values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToReal4 (Fortran)
REAL*4 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyPtrToReal8 (Fortran)
REAL*8 values from pointer array to Fortran array
mxCopyReal4ToPtr (Fortran)
REAL*4 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCopyReal8ToPtr (Fortran)
REAL*8 values from Fortran array to pointer array
mxCreateCellArray (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated N-D cell array
mxCreateCellMatrix (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated 2-D cell array
mxCreateCharArray (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated N-D string array
mxCreateCharMatrixFromStrings (C and Fortran)
Create populated 2-D string array
mxCreateDoubleMatrix (C and Fortran)
2-D, double-precision, floating-point array initialized to 0
mxCreateDoubleScalar (C and Fortran)
Scalar, double-precision array initialized to specified value
mxCreateLogicalArray (C)
N-D logical array initialized to false
mxCreateLogicalMatrix (C)
2-D, logical array initialized to false
mxCreateLogicalScalar (C)
Scalar, logical array
mxCreateNumericArray (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated N-D numeric array
mxCreateNumericMatrix (C and Fortran)
Numeric matrix initialized to 0
mxCreateSparse (C and Fortran)
2-D unpopulated sparse array
mxCreateSparseLogicalMatrix (C)
Unpopulated 2-D, sparse, logical array
mxCreateString (C and Fortran)
Create 1-by-N array initialized to specified string
mxCreateStructArray (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated N-D structure array
mxCreateStructMatrix (C and Fortran)
Unpopulated 2-D structure array
mxDestroyArray (C and Fortran)
Free dynamic memory allocated by MXCREATE* functions
mxDuplicateArray (C and Fortran)
Make deep copy of array
mxFree (C and Fortran)
Free dynamic memory allocated by MXCALLOC, MXMALLOC, or MXREALLOC functions
mxGetCell (C and Fortran)
Contents of array cell
mxGetChars (C)
Pointer to character array data
mxGetClassID (C and Fortran)
Class of array
mxGetClassName (C and Fortran)
Class of array as string
mxGetData (C and Fortran)
Pointer to real data
mxGetDimensions (C and Fortran)
Pointer to dimensions array
mxGetElementSize (C and Fortran)
Number of bytes required to store each data element
mxGetEps (C and Fortran)
Value of EPS
mxGetField (C and Fortran)
Field value, given field name and index, into structure array
mxGetFieldByNumber (C and Fortran)
Field value, given field number and index, into structure array
mxGetFieldNameByNumber (C and Fortran)
Field name, given field number, in structure array
mxGetFieldNumber (C and Fortran)
Field number, given field name, in structure array
mxGetImagData (C and Fortran)
Pointer to imaginary data of array
mxGetInf (C and Fortran)
Value of infinity
mxGetIr (C and Fortran)
Sparse matrix IR array
mxGetJc (C and Fortran)
Sparse matrix JC array
mxGetLogicals (C)
Pointer to logical array data
mxGetM (C and Fortran)
Number of rows in array
mxGetN (C and Fortran)
Number of columns in array
mxGetNaN (C and Fortran)
Value of NaN (Not-a-Number)
mxGetNumberOfDimensions (C and Fortran)
Number of dimensions in array
mxGetNumberOfElements (C and Fortran)
Number of elements in array
mxGetNumberOfFields (C and Fortran)
Number of fields in structure array
mxGetNzmax (C and Fortran)
Number of elements in IR, PR, and PI arrays
mxGetPi (C and Fortran)
Imaginary data elements in array of type DOUBLE
mxGetPr (C and Fortran)
Real data elements in array of type DOUBLE
mxGetProperty (C and Fortran)
Value of public property of MATLAB object
mxGetScalar (C and Fortran)
Real component of first data element in array
mxGetString (C and Fortran)
