
FBabbr. 运货单(freight bill);消防队(fire brigade);反馈(feed back)
FB是什么意思 FB在线翻译 FB什么意思 FB的意思 FB的翻译 FB的解释 FB的发音 FB的同义词 FB的反义词 FB的例句 FB的相关词组 FB意思是什么
FBFB 基本解释911查询·英语单词abbr.Feed Back 反馈FB 网络解释1. 反馈:具体而言,反馈(FB)比较器会选定谷底,并将信息传递给计数器,FB比较器的磁滞特性就锁定谷底. 这种方法在系统负载降低时,提供自然的开关频率限制,不会出现谷底跳频噪声,且不降低能效.2. 2. 纤维蛋白原:SA) 纤维蛋白原(Fb) 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 纤维蛋白原 Fb 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 纤维蛋白原降解产物FDP 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 纤维蛋白原降解产物 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 血管内皮生长因子 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 血管内皮生长因子VEGF 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 人血管内皮生长因子VEGF 酶联免疫/酶免法(ELISA) 兔子3. 成纤维细胞:从炎症期到增殖期,成纤维细胞(FB)、炎症细胞和小血管聚集并增生,同时FB合成细胞外基质(extracellar matrix,ECM),这些物质形成了肉芽组织. 在伤口愈合后期,细胞和ECM减少,肉芽组织逐渐成为瘢痕. 当创伤修复过程异常时,4. 4. fb:A 异物5. fb: 反馈6. fb:floating- 浮体7. FB7. fb: 功能块FB 双语例句1. 1. Scanner as a result of a general scan fordesign, writing in the scanning transmission recommend the use of film scanning with all of Canon D660U, FB1210U, D1230UF, D2400UF and exclusiveS&&&&由于一般的扫描仪是针对反射稿扫描设计,因此在扫描透射稿时建议使用具有胶片扫描功能的佳能全能D660U、FB1210U、D1230UF、D2400UF及专用胶片扫描仪S2. 2. You can also use createElement to create SINAML elements, although this is currently limited to fb:swf.&&&&您可以使用 createElement 创建一个 SINAML 元素,但请注意,目前我们只允许您使用此方法创建 my:swf 这个 SINAML 元素。3. 3. Cutter and K17, Caravel, Shamrock, L09-FA and L09-FB monotowers were installed in 2007 and are currently being completed and commissioned into service.&&&&轻型多桅帆船,三叶草,L09 - L09足总杯和流化床自升塔在2007年安装的,目前已完成并投入服务。4. 911查询·英语单词4. Our society and the development of our economy. In 1950`s, Youhao FB supplied the Massive&&&&代,友好林业局提供了大量木材支持大炼钢铁运动。90 年代,林业局的森林对地方经济发展起5. FB5. The rumor that Francis Ball locked up the door of the meeting hall and wanted to excommunicate a brother is not true.&&&&有关FB锁上了会所的大门并要革除一位弟兄的谣言是不正确的。6. In this paper, the research work was conducted systemically about the emission and control of N2O in a 0.3MW PC-FB experimental rig.&&&&在一座0.3MW的试验台上,系统而详细地研究了其N2O的排放与控制特性。7. danci.911cha.com7. Our company can provide the products are: FB-PMS intelligent Metal Exchange closed switch away counters, in exchange for removing metal closed switch equipment, household exchanges closed metal armoured away switching equipment, household Armored within the metal out of switching devices, and all low-voltage power di villa-sp straight-speaking by video- coding-speaking network
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Constant chromatog g vortex mixed- m rotary Evaporation S water distillation S series
sterilizat series of experimental equipment.&&&&我公司能提供的产品有:FB-PMS智能配电系统;交流金属封闭型移开式开关柜、内交流金属封闭移开式开关设备、户内交流金属铠装封闭移开式开关设备、户内金属铠装抽出式开关装置,以及所有低压配电设备;别墅可视对讲系统;直按式联网可视对讲系统;编码式联网可视对讲系统;总线制防区可视对讲系统;准可视联网对讲系统;非可视联网对讲系统;工业热电偶、热电阻系列;智能温度数字显示、调节仪表系列;成套控制设备;系列电源产品;特种玻璃仪器系列;灯具等;超纯水系统;培养箱系列;振荡器系列;水浴锅系列;磁力搅拌机系列;电动搅拌机系列;粉碎机系类;电热套系列;烤片机溶蜡机系列;调温不锈刚电热板系列;离心机系列;实验箱系列;干燥箱系列;恒温箱系列;高温烧结箱系列;黏度测定仪;箱式电阻炉净化工作台系列;层析仪系列;检测仪系列;收集器系列;恒流泵系列;层析柱系列;梯度混合器系列;旋涡混合仪系列;磁力搅拌机系列;旋转蒸发器系列;纯水蒸馏器系列;医用设备系列;灭菌设备系列;实验仪器系列。8. 8. The article will introduce the mystery of FB-DIMM technology backside, with reader of greedy for food.&&&&本文将介绍 FB-DIMM 技术背后的奥秘,以餮读者。