
Bond University
邦德大学是一所充满生气和创新精神的学府,以其优质的教学质量被誉为“南半球的哈佛”。它的各种科目都获得了不凡的国际声誉,包括在国际上成功的工商管理课程(MBA),极具实用性的商科课程(会计、市场营销等),创新的信息技术课程(IT),开创澳大利亚培养学生实战技能和理论结合的法律课程以及就业率高的实用教育学课程(Educational Practice)等等。
英文名:Bond University
官方网站: 学校地址:
商科/经济 工程 计算机信息 教育 人文 设计 建筑 医学 法律 生命/辅助医学 社会科学 自然科学 音乐 视觉创意
2006年5月,时任总理的约翰&霍华德(John Howard)莅临邦德大学以主持这所一共耗资澳币2仟万的&健康科学与医学院&的开幕典礼;尽管于2005年5月,邦德医学院的第一届学生即已就学。医学院内的设施有数个空间大小不一的大讲堂、辅导教室、专科医疗教室和实验室等。由于邦德大学的3学期制,使得邦德医学院的学生得以在4年8个月后毕业,就进入实务医护界服务而言,比一般医学生的5或6年方完成学位课程较为早一些。
附属于法学院的&法学素养中心&设立了模拟法庭(moot court),内部并有电子应用设备、小型视讯会议室等以供法学生模拟出庭时使用[10]。2007年,造价逾澳币1,000万的法学素养中心在澳大利亚法务部长Phillip Ruddock的主持下正式启用。
永续发展学系是座落于校内的一所绿建筑内,是所有澳大利亚大学第一所获得6星级评比的教育设施。这栋绿建筑于日,由副总理Julia Gillard所主持开幕。
该学系于2009年起即教授学士和硕士学位课程,并与国际饭店经营集团&万豪国际&(Marriott International)结为产学合作对象,由此共同于黄金海岸地区合作成立饭店企业,所以系内学生除了可以获得服务产业的知识之外,也可以于学习期间进入饭店,获得服务专业的训练与经验。这对素来重视实务和专业的观光管理界来说,是一项可以强化学习优势与未来发展潜力的重点。
1、Moot Corp 全球商学院商业计划竞赛荣获三次冠军、三次亚军、四次特别奖。
4、MBA 课程被澳大利亚毕业生管理协会评为&五星级&。
邦德大学的高质素教学还反映在商业学院的工商管理硕士学生上。每年美国的University of Texas都会举办一个名为Moot Corp的MBA学生比赛,参加此项比赛的MBA学生有来自中国的复旦大学、英国的剑桥大学、伦敦经济学院(LSE)、美国的哈佛大学,密西根大学、加拿大的卑斯省大学、香港的中文大学等等。邦德大学分别于及2000年获得冠军。此外,邦德大学更被澳大利亚当地的权威大学评级刊物 &GOOD UNIVERSITIES GUIDE TO UNIVERSITIES& 于多项评级中获得五星级的荣誉
Chris Atkinson - WRC 赛车手
David Baxby - 企业总裁,维京亚太区行政主管
Lex Bell - Member of the en:Queensland Legislative Assembly ()
Steven Ciobo - Moncrieff籍联邦众议员
Simon Cowley - 游泳选手
Lara Davenport - 游泳选手
Chris Fydler - 游泳选手
Nicole Gazal - 2002年澳大利亚小姐
Grant Hackett - 游泳选手
Ky Hurst - 铁人三项选手和游泳选手
Karin Isdahl - CNBC 播报员
Brian Jean - 加拿大国会议员
Daniel Kowalski - 游泳选手
Karni Lidell - 帕运前游泳选手、澳大利亚游泳队长
Jason Little - 橄榄球选手
Michael Murphy - 奥运前跳水选手
David Reilly - 计算机科学家
Giaan Rooney - 游泳选手
Seany B - 音乐家; featured in the single &Flaunt It&
Maithreyi Seetharaman - 记者, 电视节目The Globalist
Vanessa Tresize - Sky News Australia 主播
Andrew Utting - 奥运棒球选手
Annabelle Williams - 帕运游泳选手
1 商科方向:
2 工科方向:
3 其他专业:
Australian Development Scholarships (AusAID)
IDP Education AustraliaIDP Education不提供奖学金赞助,它帮助国际留学生寻找合适的奖学金项目,也参与某些奖学金项目的管理,如:Frank Knox Memorial Fellowship、Peace Scholarship Program、Commonwealth Scholarship and Felowship Plan、IDP Student Mobility Scholarships等。
China Scholarship Council(CSC)
Endeavour Awards Program
奖学金包含全部课程的学费,前两名申请者每年还能从学校获得生活津贴。中国留学生(包括澳门和香港地区)可申请的奖学金有:Endeavour Postgraduate Awards、Endeavour Australia Cheung Kong Research Fellowships、Endeavour Research Fellowships、Endeavour Executive Awards、Endeavour Vocational Education and Training (VET) Awards。
&澳大利亚邦德大学以培养广受雇主青睐的毕业生而闻名,在2009澳大利亚权威大学评级刊物&Good Universities Guide&的多项评比中获得毕业生起薪、就业率、教学质量、课程综合满意度等多达10项五星级排名的荣誉,该数量名列全澳洲所有大学的第二名。著名的高盛咨询公司在澳洲招收邦德大学的毕业生超过其他任何一所澳洲大学。