String array to C-style string
mxIsCell (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is cell array
mxIsChar (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is string array
mxIsClass (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array is member of specified class
mxIsComplex (C and Fortran)
Determine whether data is complex
mxIsDouble (C and Fortran)
Determine whether mxArray represents data as double-precision, floating-point numbers
mxIsEmpty (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array is empty
mxIsFinite (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is finite
mxIsFromGlobalWS (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array was copied from MATLAB global workspace
mxIsInf (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is infinite
mxIsInt16 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as signed 16-bit integers
mxIsInt32 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as signed 32-bit integers
mxIsInt64 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as signed 64-bit integers
mxIsInt8 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as signed 8-bit integers
mxIsLogical (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array is of type mxLogical
mxIsLogicalScalar (C)
Determine whether scalar array is of type mxLogical
mxIsLogicalScalarTrue (C)
Determine whether scalar array of type mxLogical is true
mxIsNaN (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is NaN (Not-a-Number)
mxIsNumeric (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array is numeric
mxIsSingle (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as single-precision, floating-point numbers
mxIsSparse (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is sparse array
mxIsStruct (C and Fortran)
Determine whether input is structure array
mxIsUint16 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 16-bit integers
mxIsUint32 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 32-bit integers
mxIsUint64 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 64-bit integers
mxIsUint8 (C and Fortran)
Determine whether array represents data as unsigned 8-bit integers
mxLogical (C)
Type for logical array
mxMalloc (C and Fortran)
Allocate dynamic memory using MATLAB memory manager
mxRealloc (C and Fortran)
Reallocate dynamic memory using MATLAB memory manager
mxRemoveField (C and Fortran)
Remove field from structure array
mxSetCell (C and Fortran)
Value of one cell of array
mxSetClassName (C)
Convert structure array to MATLAB object array
mxSetData (C and Fortran)
Set pointer to data
mxSetDimensions (C and Fortran)
Modify number of dimensions and size of each dimension
mxSetField (C and Fortran)
Set structure array field, given structure field name and array index
mxSetFieldByNumber (C and Fortran)
Set structure array field, given field number and index
mxSetImagData (C and Fortran)
Imaginary data pointer for array
mxSetIr (C and Fortran)
IR array of sparse array
mxSetJc (C and Fortran)
JC array of sparse array
mxSetM (C and Fortran)
Number of rows in array
mxSetN (C and Fortran)
Set number of columns in array
mxSetNzmax (C and Fortran)
Set storage space for nonzero elements
mxSetPi (C and Fortran)
Set new imaginary data for array
mxSetPr (C and Fortran)
Set new real data for array
mxSetProperty (C and Fortran)
Set value of public property of MATLAB object
MEX Library
mexAtExit (C and Fortran)
Register function to call when MEX-function cleared or MATLAB software terminates
mexCallMATLAB (C and Fortran)
Call MATLAB function, user-defined function, or MEX-file
mexCallMATLABWithTrap (C and Fortran)
