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If you have always fear public speaking, this is the blog you must follow. Public speaking is important, especially to our team of people here who has to meet people and speak to groups and present. Some readers highlight to us that this public speaking training has helped them to become better and more confident when speaking to crowds. Check it out if you're keen!
Readers highlight to us that they found this site useful when it comes to learning music and violin. Some of our staff who are working adults, are able to learn a musical instrument they always wanted when they are young. So they engaged The Happy Violinist, and they got a teacher near their place. With this, they recommend this site!
Some of our members highlighted to us that they are looking at new properties to purchase. This is after news that they have gotten their promotion and looking for new properties to upgrade their current home. The Granduer Park condo seems to be popular among them. Check out if it suits you too.
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| August 29th, 2017
I had this conversation recently with a young man who just entered the workforce. He graduated from the polytechnic recently and went into his first job as a car salesperson. His job is to sell Japanese cars.
So you see, I’ve been in love with cars for sometime. I love to , explore the world, and learn new stuffs. And when it comes to cars, I’m most passionate. I do drive myself, and always love to meet like-minded people.
So when I met this young guy who is new to the workforce, and most importantly, selling cars, which is my favourite topic, I can’t help but make friend with him! But the feel I get from him is, he don’t think he can sell cars. He loved
as well, but don’t like the selling part.
Now, this situation is tricky. I loved cars. I don’t sell cars, but i think I can sell quite well. So I thought that helping this young man here would be quite good, and hope that he can really make a good career out of it. So here’s what I shared with him… on how to sell cars, even when you’re a new sales person.
So if you’re a new sales guy like him, this is for you too!
2 very simple, but powerful tips.
1. Know how to present yourself
Yes, you sell cars, but people buy people first. It is not the cars that they buy. They buy you, as the salesperson too. Because you’re the first point of contact, they will want a good experience from you. And to do this, you must know how to present yourself well!
If you are a shy person, or have fear of speaking in public, then you can build up your skill by going for . These workshops will help you to speak confidently, no matter what setting you’re at, or whatever you are selling.
2. Sell the benefits, not the features!
This is the crucial mistakes made by most beginner sales people. Many sales people like to talk about the features, the motor, the engine, the material…etc. This will just make people boring, and turn off. Because the fact is… not everyone knows all those technical parts!
You just watch these car advertisements from top car brands…
Did you see what they focus on? They focus on the benefits… and intangible benefits of owning the car!
So if you want to be a good salesperson, focus on the intangible benefits!
Like… your family will be proud that you get this car to ensure they travel safely and conveniently around.
Like… the car you get signifies the achievement you have all these years. Your hard work has finally paid off!
Like… this is the car that not just get people to turn their heads, but also help you to get hot chicks easily to chat with you, without you approaching them first!
Of course, as you’re selling cars, you can’t just talk about these intangible benefits. You still need to state some of the special features of the car. But with the intangible benefits, you will get people excited to get it right away!
That’s all I shared with him that day. I hope he tried out these tips, and close a least 2 more car sales a week!
| May 2nd, 2017
In order to move around Singapore, car drivers can connect easily via the highways or expressways. Almost all the expressways or highways are divided by a barrier at the centre and separated at different heights. I have lately felt a pressing need to understand Singapore’s roadmap and our expressways.
When I pass by , an Executive Condominium located near the CTE.
So here you go, a post from
dedicated to sharing with the readers more about the expressways in Singapore.
There are three roads or lanes in every direction. But there are also divided highways consisting of two lanes or four lanes. Presently there are 8 highways or
Singapore possesses 150 km long of expressways. The roads of Singapore are 3000km long. The Major Arterial Roads are around 575 km long the Collector Roads are 405 km long and 2014 km is the length of Local Access Roads. So the total length of road is 3144 km.
