java中java 声明字符串数组String str="aaa",要判断str是否为"aaa",代怎么写?

字体:[ ] 类型:转载 时间:
除了Java本身的字符串处理方式外,我们还可以使用Apache Common Langs里的StringUtils来简化String的操作。但以上两种方式对于我们日常编程中最容易碰到的字符串处理来说,仍然显得有些不足。所以这篇文章给大家介绍Java8中字符串处理库strman-java的使用。
compile(group: 'com.shekhargulati', name: 'strman', version: '0.2.0', ext: 'jar'){
import strman.S
import java.util.A
import java.util.O
* strman-java包的测试使用类
* Created by blinkfox on 16/7/17.
public class StrmanTest {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// append 在一个字符串后追加任意个数的字符串
String s1 = Strman.append("f", "o", "o", "b", "a", "r");
System.out.println("append:" + s1); // result =& "foobar"
// prepend 在一个字符串前追加任意个数的字符串
String s1pre = Strman.prepend("r", "f", "o", "o", "b", "a");
System.out.println("prepend:" + s1pre); // result =& "foobar"
// appendArray 在一个字符串后先后追加一个字符串数组中的元素
String s2 = Strman.appendArray("f", new String[]{"o", "o", "b", "a", "r"});
System.out.println("append:" + s2); // result =& "foobar"
// at 根据字符串的索引获取到对应的字符。如果索引是负数,则逆向获取,超出则抛出异常
Optional&String& s3 ="foobar", 3);
System.out.println("at:" + s3.get()); // result =& "b"
// between 得到一个字符串中,开始字符串和结束字符串之间的字符串的数组
String[] s4 = Strman.between("[abc], [def]", "[", "]");
System.out.println("between:" + Arrays.toString(s4)); // result =& "[abc, def]"
// chars 得到一个字符串中所有字符构成的字符串数组
String[] s5 = Strman.chars("title");
System.out.println("chars:" + Arrays.toString(s5)); // result =& "[t, i, t, l, e]"
// collapseWhitespace 替换掉连续的多个空格为一个空格
String s6 = Strman.collapseWhitespace("foo bar");
System.out.println("chars:" + s6); // result =& "foo bar"
// contains 判断一个字符串是否包含另外一个字符串,第三个参数,表示字符串大小写是否敏感
boolean s7 = Strman.contains("foo bar", "foo");
boolean s8 = Strman.contains("foo bar", "FOO", false);
System.out.println("contains:" + s7 + ", " + s8); // result =& "true, true"
// containsAll 判断一个字符串是否包含某字符串数组中的所有元素
boolean s9 = Strman.containsAll("foo bar", new String[]{"foo", "bar"});
boolean s10 = Strman.containsAll("foo bar", new String[]{"FOO", "bar"}, false);
System.out.println("containsAll:" + s9 + ", " + s10); // result =& "true, true"
// containsAny 判断一个字符串是否包含某字符串数组中的任意一个元素
boolean s11 = Strman.containsAny("foo bar", new String[]{"FOO", "BAR", "Test"}, false);
System.out.println("containsAny:" + s11); // result =& "true"
// countSubstr 判断一个字符串包含某字符串的个数
long s12 = Strman.countSubstr("aaaAAAaaa", "aaa");
long s13 = Strman.countSubstr("aaaAAAaaa", "aaa", false, false);
System.out.println("countSubstr:" + s12 + ", " + s13); // result =& "2, 3"
// endsWith 判断一个字符串是否以某个字符串结尾
boolean s14 = Strman.endsWith("foo bar", "bar");
boolean s15 = Strman.endsWith("foo bar", "BAR", false);
System.out.println("endsWith:" + s14 + ", " + s15); // result =& "true, true"
// ensureLeft 确保一个字符串以某个字符串开头,如果不是,则在前面追加该字符串,并将字符串结果返回
String s16 = Strman.ensureLeft("foobar", "foo");
String s17 = Strman.ensureLeft("bar", "foo");
String s18 = Strman.ensureLeft("foobar", "FOO", false);
System.out.println("ensureLeft:" + s16 + ", " + s17 + ", " + s18);
// result =& "foobar, foobar, foobar"
// ensureRight 确保一个字符串以某个字符串开头,如果不是,则在前面追加该字符串,并将字符串结果返回
String s16r = Strman.ensureRight("foobar", "bar");
String s17r = Strman.ensureRight("foo", "bar");
String s18r = Strman.ensureRight("fooBAR", "bar", false);
System.out.println("ensureRight:" + s16r + ", " + s17r + ", " + s18r);
// result =& "foobar, foobar, fooBAR"
// base64Encode 将字符串转成Base64编码的字符串
String s19 = Strman.base64Encode("strman");
