do you knowbut how do it knowto get to mall ?

Do you like to shop?Do you know how to shop?Do you like to shop?Do you know how to shop?Here are some shopping tips for you.First,make a shopping list and write down all the things you want to buy.(1)[Work out how much money you need and take enough money with you.]Remember to carry you own shopping bags.(2)[Second,it's very __ not to buy the things you don't __.]There are many nice things in the shopping mall,but what you really need is only some of them.,.1.将文中(1)句译成汉语.2.在文中(2)句空白处分别填一个适当的单词,使句意完整、上下文通顺.3.回答问题:What do you need to do when you are shopping?liuzemu
1, 算出你需要的钱数,带上足够的钱2, important
need3, Make a shopping list
Don't buy anything useless.4,
First,make a shopping list and write down all the things you want to buy.就这一问有难度.我觉得是这句话因为问题是找到意思相近的.之所以你可能花费许多时间但是却能以最少的钱得到最好的东西,是因为你花费时间做购物清单了.综上所述得出答案5, Here are some shopping tips for you.希望我的解答对你有所帮助.如果还不明白,欢迎追问,共同探讨.
(1)计算出你购物需要多少钱,并带够钱。(2) fool, need(3)Work out how much money you need and take enough money with you.Carry my own shopping bags.
扫描下载二维码"How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice" by Dobrin, Arthur - The Humanist, Vol. 57, Issue 4, July-August 1997 | Online Research Library: Questia
Article details, &How Do You Get to Carnegie Hall? Practice,...&
Article excerpt
You can't learn how to play the piano just by watching. The teacher sits beside the student, pointing out how to improve technique, correcting flaws. And you can't be taught gymnastics by watching an instructional video. You have to get up on the bars yourself.
But what about virtue? Is learning good character a skill? Let's look at one virtue: courage. If anyone should be concerned about courage and fostering it, it's the military. You can't have an army of cowards. The army requires its members to be willing to risk their lives--something foreign to our instinct for survival.
The military fashions courage from the material presented by ordinary men and women. Walking across a minefield is contrary to the instinct to preserve one's life. Running the other way and ducking for shelter is the sensible and natural thing to do when bullets start flying. I remember that, toward the end of my basic training at Fort Dix, New Jersey--after I had learned how to salute, repeat my general orders, make a bed, and shoot a rifle--we went to the field for night maneuvers. Throughout the day, we were given instructions on what to do. We were told that, as we went through the scrub brush in the dark, land mines would be detonated. The instructors drilled us again and again: "When there is an explosion, stay put! Wait to see what has happened. Assess the situation before you move." We knew exactly what to do.
Night fell, and my company went looking for the mock enemy. Then, as we walked down a sandy path into total darkness, there was a flash and explosion on the roadside. My eyes were blinded, my ears were filled with the sound of my pumping heart. In an instant, every one of us bolted as fast and as far as our legs could carry us. Everything taught by day in the lecture hall was gone with our panic. The sergeant called a halt to the war game and berated us for our foolish actions. He reiterated what he had said earlier: "Stay put!" The next time a mine went off nearby, we did exactly that. Our fear had not disappeared, but it was under control. Having controlled our fear, we could do what we were supposed to do.
Whether we acquired real courage is an open question. We may have gained what philosopher Alasdair MacIntyre calls a simulacrum of a virtue. He said:
The well-trained soldier may do
what courage would have
demanded in a particular
situation, but not because he is
courageous but because he is
well-trained or perhaps . . .
because he is more frightened of
his own officers than he is of the
enemy. The genuinely virtuous
agent however acts on the basis
of a true and rational judgment.
The army doesn't really care whether or not it is it doesn't want soldiers cowering for whatever reason. But even the military made a nod in the direction of making courage real by offering courses in civics. The point of the classes was to convince us that America was worth defending, not simply on the basis of patriotism but on the grounds that democracy was in and of itself a good. In other words, the army tried to base our actions upon rational judgment.
For courage by itself isn't a moral good. Just think of brave Nazis fighting to defend the fatherland and for the purity of the "master race." Rather, courage is without it, we cannot act morally under trying circumstances. And without the ability to act in the face of danger, our purported convictions ring hollow.
But now the question arises: if we can train people to exercise virtues like courage, can we also train them to think and act in ways which will lead them to use such virtues as instruments of good? On this question, Lee Yearley, professor of religious studies at Stanford University, writes:
The best human goals depend
upon people having specific
dispositions that enable them to
appreciate and desire those
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unit 8 How_can_I_get_to_the_nearest_bank
你可能喜欢新目标英语九年级(下Unit11-15)知识点细目表及训练题 九年级英语下册 单元练习 新目标版 试题下载
Unit 11 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are ?
一、 话题:1、礼貌地询问信息   2、描述位置,或指路提供帮助
二、教学目标:1、礼貌地询问信息 2、描述位置,或指路提供帮助
       3、会用where , how 和if引导的写宾语从句 4、介绍各种场所的功能和优缺点
三、语言目标:1、Excuse me , do you know where I can exchange money ?
