I have I'llbeenthere leaving there.这句话正确吗?我已经离开那里了?

Sanya is a beautiful city.I there twice.( )A.have goneB.have beenC.have gone toD.have been to 题目和参考答案——精英家教网——
& 题目详情
4.Sanya&is&a&beautiful&city.I&&&&&&&&&&there&twice.(  )A.have&goneB.have&beenC.have&gone&toD.have&been&to
分析 三亚是个美丽的城市.我去过那里两次.解答 答案:B have been to表示主语在说话现场,去过某地,have gone to表示主语不在说话现场,去了某地,根据Sanya is a beautiful city.I…there twice.知道三亚是个美丽的城市可知我应该是去过那里两次.又因为there是个副词所以去掉介词to,故选B点评 本题考查现在完成时,have been to和have gone to的用法以及在这两个短语中介词to的用法.根据语境和句意选出答案.
8.一Mom,I'm&leaving&for Beijing&tomorrow.一That'S&nice.You'd&better&ring&me&up___you&get&there.(  )A.untilB.as&soon&asC.because
15.Not&only&my&friends&but&also&I&_______&interested&in&football&and&Messi&is&our&favorite&star.(  )A.beB.amC.isD.are
12.-I&wonder&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&.--Shandong&Province.(  )A.when&will&Peng&Liyuan&comeB.where&Peng&Liyuan&is&fromC.where&Peng&Liyuan&came&fromD.how&Peng&Liyuan&will&come
19.My&friend,Henry&was&born&&&&&&&&&&June&10th,1997.(  )A.inB.onC.atD.for
9.I&don't&remember____________&the&book&yesterday.(  )A.where&I&putB.where&did&I&putC.where&will&I&putD.where&l&will&put
13.-Be&sure&to&calm&down&and&read&every&sentence&carefully!-_________(  )A.OK,I'll&do&itB.Never&mindC.It's&OKD.Not&at&all
2.Once&there&was&a&forest&where&all&the&animals&lived&happily&together.One&day&a&family&went&to&spend&the&day&in&the&forest,and&the&son&left&his&socks&there.After&the&family&left,a&bear&came&by,found&the&socks,and&decided&to&try&them&on.They&fit&so&well,and&he&liked&them&so&much&that&he&wouldn't&take&them&off.All&the&animals&talked&about&the&hearts&new&look.Soon,in&that&forest,there&began&appearing&squirrels&(松鼠)&in&shirts,rabbits&in&shoes,and&even&rats&(鼠)&wearing&hats!The&forest&doctor&shook&his&head,telling&animals,"This&can't&be&good.Animals&don't&need&clothes!"But&no&one&listened&to&him.They&said&he&was&just&out&of&fashion.However,&it wasn't long before the first results of fashion-fever came.Several&times&the&squirrel&caught&his&shirt&on&trees,stopping&him&in&mid-jump&and&sending&him&falling&to&the&ground&from&a&tree.The&rat&couldn't&go&into&his&hole&without&taking&off&his&hat&first.Even&the&bear,because&of&his&socks,slipped&(滑到)&from&the&river&rock&and&almost&killed&himself.When&the&animals&came&to&see&the&doctor,he&gave&them&all&the&same&advice,"Take&off&those&clothes&before&one&day&they're&going&to&kill&you."Those&who&listened&to&the&doctor's&advice&stopped&having&accidents.And&the&animals&realized&that&they&didn't&need&clothes&at&all.Starting&to&wear&them&had&been&very&dangerous,and&they&had&only&done&it&to&make&others&admire(羡慕)&them,and&to&get&attention.48.Bfound&the&socks&and&tried&them&on.A.The&son&&&&&&&&B.The&bear&&&&&&&&C.The&rabbit&&&&&&D.The&rat49.From&the&story&we&can&know&thatCA.the&family&had&a&good&time&with&the&bearB.the&animals&didn't&like&the&bear's&new&lookC.the&forest&doctor&told&the&animals&not&to&wear&clothesD.the&squirrel&couldn't&go&into&his&hole&with&his&hat&on50.The&underlined&sentence"&it wasn't long before the first results of fashion-fever came."probably&means&thatD.A.soon&the&animals&had&a&lever&because&of&the&clothesB.soon&the&animals&enjoyed&wearing&clothes&very&muchC.soon&the&animals&became&healthier&in&the&warm&clothesD.soon&the&animals&had&lots&of&accidents&after&wearing&clothes51.The&story&is&written&to&tel1 usC.A.helping&others&is&helping&yourselfB.we&should&he&careful&in&the&forestC.things&that&fit&yourself&are&the&bestD.animals&must&be&looked&after&well.
请输入手机号> 问题详情
I see no ______ in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there.A.reasonB.excuseC.
I see no ______ in leaving my company since I am doing quite well there.A.reasonB.excuseC.pointD.chance请帮忙给出正确答案和分析,谢谢!
1______ to speak when the audience interrupted him.A.Hardly had he begunB.No sooner had he begunC.Not until he beganD.Scarcely did he begin2He finished reading and went on ______ a composition.A.writeB.to writeC.writingD.being written3______ for your help, we'd never have been able to get over the difficulties.A.Had it notB.If it were notC.Had it not beenD.If we had not been4Now the committee ______ seven members.A.consist ofB.is consisting ofC.is consisted ofD.consists of
确认密码:在日常生活中,色彩是最富有表现力的语言,它们能表现品格、传达情绪、丰富语言。下面我们就来看几个带“颜色”的句子吧!        1. Mary has felt blue ever since her boyfriend left for Europe.        自从她男朋友去了欧洲以后,玛莉一直感到闷闷不乐。   2. You get a chance like this only once in a blue moon.        这种机会真是千载难逢。         3. You can talk till all is blue but I shall not believe it.        你可以没完没了地说下去,但我是不会相信你的。        4. Do you see any green in my eye?        你以为我那么好骗吗?        5. Although he is physically old, his mind is still in the green.        尽管他身体已经衰老,但是思想还是很活跃。        6. She is red with anger.        她气得满脸通红。        7. All the family is in the pink.  全家人的身体都好极了。        8. Though I believe in telling the truth, I think a white lie is sometimes justified.        虽然我认为应该说实话,但我认为善意的谎言有时也是无可非议的。        9. He insisted on putting the agreement down in black and white.        他坚持要把这项协议用白纸黑字写下来。        10. Henry was beaten black and blue, you can’t see a white spot about him.        亨利被打得遍体鳞伤,全身没一块好肉。        11. I’m glad that he is not so black as he is painted.        我很高兴他不是像你说的那么坏。        12. They came out of the bank carrying the money and the police caught them red-handed.        他们带着赃款从银行里出来,被警察当场捉住。   13. We will soon be out of the red.        我们不久就要转亏为盈了。        14. I can’t even talk about it, except to you, because anybody else would think I was yellow.        除你之外,这种事不能对别人说,因为他们会觉得我是个胆小鬼。         15. They choose a white day for their engagement.        他们选择吉日订婚。         16. He is the kind of person who calls white black.        他就是那种颠倒黑白的人。      
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  大家可能都知道to take a walk就是散步。但是, to take a walk还有另外一个意思,并不是讲话的人邀请你一起去散步。刚好相反,是非常不客气的一句话。它的意思是:“出去”或“滚开”。所以,to take a walk作为俗语的时候要特别小心,一定要听说话人的语气。下面这个例子里讲话的人正在发很大的脾气,对他讲话的对象毫不客气。    例句1: I don't want to listen to any more silly advice on how to run my life. Go on, take a walk - get out of here! I'm tired of looking at your stupid face!    别再告诉我应该怎么管理我的生活,我不要听了。走,你给我出去,滚出去!看见你那张丑脸我就烦。    我们再来举一个例子。这是一个人在对他的合伙人讲话。这个合伙人经常通过一些小动作来欺诈他,因此他决定和他散伙。    例句2: I'm tired of all your lies! You've cheated me too many times and I no longer want to be partners with you. So take a walk - I never want to see you again!    我已经听够了你的谎话。你多次欺骗我,我现在不要再跟你合作了。你走吧,我以后再也不想见到你了。
  meat market 夜店     Meaning: a place like a bar or nightclub in which people looking for sexual partners can meet     For example:     On Friday nights Ken goes out to clubs that are well-known meat markets.