System.out.println("base64Encode:" + s19); // result =& "c3RybWFu"
// binDecode 将二进制编码(16位)转成字符串字符
String s20 = Strman.binDecode("0001");
System.out.println("binDecode:" + s20); // result =& "A"
// binEncode 将字符串字符转成二进制编码(16位)
String s21 = Strman.binEncode("A");
System.out.println("binEncode:" + s21); // result =& "0001"
// decDecode 将十进制编码(5位)转成字符串字符
String s22 = Strman.decDecode("00065");
System.out.println("decDecode:" + s22); // result =& "A"
// decEncode 将字符串转成十进制编码(5位)
String s23 = Strman.decEncode("A");
System.out.println("decEncode:" + s23); // result =& "00065"
// first 得到从字符串开始到索引n的字符串
String s24 = Strman.first("foobar", 3);
System.out.println("first:" + s24); // result =& "foo"
// last 得到从字符串结尾倒数索引n的字符串
String s24l = Strman.last("foobar", 3);
System.out.println("last:" + s24l); // result =& "bar"
// head 得到字符串的第一个字符
String s25 = Strman.head("foobar");
System.out.println("head:" + s25); // result =& "f"
// hexDecode 将字符串字符转成十六进制编码(4位)
String s26 = Strman.hexDecode("0041");
System.out.println("hexDecode:" + s26); // result =& "A"
// hexEncode 将十六进制编码(4位)转成字符串字符
String s27 = Strman.hexEncode("A");
System.out.println("hexEncode:" + s27); // result =& "0041"
// inequal 测试两个字符串是否相等
boolean s28 = Strman.inequal("a", "b");
System.out.println("inequal:" + s28); // result =& "true"
// insert 将子字符串插入到字符串某索引位置处
String s29 = Strman.insert("fbar", "oo", 1);
System.out.println("insert:" + s29); // result =& "foobar"
// leftPad 将字符串从左补齐直到总长度为n为止
String s30 = Strman.leftPad("1", "0", 5);
System.out.println("leftPad:" + s30); // result =& "00001"
// rightPad 将字符串从右补齐直到总长度为n为止
String s30r = Strman.rightPad("1", "0", 5);
System.out.println("rightPad:" + s30r); // result =& "10000"
// lastIndexOf 此方法返回在指定值的最后一个发生的调用字符串对象中的索引,从偏移量中向后搜索
int s31 = Strman.lastIndexOf("foobarfoobar", "F", false);
System.out.println("lastIndexOf:" + s31); // result =& "6"
// leftTrim 移除字符串最左边的所有空格
String s32 = Strman.leftTrim(" strman ");
System.out.println("leftTrim:" + s32); // result =& "strman "
// rightTrim 移除字符串最右边的所有空格
String s32r = Strman.rightTrim(" strman ");
System.out.println("rightTrim:" + s32r); // result =& " strman"
// removeEmptyStrings 移除字符串数组中的空字符串
String[] s33 = Strman.removeEmptyStrings(new String[]{"aa", "", " ", "bb", "cc", null});
System.out.println("removeEmptyStrings:" + Arrays.toString(s33));
// result =& "[aa, bb, cc]"
// removeLeft 得到去掉前缀(如果存在的话)后的新字符串
String s34 = Strman.removeLeft("foobar", "foo");
System.out.println("removeLeft:" + s34); // result =& "bar"
// removeRight 得到去掉后缀(如果存在的话)后的新字符串
String s34r = Strman.removeRight("foobar", "bar");
System.out.println("removeRight:" + s34r); // result =& "foo"
// removeNonWords 得到去掉不是字符的字符串
String s35 = Strman.removeNonWords("foo&bar-");
System.out.println("removeNonWords:" + s35); // result =& "foobar"
// removeSpaces 移除所有空格
String s36 = Strman.removeSpaces(" str man ");
System.out.println("removeSpaces:" + s36); // result =& " strman"
// repeat 得到给定字符串和重复次数的新字符串
String s37 = Strman.repeat("1", 3);
System.out.println("repeat:" + s37); // result =& "111"
// reverse 得到反转后的字符串
String s38 = Strman.reverse("foobar");
System.out.println("reverse:" + s38); // result =& "raboof"
// safeTruncate 安全的截断字符串,不切一个字的一半,它总是返回最后一个完整的单词
String s39 = Strman.safeTruncate("A Javascript string manipulation library.", 19, "...");
System.out.println("safeTruncate:" + s39); // result =& "A Javascript..."