9. It was found that the mycotoxin-producd ability of F. moniliforme treated with 50/μg/mL Fengycins was significantly reduced, and the quantity of FB1 produced by unit mass mycelia decreased to 28% of the control.&&&&通过HPLC对串珠镰刀菌产生的伏马菌素分析,发现50μg/mLFengycins处理的串珠镰刀菌菌丝的产毒能力明显下降,单位重菌丝的产毒量仅为对照的28%。10. objectiveto investigate the effects of intense pulse light on the cell proliferation and cell cycle of human fibroblasts and to provide the possible theoritical basis for the treatment of face-lift. methodscultured human skin fibroblasts and treated with different dose of intense pulse light radiation. by culturing 24 hours analyzed cell cycle with flow cytometr, the cell proliferation activity was measured by mtt assay. resulstsresults showed both proportion of cells in s and g2m phase was increased and that of g1 was decreased when the cells were irradiate with ipl in comparison with non- irradiate significantly, pri were beyond its normal range. conclusionintense pulse light radiation could promote the cell proliferation and synthesis of dna in cultured primary fibroblasts.&&&&目的:研究强脉冲光对正常离体人皮肤成纤维细胞(fibroblast,fb)的生长活力、细胞增殖能力以及细胞周期变化的影响并探讨其可能的发生机制,为强脉冲光除皱提供可能的理论依据。方法:培养人皮肤成纤维细胞,应用mtt比色法、免疫组织化学的方法和流式细胞仪分析技术,观察皮肤成纤维细胞经不同能量的强脉冲光照射后细胞的生长活力、细胞增殖能力以及细胞周期变化。结果:强脉冲光能促进体外培养人皮肤成纤维细胞增殖,fcn结果显示强脉冲光照射后,成纤维细胞g1期百分比降低,而s期百分比升高,增殖指数pri值(s+g2m)百分比增高。结论:强脉冲光可促进正常成纤维细胞增殖和dna合成,从而为强脉冲光面部美容除皱供理论依据。11. After cells were cultured 24 hrs, The apoptosis was observed by Flow CytoMeter detect and acridine orange dye Result 5μmol/L, 15μmol/L, 20μmol/L, 30μmol/L, 40μmol/L of FB1 can induce human hepatocellular carcinoma apoptosis.&&&&&&加入1μmol/ml FB1 10ul,30ul,40ul,60ul,80ul,使培养液中所含的毒素的终浓度为5μmol/L,15μmol/L,20μmol/L,30μmol/L,40μmol/L,作用24小时后,收集细胞,利用流式细胞仪测定其凋亡率;吖啶橙染色观察出现凋亡的肝癌细胞形态变化。12. In the THDM, with the parameters used in this paper, the total cross section of thisprocess is between 0.33fb and 4fb.&&&&&&在LHC上,胶子胶子聚合是pp碰撞产生Higgs粒子最主要的方式,通过对〓子截面的分析,利用胶子的分布密度函数,进而可以得到〓的总截面。13. Withthe same parameters of the vacuum value expectation ratio tanβ/ and 〓 used in theTHDM, the total cross section of this process is between 1.3fb and 6.2fb, which is higherthan that in the THDM.&&&&&&当真空比例值tanβ和〓与THDM模型所选参数相同时,过程的总截面在1.3fb到6.2fb之间,比THDM模型中所得的结果有明显提高。14. The viscosity change characteristics of FB and KCA have similarity though they are not identical, and these data offered a base for FB to be used as a food additive.&&&&&&由于FB和KCA粘度变化行为具有相似性,这为FB用作食品添加剂提供了有用数据。15. 15. Although i can't say this in fb, but i hope u can see this in here.&&&&&&虽然不能去你的FB留言,但希望你能在这里看到吧!!!16. This is the current implementation of the Brazil FB.&&&&&&这是当前执行的巴西的fb17. 17. In addition, FB, please all of my favorite anti-war attention to the brothers and sisters.&&&&&&另外,在FB里,请我所有喜爱防战的兄弟姐妹们注意。18. FB you are my super star....&&&&&&我们都是明星,明星,还是超级的。19. 19. FB right to have a better understanding.&&&&&&能够对FB有一个比较好的了解。20. I admit that I was after a 70-player, the former almost never been to any FB.&&&&&&我承认我是一个70后玩家,以前的任何FB几乎都没去过。FB 单语例句1. " FB " means " to corrupt, " often having good food or doing something luxurious.FB是什么意思,FB在线翻译,FB什么意思,FB的意思,FB的翻译,FB的解释,FB的发音,FB的同义词,FB的反义词,FB的例句,FB的相关词组,FB意思是什么,FB怎么翻译,单词FB是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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