    每到周五晚上Ken就会去那个众所周知的“外遇”会所。     Mandy realised she wasn’t going to find the sort of man she was looking for in a meat market, so she stopped going.    Mandy意识到她不能找那种经常泡夜店的男人,因此她没有去赴约。     Quick Quiz:     People who go to bars that are meat markets are looking for someone to     a. have sex with
    b. eat meat with
    c. go into business with
  很小的时候就听身边的人说过“人靠衣装,马靠鞍”这句话,说的是其貌不扬的人穿上华丽的衣装后也会显得耀眼夺目这样一个常理。所以,在我们的周围,每个人都在make up,都试图通过外表的装扮提升自己的形象。可是,藏在makeup下太久,大家都不太记得彼此最真实的样子了。于是,有些勇敢的人开始尝试makeunder。你已经大概猜到makeunder是什么了,对不对?    Makeunder refers to a change of appearance in which a person is given a simpler look, especially one with little or no makeup and a basic hairstyle.    Makeunder(素面朝天)指某人一改往日形象,只化淡妆或不化妆、也不做发型的样子。    羡慕啊,人家都是化妆是本事,不化妆叫追求,小涵只有一个选择: makeunder! 诚邀会make up 的耳朵加小涵QQ,也教小涵两招,远离makeunder!
  在很多影视作品中,我们都看到过以强欺弱的画面,可能是在监狱、在学校或者在工厂。这样的欺凌行为在英语中统称为bullying,而发出这样行为的人就是bully。今天我们要说的,是在职场处处为难别人的workplace bully。  If you are often humiliated, belittled or called names by a colleague, you could be facing a workplace bully. The bully’s remarks and actions may seem harmless at first but they are meant to be offensive and to show you in a poor light.    如果你频繁被某个同事羞辱、蔑视或者辱骂,你面对的可能是一个“职场霸王”。这位“霸王”的言行起初可能并不会对你造成伤害,但其中的冒犯之意是显而易见的,而且会让你处于弱势地位。    Here are five situations a bully might put you in:  以下是常见的五种“霸王”行径:    1. Constant prodding at meetings  Some bullies take pleasure in interrupting you when you are making a presentation or are talking in an important meeting. They may ask questions unrelated to the presentation, or questions that could have waited till the end.  1. 在会议上处处针对你  有些“职场霸王”喜欢在你做演示或在重要会议上发言时打断你,并以此为乐。他们可能会问一些跟演示无关的问题,或者问一些本来可以等到会议结束时再问的问题。    2. Taking credit for your work  Another tactic that a bully might use is to take credit for your work.  2. 抢走你的工作成果  他们的另一个策略是把你的工作成果据为己有。    3. Burdening you with extra work  Newcomers to an organization sometimes get stuck with work over and above their job description.  3. 给你指派很多额外的工作  新进人员有时候会被很多职责范围以外的工作所负累。    4. Jokes at your expense  If your colleague often makes fun of you or passes sarcastic remarks about you or your work, it may be more than just banter.  4. 拿你开涮  如果你的同事时常取笑你,或者对你或你的工作冷嘲热讽,这些可能并不仅仅是玩笑话。    5. Indecent remarks  Women at work sometimes have to hear indecent remarks or put up with glances that make them uncomfortable.  5. 下流言论  职场女性时不时会听到一些下流的言论,或者遭遇让她们不自在的眼神
  请看《中国日报》的报道:    Illegal acts prohibited by the regulations include
price-fixing agreements and excluding or limiting competition through abuse of dominant market share, according to the regulations.    根据该法规,签订限价协议以及滥用在市场的垄断地位来排除或限制竞争等违法行为将被禁止。    在上面的报道中,price-fixing指的是“限价”或“价格垄断”,即垄断厂商凭借自身的垄断地位,为谋求自身利益最大化而制定垄断高价或垄断低价的行为。“价格垄断”也可以用price monopoly来表示。垄断厂商可通过price-rigging(操纵价格)获得monopoly profit(垄断利润)。    发改委推出反价格垄断新法规就是为了进一步限制这种anti-competition behavior(反竞争行为),打击speculation and hoarding(囤积居奇)和price collusion(合谋定价)等活动。  
  :Amy,你有时间吗?    A:Sure,什么事?    C:Todd这个人真是很奇怪。有时候,我打电话给他,他明明在办公室里,而且也不忙,可他就是不接电话。我只好在电话里给他留言,可他好几个小时才回电话,有时根本就不回。    A:How does that make you feel?    C:让我觉得自己无足轻重。我不愿意跟他共事。    A:That happens when we use voice mail to hide from other people. Voice mail makes it easy to ignore callers.    C:我有的时候也不接电话,让打电话的人留言,比如手头工作急着要完成的时候。Is that wrong?    A:No. That's a perfect reason to use voice mail. All of us have times when we need to work without interruption.    C:可是有些人从来不接电话,电话打过去,一定是留言。这样下次谁还会找你呢?    A:没错。It doesn't take long for people to determine who is responsive and values their callers, and they call those people instead.    C:他们这样做不仅会得罪人,还会失去很多机会。我倒要看看,这个Todd什么时候才会回我的电话。    ******    Amy第二天午饭时间又遇到了陈豪。    A:CH, I am curious. Did Todd ever call you back yesterday?    C:NO. 他一直没给我回电话。我觉得他这样做非常不礼貌。    A:Totally rude. It is quite one thing to use your voice mail when you can't be interrupted, but to use it    all day for your own convenience is disrespectful of other people and their time.    C:这确实是对我的一种不尊重。说实话,如果能从别人那里得到我需要的信息,我以后是不会再去找他的。我觉得Todd不是那种能愉快共事的人。    A:There are people who think that they are too important to answer their own phone and always use voice mail or someone else to answer for them.    C:不过,据我所知,一些非常成功的人士反倒有时间亲自接电话。Amy, 一般情况下,我们什么时候可以让别人留言而不失礼呢?    A:Send your calls to voice mail when you have someone in your office, when you need to concentrate on a project or when you are away from your desk.    C:噢,办公室里正好有人在谈事儿的时候,手头有工作赶着要完成的时候,或是不在办公室的时候,这些时候都可以让别人在电话上留言。    A:Otherwise, if your job or your business depends on relationships with other people, make yourself available.    C:对呀,不管是谁,打电话都希望能找到自己要找的人。
  工作忙,压力大,很多人都眼看着年假过期也不能休。可对于有些人来说,在百忙中哪怕能抽出一天的时间,他们也要出去好好放松一下。于是,“纳米假日”就应运而生了。      Nanobreak is typically a very short, i.e. overnight holiday, preferably somewhere quite exotic, which is becoming increasingly popular amongst people in the UK who want or need a holiday despite the credit crunch and despite having very little free time.    Nanobreak(纳米假日)指在居住地以外、颇具情调或迷人风景的地方度过的一个短暂假日,这种假日很短,通常都只在目的地逗留一晚。在那些饱受信贷危机困扰,也少有闲暇时间,但仍然渴望假期的英国人当中,纳米假日越来越受欢迎。    For example:    There has been a 29% increase in the number of UK holidaymakers searching for nanobreaks over the past year.    去年,英国度假者中搜索纳米假日的人数增加了29%。  
  Hello,大家好!现在80后已经进入而立之年,大多80后都是让父母骄傲的一代,但是也不乏一些“啃老族”的产生。啃老族也叫“吃老族”或“傍老族”。“啃老族”年龄都在23-30岁之间,他们并非找不到工作,而是主动放弃了就业的机会,赋闲在家,不仅衣食住行全靠父母,而且花销往往不菲。社会学家称之为“新失业群体”。    在英国英语中,我们用“NEET”来指啃老族的一员,“NEET group”指啃老族群体。“NEET”实际上是“Not Currently Engaged in Education, Employment or Training ”或“Not in Education, Employment or Training”的缩略语。来看例句: In Japan, more and more young people have joined in the Neet group who neither go to college nor go to work.(越来越多的日本青年加入到既不上学又不工作的啃老族。)在美国英语则常用“boomerang child/kid”来表示啃老族。Boomerang本来是指澳大利亚土著居民的飞镖,叫回飞镖。也就是扔出去又自己飞回来的镖,多贴切啊,家长辛辛苦苦培养孩子希望他出去立下事业,结果孩子又跑回来吃父母。不过也不能都怪孩子,都是月亮惹的货啊!好了,接着看例句:The boomerang child returned home to live with his parents after graduating from the university.这个啃老族在大学毕业之后,回到家中与父母住在一起。     好了,啃老族的介绍就到这里,祝愿所有的耳朵们都成为父母的骄傲,耳朵们再见
  好吧,那今天我们就来说说寒潮吧。     Cold snap brings snow---Beijing's first snowfall this winter, which began on Saturday night and lasted until Sunday afternoon, surprised locals.    寒潮带来降雪——北京今冬的初雪让当地居民颇感意外。这场雪从上周六晚间一直持续到周日下午。    这儿的cold snap,迅猛的寒冷就是指“寒潮”。Cold snap是指strong cold air(强冷空气)由亚洲大陆西部或西北部侵袭中国时的强降温天气过程,一般多发生在秋末、冬季、初春时节。Cold snap地面高压的前端一般都有一条cold front(冷锋,冷空气前锋)。据了解,为缓解干旱,有关部门可以进行weather modification人工影响天气作业。    耳朵们要多穿衣服,出门戴好手套围巾帽子,全城保暖抵抗cold snap!