// truncate 不太安全的截断字符串
String s40 = Strman.truncate("A Javascript string manipulation library.", 19, "...");
System.out.println("truncate:" + s40); // result =& "A Javascript str..."
// htmlDecode 将html字符反转义
String s41 = Strman.htmlDecode("&SH");
System.out.println("htmlDecode:" + s41); // result =& "Ш"
// htmlEncode 将html字符转义
String s42 = Strman.htmlEncode("Ш");
System.out.println("htmlEncode:" + s42); // result =& "&SH"
// shuffle 将给定字符串转成随机字符顺序的字符串
String s43 = Strman.shuffle("shekhar");
System.out.println("shuffle:" + s43); // result =& "rhsheak"
// slugify 将字符串分段(用"-"分段)
String s44 = Strman.slugify("foo bar");
System.out.println("slugify:" + s44); // result =& "foo-bar"
// transliterate 删除所有非有效字符,如:á =& a
String s45 = Strman.transliterate("fó& bár");
System.out.println("transliterate:" + s45); // result =& "foo bar"
// surround 给定的“前缀”和“后缀”来包裹一个字符串
String s46 = Strman.surround("div", "&", "&");
System.out.println("surround:" + s46); // result =& "&div&"
// tail 得到去掉第一个字符后的字符串
String s47 = Strman.tail("foobar");
System.out.println("tail:" + s47); // result =& "oobar"
// toCamelCase 转成驼峰式的字符串
String s48 = Strman.toCamelCase("Camel Case");
String s48_2 = Strman.toCamelCase("camel-case");
System.out.println("tail:" + s48 + ", " + s48_2); // result =& "camelCase, camelCase"
// toStudlyCase 转成Studly式的字符串
String s49 = Strman.toStudlyCase("hello world");
System.out.println("toStudlyCase:" + s49); // result =& "HelloWorld"
// toDecamelize 转成Decamelize式的字符串
String s50 = Strman.toDecamelize("helloWorld", null);
System.out.println("toDecamelize:" + s50); // result =& "hello world"
// toKebabCase 转成Kebab式的字符串
String s51 = Strman.toKebabCase("hello World");
System.out.println("toKebabCase:" + s51); // result =& "hello-world"
// toSnakeCase 转成Snake式的字符串
String s52 = Strman.toSnakeCase("hello world");
System.out.println("toSnakeCase:" + s52); // result =& "hello_world"
& 今天群里有朋友问“怎么知道一个数组集合是否已经存在当前对象”,大家都知道循环比对,包括我这位大神群友。还有没其他办法呢?且看此篇。
& 能找到这里的都是程序员吧,直接上代码应该更清楚些。
import java.util.ArrayL
import java.util.A
import java.util.C
import java.util.regex.M
import java.util.regex.P
public class Test implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5200272L;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// data segment
String[] SAMPLE_ARRAY = new String[] { "aaa", "solo", "king" };
String TEST_STR = "king";
Collection TEMPLATE_COLL = new ArrayList();
// &- data segment
// 1, 字符串数组是否存在子元素
// 1-1, 直接使用API
int index = Arrays.binarySearch(SAMPLE_ARRAY, TEST_STR);
+ ((index != -1) ? true : false));
// 1-2, 使用正则(因Arrays.toString()引入了“, [ ]”故只在有限环境下可靠)
String tmp = Arrays.toString(SAMPLE_ARRAY);
Pattern p = pile("king");
Matcher m = p.matcher(tmp);
System.out.println("1-2_toString-Regex:" + m.find());
// 1-3, 都会写循环,略过。
// TODO: 循环数据依次比对,此处略去5行代码。
// 2, 集合是否存在子元素
// 2-1, 最常用的contains
System.out.println("2-1_contains:" + TEMPLATE_COLL.contains(TEST_STR));
// 2-1-1, 扩展:
// 按模板集合,将当前集合分为“模板已存在”与“不存在”两个子集。
Collection coll = new ArrayList&String&();
// 完整复制集合
Collection collExists = new ArrayList(coll);
Collection collNotExists = new ArrayList(coll);
System.out.println("2-1-1_removeAll[exist]:" + collExists);
System.out.println("2-1-1_removeAll[notexist]:" + collNotExists);
& 运行结果:
2-1-1_removeAll[exist]:[bbb, ccc]
& 小结一下吧~。=
& 1)数组至少三种:
&&& A)binarySearch(,)。但条件是需要事先排序,开销需要考虑。
&&& B)Regex。但需要将数组转为字符串,Arrays类提供的方法会引入“, [ ]”这三种分割符,可能影响判定结果。
&&& C)循环比对。
& 2)集合至少两种:
&&& A)循环。如果只是判定默认存在(非定制型存在),建议直接不考虑。
&&& B)contains。能靠过来就果断靠吧。
& 3)集合提供了类似“加减”的运算,可以留意一下。
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来自: 北京
我按您的方法 “3,基于& ...