The highways or expressways of Singapore are determined by the acronyms which are three-lettered:
ECP: The ECP links the city of Singapore to the Changi International Airport
AYE: The Ayer Rajah Expressway links the City Central to the west
CTE: The Central Expressway connects the north to the City Central South
PIE : The Pan Island Expressway is the foremost and the longest of the expressways covering the whole island from the east to the west.
KPE: The Kallang/Paya Lebar Expressway consisting of 9 km of tunnels, is 12 km long and extends from south to Tampines Expressway (northeast).
BKE: The Bukit Timah Expressway connects the south to the north
SLE : The Seletar Expressway connects the north to the northeast
TPE : The Tampines Expressway connects the east to the northeast
KJE: The Kranji Expressway connects the west to the north
The Expressways of Singapore are connected by the slip roads while changing from one road to the other. It makes easy for all to change their routes with ease. There is no need for the traffic signals. They are being used on the most commonly used roads. SPUI, Trumpet and Diamond are the commonest of highway intersections. The highways do not allow the pedestrians, learner drivers and the bicycles. With the old speed limit of 80 km/h, the usual speed limit of 90 km/h is maintained on the highways.
The surface of the road is made up of asphalt. The , which is computer-operated, is activated on the highways of Singapore to screen traffic movements. It is of great help to the Land Transport Authority in spotting accidents and alerting the public of any kind of danger.
How are our expressways named?
Some of our expressways’ names seem to be shortened based on the first letter of each word, for example, East Coast Parkway (ECP) and Pan Island Expressway (PIE). Yet other expressways such as the Bukit Timah Expressway are known as BKE and not BTE. Ever wondered why?
Interestingly, the acronym for expressways is derived from the first letter of the first two syllables followed by the first letter of the last word.
For example:
East Coast Parkway (ECP)
Pan Island Expressway (PIE)
Central Expressway (CTE)
Bukit Timah Expressway (BKE)
Ayer Rajah Expressway (AYE)
Two exceptions to this naming system are the Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway (KPE) and the Marina Coastal Expressway (MCE). Below is showing a video of Singapore longest underground road network entering from MCE to KPE exit.
MCE which stands for Marina Coastal Expressway and KPE stands for Kallang-Paya Lebar expressways which link the West South to North East part of Singapore.
Entire travelling distance is 12.4 kilometres based on car trip meter. Driving speed limit is indicated by the signs which range from 70km/h to 80km/h. The tunnel is fitted with digital laser speed cameras, unlike the traditional film cameras.
The Kallang-Paya Lebar Expressway originated as two separate expressways in the Kallang and Paya Lebar areas. Since there were two areas involved, the first two letters of each area (Kallang and Paya Lebar) was used.
To better reflect the Marina Coastal Expressway’s location along the southern coast of Singapore in the Marina area, it was decided that its name and acronym should contain the word “Coastal”. If we had used the traditional naming system, we would get the acronym MRE, which would not give the public as good a sense of where the expressway is located. Hence, the naming of the expressway was abbreviated to MCE.
Quick Shoutout for Hundred Palm Residences
Since we are on the topic of expressways in Singapore, wanted to take this chance to share with my readers about one of the new launches of a
that is located near the CTE and KPE. For those who factor in convenience when choosing a house should check this out.
| April 4th, 2017
Those looking for a Housing Board flat could get a shot at getting one with a sea view along Singapore’s East Coast, if the creation of the new Bayshore district flats materialises!
Home hunters could soon get a shot at new Housing Board flats with coveted sea views along Singapore’s East Coast.
The Government is looking into creating a new
district, which includes 6,000 HDB flats – a huge change for the overwhelmingly private estate area located on reclaimed land. Another 6,500 units will be set aside as private homes.
If they materialise, these Bayshore flats would be the first HDB homes built along the East Coast since the old-generation Marine Parade flats constructed in the 1970s, some of which have fetched more than $900,000 on the resale market in recent months.
The potential development is detailed in tender documents put up by the
and which were reported by Lianhe Zaobao yesterday, calling for consultancy firms to develop a master plan for the plot.