  有句古语叫“谋事在人,成事在天”,说的是很多事情都有定数,并不是付出了努力就一定能达到目的的。这句话跟我们今天的话题很搭,我们要说的就是“顺其自然”的英文表达。        1. Don't trouble trouble until trouble troubles you.          别自找麻烦了,顺其自然吧。        2. Some of us like to have our future mapped out, others like to go with the flow.        有些人喜欢规划未来,有些人喜欢顺其自然。        3. It's best to take the world as you find it, then you won't be disappointed.        还是顺其自然最好,这样,你就不会失望了。        4. Be that as it may, I'll leave it as it is.        无论如何我们也只能听其自然。        5. Since there is nothing we can do, why notlet nature take its course?        既然我们无能为力,何不顺其自然呢?        6. Your opposition won't make any difference, just let it be.        你反对也不能起什么作用,顺其自然吧。        7. We will cross the bridge until we come to it.        走一步看一步吧,顺其自然。        8. Whatever will be, will be.        万事不必苛求,顺其自然。           
  面 试 篇             1、描述你的优缺点             现在就业市场竞争越来越激烈,要在日趋激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为永远的&胜利者&,就必须能说一口流利的求职英语,掌握&面试技巧&。提高面试技巧的关键就在于对面试官所要提出的问题做到胸有成竹。       我们通过对大量面试资料的分析,发现一些典型的问题在各种面试中反复出现,恰恰是这些看似平常的问题使许多应聘者失去了得到理想工作的机会。所以在面试篇中,我们将逐个对这些常见的面试问题进行讲解,并提供得体应答例句。相信面试篇能助您充满信心地在面试中侃侃而谈,在最激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。     下面就让我们开始第一课的学习,本课的重点词汇和句型    major         主要的       strength        优点         self-motivated     自我激励的         weakness       缺点         half-done       未完成的,半成的         solution        解决办法         spend sometime in doing sth.    做某事花费了一些时间         leisure time      休闲时间              WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR MAJOR STRENGTH/ WEAKNESS?      &您认为您的最主要的优点是什么?最主要的缺点是什么?&       这是主考官们乐于提及的问题。通过您对这个问题的回答,主考官可以了解您的品质、个性、工作态度、工作方法等众多方面的问题;同时,他也想知道您都有哪些弱点,这些弱点是不是会影响到您的工作。       下面我们就一起分析一下这个问题。            1.What do you consider your major strength?           May also be: What are you best at?               你最主要的优点是什么?或是:你最擅长什么?       注意如果主考官这样问你,这样的问题隐含的意思是&你能给我们公司做出怎样的贡献&,所以千万不要回答说自己擅长音乐或体育,而是要突出自己的最优秀的品质,作为雇主,是比较乐意接受有下列品质的雇员的:          A. self-motivated          (具有&自我激励&的品质会不断使你在工作中取得进步)          B. hard working and honest          (所有的雇主都喜欢&努力而诚实&的人,无论交付什么事情,都能让老板放心)          C. look for better ways of doing the work           (这证明你是个爱思考而且聪明的人,总是&寻找更好的做事方法&)          D.good interpersonal relationships          (这说明你有很好的人际关系,如果你本事再大,却和同事们和不来,也会让老板十分头疼的)              总的看来,在回答你的优点的时候,努力向上述四个方面靠拢是比较稳妥的!         当然,你也可以把这些优点综合起来说:        &I do believe I possess lots of strengths. First, I have formed a habit of working under great pressure, I a Second, I am independent, and always try to use my own metho Third, I am honest.&                &我觉得我有很多优势。首先,我养成了在巨大压力下工作的习惯,工作也非常努力;还有,我工作是比较有独立性的,总是想用自己的方法来解决问题;再者,我也很诚实。&         面试官听到你有这么多他们所需要的优点,一定会对你留下更深的印象。       2.现在我们再来看看如果老板问你:         &What do you consider your major weakness?&         (你最主要的缺点是什么)     千万要小心,这里不要太实事求是地回答你的真实缺点,而要巧妙地在回答中体现出&你的缺点其实也是个优点&,这听起来有点难办,不过记住下面这个例子就可以让老板感觉到&你的缺点还是    蛮可爱&的嘛:       &I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. I also know I spend too much time in my work., I can't get enough leisure time.&         让我们先来分析一下你的缺点:先你不会把工作做了一半就不管了,你会在开车上班的路上或在淋浴的时候都在思考工作。其次你也觉得自己在工作上花太多的心思,而没有了休闲的时间&。这样的&缺点&听起来还挺宝贵的呢。         要记住这段话,还要将几个句式熟记才行:         首先是leave 在这里表示&让(人、)物维持在某种状态&;         half-done自然代表着&未完成的,半成的&;         那么在工作中遇到了问题自然你要想办法解决,所以solution 这个表示&解决&的词自然是很受青睐,solution to/for/of都是可以的。         比如说公司的财务陷入了危机,有人就可能建议说:         Economy might be the solution to our financial troubles.         意思是&节约可能是我们解决财务问题的办法&。         而spend sometime in doing sth. 的句式是我们都很熟悉的了,         leisure time着重于表示&从工作中解放出来而进行休息、娱乐&的时间,据说&不会休息的人就不会更好地工作&,但是在老板眼中,还是希望员工们多多地工作的哦!          对于这个问题的回答,不知你是否心中有数了?其实面试是有很多学问的,我们会在以后不断学到,今天就到这里吧!              2、更换工作的原因             如果您想&跳槽&到另外一家公司,一般来说,该公司的面试官会想到:&他为什么想离开现在的公司?&,&他想到我们这儿的原因是什么?&。这一课,我们就来看看对这种问题如何回答比较合适。      首先,我们来跟外教朗读本课的重点词汇和句型。       room         空间、余地、机会         There is room for...   留有……余地         career        事业、生涯         promotion       晋升         be promoted to ...   晋升到……职位         reputation       名声、名誉         employee       雇员、职工         benefit        福利              WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR PRESENT JOB?       在本课中,我们来讨论一下面试中常见的两个问题:       1、Why do you want to leave your present job / previous job?       一般来说雇主是非常想知道&为什么你想离开现在的/以前的工作?&,虽然你离开原来公司的理由会有很多,比如说和同事和不来啦,被开掉了啦,等等。         但是比较稳妥的回答方式是:       &你以前的工作干得很好,但似乎没有更多的发展空间和晋升的机会&,这样的回答让人感到你的确是个优秀的人才,应该在更大的舞台上发挥自己的能力。       你不妨用下面的句子来表达你的意思:     There is no room for my career growth and promotion I want in my previous job. So I'm looking for a company which recognizes and rewards hard workers.       room表示&空间、余地、机会&等意思,所以在想表示&留有……的余地&的时候,不妨记住用There is room for...这个句式,如果你的上司对你说:          There is room for improvement in your work, It is not as good as it could be.          这句话的意思是&你的工作还有改进的余地&,看来你可得卖力气地干活了!         工作上人人都渴望得到晋升,所以一定要熟知promotion这个词,获得晋升可以说成是 win promotion 或者 gain promotion。 而它的动词 promote 则是个及物动词,&某某人被晋升到某某位置&的表示形式是be promoted to ...,造个句子巩固一下对这个词的记忆吧:         She was promoted to manager of the new workshop.         现在你已经掌握了一个说明离职原因的最佳例句,接着让我们再来看两个可供选择的回答方式:         1.My reason for leaving my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.           我离职的理由是: 希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。         2.I am leaving my present job in order to improve my position and have more responsibility.           我因为希望获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。       