2、Sure . There’s a bank on the second floor. Take the escalator to the second floor and
turn right .
3、Could you tell me how to get to the post office ?
4、Can you please tell me where I can get a dictionary ?
四、语言结构:1、用could you please 礼貌地提问 2、where , how 和if引导的间接疑问句
五、重点词汇:1、escalator , drugstore , restroom , furniture , department store , shampoo , advantage , disadvantage 2、exchange money , hang out , dress up
六、知识点: 1、Do you know where I can buy shampoo ?
① buy 动词常与for , from , with 连用e.g.
He bought me this book. = He bought this book for me.
I bought this watch from a friend for 10yuan.
② shampoo 名词,复数shampoos,如:Don’t use too much shampoos.
Give the little girl a shampoo.
③ 句中where I can buy shampoo 为where引导的宾语从句,用陈述语序,如:
Please tell me when you were born? Let’s discuss how we can solve the problem.
2、Take the elevator to the second floor.(注意 take)
take ( up ) a book 拿起一本书 take sb. by the hand 拉住某人的手
Who has taken my pen? He took a bus to Beijing.
② take notes记笔记 ③ take one’s temperature量体温
④ It takes sb. some time to do sth. 花费
It took us four hours to finish the job. = The job took us four hours.
3、turn left ( 注意turn ) ①turn 转向turn left / right = turn to left / right
②及物动词:扭转: This hot weather has turned the milk sour.
③ 翻译turn English to ( into ) Chinese ④ 驱赶= drive turn him out of the house
⑤ 变turn green ⑥ 轮流 It’s your turn to read now
4、Do you know where I can exchange money ? 本句是向他人询问信息时的用语,更礼貌的说法还有:
Can you tell me where I can exchange money? Could you tell me where I can exchange money?
Can you please tell me where I can exchange money? Could you please tell me where I can exchange money?
5、Could you tell me how to get to the post office ?
① 本句是一个含有不定式短语how to get to ……的简单句,可改为含有相同意义的复合句,如:Can you tell us where to have the party? = Can you tell us where we can have the party?
② 这也是一句询问道路的礼貌用语,还可说: Do you know how to get to the post office?
Can you tell me the way to the post office? Which way is to the post office?
6、I go to the mall because my friends hang out there .
① hang out 闲荡  如: Where does he hang out these days?
② hang sth. out  (在绳子上)晾干(衣服等): He hung out her blouses.
③ hang动词:悬挂,吊(过去式/分词hung), 如:Hang your coat on the chair.
另外,hang动词,“上吊,绞死”(过去式/分词hanged),如:He was hanged for murder.
7、advantage 与disadvantage ① advantage 名词,“有利条件,优点,好处,利益”,反义词disadvantage
如: He has the advantage of a steady job. The other disadvantage is her age.
② disadvantage由前缀dis + advantage构成,前缀dis意思为“相反”,如:
Dis + pleasure (使愉快) = displeasure (使不愉快)
Dis + agree(同意)= disagree(不同意) Dis + appear (出现)= disappear(消失)
Dis + cover (覆盖)= discover(发现)
8、Teenagers will want to visit the world’s largest water slides and eat at Uncle Bob’s .
句中“Uncle Bob’s ”是名词所有格,根据上下文,它在句中指“鲍勃叔叔的餐馆”。在英语中,所有格后面表示“店铺”,“某人的家”,“诊所”,“餐馆”等意思的名词时被省略,如:
at the dentist’s ( clinic ) 在牙医诊所 at Bill’s ( home ) 在比尔家
at a barber’s ( shop ) 在理发店
9、They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns . 句中dress up
①为“动词 + 副词”结构的短语,意为“打扮”,如:
I keep a box of old clothes for the children to dress up in .
②另外一个意思为“盛装”,如: You don’t need to dress up for the party .
He dressed quickly and left the house in a hurry .
10、in order not to offend people
① in order to 为了…  如: We started early in order to arrive before dark.
② in order 按顺序,如:Name all their names in order, please.
③ in order that + 宾语从句 (从句中谓语由情态动词+动词原形构成),如:
They flew there in order that they could be in time to attend the meeting . (他们乘飞机到那里,以便能及时参加会议。)
七、本单元练习题 (一)、单项选择
( ) 1. Could you please tell me ?
A. how does Mr. Bright answer Ken’s question
B. how will Mr. Bright answer Ken’s question
C. how Mr. Bright answered Ken’s question
D. how did Mr. Bright answer Ken’s question
( ) 2. Could you pleasure tell me ?
A. where are the restrooms B. where the restrooms are
C. where go to the restrooms
( ) 3. If you don’t know where the post office is , you can ask like this :
“Excuse me , ?”
A. can you tell me where is the way to the post office
B. which is the way to the post office
C. do you mind to tell me the way to the post office
D. how I can get to the post office
( ) 4. He exchanged his dollars pounds .}


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