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小脑 法 语 助 手
n. m. 【解剖学】小脑cerveletm. 小脑abcès du cervelet小脑脓肿hémorragie du cervelet小脑出血hernie amygdalienne du cervelet小脑扁桃体疝hernie hiatale de la tente du cervelet天幕(小脑幕)裂孔疝sillon du cervelet小脑沟tente du cervelet小脑幕
Le cerveau et le cervelet quant à eux se composent de 83 % de liquide.身体的大脑和小脑是由83 %的液体组成。
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tine是什么意思 tine在线翻译 tine什么意思 tine的意思 tine的翻译 tine的解释 tine的发音 tine的同义词 tine的反义词 tine的例句 tine的相关词组
tine英 [ta?n] 美 [ta?n] 第三人称复数:tine 基本解释名词齿; 叉; 尖头动词丢失; 丧失; 被丢失; 消失手机查看tine的意思,微信扫一扫页面右侧二维码。关注 911查询大全 后发送 tine 即可tine 网络解释1. 叉:因为该接收方法涉及到几个相关器的使用,每个都能形象地看作是花圃的耙爪(finger)或叉(tine). 为了理清设计的前后关系,这里使用了面向移动无线系统基站的OBSAI系统分割. 这样把主要功能分割成模块及称为参考点的接口.2. 蒂内:据收到的消息称,苏丹政府军在北达尔富尔州的库图姆(Kutum)地区实施了空中打击,在西达尔富尔州的蒂内(Tine)以及与乍得交界地区也发生了战斗. 另一方面,负责主导达尔富尔和平进程调解工作的非盟-联合国联合首席调解人巴索莱(Djibril Yipene Bassole)目前正在与达尔富尔各方举行磋商,3. 齿,叉,柄:tincture 酊剂 | tine 齿,叉,柄 | tin foil 锡箔4. 耙齿:tin spar 锡石 | tine 耙齿 | tinlode 锡矿脉tine 双语例句1. In this control system and optimized craft parameter fall, use width to be the tool cathode of 5 Mm, can be inside 5 Min modulus 3, tine is counted 33, Ra is worth the surface roughness of straight gear tooth flank of facewidth 15 Mm and HRC50~HRC55 of tooth flank hardness to fall from 1.6 μ M to 0.1 μ M the following, the exterior reflectivity of tooth flank ρ by 30% raise 80%~90%.&&&&在此控制系统和优化的工艺参数下,采用宽度为5 mm的工具阴极,可在5 min内把模数3、齿数33、齿宽15 mm和齿面硬度HRC50~HRC55的直齿轮齿面粗糙度Ra值从1.6μm降至0.1μm以下,齿面的表面反射率ρ由30%提高到80%~90%。2. Available at this tine kf the year, Now it`s the peak season&&&&你知道,一年的这个时候又是机票很紧张。现在是旅游旺季。3. This increases the housing quality of the tenants, and the energy budget of an entire building can be controlled any-tine.&&&&这增加了住房质量的租户,以及能量收支的整个建设可以控制任何碱。4. First, stop slinking away from all those nagging issues. It's tine to face the music.&&&&首先,停止逃避那些纷纷扰扰的纠纷,该是勇敢面对问题的时候了。5. 5. Input the equation and other related parameters of space curve of driving tine by the system interface, then the equation and other parameters of space curve of the conjugate driven tine could be given by automatic design and calculation in the system.&&&&通过系统界面输入主动轮钩杆的空间曲线方程及其他有关参数,此系统可以自动设计计算得到与其共轭的从动轮钩杆的空间曲线方程及其他参数。6. The relation between head and flow rate was predicted. The result indicate that the flux coefficient of the irrigation belt is 0.4858 that means the flow in the channel is turbulence, and can improve the anti-clogging of the emitter. The pressures of inlet and outlet of the emitter changed very little. The pressure dropped uniformity along the channel. The flow field can depart to two sections that were main stream near tooth tine and swirl near corner.&&&&研究结果表明:该滴灌带灌水器的流量系数为0.4858,说明流道内为全紊流状态,有利于灌水器的消能,并可提高其抗堵塞性;灌水器进口及出口的压力变化很小,流道内沿水流前进方向压力均匀下降,流道单元相同时,压力变化幅度相同;流道内的流速可分为流道齿尖附近的主流区及齿脚附近的旋流区二个区,每二个单元之间的速度分布基本一致。7. The reporter understood recently, the wind-force of group of Nanjing steamer electric machinery that total investment amounts to 4 billion yuan generates electricity telex of large and wind- driven hair uses group of tall tine of project......&&&&记者近日了解到,总投资达40亿元的南京汽轮电机集团风力发电项目和南京高齿集团大型风力发电传动设备研发及生产基地建设即将提速,。。。。。。8. 8. The chapter three discusses the pros and cons of economy ethics from the two seconds above and their influences on history at that tine and the following traditional society.&&&&第三章论述了《盐铁论》中御史大夫和文学贤良的经济伦理思想的得失,以及这两种经济伦理思想对两汉和整个传统社会的历史影响。9. 9. I send this Valen tine's card to remind you that I love you.&&&&我送上这张卡片,为的是要提醒你,我爱你。10. 10. Do not spend tine with someone who does not care spending it with you.&&&&不要把时间花在一个不在乎与你一起分享的人身上。11. For perhaps the first tine in your life, you'll know what it means to feel satisfied.