澳大利亚邦德大学一直与业界保持紧密的关系,以培养学以致用的人才为己任,学生在校期间都有机会接触专业公司并进入公司实习。邦德Mirvac 房地产学院的所有课程都安排长达一个学期的实习;酒店管理学院和知名酒店集团万豪酒店(Marriot)有合作关系,每周都有酒店管理人员来大学客座讲课,学生也有机会进入万豪实习和完成项目。
Bachelor of Actuarial Science
Bachelor of Actuarial Science/Bachelor of Laws
Bachelor of Architectural Studies
Bachelor of Biomedical Science
Bachelor of Business
Bachelor of Business/Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelor of Construction Management and Quantity Surveying
Bachelor of International Hotel and Tourism Management
Bachelor of Property
Bachelor of Sustainable Environments and Planning
2004年邦德大学继续被GCCA(澳大利亚毕业生就业委员会)评定为毕业生满意程度 (课程质量)排列全澳大利亚第一位。此外,邦德大学毕业生的就业率排列在全澳大利亚的第一位。邦德大学是一所充满生气和创新精神的学府,以其优质的教学质量被誉为&南半球的哈佛&。
(C)2017 四川金字塔教育咨询有限公司 蜀ICP备号-1
ANU International University Scholarship (AIUS)
Melbourne International Research Scholarships (MIRS)
Adelaide Scholarships International (ASI)
Monash University International Merit Scholarships (MUIMS)
Macquarie University International Scholarships (MUIS)
La Trobe Academic Excellence Scholarships for International Students (LTAES)
西悉尼大学UWS:本科生最高给予3年学费50%的减免,硕士生最高给予2年学费50%的减免 。&
麦考瑞大学MQ:AUD4,000 - AUD6000。
迪肯大学DEAKIN:100%或50%学费减免、书券、参与校长与业卓越项目、优先提供校内住宿 。
查尔斯达尔文大学CDU:学习优秀的学生可以获得高达25% -50%学费减免。&
莫纳什大学:入读获得4,000澳币一次性学费减免。另外,莫纳什大学IT系将根据Academic Result 向国际学生提供6,000澳币的奖学金。
这四个专业可以申请Business Information Systems、Computer Science、Software Engineering、Information Technology and Systems。 此外,该校还执行一项中国奖学金委员会博士奖学金计划。
南澳大学:a.学校为工程、IT和环境学院学生提供奖学金,可在入学时申请,对GPA达到71%的申请人,将获得4,500澳币的奖学金(约合人民币23,000元)。 b.国际学生研究生助学奖学金:助学金由信息技术、工程与环境学院颁发,金额高达4,500澳币
【 liuxue86.com - 奖学金 】
  可以申请的的种类十分丰富,那么跟着小编来了解下奖学金种类及吧,跟着一起来了解下吧,欢迎阅读,希望对您有所帮助。  Bond Business School Postgraduate Bursaries  About the scholarship  The Bond Business School Postgraduate Bursary has been developed to
financially assist new postgraduate students enrolling in certain programs
within the Bond Business School. The bursary will be assessed on a variety of
factors including contribution to the community.  Availability  The bursary is available to new students enrolling in January, May and
September 2017 in one of the following programs:  Master of Accounting  Master of Accounting (Professional)  Master of Actuarial Practice  Master of Actuarial Science  Master of Actuarial Science (Professional)  Master of Business  Master of Business (Professional)  Master of Business Administration  Master of Business Administration (Professional)  Master of Finance  Master of Finance (Professional)  Master of Financial Management  Master of Financial Management (Professional)  Eligibility  Eligibility is judged on your contribution to the community, whatever form