2、What is it about this job that interests you? / Why do you want to join our company?         这项工作有什么地方让你感兴趣?你为什么想加入我们的公司?         对这样的问题,你不妨做下面的回答:         Your company enjoys a good reputation in this field. I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.         一般来说,先说上一个赞扬公司的句子是能够让面试官比较开心的,而reputation 是&名声、名誉&的意思,所以enjoy a good reputation或者have a good reputation都是个不错的表达,当然你还可以说:         Your company is well respected in this field. I have heard nothing but good things about your company.         夸奖了公司的声誉之后,你不妨再说说公司在对员工方面的待遇,其实这常常是很多人选择公司的重要标准:         I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.          注意benefit的意思除了&受益&之外,还可以表示&公司给员工的福利津贴&,而offer 在此表示&提供&。          通过本课的学习,你一定对如何回答&离职原因&和&为什么加盟新公司&这两个问题胸有成竹了吧。在下一课中,我们将继续探讨面试中常见的问题,希望你按时参加,从而一步一步地提高自己英语面试的技巧 。              3、是否胜任工作             应聘一家公司,首先您要具备加入该公司的&资格&,这是主考官最容易提到的问题。能否很好地回答这个问题,将在很大程度上决定您的成功与否。       本课的重点词汇和句型      computer science     计算机科学         knowledge background   知识背景         qualification        资格、条件         experience         经验         involve          包括、潜心于、使陷于         perfectly          极佳地、完美地         position          职位、位置     WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE QUALIFIED FOR THIS POSITION?       在面试中,面试官最关心的问题莫过于你是否觉得自己适合这项工作,比如:       &Why do you think you are qualified for this position?&       (您为何觉得您有资格做这个职位?)         这是考察你能力的最常见问题。 对于这样的问题,该怎么从容应对呢?下面我们就来共同探讨一下最佳的回答方式。       首先要确定这个问题的重点在哪里。既然面试官提到&有什么资格&,您肯定要围绕&资格&先作一下文章:       &I graduated from Beijing University in 1993, and hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Therefore, I have a firm knowledge background in this field.&       (我1993年毕业于北京大学,获计算机专业学士学位。所以在此领域我有很扎实的基本功。)              经您介绍自己的学历背景,面试官对您开始感兴趣了,因为您所学的东西正是他们所需要的. 但是由于现在的竞争越来越激烈,即便是在自己所学的领域内,可供用人单位挑选的人也有很多,所以,您下一步要提出自己的&working experience&(工作经验):       &I have spent the last 3 years working specially in this field. I think I can bring a lot of experience and knowledge with me.&       (我在这个领域内干过3年,我想我能将我的知识与经验带给贵公司。)              主考官一看,呵,你还是满有经验的嘛!你可别小看这一点,&对口&的经验是目前各用人单位特别重视的一点,如果您可以将很多的专业经验带给公司,公司岂不是很乐意? 但他们还有一点不太放心:您是否自信。他们可能会接着问:       &Do you think you are the right person for the job?&       (您认为您是这个职位的最佳人选吗?)         这时,您要给他一个最简单、最明确的答复,同时给出理由:       &Yes. Because I do believe that my qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for.&       (是的。因为我确信我的素质和经验能够很好地满足贵公司的需要。)       或者说:       &Yes. Because I have the experience you are looking for,and think I will be one of the best in this field.&       (是的.因为我有贵公司所需要的东西,并且自信我能成为这个领域中最优秀的员工之一。)       这样,面试官就更放心了,因为您的答复说明您非常自信,完全能胜任这项工作。接下来他要考虑:您是否有吃苦的精神呢?         &Do you know what's involved in a position like this?&       (您知道我们这个职位是要付出很大的努力的吗?)          您可以再给他一个明确的答复:         &Yes. I know exactly what's involved. I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability.&         (我完全明白您的意思。我工作也很努力,并且会尽力发挥我的力量。)   您看, 您有扎实的知识基础、有相关的经验、富有自信心及吃苦耐劳的品性。主考官不选择您,还能选择谁呢? OK,今天对&资格&问题的讨论暂且至此,下次我们来讨论另一个焦点问题:&薪金待遇&。
  面 试 篇             1、描述你的优缺点             现在就业市场竞争越来越激烈,要在日趋激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,成为永远的&胜利者&,就必须能说一口流利的求职英语,掌握&面试技巧&。提高面试技巧的关键就在于对面试官所要提出的问题做到胸有成竹。       我们通过对大量面试资料的分析,发现一些典型的问题在各种面试中反复出现,恰恰是这些看似平常的问题使许多应聘者失去了得到理想工作的机会。所以在面试篇中,我们将逐个对这些常见的面试问题进行讲解,并提供得体应答例句。相信面试篇能助您充满信心地在面试中侃侃而谈,在最激烈的竞争中脱颖而出。     下面就让我们开始第一课的学习,本课的重点词汇和句型    major         主要的       strength        优点         self-motivated     自我激励的         weakness       缺点         half-done       未完成的,半成的         solution        解决办法         spend sometime in doing sth.    做某事花费了一些时间         leisure time      休闲时间              WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER YOUR MAJOR STRENGTH/ WEAKNESS?      &您认为您的最主要的优点是什么?最主要的缺点是什么?&       这是主考官们乐于提及的问题。通过您对这个问题的回答,主考官可以了解您的品质、个性、工作态度、工作方法等众多方面的问题;同时,他也想知道您都有哪些弱点,这些弱点是不是会影响到您的工作。       下面我们就一起分析一下这个问题。            1.What do you consider your major strength?           May also be: What are you best at?               你最主要的优点是什么?或是:你最擅长什么?       注意如果主考官这样问你,这样的问题隐含的意思是&你能给我们公司做出怎样的贡献&,所以千万不要回答说自己擅长音乐或体育,而是要突出自己的最优秀的品质,作为雇主,是比较乐意接受有下列品质的雇员的:          A. self-motivated          (具有&自我激励&的品质会不断使你在工作中取得进步)          B. hard working and honest          (所有的雇主都喜欢&努力而诚实&的人,无论交付什么事情,都能让老板放心)          C. look for better ways of doing the work           (这证明你是个爱思考而且聪明的人,总是&寻找更好的做事方法&)          D.good interpersonal relationships          (这说明你有很好的人际关系,如果你本事再大,却和同事们和不来,也会让老板十分头疼的)              总的看来,在回答你的优点的时候,努力向上述四个方面靠拢是比较稳妥的!         当然,你也可以把这些优点综合起来说:        &I do believe I possess lots of strengths. First, I have formed a habit of working under great pressure, I a Second, I am independent, and always try to use my own metho Third, I am honest.&                &我觉得我有很多优势。首先,我养成了在巨大压力下工作的习惯,工作也非常努力;还有,我工作是比较有独立性的,总是想用自己的方法来解决问题;再者,我也很诚实。&         面试官听到你有这么多他们所需要的优点,一定会对你留下更深的印象。       2.现在我们再来看看如果老板问你:         &What do you consider your major weakness?&         (你最主要的缺点是什么)     千万要小心,这里不要太实事求是地回答你的真实缺点,而要巧妙地在回答中体现出&你的缺点其实也是个优点&,这听起来有点难办,不过记住下面这个例子就可以让老板感觉到&你的缺点还是    蛮可爱&的嘛:       &I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. I also know I spend too much time in my work., I can't get enough leisure time.&         让我们先来分析一下你的缺点:先你不会把工作做了一半就不管了,你会在开车上班的路上或在淋浴的时候都在思考工作。其次你也觉得自己在工作上花太多的心思,而没有了休闲的时间&。这样的&缺点&听起来还挺宝贵的呢。         要记住这段话,还要将几个句式熟记才行:         首先是leave 在这里表示&让(人、)物维持在某种状态&;         half-done自然代表着&未完成的,半成的&;         那么在工作中遇到了问题自然你要想办法解决,所以solution 这个表示&解决&的词自然是很受青睐,solution to/for/of都是可以的。         