Call MATLAB function, user-defined function, or MEX-file and capture error information
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt (C and Fortran)
Display error message with identifier and return to MATLAB prompt
mexErrMsgTxt (C and Fortran)
Display error message and return to MATLAB prompt
mexEvalString (C and Fortran)
Execute MATLAB command in caller workspace
mexEvalStringWithTrap (C and Fortran)
Execute MATLAB command in caller workspace and capture error information
mexFunction (C and Fortran)
Entry point to C/C++ or Fortran MEX-file
mexFunctionName (C and Fortran)
Name of current MEX-function
mexGet (C)
Value of specified Handle Graphics property
mexGetVariable (C and Fortran)
Copy of variable from specified workspace
mexGetVariablePtr (C and Fortran)
Read-only pointer to variable from another workspace
mexIsGlobal (C and Fortran)
Determine whether variable has global scope
mexIsLocked (C and Fortran)
Determine whether MEX-file is locked
mexLock (C and Fortran)
Prevent clearing MEX-file from memory
mexMakeArrayPersistent (C and Fortran)
Make array persist after MEX-file completes
mexMakeMemoryPersistent (C and Fortran)
Make memory allocated by MATLAB software persist after MEX-function completes
mexPrintf (C and Fortran)
ANSI C PRINTF-style output routine
mexPutVariable (C and Fortran)
Array from MEX-function into specified workspace
mexSet (C)
Set value of specified Handle Graphics property
mexSetTrapFlag (C and Fortran)
Control response of MEXCALLMATLAB to errors
mexUnlock (C and Fortran)
Allow clearing MEX-file from memory
mexWarnMsgIdAndTxt (C and Fortran)
Warning message with identifier
mexWarnMsgTxt (C and Fortran)
Warning message
转载 &更新时间:日 10:19:58 & 投稿:shichen2014
一、C#调用C++ dll步骤(只能导出方法):
1. c++建立空项目-&源文件文件夹中添加cpp文件和函数
2. c++属性设置中,配置类型设置为动态库dll,公共语言运行时支持改为/clr
3. c#引用c++的dll
4. c#声明c++的方法,并添加 DllImport特性
5. c#工程属性设置为:目标平台x86
6. 注意方法的类型匹配
7. 引发PInvokeStackImbalance异常:注意:C++的"_declspec"和C#的“CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl”
另外,可以通过VS的异常窗口,取消掉对 PInvokeStackImbalance异常的检测:
点击VS的“调试 - 异常”,打开异常窗口,展开选择“Managed Debugging Assistants\PInvokeStackImbalance”,去掉对应的“引发”可选框。&
二、 c++调用 c# dll的步骤(可直接使用C#类):
1. 创建c++控制台应用程序
2. 拷贝c# dll到c++工程根目录
3. 工程属性-&配置-&常规-&公共语言运行时支持-&clr
#using "CSharpDllProject.dll"
using namespace CSharpDllP
三、 c#调用c++类步骤(c++/cli,可直接使用C++类)
c++/cli简介:C++/CLI标准是基于Microsoft提交的标准C++与通用语言基础结构(Common Language Infrastructure)结合的技术
2.c#引用c++ dll后,可直接new出一个 c++/cli创建的托管类对象
常用在线小工具很好的c++和Python混合编程文章 - Earvin - 博客园
随笔 - 13, 文章 - 11, 评论 - 3, 引用 - 0
0. 坏境设置把的include/libs目录分别加到vc的include/lib directories中去。另外,由于python没有提供debug lib,体地说,就是没有提供python25_d.lib了。你可以自己编译python的源代码来得到python25_d.lib的,偶还没试过,呵呵。而且网上找了一下也没下载到。所以,如果你想要在debug下运行程序的话,你要把pyconfig.h(在python25/include/目录下)的大概是在283行,把pragma comment(lib,"python25_d.lib")改成pragma comment(lib,"python25.lib"),让python都使用非debug lib.
1. 开始编程了#include &python.h&第一步就是包含python的头文件
2. 看一个很简单的例子1)python文件test.py,很简单的定义了一个函数
#Filename test.pydef Hello():&&& print "Hello, world!"
这个应该能看懂的吧?否则的话,回去再练练python吧,呵呵。《简明Python教程》Swaroop, C. H. 著。沈洁元& 译。
#include &python.h& //包含头文件,在c++中嵌入python,这是必须的int main(){&Py_Initialize();
&PyObject * pModule = NULL;&PyObject * pFunc&& = NULL;
&pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test");&pFunc&& = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "Hello");&PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, NULL);
&return 0;}
第二步,使用python之前,要调用Py_Initialize();这个函数进行初始化。帮助文档中如是说:The basic initialization function is Py_Initialize(). This initializes the table of loaded modules, and creates the fundamental modules __builtin__, __main__, sys, and exceptions. It also initializes the module search path (sys.path).