that might take.  The bursary is not available to students already enrolled in any of the
programs listed above. You must be academically qualified for entry into your
chosen program and accept a place in the program if one is offered.  Eligibility is not judged solely on academic achievement or financial need,
but on your contribution to the community. Examples of judging criteria include
community involvement, leadership qualities, artistic achievements, sporting
achievements, and other activities where you have been recognised for your
contribution.  Value detail  The bursary comes in the form of a cash payment of $4,200 to help with your
living expenses while you study.  The bursary will be paid in two equal instalments: $2,100 in Week 5 of the
first semester of study and $2,100 six months afterwards. The second instalment
will be paid provided you pass all subjects in your first semester of study and
abide by University rules and policies.  邦德商学院研究生助学金  一、关于奖学金  邦德商学院研究生助学金将在财务上协助在邦德商学院注册某些课程的新研究生。助学金将由各种因素进行评估,包括对社区的贡献。  1、奖学金申请条件  2017年1月、5月和9月入学的学习以下课程的新生可以申请以下的助学金:  硕士  会计硕士(专业)  精算师硕士  精算科学硕士  精算科学硕士(专业)  商业硕士  商业硕士(专业)  工商管理硕士  工商管理硕士(专业)  财务硕士  财务硕士(专业)  财务管理硕士  财务管理硕士(专业)  二、申请资格:  申请资格是根据您对社区的贡献来判断的,无论形式如何。  已经就读以上课程的学生不可以申请该奖学金您必须具有学术资格进入您选择的课程,并且已经被你所申请的课程所录取。  奖学金的申请资格不仅仅取决于学业成就或经济需要,也不是对社区的贡献。评估标准的例子包括社区参与、领导素质、艺术成就、体育成就以及您被认可为您贡献的其他活动。  三、奖学金金额  助学金的形式是现金支付4,200美元,以帮助您在学习时的生活。  助学金将分两期付款:第一学期第5周为2,100美元,后6个月为2,100美元。第二期将在您通过第一学期学习所有科目并遵守大学规则和的情况下予以支付。  About the scholarship  Scholarship applications for 2018 are now closed.  Excellence Scholarships are available in three categories:  Collegiate Excellence Scholarship  Excellence Scholarship  Judge John Newton Mooting Scholarship  Excellence Scholarships offer up to 50% tuition remission for either a
single or approved combined* undergraduate degree (excluding the Bond Medical
Program) and are awarded to students who demonstrate high academic achievement,
leadership skills and community involvement.  *Visit our Undergradate Program webpage to see a full list of the approved
combined degrees.  Availability  Excellence Scholarships are available to Year 12 school leavers beginning
their study at Bond University in the following year, January semester.  Eligibility  1. Collegiate Excellence Scholarship  The Collegiate Excellence Scholarship is testament to Bond University’s
commitment to fostering future leaders. The scholarship is designed to reward
those students who perform not only on an academic level, but also demonstrate
exceptional personal talent, and contribute significantly to their communities.