比如说公司的财务陷入了危机,有人就可能建议说:         Economy might be the solution to our financial troubles.         意思是&节约可能是我们解决财务问题的办法&。         而spend sometime in doing sth. 的句式是我们都很熟悉的了,         leisure time着重于表示&从工作中解放出来而进行休息、娱乐&的时间,据说&不会休息的人就不会更好地工作&,但是在老板眼中,还是希望员工们多多地工作的哦!          对于这个问题的回答,不知你是否心中有数了?其实面试是有很多学问的,我们会在以后不断学到,今天就到这里吧!              2、更换工作的原因             如果您想&跳槽&到另外一家公司,一般来说,该公司的面试官会想到:&他为什么想离开现在的公司?&,&他想到我们这儿的原因是什么?&。这一课,我们就来看看对这种问题如何回答比较合适。      首先,我们来跟外教朗读本课的重点词汇和句型。       room         空间、余地、机会         There is room for...   留有……余地         career        事业、生涯         promotion       晋升         be promoted to ...   晋升到……职位         reputation       名声、名誉         employee       雇员、职工         benefit        福利              WHY DO YOU WANT TO LEAVE YOUR PRESENT JOB?       在本课中,我们来讨论一下面试中常见的两个问题:       1、Why do you want to leave your present job / previous job?       一般来说雇主是非常想知道&为什么你想离开现在的/以前的工作?&,虽然你离开原来公司的理由会有很多,比如说和同事和不来啦,被开掉了啦,等等。         但是比较稳妥的回答方式是:       &你以前的工作干得很好,但似乎没有更多的发展空间和晋升的机会&,这样的回答让人感到你的确是个优秀的人才,应该在更大的舞台上发挥自己的能力。       你不妨用下面的句子来表达你的意思:     There is no room for my career growth and promotion I want in my previous job. So I'm looking for a company which recognizes and rewards hard workers.       room表示&空间、余地、机会&等意思,所以在想表示&留有……的余地&的时候,不妨记住用There is room for...这个句式,如果你的上司对你说:          There is room for improvement in your work, It is not as good as it could be.          这句话的意思是&你的工作还有改进的余地&,看来你可得卖力气地干活了!         工作上人人都渴望得到晋升,所以一定要熟知promotion这个词,获得晋升可以说成是 win promotion 或者 gain promotion。 而它的动词 promote 则是个及物动词,&某某人被晋升到某某位置&的表示形式是be promoted to ...,造个句子巩固一下对这个词的记忆吧:         She was promoted to manager of the new workshop.         现在你已经掌握了一个说明离职原因的最佳例句,接着让我们再来看两个可供选择的回答方式:         1.My reason for leaving my present employer is that I am desirous of getting broader experience in trading.           我离职的理由是: 希望在贸易方面,能获得更广泛的经验。         2.I am leaving my present job in order to improve my position and have more responsibility.           我因为希望获得更高的职位负更多的责任,而离开现职。       2、What is it about this job that interests you? / Why do you want to join our company?         这项工作有什么地方让你感兴趣?你为什么想加入我们的公司?         对这样的问题,你不妨做下面的回答:         Your company enjoys a good reputation in this field. I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.         一般来说,先说上一个赞扬公司的句子是能够让面试官比较开心的,而reputation 是&名声、名誉&的意思,所以enjoy a good reputation或者have a good reputation都是个不错的表达,当然你还可以说:         Your company is well respected in this field. I have heard nothing but good things about your company.         夸奖了公司的声誉之后,你不妨再说说公司在对员工方面的待遇,其实这常常是很多人选择公司的重要标准:         I've heard you take care of your employees and offer good salaries and benefits.          注意benefit的意思除了&受益&之外,还可以表示&公司给员工的福利津贴&,而offer 在此表示&提供&。          通过本课的学习,你一定对如何回答&离职原因&和&为什么加盟新公司&这两个问题胸有成竹了吧。在下一课中,我们将继续探讨面试中常见的问题,希望你按时参加,从而一步一步地提高自己英语面试的技巧 。              3、是否胜任工作             应聘一家公司,首先您要具备加入该公司的&资格&,这是主考官最容易提到的问题。能否很好地回答这个问题,将在很大程度上决定您的成功与否。       本课的重点词汇和句型      computer science     计算机科学         knowledge background   知识背景         qualification        资格、条件         experience         经验         involve          包括、潜心于、使陷于         perfectly          极佳地、完美地         position          职位、位置     WHY DO YOU THINK YOU ARE QUALIFIED FOR THIS POSITION?       在面试中,面试官最关心的问题莫过于你是否觉得自己适合这项工作,比如:       &Why do you think you are qualified for this position?&       (您为何觉得您有资格做这个职位?)         这是考察你能力的最常见问题。 对于这样的问题,该怎么从容应对呢?下面我们就来共同探讨一下最佳的回答方式。       首先要确定这个问题的重点在哪里。既然面试官提到&有什么资格&,您肯定要围绕&资格&先作一下文章:       &I graduated from Beijing University in 1993, and hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science. Therefore, I have a firm knowledge background in this field.&       (我1993年毕业于北京大学,获计算机专业学士学位。所以在此领域我有很扎实的基本功。)              经您介绍自己的学历背景,面试官对您开始感兴趣了,因为您所学的东西正是他们所需要的. 但是由于现在的竞争越来越激烈,即便是在自己所学的领域内,可供用人单位挑选的人也有很多,所以,您下一步要提出自己的&working experience&(工作经验):       &I have spent the last 3 years working specially in this field. I think I can bring a lot of experience and knowledge with me.&       (我在这个领域内干过3年,我想我能将我的知识与经验带给贵公司。)              主考官一看,呵,你还是满有经验的嘛!你可别小看这一点,&对口&的经验是目前各用人单位特别重视的一点,如果您可以将很多的专业经验带给公司,公司岂不是很乐意? 但他们还有一点不太放心:您是否自信。他们可能会接着问:       &Do you think you are the right person for the job?&       (您认为您是这个职位的最佳人选吗?)         这时,您要给他一个最简单、最明确的答复,同时给出理由:       &Yes. Because I do believe that my qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for.&       (是的。因为我确信我的素质和经验能够很好地满足贵公司的需要。)       或者说:       &Yes. Because I have the experience you are looking for,and think I will be one of the best in this field.&       (是的.因为我有贵公司所需要的东西,并且自信我能成为这个领域中最优秀的员工之一。)       这样,面试官就更放心了,因为您的答复说明您非常自信,完全能胜任这项工作。接下来他要考虑:您是否有吃苦的精神呢?         &Do you know what's involved in a position like this?&       (您知道我们这个职位是要付出很大的努力的吗?)          您可以再给他一个明确的答复:         &Yes. I know exactly what's involved. I am a hard worker and will perform to the best of my ability.&         (我完全明白您的意思。我工作也很努力,并且会尽力发挥我的力量。)   您看, 您有扎实的知识基础、有相关的经验、富有自信心及吃苦耐劳的品性。主考官不选择您,还能选择谁呢? OK,今天对&资格&问题的讨论暂且至此,下次我们来讨论另一个焦点问题:&薪金待遇&。