优先级的区别 :
puts true and false
我弄出来了,但是有个问题想问问,为啥他拦截什么方法都要报错,比 ...
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '4773203',
container: s,
size: '200,200',
display: 'inlay-fix'博客分类:
public static boolean isNumeric(String str){
for (int i = 0; i & str.length(); i++){
if (!Character.isDigit(str.charAt(i))){
首先要import java.util.regex.Pattern 和 java.util.regex.Matcher
public boolean isNumeric(String str){
Pattern pattern = pile("[0-9]*");
Matcher isNum = pattern.matcher(str);
if( !isNum.matches() ){
boolean isNunicodeDigits=StringUtils.isNumeric("aaa");下面的解释:
public static boolean isNumeric(String str)Checks if the String contains only unicode digits. A decimal point is not a unicode digit and returns false.
null will return false. An empty String ("") will return true.
StringUtils.isNumeric("12 3") = false
StringUtils.isNumeric("ab2c") = false
StringUtils.isNumeric("12-3") = false
StringUtils.isNumeric("12.3") = false
str - the String to check, may be null
true if only contains digits, and is non-null
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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '4773203',
container: s,
size: '200,200',
display: 'inlay-fix'java String中的intern和String a=&abc&的区别到对是什么
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Diversion of Baidu NLP sector jiju http://super-jiju./?_c11_BlogPart_BlogPart=blogview&_c=BlogPart&partqs=amonth 26ayear% 3d% 1. integer = atoi( my_string.c_str() ); 2. #include &iostream& #include &sstream&//
A, The following are several types of commonly used conversion between each other string Turn int .............................. char* Turn int #include &stdlib.h& int atoi(const char *nptr); long atol(const char *nptr); long long atoll(const char *
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int -& String int i=12345; String s=&&; 第一种方法:s=i+&&; 第二种方法:s=String.valueOf(i); 这两种方法有什么区别呢?作用是不是一样的呢?是不是在任何下都能互换呢? String -& int s=&12345&; 第一种方法:i=Integer.parseInt(s); 第二种方法:i=Integer.valueOf(s).intValue(); 这两
首先要引入动态库 #pragma comment(lib,&ws2_32.lib&) 1.string 转 int int ip_int = inet_addr(& std::cout && &ip_int = & && ip_int && std:: 转 string 方法一: in_addr in_addr_; in_addr_.S_un.S_addr = ip_
int -& String int +'' String (int) String -& int Number (String)
1 How to convert integer string String int? A. There are two ways: 1). Int i = Integer.parseInt ([String]); or i = Integer.parseInt ([String], [int radix]); 2). Int i = Integer.valueOf (my_str). IntValue (); Note: The string converted to Double, Floa
字符串类型String转换成整数int 1). int i = Integer.parseInt([String]); 或i = Integer.parseInt([String],[int radix]); 2). int i = Integer.valueOf(my_str).intValue(); 注: 字符串转成 Double, Float, Long 的方法大同小异. 如何将整数 int 转换成字符串 String 下面三种方法都可以: 1.) String s =
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// Fixed-length string, inadequate complement spaces src- Incoming string, length-fixed string length ,padding- Fill what, leadingPad-the former complement or supplement true As the former supplement false legacy public static String fixLength(String
import java.util.regex.P public class FunctionUtil { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = &&p&&font size=\&2\&&&span\& mce_style=\&font-size: 10.5pt\&&& + & According to the
Has recently come into contact with a string interception of programming questions: Write an interception of a string function, input a string and the number of bytes, the output for the interception by-byte string. However, to ensure that characters
We often encounter a surface examination questions: public class StringTest { public static void main(String args[]) { String a = &hello&; String b = &hello&; System.out.println(a.equals(b)); System.out.println(a == b); System.out.prin
public static String getNumberString (int num) ( char [] numchar = String.valueof (num). toCharArray (); if (numberchar.length == 12) ( return String.valueof (numberchar); ) char [] retcharArr = new char [12]; Arrays.fill (retcharArr, &0&); Syst
Keywords: string class Article Reprinted from: /solaris_/blog/item/acb3b888c5430f9.html Java in the String class methods and description String: string type First, the constructor String (byte [] bytes): through the byte a
Description: The demand for news, announcements, tips. . . . For the title of the page is too long to carry out the display of specified length tld Description: &? xml version = &1.0& encoding = &UTF-8&?& &taglib xmlns = &quot