It is available to students completing Year 12 at a secondary school that is
part of the Bond University Collegiate Partner Program.  Predicted OP 1-5, ATAR 99.95–90.90, IB 45-33 or equivalent.  Demonstrated strong leadership skills.  Extensive involvement in extra-curricular activities.  Applicants must also meet the standard entry requirements for their chosen
program of study.  2. Excellence Scholarship  Australian students  Predicted OP 1-5, ATAR 99.95–90.90, IB 45-33 or equivalent.  Demonstrated strong leadership skills.  Extensive involvement in extra-curricular activities.  Applicants must also meet the standard entry requirements for their chosen
program of study.  Please note, this scholarship is only available to students who are
currently completing Year 12 at an Australian High School, or Australian
Citizens and Permanent Residents who are currently completing their final year
of High School overseas.  International students  Predicted OP 1-5, ATAR 99.95–90.90, IB 45-33 or equivalent.  Demonstrated strong leadership skills.  Extensive involvement in extra-curricular activities.  Applicants must also meet the standard entry requirements for their chosen
program of study.  Please note, this scholarship is only available to international students
who are currently completing Year 12 at an Australian High School.  3. Judge John Newton Mooting Scholarships  Bond University is pleased to offer three part-fee scholarships each year
to students who have exceptional advocacy skills and a passion for studying law.
Applications are open to students who have previously competed in Bond
University’s National High School Mooting Competition and are currently
completing Year 12 at an Australian High School. Download the Judge John Newton
Mooting Scholarship information flyer.  Participated in the Bond University High School Mooting Competition  Have a predicted OP 1 - 5, ATAR 99.95 - 90.90, IB 45 - 33  Currently completing Year 12 at an Australian High School  Meet the prerequisites and the admissions entry standards for their chosen
degree program.  Value detail  Collegiate Excellence and Excellence Scholarships cover up to 50% tuition
for any single or approved combined undergraduate degree (excluding the Bond
Medical Program).  Judge John Newton Mooting Scholarships cover up to 50% tuition for a
Bachelor of Laws or approved combined undergraduate degree including a Bachelor
of Laws.  卓越奖学金  一、2018年的奖学金申请现已关闭。  二、卓越奖学金有三类:  1、大学优秀奖学金  2、卓越奖学金  3、约翰·牛顿法官奖学金  卓越奖学金为单一或批准的本科学位(不包括邦德医疗计划)提供高达50%的学费减免,并颁发给具有高学术成就,领导技能和社区参与度的学生。  *访问我们的本科课程网页,查看已批准的综合学位的完整列表。(详情请参考官网)  三、奖学金申请条件  卓越奖学金将颁发给在邦德大学就读12级的新入学的新生。  四、申请资格:  1、大学优秀奖学金  大学卓越奖学金是邦德大学培养未来领导人的承诺的。该奖学金的目的是奖励那些不仅在学术水平上表现优异,而且还表现出非凡的个人才能为他们的社区做出显著贡献的学生。只有就读12年级的学生才可以申请该奖学金,这是一所中学的大学合作伙伴计划的一部分。  预科课程1-5,塔尔99.95-90。90,IB-45-33或同等学历。  展示了强有力的领导能力。  广泛参与课外活动。  申请者必须符合他们所选课程的标准入学要求。  2、优秀奖学金  学生  预科课程1-5,塔尔99.95-90。90,IB-45-33或同等学历。  表现出强大的领导技能。  广泛参与课外活动。  申请人还必须符合他们选择的学习课程的标准入学要求。  请注意,这项奖学金仅适用于目前正在海外高中毕业的澳大利亚高中,或澳大利亚公民和永久居民完成12年级的学生。  3、国际学生奖学金  预科课程1-5,塔尔99.95-90。90,IB-45-33或同等学历  表现出强大的领导技能。  广泛参与课外活动。  申请人还必须符合他们选择的学习课程的标准入学要求。  请注意,此奖学金仅适用于目前在澳大利亚高中完成12年级的国际学生。  4、约翰·牛顿法官奖学金  邦德大学每年都会为具有卓越的宣传技巧和对学习法律的热情的学生提供三项部分学费奖学金。以前曾在邦德大学国立高中参加过的模拟大赛的学生,目前正在澳大利亚高中完成12年级的学生。下载法官约翰·牛顿模拟奖学金信息传单。  参加了邦德大学高中模拟大赛  预科OP 1 - 5,ATAR 99.95 - 90.90,IB 45 - 33  目前在澳大利亚中学完成12年级  满足所选学位课程的先决条件和录取入学标准。  五、奖学金金额  大学优秀和优秀奖学金可以为攻读任何单一或批准的本科学位课程(不包括邦德医疗计划)的学生提供最多50%的学费。约翰·牛顿模拟奖学金法官涵盖法律学士学位的50%学位或批准的本科学位学位,包括法律学士学位。  International Student Scholarship  About the scholarship  Bond University aims to offer the best and brightest students from around