  你是爱情抢手货吗?     Gone are the days when you were considered a “good catch” if you were gorgeous or you had a fabulous income or if you were good in bed. Today it’s a lot more complex than that. What do singles seek in their prospective partners? Before you brag about yourself, how can you be sure you are a good catch? Read on。          因为你的长相出众或你的收入不菲或你的床上功夫不俗而被看作“抢手货”的那些日子已经一去不复返了。而今,情况比那会儿更加复杂。单身男女看重未来伴侣的哪些方面呢?在你自吹自擂之前,你如何确保自己是热门人选呢?且听我道来。          1.Are you available?          Be sure you are available for a relationship if you are seeking one. If you are addicted to your work or consumed by other interests, you cannot do justice to a budding relationship. Get over your previous relationships, leave behind all emotional baggage and move on!          1.你是否时刻准备着?          如果你想双宿双飞,要确保你做好了交往的准备。如果你沉迷于工作或痴迷于其他爱好,你就无法妥善处理萌动的感情。抛开前尘,忘却旧梦,前进吧!          2.Do you believe in equality in a relationship?          If you have faith in a give and take relationship, only then can you do justice to one. Both partners need to be at par and willing to compromise for each other for a fulfilling relationship。          2.你相信举案齐眉方可白头偕老吗?          只有相信持久的感情要互敬互让,你才能妥善经营好伴侣关系。双方必须平等对待,并且愿意迁就对方,这样的感情才能让彼此满意。          3.Are you unrealistic?          Are you a level-headed person or do you have unrealistic expectations for a relationship? If you day-dream about a date straight out of that glamour magazine1 you may not be a good catch! Who will risk trying to fulfill all your “out of this world” dreams?          3.你是否不切实际?          你是个稳健的人,还是你对一段感情有不切实际的期望呢?如果你空想着那本魅力杂志上的可人儿走出来与你约会,那你就不可人爱!谁敢冒险去试图满足你那“九霄云外” 的梦想?            4.Are you a fitness freak?          If your conversation on your first date is going to be all about calories and push-ups, you may be better off in a gym. There are other, more pleasant ways to convey from eromance. matters of the heart. But being health conscious, without being paranoid about it, is definitely a catch. It means you take care of your well-being and you are particular to avoid unhealthy habits and it shows in your great shape! You will make great company。          4.你是否是个健身狂?          如果你在初次约会时一直谈卡路里和俯卧撑,那你最好去健身房。的确有一些其他更令人愉悦的方式来说说心里话。但是,注重健康而又不至于神经兮兮,绝对让你受欢迎。这意味着你关心自己的健康,你会特别注意避免不健康的习惯,而且这一切都体现在养眼的体形上!你会是个很棒的伴侣。          5.Do you value other people’s opinions?          Even if you disagree with someone, do you respect his opinion? Do you give him a fair opportunity to put across his views? If you believe that nothing but what you say and do is the truth, you are not a good catch. And that is an unbeatable truth。          5.你是否重视别人的观点?          即使你和某人意见相左,你尊重他们的观点吗?你会给他们平等的机会去表达自己的看法吗?如果你觉得只有你自己的所言所行正确,你就不是一个抢手货——这是一个不争的事实。          6.Do you plead for attention?          If you try desperate means to seek attention, you are not a good catch. Even if you like someone, do not cling to her. Let the attraction be mutual. Allow the affection to grow. Learn to give her some space. Do not be possessive or try to demand her attention。          6.你会千方百计寻求关注吗?          如果你花样百出地博取关注,你就不是一个抢手货。即使你喜欢某人,你也不要死缠烂打。让吸引变成相互吸引。允许感情慢慢升温。学习给她一些空间。不要想着占有或者试图要求获得她的注意。          7.Do you believe in love at first sight?          Do you dream about an instantaneous attraction, where you would be swept off your feet? Well, it may just turn out to be an infatuation that may fizzle out sooner than you realize. If you are a good catch, you will allow a relationship to evolve and mature over time。          7.你相信一见钟情吗?          你是否梦想过瞬间吸引力的发生——被某个人迷得神魂颠倒?嗯,那最终或许只是一时的迷恋——爱火在你意识到之前就迅速冷却。如果你是个抢手货,你会让一段感情慢慢发展,逐渐成熟。          8.Are you honest?          Honesty and trust are the pillars of any relationship. Being honest does not mean you go on and on about your obnoxious ex or your passionate one night stand years ago. Be frank about your ambitions, your desires or your expectations. You are a good catch if you are honest and can be trusted。          8.你是否诚实?          诚实和信任是任何关系的支柱。诚实并不意味着你要一直唠叨讨厌的前任伴侣或者几年前的那次激情的一夜情。你应该真诚地谈论你的雄心、你的愿望或你的期望。如果你能诚实且被信任,你就是个抢手货。          9.Do you stand by your values?          Compromise is the key to a successful relationship, but that does not mean to let go of your principles. You are a good catch if you stand by your values and learn to put your foot down against anything unethical. Being accepted and appreciated for who you areheralds the beginning of a mature relationship。          9.你是否坚持自己的价值观?          让步是一段感情成功的关键,但这并不意味着你要放弃自己的原则。如果你能坚持自己的价值观并学会坚决抵制任何有悖道德的事情,你就是一个抢手货。被别人接受和赞赏自己的本色预示着一段成熟感情的开始。          10.Are you independent?          Being in a relationship does not mean you need help and support from your partner in all that you do. Are you competent enough to tackle all your problems on your own? You are a good catch if you are self-reliant.            10.你是否独立?          与人交往并不意味着你需要对方帮助并支持你所做的任何事。你是否有足够的能力独自解决自己的所有困难?如果你是一个独立自主的人,你就是一个抢手货。    
  The National Development and Reform Commission has confirmed the government will take concrete 具体的actions to develop a low-carbon economy after it pledged保证 to substantially reduce carbon intensity at last year’s Copenhagen Conference.        国家发展与改革委员会已证实政府将采取切实行动,发展低碳经济。在去年的哥本哈根大会上,我国政府已经承诺要大幅度降低碳浓度。          跟低碳相关的词汇    low-carbon economy低碳经济    low-carbon technology低碳技术    low-carbon lifestyle低碳生活方式    carbon emission碳排放    carbon intensity碳浓度    low-carbon society低碳社会    二:30% men weep under pressure         A survey by Zhaopin.com on 6000 men before Father’s Day has shown that more than 30% of men in China have shed流下 tears because of work pressure. The survey found that career men aged between 41 and 50 suffer most from pressure, with 55.6% of them saying it is too heavy to bear.         调查:男性压力大也落泪        据智联招聘2009年父亲节特别调查,近6000名受访的男性中,超过3成曾因工作压力而流泪。调查结果显示41-50岁职场男性感受的各方面压力感最大,他们中55.6%的人认为压力比较大已经难以承受。    