annex h 座位等级h是什么意思

ITU-T G.728 Annex H
G.728 Annex H&&&&&
Variable bit rate LD-CELP operation mainly for DCME at rates less than 16 kbit/s
This annex contains the modifications to Recommendation G.728 LD-CELP speech coding algorithm needed to reduce the coding bit rate down to 12.8 and 9.6 kbit/s. These modifications include the modifications to the shape and gain codebooks.This edition provides the additional description on the calculation of GSTATE(1) and the additional values for codebook related arrays.This annex includes electronic material containing low bit rate LD_CELP implementation test vectors.本附件包含对建议G.728需要将编码比特率降低至12.8和9.6kbit/s的LD-CELP语音编码算法的修改。这些修改包括对形状和增益码本的修改。
This Annex includes 1 CD-ROM containing the test data for verification of G.728 Annex H low bit rate
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Recently I'm writing a client of a IP camera providing H.264 stream. I'm now using FFmpeg 2.1.1 to decode the stream provided by the camera.
Here's some code of the application:
private unsafe void InitFFmpeg()
var codec = FFmpeg.avcodec_find_decoder(AVCodecID.AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
avcodec = (IntPtr)
var ctx=FFmpeg.avcodec_alloc_context3(avcodec);
avcontext = (IntPtr)
ctx-&codec =
ctx-&pix_fmt = AVPixelFormat.PIX_FMT_YUV420P;
ctx-&flags2 |= 0x;//CODEC_FLAG2_CHUNKS
var options = IntPtr.Z
int result = FFmpeg.avcodec_open2(avcontext, avcodec, ref options);
avframe = FFmpeg.av_frame_alloc();
avparser = FFmpeg.av_parser_init(AVCodecID.AV_CODEC_ID_H264);
FFmpeg.av_init_packet(ref avpacket);
inBuffer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(300 * 1024);
private void Decode(byte[] data, int size)
IntPtr pOut = IntPtr.Z
int outLen = 0;
Marshal.Copy(data, 0, inBuffer, size);
int gotPicture = 0;
var rs = FFmpeg.av_parser_parse2(avparser, avcontext, ref pOut, ref outLen, inBuffer, size, 0, 0, 0);
if (outLen &= 0 || pOut.ToInt32() &= 0)
//no enough data to construct a frame, return and receive next NAL unit. = pO
avpacket.size = outL
avpacket.flags |= PacketFlags.K
var len = FFmpeg.avcodec_decode_video2(avcontext, avframe, ref gotPicture, ref avpacket);
Console.WriteLine("avcodec_decode_video2 returned " + len);
if (gotPicture != 0)
//some YUV to RGB stuff
With the code above, I can get some output like:
NAL unit 1: resolution=, key-frame=True, size=26.
NAL unit 2: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=8.
NAL unit 3: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=97222.
NAL unit 4: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=14129.
avcodec_decode_video2 returned 1
NAL unit 5: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=12522.
NAL unit 6: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=12352.
avcodec_decode_video2 returned 1
NAL unit 7: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=12291.
NAL unit 8: resolution=, key-frame=False, size=12182.
From the ouput I can see the parser can recognize the NAL units sent by the camera and can construct frames from them.
NAL unit 1 to 4 are slices of a key frame containing SPS/PPS, and the following 2 NAL units form a normal frame.
And the avcodec_decode_video2 function doesn't produce any error, but just keep returning 1 and gotPicture is alway 0.
If I clear AVCodecContext.flags2, it starts to complain that the packet I provided contains no frame:
NAL unit 100: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=True, size=26.
NAL unit 101: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=False, size=8.
NAL unit 102: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=False, size=96927.
NAL unit 103: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=False, size=17149.
[h264 @ ] no frame!
avcodec_decode_video2 returned -
NAL unit 104: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=False, size=12636.
NAL unit 105: resolution=, frame-rate=0, key-frame=False, size=12338.
[h264 @ ] no frame!
If I write the raw stream to a file, I can use FFmpeg to mux the stream to an mp4 container, and can play the mp4 file with any player.
The raw data I received is something like:
00 00 00 01 67 42 00 28 E9 00 A0 0B 75 C4 80 03 6E E8 00 CD FE 60 0D 88 10 94
00 00 00 01 68 CE 31 52
00 00 00 01 65 88 81 00 06 66 36 25 11 21 2C 04 3B 81 E1 80 00 85 4B 23 9F 71...
I created a debug build of libavcodec and did some debugging. I figured out that I was using an ealier version of AVPacket structure so the data passed to the decoder are malformed. I write a new version of AVPacket according to the header file and now it works like a charm.