the globe, with tuition remission scholarships based on academic merit, as well
as community, leadership and sporting achievements. The International Student
Scholarships are a testament to Bond University's commitment to quality and
outstanding international students. These scholarships are available to
international students who have demonstrated outstanding academic ability, as
well as community, leadership and sporting achievements.  Applications for our September 2017 semester are now closed.  Applications for our January 2018 semester are currently open and close
Friday, 22 September, 2017.  Availability  Scholarships will be available to students commencing in January, May or
September semester (please note that the deferral of a scholarship will only be
granted in extenuating circumstances, such as illness, family bereavement or
essential overseas travel).  Eligibility  Available to all international students applying for any undergraduate or
postgraduate degree combination (excluding Bond University's Medical Program,
Master of Psychology, and Doctor of Physiotherapy).  Scholarships are open to international students who are not Australian
citizens or holders of permanent residency visas.  Applicants must have outstanding academic ability, demonstrated strong
leadership skills and extensive involvement in extracurricular activities.  Students whose first language is not English must refer to and meet Bond
University’s standard English entry requirements for undergraduate applicants
and English entry requirements for postgraduate applicants.  Applicants will be asked to submit academic statements, a summary of
achievements, and letters of reference from relevant individuals who can support
their application. They will also be asked to submit a 500-word personal
statement outlining key achievements and attributes.  Value detail  These scholarships will award up to 50% tuition remission for students
commencing in January, May or September (please note that the deferral of a
scholarship will only be granted in extenuating circumstances, such as illness,
family bereavement or essential overseas travel). Scholarships cover either a
single or combined bachelor or master’s degree program (excluding Bond Medical
Program, Master of Psychology, and Doctor of Physiotherapy). Students from any
country may apply.  EAP3 Scholarships  Each semester, one 25% scholarship is awarded to the Dux in the English for
Academic Purposes 3 (EAP3) program. A condition to the awarding of this
scholarship is that the recipient must not only have outstanding academic
ability but also be an excellent role model to all other EAP students.
Recipients receive a 25% tuition remission scholarship for either a single or
combined degree at Bond University (excluding Bond University's Medical Program,
Master of Psychology, and Doctor of Physiotherapy programs).  Students are not required to apply for this scholarship. The successful
student(s) in the EAP3 program will be notified each semester of their
award.  Learn more about the EAP program or email college@bond.edu.au for further