三:forced relocation    But forced relocation will be used if necessary so that the self-interests of a handful of people will not hurt the interests of the majority, said Zhang Qiong, deputy director of the State Council委员会 Legislative 立法的Affairs Office.         暴力拆迁     国务院法制办副主任张穹说,如果必要的话还是会采取强制拆迁的方式,这样才不会因为少数人的利益而影响到大多数人的利益。      在上面的短文中,forced relocation就是“强制拆迁”或“暴力拆迁”。更完整的说法是forced demolition and relocation。Relocation的意思是“迁移至新地点,重新安置”,动词形式为relocate。    例如:Many companies are seriously considering relocating elsewhere in Asia.许多公司正在认真考虑迁移到亚洲的其他地方去。    如果指的是迁移到国外居住,即“移民”,则用migrate,例如:My best friend is going to migrate.我最好的朋友要移民了。        中国房地产业的运作存在着许多不完善的地方,因此才会存在forced expropriation 征收of land暴力征地    house with limited property rights小产权房    vacant property闲置地产。    四: sandwich class    Applications commenced 开始yesterday in response to the Hong Kong Housing Society’s plans to sell sandwich-class flats in Tseung Kwan O for singles and families. The flats are priced 23 percent below market value.         夹心层    香港房屋委员会计划面向单身人士和家庭出售将军澳地区的“夹心阶层住屋”,申请已于昨日开始。这些公寓的售价比市价要低23%。    文中的sandwich-class flat就是指“夹心阶层住屋”,sandwich class就是我们常说的“夹心层”,Sandwich这个词很形象地形容出了“夹心”的困境。    如今,post-80s generation(“80后”一代人)很多已结婚生子,成为了名副其实的sandwich generation(三明治一代,既要赡养老人,又要抚养下一代的人)。    五:World’s mega巨大的-rich adding wealth, Carlos Slim No. 1     Mexican tycoon大亨 Carlos Slim is the world’s richest person, knocking Microsoft founder Bill Gates into second spot, as the wealth of the world’s billionaires grew by 50 percent over the last year, Forbes magazine said on Wednesday.         西哥大亨取代盖茨 成世界首富    福布斯》杂志本周三发布年度富豪榜,墨西哥大亨卡洛斯•斯利姆取代微软公司创始人比尔•盖茨,成为世界首富,盖茨屈居第二。据统计,全球亿万富翁的资产总额在过去一年中增加了50%。  六:career bottleneck    Women have come to a career bottleneck, Yang Lan, a CPPCC member and popular TV presenter主持人, said in an interview with cnr.cn. The number of women decision-makers in companies is far from enough. It is not because they don’t have opportunities or they are unqualified.          职业瓶颈     政协委员、著名电视节目主持人杨澜在中国广播网的访谈中表示,在职业发展中,女性职业有瓶颈。在企事业高管层面,女性的代表性还是远远不够。这并不是因为她们没有机会或能力不够。    career bottleneck就是“职业瓶颈”。    Bottleneck的意思是“瓶颈”,喻指“僵局,阻碍进展的情况”,例如:a bottleneck in production(生产上的障碍)。Bottleneck也可以作动词用,意思是“阻碍,堵塞”,    例如:His request was bottlenecked for 2 months.(他的要求已被搁置两个月了。)        在形容女性在工作中的发展瓶颈时,我们还可以经常见到一个词,就是glass ceiling(玻璃天花板),通常专指女性在工作升迁中所遭遇的一种无形的障碍,使其不能到达较高阶层。在全世界范围内gender discrimination(性别歧视)依然存在。    在承认gender gap(性别差异)的前提下,我们要致力于实现gender equality(性别平等)。    七:China model    Up until today, China’s political and economic system has yet to be perfected, and the &China model& is evolving进化的、展开的 based on world and Chinese experiences.         中国模式     直到今日,中国的政治和经济体制仍需要进一步完善,“中国模式”正在世界和本国的经验基础上不断发展。    文中的China model就是指“中国模式”,概而言之就是新中国建立60年来、尤其是改革开放30年来,逐渐发展起来的一整套战略和治理模式。这是一个内涵丰富的词汇,是中国特色社会主义具体实践的代名词,建立在中国特殊的national conditions(国情)之上,目前仍处于不断发展和完善之中。        Model在这里指“模式,范例”,此外它还可以指“模型、模特”等意思。男孩子喜欢玩aeromodelling(航模),制作scale model(比例模型),而有些小美女们则希望自己长大可以当super model(超模),甚至把她们作为scale model(楷模,行为榜样)。为了省钱,有些人不介意购买商场的floor model(陈列品,家电或家具的样品)。    八: personal asset declaration    Li Fei, deputy director of the Legislative Affairs Committee of the National People’ s Congress (NPC) Standing Committee, said on Wednesday that legislation requiring public officials to declare their personal assets is under consideration and seen as a move to prevent corruption and improve government transparency.         个人财产申报    全国人大常委会法制工作委员会副主任李飞本周三称,目前正考虑实施公职人员财产申报制度,这将是防止腐败、增加政府透明度的一项举措。    文中的 declare personal assets就是指“申报个人财产”,名词形式为personal asset declaration(个人财产申报),也称为asset-declaration system,被誉为反腐的“阳光法案”。但有关方面还指出,要实施personal asset declaration,就必须有配套的personal credit system(个人信用体系)等制度。        Declaration在这里指“申报”,例如纳税人要按规定进行declaration of income tax(个人所得税申报),在海关过境的时候,如果有特殊物品还要进行customs declaration(海关申报)。此外,它最常见的意思是表示“宣告、公告”,企业申请破产时需要发布declaration of bankruptcy(破产公告),两国外交谈判中有时会发布joint declaration(联合声明)。    九: public diplomacy    China needs a bigger public diplomacy campaign to better present the country to the world, said Zhao Qizheng, spokesman for the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), on Monday.         公共外交    全国政协发言人赵启正本周一表示,中国需要大力开展公共外交活动,把中国更好地介绍给世界。    在上面的报道中,public diplomacy就是“公共外交”。公共外交是指一国政府对国外民众的外交形式,它的活动手段包括文化交流项目、国际广播和互联网等,其主要表达形式是信息和语言。Diplomacy不仅可以表示“外交”,还可以指“(处理人际关系等的)手腕,手段,圆滑,婉转,得体”。例如:He exhibited remarkable diplomacy by not pointing out her mistakes.(他不指出她的缺点,显得非常圆滑。)        从事外交事务的官员为diplomatic officer(外交官),外交官有在国内工作的官员,也包括国外的ambassador(大使)、counselor(参赞)等。外交官享有diplomatic immunity(外交豁免权)。其他不享有外交豁免权的外交人员还有consul(领事)。一个优秀的外交官必须懂得使用diplomatic parlance(外交辞令)。    十: to rebuild shanty areas    &We will strive 力争to guarantee that land used for low-income housing, for rebuilding shanty areas and for self-occupied small- or medium-sized houses accounts for占…比 more than 70 percent of the overall supply,& said Liao Yonglin, director of the ministry(政府)部、牧师职位’s Department of Land Use and Administration.         棚户区改造    国土资源部土地利用管理司司长廖永林说:“我们将努力确保保障性住房、棚户区改造,以及自住的中小套型住宅用地占到全部土地供应的70%以上。”    文中的rebuild shanty areas就是指“棚户区改造”,shanty area就是“棚户区”,指的是城市中结构简陋,抗灾性差,居住拥挤,功能差,居住环境差的房屋集中地,某些urban fringe边缘、刘海、穗 area(城乡结合部)也存在这种情况。        此次国土部还规定, 开发商需支付的guarantee payment for the bidding(竞买保证金)不得低于土地出让价的20%。此外,land hoarding(囤地)也将受到严惩。今年,国土部还将重点清查houses with limited property rights(小产权房)。    