The Bayshore district spanning 60 ha is surrounded by Bayshore Road, the East Coast Parkway, Bedok Camp and Upper East Coast Road.
With parts of it currently occupied by a forest, it is about two-thirds the size of Bidadari.
The plot is located between two MRT stations on the upcoming Thomson-East Coast Line (TEL) – Bayshore and Bedok South – and is expected to have facilities and services such as schools, shops and an integrated transport hub.
The tender will be conducted in two phases and the appointed firm will submit its final proposal in December this year, URA said in the documents.
But a URA spokesman told The Straits Times that parts of the area will be used for the construction of the TEL for several years, and that “implementation will not be in the near future”. The two stations are expected to open by 2024.
Rather, the invitation to private sector consultants is meant to generate “new ideas for (Bayshore) to be developed into a future public and private housing precinct that supports car-lite living, with a strong sense of community and environmental sustainability”, the URA spokesman added.
“The number of public and private housing units has been projected as 6,000 public units and 6,500 private units, and is still under study.”
Some observers, such as consultancy International Property Advisor’s chief executive Ku Swee Yong, are concerned that the increase in population in the area would put a strain on its transport networks and amenities.
The total of 12,500 residential units translates to 42,375 people, going by Singapore’s average household size of 3.39 persons.
“A more acceptable number would be about 1,000 units to keep the idyllic atmosphere of the area, and not pose a problem for the already burdened Changi Hospital in Simei,” Mr Ku said.
National University of Singapore urban planning expert Steven Choo welcomed the development, as a new HDB town with its “thoughtful design and technological advances” could increase the property value of landed property in Upper East Coast Road.
But he was surprised to hear about the development, given that the Government announced last October that it was looking into ways to mitigate the “lottery effect” of public housing in prime locations.
But for student and Upper East Coast resident Bryan Lee, 19, the HDB flats would make the hope of living near his parents in the future more achievable.
He said: “This is a good location, very peaceful and near the park. But, more importantly, I hope to get this place if I get married so that I can be near my parents and take care of them.”
With that being said, leaves some comment below if you would love to stay near the East Coast. For those who are keen to have a sea-view property or residences, you should definitely check out .
| February 23rd, 2017
I was asked by one of my good friends to drop him at his house,
last week. During the car trip, he shared with some of the little facts about Siglap Singapore.
According to the book Celebrating SIGLAP, the name of this leafy area around
was derived when “a Malay chieftain, Tok Lasam, who upon first landing in the area during a particularly dark thunderstorm, called it Si-gelap, which translated literally from Malay means darkness that conceals“.
Today, there is no concealing that Siglap is a unique enclave in the East of Singapore with a laid-back vibe and a bustling cafe scene. The cafes in Siglap range from the new wave coffee joints to the ones serving traditional local coffee or teh-tarik.
The best thing about living in this area?
I had visited the area many times as I have several friends in the area.My friend lives in a condominium called , one of the latest mixed development in Siglap. When I started looking around I realised just how much more space you get for your money in the east, versus more central neighbourhoods in Singapore.
I feel like I’m on holiday every time I go to Siglap! It is peaceful, and the condo has lovely gardens, a great pool and plenty of cafés and restaurants that are within walking distance.
runs partly along Siglap Canal and beside several housing estates. It also interlinks the parks in the region such as Bedok Reservoir Park, Bedok Town Park, Telok Kurau Park and East Coast Park.
Park users also have the option to rent and return bicycles or rollerblades at any of the Park Connector Network Pit Stops along this park connector, two of which can be found in East Coast Park C4 and Telok Kurau Park. Siglap Park Connector forms the gateway to the Eastern Coastal Loop, allowing park users to cycle towards Tampines Park Connector and Bedok Park Connector which links up to the rest of the loop.
People think Siglap is miles away! It is actually only a 20-minute drive to the city during rush hour. It’s straight down the ECP, which is one of the least congested highways in Singapore.