information.  国际学生奖学金  一、关于奖学金  邦德大学旨在为全球最好,最聪明的学生提供学费优惠奖学金,社区,领导力和体育成就奖学金。国际学生奖学金证明了邦德大学对质量和优秀国际学生的承诺。这些奖学金可用于具有杰出学术能力以及社区,领导力和体育成就的国际学生。  我们2017年9月学期的申请现已关闭。  2018年1月份入学的奖学金的申请目前在日星期五开放。  二、奖学金申请条件  奖学金将提供给1月、5月或9月学期入学的学生(请注意,奖学金的推迟只能在减轻情况下进行,例如疾病,家庭丧亲或重要的海外旅行)。  三、申请资格:  适用于申请本科或研究生学位课程的所有国际学生(不包括邦德大学医学课程,学硕士和理疗博士)。  奖学金对不是澳大利亚公民或永久居留持有人的国际学生开放。  申请人必须具有优秀的学术能力,表现出强大的领导技能和广泛参与课外活动。  第一语言不是的学生必须参考并符合邦德大学本科申请人的英语入学要求和研究生申请人的英语入学要求。  申请人将被要求提交学术,成果摘要,以及可以支持其申请的相关人员的信件。他们还将被要求提交一份500字的个人声明,概述关键成果和属性。  四、奖学金金额  1、这些奖学金将为从1月、5月或9月入学的学生颁发高达50%的学费减免的福利(请注意,奖学金的推迟只能在减轻病情,家庭丧亲或重要的海外旅行等情况下给予)。奖学金包括单一或合并的本科或硕士学位课程(不包括邦德医疗计划,心理学硕士和物理治疗博士)。任何国家的学生都可以申请。  2、EAP3奖学金:每学期,授予学术英语3(EAP3)课程的Dux奖学金25%。颁发奖学金的条件是,受助人不仅具有优秀的学术能力,而且也是所有其他EAP学生的良好榜样。受托人在邦德大学(不包括邦德大学医学课程,心理学硕士和物理治疗博士课程)的单一或综合学位获得25%的学费减免奖学金。学生不需要申请此奖学金。EAP3课程的成功学生将在每个学期的每个学期他们的奖学金。进一步了解EAP计划或发送电子邮件至college@bond.edu.au获取更多信息。  The Padma and Hari Harilela Bursary  About the scholarship  The Padma and Hari Harilela Bursary is awarded to outstanding students from
around the globe, looking to study at either undergraduate or postgraduate
level. These bursaries are provided to students with strong achievements in both
community involvement and academia.  To apply for this bursary, please complete the Bond University application
form and then contact the Office of Future Students by phoning 07
emailing information@bond.edu.au to let them know you wish to do so. The Office
of Future Student Advisor will provide you with the details for completing your
Supporting Statement, and will submit the bursary application on your
behalf.  Availability  The Padma and Hari Harilela Bursaries are available to new commencing
students in any of Bond University's three semesters.  Eligibility  - Available to domestic and international students applying for an
undergraduate or postgraduate degree (excluding the Bond Medical Program, Master
of Psychology and Doctor of Physiotherapy).  - Applicants must demonstrate that they currently have extensive community
involvement and contribution, as well as strong academic achievements.  - Applicants must meet the prerequisites and the admissions entry standard
for their chosen degree.  - Submission of a 500-word personal statement and proof of the applicant's
outstanding community involvement and contribution, as well as personal
attributes and academic achievements.  Value detail  $5,000.00 cash bursaries awarded to domestic students in their first and
second year of studying at Bond ($10,000.00 in total)  $7,500.00 cash bursaries awarded to international students in their first
and second year of studying at Bond ($15,000.00 in total)  帕德马和哈里哈雷拉奖学金  一、关于奖学金  帕德马和哈里哈雷拉奖学金被授予来自全球各地的期望在本科或研究生水平上学习优秀学生。这些助学金是向在社区参与和学术界取得强大成就的学生提供的。  要申请这个奖学金,请填写邦德大学的申请表,然后通过拨打07 5595
1111,或发送电子邮件联系Future学生办公室information@bond.edu.au,让他们知道你想这样做。未来学生顾问办公室将为您提供完成支持声明的详细信息,并将代您提交助学金申请。  二、奖学金申请条件  任何邦德大学三个学期的新来的学生都可以使用帕德马和哈里哈雷拉奖学金。  三、申请资格:  1、 适用于申请本科或研究生学位的国内外学生(不包括邦德医疗计划,心理学硕士和物理治疗博士)。  2、申请人必须证明他们目前有广泛的社区参与和贡献,以及强大的学术成就。  3、申请人必须符合所选学位的先决条件和入学条件。  4、提交500字的,以及申请人杰出的社区参与和贡献以及个人属性和学术成就的证明。  四、奖学金金额  5,000.00美元:现金奖学金在邦德大学学习的第一年和第二年的国内学生($ 10,000.00)  7500.00美元:现金奖学金在邦德大学学习的第一年和第二年的国际学生(总共15,000.00美元)  Transformer Scholarship  About the scholarship  Applications for this scholarship are now open.  The Transformer is a new co-curricular program offering at Bond designed to
enable students to innovatively tackle real-world problems that matter. It is a
program that attracts motivated, self-directed individuals who want to work in
collaborative, interdisciplinary teams on challenging projects that typically
span multiple semesters. The nature and scope of these projects are limited only
by the passions and interests of the participants. Although highly motived and