十一 after-sale service    The 230 million rural households make up a huge consumer group in China and it is of high potential. The current national regulations on after-sale services were made a few years ago. Many consumers have suggested corresponding revisions and improvements.         售后服务    2.3亿农户是中国一个巨大的消费群体,有很大潜力。现行的关于售后服务的国家法规是几年前制定的。许多消费者都建议进行相应的修订和改进。    十二:premarital check-up    Wang Ying, deputy to the NPC and vice-director of Yunnan Dali Health Bureau, has suggested the government encourage premarital health checks. Following the cancellation of compulsive强迫的 premarital婚前check-ups in 2003, fewer people have health checks before getting married and the congenital 天生的defect rate of new born babies is on the steep 急剧的、浸rise, she said during the two sessions.         婚检     全国人大代表、云南省大理白族自治州卫生局副局长王瑛在两会期间建议,政府应加大婚检宣传力度。王瑛代表表示,自2003年强制婚检取消以后,全国各地婚检率明显下降,而新生儿先天性缺陷的发生率大幅上升。    在上面的报道中,premarital health check和premarital check-up都是“婚前体检”,简称“婚检”。Premarital意即“婚前的”,比如,premarital cohabitation(婚前同居),premarital agreement(婚前协议)等;check-up在这里是“体格检查”的意思,例如:have a regular check-up(作定期体格检查)。Check-up也可以表示对其他事物的检查,或表示“调查,审查”等意思。例如:The manager gave the store a final check-up before closing for the night.(经理在晚上打烊前对商店做了最后检查。)        如果婚检结果表明双方都健康,则可以放心去marriage registry(结婚登记处)登记结婚,领取marriage certificate(结婚证),并宣读marriage vow(结婚誓词)。现在的newly-weds(新人)一般都会举行wedding ceremony(结婚典礼),摆wedding banquet(喜宴),拍wedding photos(婚纱照)。但如今有许多80后也流行naked wedding(裸婚)。    十三: charity fraud    Zhang Ziyi has been criticized for not replying to accusations of charity fraud leveled against her. In an exclusive interview with China Daily, the internationally-celebrated Chinese actress - for the first time - answered some 100 questions, most of which involve details about the money she gave to charity or collected for her own foundation.         诈捐门    章子怡因一直未对“诈捐”指责做出回应而饱受批评。在接受《中国日报》独家专访时,这位国际巨星首度开口,回答了100多个问题,其中包含她所捐出的善款以及为自己名下的基金会募集资金的细节。    文中的charity fraud就是指章子怡最近身陷的“诈捐门”,指的是在charity donation/fund-raising drive(慈善募捐)中的一种欺诈行为。除了charity fraud外,生活中我们还可能遭遇tax fraud(骗税)、fake invoice fraud(假发票诈骗)、soccer fraud(假球)、electoral fraud(选举舞弊)等等不同形式的欺诈行为。        “募捐”还有一种很形象的说法,to pass round the hat,是为生活困难的人凑钱物的口语说法。例如:At the club's annual dinner we always pass round the hat to raise money for the various scholarships which the club sponsors.(在俱乐部一年一度的宴会上,我们照例要为俱乐部主办的各种奖学金募捐。)    十四: public hearing    Since March, public hearings have been held by some local courts, giving people an opportunity to understand the court's judicial procedures with judges advising them about how to solve their disputes.         听证会    自三月以来,一些地方法院引入了听证会程序,让人们有机会了解法院的司法程序,法官还会就如何解决纠纷提出建议。    在上面的报道中,public hearing就是“听证会”,是指初审法院的法官在对案件进行公开审讯前进行的各项中途聆听诉讼各方的申请或陈述、审核相关证据的法定程序。Hold a hearing into/on sth.即“就某事举行听证会”。Hearing也可以表示“审讯,听讯”,例如:condemn somebody without a hearing(不经审讯即给某人定罪)。        实行听证制度有利于实现judicial openness and transparency(司法公开透明),保障judicial justice(司法公正)。今年两会再次提出要继续进行judicial reform(司法改革),加强supervision on the trial process(审判监督),完善trial management system(审判管理机制)。        世界上最遥远的距离     ---- 泰戈尔    The furthest distance in the world    Is not between life and death     But when I stand in front of you     Yet you don’t know that I love you        世界上最遥远的距离     不是生与死之间的举例     而是我站在你面前     你却不知道我爱你        The furthest distance in the world     Is not when I stand in front of you     Yet you can’t see my love     But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both     Yet cannot be together        世界上最遥远的距离     不是我站在你面前     你却看不到我对你的爱     而是感受到对方坚定的爱意     却不能在一起        The furthest distance in the world     Is not being apart while being in love     But when plainly cannot resist the yearning     Yet pretending you have never been in my heart        世界上最遥远的距离     不是相爱的人不能在一起     而是明明不能停止思念     却装作对方从未走进自己心间        The furthest distance in the world     Is not but using one’s indifferent heart     To dig an uncrossible river     For the one who loves you        世界上最遥远的距离     是用冷漠的心     为爱你的人     挖掘一条无法穿越的鸿沟    这首诗也不错,我一个朋友发给我的    Do not wait...           Don’t wait for a smile to be nice...    不要等到了一个笑容才面露慈善            Don’t wait to be loved, to love.    不要等被爱了以后,才要去爱            Don’t wait to be lonely, to recognize the value of a friend.    不要等到寂寞了,才明白朋友的价值。        Don’t wait for the best job, to begin to work.    不要非要等到一份最好的工作,才要开始工作            Don’t wait to have a lot, to share a bit.    不要等拥有许多后,才开始分享一些            Don’t wait for the fall, to remember the advice.    不要等到失败后,才记得别人的忠告        Don’t wait for pain, to believe in prayer.    不要等到受伤了,才相信愿意祈祷          Don’t wait to have time, to be able to serve.    不一定要等到有时间,才能够去付出服务            Don’t wait for anybody else pain, to ask for apologies...    不要等别人受伤了,才来乞求原谅         ... neither separation to make it up.    不要等到分开了,才想到去挽回        Don’t wait...    Because you don’t know how long it will take.    不要等待,因为,你不知道等待需要花费多少的时间        Remember: Friendship is like wine, it gets better as it grows older.    记得:友谊像醇酒,越久越浓。  十五:job reshuffle换岗(集体)、重组    At least 3,000 police officials in Chongqing are facing a major job reshuffle to clean up the police force tainted污点 by its protection of several organized gangs.帮派         换岗     重庆将有至少3000名警察面临大换岗,此次换岗的目的是对有黑帮保护伞之称的当地警察队伍进行清理。    在上面的报道中,job reshuffle就是“换岗”的意思。Reshuffle在这里的意思是“重新安排,改组”,例如:industry reshuffle(行业重组),reshuffle the cabinet(重组内阁)等。另外,reshuffle在生活中也常用来表示“重新洗(牌)”,例如:reshuffle a pack of cards(重洗一副牌)。        如今iron rice bowl(铁饭碗)越来越少,大多数职位都需要compete for the post(竞聘上岗)。}


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