However, one thing to note is that although buses are readily available from right outside the condominium entrance, I do miss an MRT station. Money spent on taxis really adds up. The nearest MRT stations are Kembangan and Bedok, both of which are 15 to 20 minutes away, which is too long to walk in work clothes on a hot, sticky day!
Favourite restaurant at Siglap
I have checked with my friend Andy and below are the 2 favourite outlets by him Perle Noire and Hua Yu Wee.
Perle Noire – an intimate seafood restaurant that serves amazing oysters and, my personal favourite, lobster thermidor. It’s not cheap but still, provides good value.
Hua Yu Wee is one of the best local seafood restaurants in town. In an old bungalow on Upper East Coast Road, its food quality is incredible and it provides much better value than its counterparts along the coast. The deep-fried baby squid and sambal prawns are must-tries! They also do a mean chilli crab.
| October 3rd, 2016
You may be one of those people who does not like spending a lot of money. Yet, you know that the time would come when you have to make big ticket purchases in order to improve the quality of your life.
The big ticket items that people usually buy first is a car or their own house. If you would be given a chance to choose, which one will you ? For some people who are comfortable at their rental home, they figure that purchasing a car is better because they can get to different places without having to commute anymore.
If you would decide to , here are some considerations:
Decide if you would like to get a car loan or not. If you have enough cash to purchase the car that you want, this may be a better option.
Check out the reviews of the different vehicles available before you make a decision.
Consider the pros and cons of purchasing a brand new or second hand vehicle.
There are some people however who would rather
first before they purchase their own cars. This is more ideal for people who are living with the rest of their family members or a new family who would like to start their lives on their own.
You can learn more about making purchases when you check this out:
If you would decide to purchase a house first as your big ticket item, here are some of the considerations:
Decide if you would like to get an
or you would like to get a bank loan in order to pay for the property. There are advantages and disadvantages for each. Consider all of them before you make a decision.
Choose a real estate agent to help you in checking out different properties. It is not ideal to purchase the first property that you will see. You have to consider your budget and your family who will live at the house with you.
Consider if you would purchase a brand new home or a pre-owned home. There are advantages and disadvantages for each. You have to know what will be more effective for you to purchase.
Now that you have already learned the different things to consider, which one are you going to buy first? Remember to discuss this with people that you trust especially with your family who will also be affected by your decision.
| August 9th, 2016
This is our first
in Singapore. Let’s start to talk about Paya Lebar.
About Paya Lebar Singapore
Paya Lebar is one of the districts that are currently undergoing massive development in Singapore.
Paya Lebar is a planning area located in the East Region of Singapore, bordered by Hougang to the west, Tampines to the east, Bedok to the south and Pasir Ris to the north.
Crowded with residents of the nearby Macpherson, Eunos, and Geylang estates, Paya Lebar is also bustling with office & factory workers.
One of the latest property launches in Paya Lebar is , a condo unit in .
The area is part industrial, part high-tech and part old-school, not in that order. In fact, with the amount of construction going on in the district, nothing there is in order. Roads that were once straight and parallel to each other are now curved to make way for the construction of Singapore ‘s Circle Line, a new MRT track that links the others. Like most districts in Singapore go,
is sure to look completely different in a few years.
Meaning “wide swamp” in Malay, the word Paya Lebar aptly describes the district as it used to be. Prior to the colonial period, Paya Lebar was a squatter’s settlement with disparate pig and poultry rearing. Later, it was colonized by Richard Owen Norris, who was working for the East India Company and also owned Jalan Besar.
Below is a quick view from the Paya Lebar MRT Station to the latest Park Place residences condo.
Business in Paya Lebar comprises offices, workshops, and small retail outlets.
Singapore Post
The main branch of Singapore Post, the local postal service, is located here. This is also the largest building in Paya Lebar and was built according to modernist architectural styles. Some Singaporeans say it looks like a spaceship. The Singapore Post building is also the closest thing you’ll find to a typical shopping centre in Paya Lebar, holding stores like homegrown furniture company Barang Barang, The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf, and This Fashion. It also houses many offices, especially on the higher floors.