第四步,import module,也就是你的脚本名字,不需要加后缀名,否则会出错的。
第五步,从你import进来的module中得到你要的函数&pFunc&& = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "Hello");上面的例子已经够清楚的了,最后一个是你要得到的函数的名字
第一次写教程。这个例子非常简单,本人也还在学习当中阿,只能保证大家能够把这个例子运行起来。建议大家去看python的documentaion,里面有讲怎么embedding python的。先写到这里,其实目前也只学到这么多,呵呵。下次学了更多以后再写。Over。恩。
1. 一个有一个参数的例子
python文件#Filename test2.py
def Hello(s):&&& print "Hello, world!"&&& print s
cpp文件#include &python.h&int main(){&Py_Initialize();
&PyObject * pModule = NULL;&PyObject * pFunc&& = NULL;&PyObject * pArg&&& = NULL;
&pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test2");&pFunc&& = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "Hello");&pArg&&& = Py_BuildValue("(s)", "function with argument");
&PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, pArg);
&return 0;}
2. 一个有两个参数的例子
python文件中加入以下代码,一个加函数def Add(a, b):&&& print "a+b=", a+b
cpp文件,只改了两行,有注释的那两行#include &python.h&int main(){&Py_Initialize();
&PyObject * pModule = NULL;&PyObject * pFunc&& = NULL;&PyObject * pArg&&& = NULL;
&pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test2");&pFunc&& = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "Add");//终于告别hello world了,开始使用新的函数&pArg&&& = Py_BuildValue("(i,i)", 10, 15);//构造一个元组
&PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, pArg);
&return 0;}
附:Py_BuildValue的使用例子,来自python documentation:
&&& Py_BuildValue("")&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& None&&& Py_BuildValue("i", 123)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 123&&& Py_BuildValue("iii", 123, 456, 789)&&&&& (123, 456, 789)&&& Py_BuildValue("s", "hello")&&&&&&&&&&&&& 'hello'&&& Py_BuildValue("ss", "hello", "world")&&& ('hello', 'world')&&& Py_BuildValue("s#", "hello", 4)&&&&&&&&& 'hell'&&& Py_BuildValue("()")&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& ()&&& Py_BuildValue("(i)", 123)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& (123,)&&& Py_BuildValue("(ii)", 123, 456)&&&&&&&&& (123, 456)&&& Py_BuildValue("(i,i)", 123, 456)&&&&&&&& (123, 456)&&& Py_BuildValue("[i,i]", 123, 456)&&&&&&&& [123, 456]&&& Py_BuildValue("{s:i,s:i}",&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& "abc", 123, "def", 456)&&& {'abc': 123, 'def': 456}&&& Py_BuildValue("((ii)(ii)) (ii)",&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)&&&&&&&&& (((1, 2), (3, 4)), (5, 6))
1. 首先讲讲元组的操作由于参数是通过元组传进去的,所以我们不能老是通过Py_BuildValue这个函数来操作元组,那样太不方便了。Python提供了元组相关的操作,下面这个例子演示了如何操作。主要是下面几个函数://new一个元组,传入sizepArgs = PyTuple_New(argc - 3);&//set元组的直,第一个为元组,第二个为index(从0开始),第三个为valuePyTuple_SetItem(pArgs,0,Py_BuildValue("i",2000) );PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs,1,Py_BuildValue("i",8) );
来自python doc的一个例子
#include &Python.h&intmain(int argc, char *argv[]){&&& PyObject *pName, *pModule, *pDict, *pF&&& PyObject *pArgs, *pV&&&
&&& if (argc & 3) {&&&&&&& fprintf(stderr,"Usage: call pythonfile funcname [args]/n");&&&&&&& return 1;&&& }
&&& Py_Initialize();&&& pName = PyString_FromString(argv[1]);&&& /* Error checking of pName left out */
&&& pModule = PyImport_Import(pName);&&& Py_DECREF(pName);
&&& if (pModule != NULL) {&&&&&&& pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, argv[2]);&&&&&&& /* pFunc is a new reference */