self-directed, Transformer participants are supported throughout the program by
dedicated Bond academics and staff, industry experts, mentors, state-of-the-art
facilities and other essential resources.  Two Transformer Scholarships are awarded annually to students beginning
their Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree study at Bond University in the
following year, January semester. Transformer Scholarships offer up to 50%
tuition remission for any single undergraduate Bachelor’s degree or postgraduate
Master’s degree program (excluding the Bond Medical Program) and are awarded to
students who have high potential to affect real change through participation in
the Transformer program.  Download the Transformer Scholarship Brochure for further information.  Applications close Friday, 29 September at 5pm (AEST).  Availability  Two Transformer Scholarships are awarded annually to students beginning
their Bachelor’s degree or Master’s degree study at Bond University in the
following year, January semester.  Eligibility  The Transformer Scholarship is open to all students applying for any single
undergraduate Bachelor’s degree or postgraduate Master’s degree (excluding the
Bond Medical Program). Applicants for the Transformer Scholarship must provide
evidence that they meet the following eligibility criteria:  Strong leadership skills, community involvement and demonstrated potential
  Extensive involvement in extrac and  Applicants must also meet the entry requirements for their chosen program
of study.  Value detail  Transformer Scholarships offer up to 50% tuition remission for any single
undergraduate Bachelor’s degree or postgraduate Master’s degree program
(excluding the Bond Medical Program).  How to Apply  Applicants are required to complete Bond University's Online Application
Form prior to 5pm AEST on Friday, 29 September. Applicants will be required to
provide a copy of all recent school reports and transcripts, a personal
statement and a summary of achievements.  In addition, all Transformer Scholarship applicants are required to submit
a short video pitch of themselves that concisely and persuasively answer the
following questions:  What is the problem? What is the problem you would like to explore as a
participant in the Transformer? Why is it important? Why hasn't the problem been
solved already? What alternative solutions exist, if any?  Why you? Why are you the right person to take on this problem? What
personal characteristics and experiences do you feel you possess that are
relevant to the taking on your proposed project? Why will others want to work
with you on this project? Why do you want to come to Bond and participate in the
Transformer?  Videos should be no longer than three minutes in length and must be
uploaded to YouTube for online viewing. Make sure you submit an accurate URL for
your video in the space provided in your application. Videos longer than three
minutes will not be considered.  Scholarship Timeline  Applications open: Saturday, 22 July  Applications close: Friday, 29 September  Finalists announced: Monday, 9 October  On campus selection day: Monday, 23 October  Scholarship Conditions  To receive the award, you must enroll in an eligible degree program at Bond
University, commencing as a new student in the January 2018 semester.  Applicants must meet Bond’s academic and English language requirements for