Offices and Workshops
There are a number of offices and workshops in Paya Lebar, which are all intertwined with each other in a mish-mashed maze. Many offices here belong to engineering companies, while workshops here specialize in cheap repairs of automotive. Paya Lebar is the place to go if you need to get you car repaired.
Small Retail Outlets
Paya Lebar is close to Eunos and Geylang, the centre of Malay shopping in Singapore. There are many small retail outlets selling baju kurung (traditional Malay wear), spices, food and household products. Tanjong Katong Complex, located in the district, is an old and worn-down complex.
Malay Village
Malay Village, a heritage centre and tourist attraction, is located towards the Geylang end of Paya Lebar. Tours, exhibitions, and courses are conducted here on a regular basis.You can also find many small shops selling clothes, collectibles, and spices here, as well as restaurants and supermarkets. Also, there are weekly Kuda Kepang (Javanese horse trance) performances conducted at the courtyard of Malay Village.
Hari Raya Bazaar
Every year, during the Ramadhan period, a bazaar lasting one month is held in the area. The bazaar is huge and stretches from Eunos to Joo Chiat to Paya Lebar. Here you find carpets, curtains, food and other assorted goods.
Feel free to let us know if you have other opinions on Paya Lebar in Singapore.
| August 4th, 2016
A lot of people commute every day in order to get to their respective jobs or to get to places where their presence is needed. There are times when people die because of commuting to work. Using a vehicle may not be that safe especially if people are not responsible drivers.
The lack of responsibility may stem from the fact that people become bored while they are and driving so they focus on their attention elsewhere. A lot of people have gotten into accidents because they have tried to talk to someone on the phone while being stuck in traffic. Most of the accidents that occurred are minor but there are also some fatal ones that tragically ended the lives of some people. Learn more details about driving safely here:
You do not want anything bad to happen to you and the good news is that there are always ways that you can do in order to prevent getting into fatal accidents. You can stay safe while
if you would do the following:
Remember that staying focused while you are on the road is extremely important. This was already mentioned earlier. You have to be focused while driving so that you can stay alert and you will not risk getting into various issues. You have to follow the laws that have been stated by your country.
Keep your distance. One of the mistakes that you might make when you are driving is you tend to become too close to the cars that are behind you and are in front of you. If you do this, you are increasing your chance of bumping into the car of someone else. There are always sudden stops and unforeseen blowouts that may occur, you have to be alert.
Report drivers who are aggressive. You may be on your way to get
when you were almost hit by an aggressive driver. If you believe that the driver can become a nuisance on the road, tell the authorities about it immediately so that they can start doing appropriate actions that will improve your current condition.
Do you realize that the simple steps that are mentioned above can already make a lot of difference in the world of ? If you want to stay safe while you are on the road, you have to practice being a good driver too. It will make a lot of difference.
| May 14th, 2016
You may have heard a lot of details already about how you can find the right home for you. You may have checked out
to see if it the unit that you are eyeing can actually fit your budget. Aside from a property, one of the things that people also look for is the right vehicle that they are going to use for a long period of time.
For other people, it’s easy to choose cars and to change cars whenever they want to because they have a lot of money for it. For average people, the options may be more limited especially in places wherein owning cars can be relatively expensive. In choosing the right things especially big ticket items you want to acquire, you have to do planning and researching to get
about the various vehicles you are considering to get.
Do you feel that you still need more help in finding the right vehicle for you?
are some of the things that you have to think about:
Analyze Your Needs
You may already be fast forwarding to thinking about the things you would like to get in a
but before you think about the things that you would like, you have to think about the things that you need. You have to ask yourself how many passengers do you expect to ride with you every time you use your vehicle? Do you need a vehicle that can be ridden in off trail roads? Once you have the answers to those questions, you can proceed to the next step.