&&&&&&也许这是平生第一次,但是你会领会到心满意足的意义。12. 12. Plant lotus shape, there is the cistern of one store wa Xie Kuan is banding, green, the brim is smooth without tine; Spicate from the leaf take out in the center of the canister, peduncular and all by green or gules bud piece wrap up, one is formed in top by multichip and gules petal piece the astral form Hua Sui that constitutes generation, floret is born at petal piece in, outside its just are being e It is capsule if really, there is graininess seed inside.&&&&&&植株莲座状,中心有一蓄水的水槽;叶宽带状,绿色,边缘无齿而光滑;穗状花序从叶筒中心抽出,花梗全部被绿色或红色的苞片包裹,在顶端形成一个由多片红色花苞片组合产生的星形花穗,小花生于花苞片之内,开放时才伸出其外;果为蒴果,内有粒状种子。13. At the very end of his long effort measured by skyless space and tine without depth, the purpose is achieved.&&&&&&经过被渺渺空间和房屋的时间限制着的努力之后,目的就达到了。14. 14. I send this Valen tine`s card to remind you that I love you.&&&&&&送上这张卡片,为的是告诉你,我爱你15. Baker, a former executive of Kenyucky Fired Chicken, and the Zale family, which had made its fortune in the nation's largest jewelry business. By the tine the company have 2000 stores, half of them were franchised, and the multiunit franchises contained to grow.&&&&&&Baker,Kentucky Fired Chicken的前任执行官,还有Zale家族,当时Blockbuster的2000个商店中,有一半是连锁加盟的,而且这些加盟店数字还在增加。16. tine16. This article, with the exposition of the form features of fangshu and its evolution tine in the Spring and Autumn period as two themes, is a comprehensive study on it, it is divided into two parts.&&&&&&本文主要围绕揭示春秋时期方术的形态特征及其演变线索两个主题展开,探赜钩沉,溯源竟委,进行综合性讨论,以期对先秦方术史的研究有所裨益。17. The size of the tooth form that mill circle alloy ages and cloth tine method and tine, defend the analytic research of diameter structure, normative structure of the drilling tool that enter a well, use parameter, operation and note.&&&&&&铣圈合金齿的齿形和布齿方法以及齿的大小,保径结构的分析研究,规范了入井钻具结构、使用参数、操作及注重事项等。18. &#100;&#97;&#110;&#99;&#105;&#46;&#57;&#49;&#49;&#99;&#104;&#97;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;18. Secondly, the liquid glass get inside and tine the baddeleyite in the meantime, the corudem separate out to react with the CaO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass ceramic and produce anorthite and gehlenite, and so on.&&&&&&CAS微晶玻璃发生反应生成钙长石和钙铝黄长石等低共融新相物质;最后在玻璃液的冲刷下脱落。19. 19. Obama and his grandmother strode slowly up a slight hill toward the main house which had a new tine roof and fresh coats of blue and white paint, thanks to money Obama had sent.&&&&&&奥巴马和他的奶奶慢慢的大步走上一个朝向他们主房屋的小山坡,多亏奥巴马寄来的钱,房子已经换上了新的锡铁屋顶,也用蓝色和白色的油漆粉刷过,焕然一新。20. The rotary opener can form the loose groove, compared with the tine opener and the single-disc opener, the counts of the adventitious root are the most, but the soil disturbance is bigger, up to 40%~60%, so the power consum The lowest counts of the adventitious root and single plant weight occurred on the condition of single-disc opener, but the soil disturbance is the lowest, with about 10%~50%.&&&&&&旋耕刀开沟器土壤扰动较大,高达40%~60%,动力消耗多,返青期小麦的次生根数也最多;单圆盘开沟器播种后土壤扰动较小,仅为10%~15%,动力消耗较小,返青期小麦的次生根数和单株干重也最小;尖角开沟器土壤扰动、耗油量以及小麦根系情况居于其间。tine 词典解释1. (叉等的)尖头,尖齿&&&&The tines of something such as a fork are the long pointed parts.tine 单语例句1. Denmark's Tine Rasmussen claimed a second significant Chinese scalp of the week to win her first All England title on Sunday.2. That title eventually went to Denmark's sixth seed Tine Rasmussen who beat Lu Lan, sending an ominous warning about her intentions in Beijing.tine 英英释义noun1. prong on a fork or pitchfork or antlertine是什么意思,tine在线翻译,tine什么意思,tine的意思,tine的翻译,tine的解释,tine的发音,tine的同义词,tine的反义词,tine的例句,tine的相关词组,tine意思是什么,tine怎么翻译,单词tine是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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