package com.yhbbs. import import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletR import mons.codec.binary.Base64; import /** * &p&Title: String conversion &/p& * &
Quote When doing collecting, using their own API (released a few days) to do data collection, do not use other people to write API (because they use most of the DOM structure is used, and some optimization functions in the allocation of some inconven
Quote Last time, does not differentiate between the preparation of the size of their search methods, this time using the String object's own methods regionMatches (boolean ignoreCase, int toffset, String other, int ooffset, int len), and then a littl
Estimated to be no stranger to the subject, the recent development of the project run in accordance with the number of interception of a string of bytes, since in Chinese with English it is a single character Changduobutong easily arise, in accordanc
I believe everyone should be familiar BufferedReader an operation class, but one of the mark, reset method, I do not know whether there was concern Recently, the problem encountered in the work, understand, and recorded it on Google, to their own rec
1. / / Will draw the string length of cut specified public stati string StringTruncat(string oldStr,int maxLength,string endWith) { if(string.isNullOrEmpty(oldString)) return oldStr+endW if(maxLength&1) throw new Exception(& Length must be gre
Acm training game the last two have experienced a similar subject, in fact, the common purpose of the practice of such practice is simulated through the character array or string operations, coupled with before I do things like online Office no less,
A variety of PHP string functions summary PHP language is a string function is easier to understand knowledge. Today we are all summed up for the nearly 12 species of PHP string functions, in the hope they need to help a friend, a friend of PHP knowl
Ideas: A String of equalsIgnoreCase method based on string length and uniform application of this method, the code is like this: public static boolean isSimilar(String one, String anotherString) { int length = one.length(); if(length & anotherString.
Function name: stpcpy Function: copy a string to another use: char * stpcpy (char * destin, char * source); Program example: # Include &stdio.h& # Include &string.h& int main (void) ( char string [10]; char * str1 = &abcdefghi&; stpc
LCS: also known as the longest common subsequence. One sub-sequence (subsequence) of the concept is different from the string substring. It is a continuous but not necessarily in sequence from the string X characters in the sequence. For example: str
Long time no write C programs, and the writing of it is customary to the Internet to find ready-made program, but simple to write about than their own, when the study was. Just to deal with strings, let us begin from the string handling. /** * To det
char All the methods : static int charCount(int codePoint) Determined that the specified character (Unicode Code point ) The number of char values needed to . char charValue() The value of this Character object to return . static int codePointAt(char
Web application to display the string in the browser, due to show the length and often need to string to display after the interception. However, many popular languages such as C #, Java internal use are Unicode 16 (UCS2) encoding, in which all chara
/** * Writing a high-efficiency function to find a string for the first non-repeating characters . * For example, :&total& In o, the teeter & r. Request algorithm efficiency than O(n2). Function call model are as follows : * Public static C
Once we have reviewed the side with the exam questions in the end often several String objects to create knowledge, this time we are entitled to interview several common primer, to a review of String objects related to some other areas. 1, String cla
string[] a = new string[] { &A&, &B&, &C&, &D&, &E& }; //Array Go List //new List&string&(string[]) List&string& b = new List&string&(a); //List Go Array //List&string&.ToArray() Me
Hash algorithm for online search of knowledge, they inadvertently found some string search algorithm. Before the study because some search algorithm, that should be classified as a class. So write an article on to record the learning process. Questio
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