Figuring Our Your Budget
It has been mentioned earlier, it is harder to purchase when you do not have much money. Yet, this does not mean that you do not have options anymore even with a limited budget. If you are set on buying a certain brand, you may become interested when you check out other brands further. Be open minded and explore what type of
your budget can give you.
Consider Leasing
If you are not going to use the vehicle often, do you actually need to buy a car? There are advantages and disadvantages that may come with leasing but this would depend on how often you would need to use the vehicle of your choice. If you would only use the car for vacations and out of town trips then having a vehicle may not really be ideal.
Gain more information about purchasing the right vehicles here:
If in case you are still feeling confused about what you have to purchase, do not hesitate to read more reviews about various vehicle types. You may also contact experts to help you out.
| April 19th, 2016
Did you just pass your driving exam? If you did, then congratulations because you are now given a choice to purchase your very first car. What are you searching for? You may already have a specific car type in mind but there are times when you would end up with a car that you never thought you would like.
Buying your first car can actually be considered a milestone. It is something that you will probably remember for a long time especially after you become better at driving and when your car already needs to be replaced.
Purchasing a car is somewhat similar to purchasing the property where you are going to live in. For instance, you need to know
before you decide whether you can afford to purchase it or not. This is the same with buying your first vehicle as you need to make sure that the price of the car fits your budget.
There may still be some other tips and
that you have to remember so that it will be easy for you to acquire your first car:
Consider the car insurance that you also have to pay for.
It does not mean that just because you already have a car, you do not have to pay for other things anymore. You need to make sure that you can afford to pay for the vehicle monthly for gas and possible maintenance procedures as well as the insurance that you are required to get the moment that you buy the car.
Decide if you want to .
It might sometimes depend on your budget or sometimes, it may depend on your . Some people who can afford to purchase new cars opt to get second hand cars instead because they know that they are not that adept in driving yet. There are still a lot of second hand cars that are in good condition that may be purchased for a lower price.
Look for car shops or cars being sold online.
There are different places wherein you can . The best way is to check the vehicles that you would like to consider in person so that you will know if it is still in good condition if you are purchasing a second hand vehicle. If you are purchasing a brand new vehicle, it is best to purchase from the actual retailer.
Get to know more tips about buying your car from here:
With all of these tips in mind, purchasing your first car will not be hard to do anymore. Make sure that you will practice driving for a long period of time.
| April 8th, 2016
You have to know by now that having your child learn how to play the piano at an early age can come with a lot of benefits. Perhaps your child is also interested in learning how to play the piano more. What you just have to do is to choose the piano teacher that will be teaching your child how to play effectively.
It is true that there are a lot of schools with teachers teaching
and this fact alone makes it even harder for you to make a decision. With the many options that are available, how can you possibly choose the one that will work best for your child. Get to learn more about choosing the right piano teacher here:
What you first have to remember is that your intuition may play a huge role on the progress of your child. Even if there is one teacher who seems to be the most
for you, if you do not feel that the teacher is “the one,” then you should not stop looking. There may still be other teachers that will be approved by your gut feel.
Convenience and Accessibility
If you have a vehicle then you will have no trouble
to the place where your child will be taught how to play the piano. This is quite easy actually because you can just work your schedule. This can be hard if you do not have a vehicle and if the piano teacher is far away from all the public transports. No matter how good a teacher may be, it will be best if you could just choose someone near so that it will not be too hard for you anymore.
You have to know what are the accomplishments of the teacher or how good the teacher is not only in teaching but his/her piano skills as well. If you only wish your child to learn the basics then you can get any piano teacher that you want but if you would like your child to learn more about playing the piano, how good the teacher is will be a deciding factor for you.
Is the schedule of the piano teacher coinciding with your own? If yes then you know that this can be good for you. If the
has a lot of time available, she may be able to fix her schedule to accommodate the time frame that you want.
The above mentioned things are pretty simple but can largely determine how effective the piano teacher will be in teaching your child how to play the piano.}


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