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没有更多推荐了,H.263 versions
H.263# Annex A - Inverse transform accuracy specification# Annex B - Hypothetical Reference Decoder# Annex C - Considerations for Multipoint# Annex D - Unrestricted Motion Vector mode (无限制运动质量模式)# Annex E - Syntax-based Arithmetic Coding mode (以及基于句法的算术编码模式(SAC))# Annex F - Advanced Prediction mode (高级预测模式)# Annex G - PB-frames mode# Annex H - Forward Error Correction for coded video signal (前向纠错编码)# Annex I - Advanced Intra Coding with Alternate VLC# Annex J - Deblocking Filter
H.263v2 (H.263+ or H.263 1998)# Annex I - Advanced INTRA Coding mode# Annex J - Deblocking Filter mode# Annex K - Slice Structured mode ( Slice结构 )# Annex L - Supplemental Enhancement Information Specification# Annex M - Improved PB-frames mode# Annex N - Reference Picture Selection mode# Annex O - Temporal, SNR, and Spatial Scalability mode# Annex P - Reference picture resampling# Annex Q - Reduced-Resolution Update mode (see implementors'guide correction as noted below)# Annex R - Independent Segment Decoding mode (独立分割解码)# Annex S - Alternative INTER VLC mode# Annex T - Modified Quantization mode
H.263v2 specified a set of recommended modes in an informativeappendix (Appendix II, since deprecated): |Level 1|Level2 |Level 3Advanced INTRA Coding | Yes | Yes | YesDeblocking Filter | Yes | Yes | YesSupplemental Enhancement Information (Full-Frame FreezeOnly) | Yes | Yes | YesModified Quantization | Yes | Yes | YesUnrestricted Motion Vectors| No | Yes | YesSlice Structured Mode| No | Yes | YesReference Picture Resampling (Implicit Factor-of-4 ModeOnly) | No | Yes | YesAdvanced Prediction | No | No | YesImproved PB-frames | No | No | YesIndependent Segment Decoding| No | No | YesAlternate INTER VLC | No | No | Yes |Level 1|Level 2|Level3
H.263v3 (H.263++ or H.263 2000)# Annex U - Enhanced reference picture selection mode (增强的参考图像选择)# Annex V - Data-partitioned slice mode (数据分割)# Annex W - Additional supplemental enhancement information specification (增强的补充信息)# Annex X (originally specified in 2001) - Profiles and levels definition
本文主要参考洪邑四维馆传人的 [文章][1]
1、家庭用途可选择版本有:Linux Mint、Ubuntu、OpenSUSE、Fedora、PC-BSD
关于iOS基础总结(7)--ios各个版本新特性总结 ios7、ios8、ios9、ios10
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2 自动装箱/拆...
Eclipse最初是由IBM公司开发的替代商业软件Visual Age for Java的下一代IDE开发环境。
iOS 硬解264视频(MP4),出现绿屏,或上半部分正常下半部分绿屏。
iOS 硬解265视频,同样也要解决的extradata处理问题。
3.Annex-B 和 AVCC/HVCC
也叫AVC1格式,MPEG-4格式,字节对齐,因此也叫Byte-Stream Format。用于mp4/flv/mkv, VideoToolbox。
也叫MPEG-2 transport stream format格式(ts格式), ElementaryStream格式。
Annex-B 附录B, 指ITU-T的 Recommendation(h.264和h.265)在附录B中规定码流格式。
3.2 结构上的区别:
区别有两点:一个是参数集(SPS, PPS)组织格式;一个是分隔。
- Annex-B:使用start code分隔NAL(start code为三字节或四字节,0xx,一般是四字节);SPS和PPS按流的方式写在头部。
- AVCC:使用NALU长度(固定字节,通常为4字节)分隔NAL;在头部包含extradata(或sequence header)的结构体。(extradata包含分隔的字节数、SPS和PPS,具体结构见下)
3.2.1 Annex B
3.2.2 extradata
H.264/AVC extradata 语法
参考:《ISO/IEC 14496-15 NAL unit structured video》AVCDecoderConfigurationRecord结构:(最小长度7字节)
第5字节的最后2位,表示的就是NAL size的字节数。在AVCC格式中,每个NAL前面都会有NAL size字段。NAL size可能是1字节、2字节或4字节(4字节较常见),解析extradata重要目的就是确认这个值。(而Annex-B格式,要split NAL,只要去探测0x000001就可以了)
H.264 extradata 示例(AVCC格式)
H.265/HEVC extradata语法
HEVC extradata 示例
hvcC extradata是一种头描述的格式。而annex-b格式中,则是将VPS, SPS和PPS等同于普通NAL,用start code分隔,非常简单。Annex-B格式的”extradata”:
start code+VPS+start code+SPS+start code+PPS
VideoToolbox 与 AVCC格式
硬解 仅支持avcC格式。
如ES格式,需要转为MPEG-4格式 P58
硬编 输出avcC格式。
MediaCodec 与 Annex-B格式
硬解 支持Annex-B格式,avcC需要做转换,NALU长度替换为start code
Annex-B 转 AVCC
对于仅接受AVCC格式的播放器(如Quicktime v7.0),需要进行convert Annex-B to AVCC:
- start code 转为4字节 NAL size
- SPS, PPS创建 extradata
AVCC 转 Annex-B
FFmpeg “extract_extradata” bitstream filter:
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -codec copy -bsf:v h264_mp4toannexb OUTPUT.ts
ffmpeg -i INPUT.mp4 -codec copy -bsf:v hevc_mp4toannexb OUTPUT.ts
了解了H.264 extradata以及NAL组织结构,自然引出H.264码流结构的议题,下篇干脆系统分析下H.264, HEVC码流结构。
H265 nalu head格式
nalu type 01 content例如:(具体nalu type值对应的类型可以上网查一下)00 00 00 01 40 01
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codec_ctx-&flags |= ...
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