&&&&&&& if (pFunc && PyCallable_Check(pFunc)) {&&&&&&&&&&& pArgs = PyTuple_New(argc - 3);&&&&&&&&&&& for (i = 0; i & argc - 3; ++i) {&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& pValue = PyInt_FromLong(atoi(argv[i + 3]));&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& if (!pValue) {&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pArgs);&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pModule);&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& fprintf(stderr, "Cannot convert argument/n");&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& return 1;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /* pValue reference stolen here: */&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PyTuple_SetItem(pArgs, i, pValue);&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&&&&&&&& pValue = PyObject_CallObject(pFunc, pArgs);&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pArgs);&&&&&&&&&&& if (pValue != NULL) {&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& printf("Result of call: %ld/n", PyInt_AsLong(pValue));&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pValue);&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&&&&&&&& else {&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pFunc);&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pModule);&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PyErr_Print();&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& fprintf(stderr,"Call failed/n");&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& return 1;&&&&&&&&&&& }&&&&&&& }&&&&&&& else {&&&&&&&&&&& if (PyErr_Occurred())&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& PyErr_Print();&&&&&&&&&&& fprintf(stderr, "Cannot find function /"%s/"/n", argv[2]);&&&&&&& }&&&&&&& Py_XDECREF(pFunc);&&&&&&& Py_DECREF(pModule);&&& }&&& else {&&&&&&& PyErr_Print();&&&&&&& fprintf(stderr, "Failed to load /"%s/"/n", argv[1]);&&&&&&& return 1;&&& }&&& Py_Finalize();&&& return 0;}
2. class操作把下面加入到test2.py中去。定义了一个很简单的类,有一个name成员变量,一个printName成员函数class TestClass:&&& def __init__(self,name):&&&&&&& self.name = name
&&& def printName(self):&&&&&&& print self.name
cpp文件#include &python.h&int main(){&Py_Initialize();
&PyObject * pModule = NULL;&PyObject * pFunc&& = NULL;&PyObject * pArg&&& = NULL;&PyObject * pClass& = NULL;&PyObject * pObject = NULL;
&pModule = PyImport_ImportModule("test2");&pClass& = PyObject_GetAttrString(pModule, "TestClass");//得到那个类&pArg = PyTuple_New(1);&PyTuple_SetItem(pArg, 0, Py_BuildValue("s", "Jacky"));&pObject = PyEval_CallObject(pClass, pArg);//生成一个对象,或者叫作实例
&pFunc = PyObject_GetAttrString(pObject, "printName");//得到该实例的成员函数&PyEval_CallObject(pFunc, NULL);//执行该实例的成员函数
&return 0;}
没有什么资料,就先写到这里了。下面介绍一下怎么build python25的源代码
3. 编译python源代码为什么要编译呢?因为没有python25_d.lib!呵呵。顺便可以了解一下代码结构。解压缩后,有好多目录,其中pcbuild和pcbuild8是我们要的。pcbuild对应着vc7.1的,pcbuild8对应着vc8.0的因为在用vc7.1,也就是2003了。所以我就说说怎么用2003来编译吧。事实上是从一位牛人那里学来的
不过遇到一点小问题,用vc2003打开那个solution的时候,发现作者没有把source code control去掉,郁闷!害的我
得把python25_d.dll copy到一个能被找到的目录,比如说c:/windows/system32/下面。python25.dll也在这个目录下
坏境python25 + vs真耗资源阿。。。)
char const* greet(){&& return "hello, world";}
首先下载Boost,。boost.python在boost里面了。在visual studio 2005 command prompt中navigation到
boost/boost_1_34_0/下。记得一定要用visual studio 2005 command prompt这个vs2005带的tools,不要用cmd.exe,否则会
设置python的根目录和python的版本,也可直接把它们加到坏境目录中,那样就不用每次都设置一下。set PYTHON_ROOT=c:/python25set PYTHON_VERSION=2.5
接着就可以直接运行了,bjam -sTOOLS=vc-8_0整个编译过程要很长时间。。。
接着,我们开始编译hello。navigation到boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/tutorial下,bjam -sTOOLS=vc-8_0运行
统找到。另外,这里有python25的一个bug。。。我花了很长时间才在python的mail lists中找到了。寒。。。
错误如下所示:D:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/tutorial&bjamJamroot:17: in modules.loadrule python-extension unknown in module Jamfile&/D:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/tutorial&.D:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:312: in load-jamfileD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:68: in loadD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build/project.jam:170: in project.findD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/build-system.jam:237: in loadD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/../../../tools/build/v2/kernel/modules.jam:261: in importD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/../../../tools/build/v2/kernel/bootstrap.jam:132: in boost-buildD:/Learn/Python/boost/boost_1_34_0/libs/python/example/boost-build.jam:7: in module scope