the desired program of study.  Transformer Scholarship recipients are expected to actively participate in
and complete the Transformer program during their academic degree program.
Participation in the Transformer commences immediately with academic studies.
Suspension of participation in the Transformer program for academic or other
reasons will result in termination of scholarship funding.  Scholarship recipients must comply with Bond’s general scholarship terms
and conditions  All entries must be submitted via the online application form. No late
entries will be accepted.  The quality of the pitch video is the student’s responsibility. The video
submitted and received within the entry period is the version that will be
judged. No subsequent versions will be accepted after the closing date.  Each entry should be no longer than 3 minutes in length, including titles
and credits.  Video pitches should be suitable for public viewing and must not contain
obscene or offensive content such as adult themes, violence, drug use, coarse
language, nudity as judged by the selection committee.  Submissions must not include copyright material.  The University may use excerpts of the videos submitted for entry for
teaching purposes and to promote the competition to the public by whatever means
it sees fit. This includes online, print and multimedia. We retain this right
indefinitely.  The scholarship winner MUST be willing to be involved in promotional
activity arranged by the University. Entry in the competition is deemed as
accepting this obligation.  All decisions of the University and judges are final.  All prizes are non-transferable and not redeemable for cash.  By applying, you consent and agreement to these terms and conditions is
implied.  变革奖学金  一、关于奖学金  这项奖学金申请现已开放。  “
变革奖学金”是一项旨在使学生创新地解决现实世界中重要问题的新课程。这是一个吸引积极性,自我导向的个人的计划,他们希望在合作,跨学科的团队中开展具有挑战性的项目,通常跨越多个学期。这些项目的性质和范围仅受参与者的激情和兴趣的限制。Transformer参与者虽然受到高度的动机和自我指导,但是由专业的Bond学者和员工,行业专家,导师,最先进的设施和其他基本资源支持整个计划。  两名转学者奖学金每年颁发给第一年,1月份学期开始邦德大学学士学位或硕士学位的学生。变革奖学金可以为任何一名本科学士学位或研究生硕士学位课程(不包括邦德医疗计划)提供高达50%的学费减免,并授予通过参与变压器计划影响实际变化的潜力很大的学生。下载变革奖学金奖学金手册获取更多信息。  二、申请时间:9月29日星期五下午5点(AEST)。  三、奖学金申请条件  两名转学者奖学金每年颁发给第一年,1月份学期就读邦德大学学士学位或硕士学位的学生。  四、申请资格:  变革金奖学金适用于所有申请本科学士学位或研究生硕士学位(不包括邦德医疗计划)的学生。变革金奖学金申请人必须提供符合以下资格标准的证据:  1、强大的领导能力,社区参与和展示潜力影响变化。  2、广泛参与课外活动。  3、申请人还必须符合他们选择的学习课程的入学要求。  五、奖学金金额  变革金奖学金为本科学士学位或研究生硕士学位课程(不包括邦德医疗计划)提供高达50%的学费减免。  六、如何申请  申请人必须在9月29日(星期五)的AEST下午5点之前完成邦德大学的在线申请表。申请人将被要求提供所有最近的学校报告和成绩单,个人陈述和成就摘要的副本。此外,所有“变革奖学金奖学金”申请人都必须自行提交简短的视频,简明扼要地回答以下问题:  1、问题是什么?  您想要作为变革参与者探索什么问题?它如此重要?为什么没有解决问题?有哪些替代方案存在?  2、为什么是你?  为什么你是正确的人来承担这个问题?您认为您拥有与您拟建项目相关的哪些个人特征和经验?为什么别人想在这个项目上与你合作?你为什么要来邦德大学并参与变革计划中?  视频长度不应超过三分钟,必须上传到YouTube才能在线观看。确保您在您的申请提供的空间中为您的视频提交准确的URL。超过三分钟的视频将不被考虑。  七、奖学金时间表  申请  截止日期:7月22日,星期六  申请截止日期:9月29日,星期五  获得者名单公布时间:10月9日星期一  校内选拔日:10月23日星期一  八、奖学金条件  1、要获得奖学金,您必须获得了邦德大学的录取资格、学位课程的录取资格,并于2018年1月入学。  2、申请人必须符合邦德所需的学习和英语语言要求。  3、变革奖学金奖学金受益人将在学术课程期间积极参与并完成“变革奖学金”计划。参与变压器立即开始学术研究。因学术或其他原因暂停参与变革金融计划将导致奖学金资助的终止。  4、奖学金获得者必须遵守邦德的一般奖学金条款和条件  5、所有参赛作品必须通过在线申请表提交。不接受晚期参赛作品。  6、音乐视频的质量是学生的责任。在入场期间提交和收到的视频是将被判断的版本。截止日期后不接受后续版本。  7、每个条目的长度不得超过3分钟,包括标题和学分。  8、视频播放应适合公众观看,不得含有淫亵或令人反感的内容,如成人主题,暴力,吸毒,粗言,甄选委员会判断的裸露内容。  9、提交的内容不得包含版权材料。  10、大学可以利用提交录像的录像带进行教学,并通过其认为合适的方式向公众宣传竞赛。这包括在线,印刷和多媒体。我们无限期地保留这个权利。  11、奖学金必须愿意参与大学安排的促销活动。竞赛中被视为接受此义务。  12、学和法官的所有决定都是最终决定。  13、所有奖品不可转让,不可兑换现金。  14、想要通过申请,您必须同意这些条款和条件。  以上内容由出国留学网www.liuxue86.com独家翻译,版权归出国留学网所有,未经出国留学网授权许可,任何公司任何人不得转载,违者必追究法律责任!  推荐阅读:      


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