解决办法如下:在boost/boost_1_34_0/tools/build/v2/目录下找到user-config.jam文件,打开在import toolset :下面加一行代码:再重新编译一下boost,然后就没问题了。tutorial里面的hello能顺利编译通过。ps.这个问题困扰了我好长时间。。sigh。。
有好多办法测试此hello.pyd是否可以用。方法一,把它拷贝到python25/dlls下,打开IDLE,&&& import hello&&& hello.greet()'hello, world'&&&&方法二,直接在当前目录下写一个python文件,然后直接调用hello.pyd即可。总之,hello.pyd就是一个python文件了。。嗯
&&& import hello
Traceback (most recent call last):& File "&pyshell#0&", line 1, in &module&&&& import helloImportError: DLL load failed: 找不到指定的模块。&&&
//& Copyright Joel de Guzman . Distributed under the Boost//& Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt&//& or copy at&)//& Hello World Example from the tutorial//& [Joel de Guzman 10/9/2002]
char const* greet(){&& return "hello, world";}
#include &boost/python/module.hpp&#include &boost/python/def.hpp&using namespace boost::
BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(hello){&&& def("greet", greet);}
其中BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(hello){&&& def("greet", greet);}是对greet从c++向python的一个封装声明吧,装换就交给boost了。
Traceback (most recent call last):& File "&pyshell#3&", line 1, in &module&&&& import pydllImportError: No module named pydll
英文资料,终于有了新的发现:You are using Python2.5. In this version of Python you have to havefile extensionto be "pyd" - sge.pyd
--&Roman YakovenkoC++ Python language binding
下面来看一下我的那个简单的例子:这个例子来自于网上,C++ 扩展和嵌入 Python作者:胡金山源码下载地址:
这是一个非常简单的dll工程。给python提供了一个函数static PyObject* Recognise(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)。
pyUtil的Win32 DLL工程,除了pyUtil.cpp文件以外,从工程中移除所有其它文件,并填入如下的代码:
// pyUtil.cpp#ifdef PYUTIL_EXPORTS#define PYUTIL_API __declspec(dllexport)#else#define PYUTIL_API __declspec(dllimport)#endif
#include&windows.h&#include&string&#include&Python.h&BOOL APIENTRY DllMain( HANDLE hModule,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& DWORD& ul_reason_for_call,&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& LPVOID lpReserved&&&&&&& ){&&& switch (ul_reason_for_call)&&& {&&& case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH:&&& case DLL_THREAD_ATTACH:&&& case DLL_THREAD_DETACH:&&& case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH:&&&&&&&&&& }&&& return TRUE;}std::string Recognise_Img(const std::string url){&&& //返回结果&&& return "从dll中返回的数据... : " +}static PyObject* Recognise(PyObject *self, PyObject *args){&&& const char *&&& std::&&& if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s", &url))&&&&&&& return NULL;&&& sts = Recognise_Img(url);&&& return Py_BuildValue("s", sts.c_str() );}static PyMethodDef AllMyMethods[] = {&&& {"Recognise",& Recognise, METH_VARARGS},//暴露给Python的函数&&& {NULL,&&&&& NULL}&&&&&&& /* Sentinel */};extern "C" PYUTIL_API void initpyUtil(){&&& PyObject *m, *d;&&& m = Py_InitModule("pyUtil", AllMyMethods); //初始化本模块,并暴露函数&&& d = PyModule_GetDict(m);}
在Python代码中调用这个动态链接库: (记得把dll的扩展名改为.pyd,另外dll的路径要能够被检索到)import pyUtilresult = pyUtil.Recognise("input url of specific data")print "the result is: "+ result
。&#include&string&#include &boost/python.hpp&using namespace boost::#pragma comment(lib, "boost_python.lib")std::char const* Recognise(const char* url){&&& strtmp ="从dll中返回的数据... : ";&&& strtmp+=&&& return strtmp.c_str();}BOOST_PYTHON_MODULE(pyUtil){&&& def("Recognise", Recognise);}


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